Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-26 10:00:41 +12:00

Adding API communications to nextjs app.

This commit is contained in:
mike12345567 2022-03-08 17:29:49 +00:00
parent ddc2722c4d
commit 3fe8c6a0b4
11 changed files with 1109 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -16,19 +16,4 @@ You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.tsx`. The page auto-upd
[API routes](https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction) can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.ts`.
The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes](https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction) instead of React pages.
## Learn More
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn about Next.js features and API.
- [Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn) - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/) - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
## Deploy on Vercel
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme) from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment) for more details.
The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes](https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction) instead of React pages.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"apiKey": "",
"appName": "",
"host": "http://localhost:10000"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
version: "3.8"
container_name: postgres
image: postgres
restart: always
POSTGRES_DB: postgres
- "5432:5432"
- pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
- ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
person_id INT NOT NULL,
name varchar(200) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (person_id)
sale_id INT NOT NULL,
sale_name varchar(200) NOT NULL,
sold_by INT,
PRIMARY KEY (sale_id),
CONSTRAINT sold_by_fk
FOREIGN KEY(sold_by)
REFERENCES sales_people(person_id)
INSERT INTO sales_people
select id, concat('Sales person ', id)
select id, concat('Sale ', id), floor(random() * 50 + 1)::int

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { components } from "./openapi"
export type App = components["schemas"]["applicationOutput"]["data"]
export type AppSearch = {
data: App[]
export type RowSearch = components["schemas"]["searchOutput"]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
* This file was auto-generated by openapi-typescript.
* Do not make direct changes to the file.
export interface paths {
"/applications": {
post: {
parameters: {
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the created application. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["applicationOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["application"]
"/applications/{appId}": {
get: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
appId: components["parameters"]["appIdUrl"]
responses: {
/** Returns the retrieved application. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["applicationOutput"]
put: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
appId: components["parameters"]["appIdUrl"]
responses: {
/** Returns the updated application. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["applicationOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["application"]
delete: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
appId: components["parameters"]["appIdUrl"]
responses: {
/** Returns the deleted application. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["applicationOutput"]
"/applications/search": {
/** Based on application properties (currently only name) search for applications. */
post: {
parameters: {
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the applications that were found based on the search parameters. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": {
data: components["schemas"]["application"][]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["nameSearch"]
"/queries/{queryId}": {
/** Queries which have been created within a Budibase app can be executed using this, */
post: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the query which this request is targeting. */
queryId: components["parameters"]["queryId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the result of the query execution. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["executeQueryOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["executeQuery"]
"/queries/search": {
/** Based on query properties (currently only name) search for queries. */
post: {
parameters: {
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the queries found based on the search parameters. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": {
data: components["schemas"]["query"][]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["nameSearch"]
"/tables/{tableId}/rows": {
/** Creates a row within the specified table. */
post: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the created row, including the ID which has been generated for it. This can be found in the Budibase portal, viewed under the developer information. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["rowOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["row"]
"/tables/{tableId}/rows/{rowId}": {
/** This gets a single row, it will be enriched with the full related rows, rather than the squashed "primaryDisplay" format returned by the search endpoint. */
get: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
/** The ID of the row which this request is targeting. */
rowId: components["parameters"]["rowId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the retrieved row. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["rowOutput"]
/** Updates a row within the specified table. */
put: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
/** The ID of the row which this request is targeting. */
rowId: components["parameters"]["rowId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the created row, including the ID which has been generated for it. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["rowOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["row"]
/** Deletes a row within the specified table. */
delete: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
/** The ID of the row which this request is targeting. */
rowId: components["parameters"]["rowId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the deleted row, including the ID which has been generated for it. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["rowOutput"]
"/tables/{tableId}/rows/search": {
post: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** The response will contain an array of rows that match the search parameters. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["searchOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": {
query: {
* @description A map of field name to the string to search for, this will look for rows that have a value starting with the string value.
* @example [object Object]
string?: { [key: string]: string }
/** @description A fuzzy search, only supported by internal tables. */
fuzzy?: { [key: string]: unknown }
* @description Searches within a range, the format of this must be columnName -> [low, high].
* @example [object Object]
range?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description Searches for rows that have a column value that is exactly the value set. */
equal?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description Searches for any row which does not contain the specified column value. */
notEqual?: { [key: string]: unknown }
* @description Searches for rows which do not contain the specified column. The object should simply contain keys of the column names, these can map to any value.
* @example [object Object]
empty?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description Searches for rows which have the specified column. */
notEmpty?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description Searches for rows which have a column value that is any of the specified values. The format of this must be columnName -> [value1, value2]. */
oneOf?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description Enables pagination, by default this is disabled. */
paginate?: boolean
/** @description If retrieving another page, the bookmark from the previous request must be supplied. */
bookmark?: string | number
/** @description The maximum number of rows to return, useful when paginating, for internal tables this will be limited to 1000, for SQL tables it will be 5000. */
limit?: number
/** @description A set of parameters describing the sort behaviour of the search. */
sort?: {
* @description The order of the sort, by default this is ascending.
* @enum {string}
order?: "ascending" | "descending"
/** @description The name of the column by which the rows will be sorted. */
column?: string
* @description Defines whether the column should be treated as a string or as numbers when sorting.
* @enum {string}
type?: "string" | "number"
"/tables": {
/** Create a table, this could be internal or external. */
post: {
parameters: {
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the created table, including the ID which has been generated for it. This can be internal or external data sources. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["tableOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["table"]
"/tables/{tableId}": {
/** Lookup a table, this could be internal or external. */
get: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the retrieved table. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["tableOutput"]
/** Update a table, this could be internal or external. */
put: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the updated table. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["tableOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["table"]
/** Delete a table, this could be internal or external. */
delete: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: components["parameters"]["tableId"]
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the deleted table. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["tableOutput"]
"/tables/search": {
/** Based on table properties (currently only name) search for tables. This could be an internal or an external table. */
post: {
parameters: {
header: {
/** The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
"x-budibase-app-id": components["parameters"]["appId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the found tables, based on the search parameters. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": {
data: components["schemas"]["table"][]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["nameSearch"]
"/users": {
post: {
responses: {
/** Returns the created user. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["userOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["user"]
"/users/{userId}": {
get: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the user which this request is targeting. */
userId: components["parameters"]["userId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the retrieved user. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["userOutput"]
put: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the user which this request is targeting. */
userId: components["parameters"]["userId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the updated user. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["userOutput"]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["user"]
delete: {
parameters: {
path: {
/** The ID of the user which this request is targeting. */
userId: components["parameters"]["userId"]
responses: {
/** Returns the deleted user. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["userOutput"]
"/users/search": {
/** Based on user properties (currently only name) search for users. */
post: {
responses: {
/** Returns the found users based on search parameters. */
200: {
content: {
"application/json": {
data: components["schemas"]["user"][]
requestBody: {
content: {
"application/json": components["schemas"]["nameSearch"]
export interface components {
schemas: {
application: {
/** @description The name of the app. */
name: string
/** @description The URL by which the app is accessed, this must be URL encoded. */
url: string
applicationOutput: {
data: {
/** @description The name of the app. */
name: string
/** @description The URL by which the app is accessed, this must be URL encoded. */
url: string
/** @description The ID of the app. */
_id: string
* @description The status of the app, stating it if is the development or published version.
* @enum {string}
status: "development" | "published"
/** @description States when the app was created, will be constant. Stored in ISO format. */
createdAt: string
/** @description States the last time the app was updated - stored in ISO format. */
updatedAt: string
/** @description States the version of the Budibase client this app is currently based on. */
version: string
/** @description In a multi-tenant environment this will state the tenant this app is within. */
tenantId?: string
/** @description The user this app is currently being built by. */
lockedBy?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description The row to be created/updated, based on the table schema. */
row: { [key: string]: unknown }
searchOutput: {
/** @description An array of rows, these will each contain an _id field which can be used to update or delete them. */
data: { [key: string]: unknown }[]
/** @description If pagination in use, this should be provided. */
bookmark?: string | number
/** @description If pagination in use, this will determine if there is another page to fetch. */
hasNextPage?: boolean
rowOutput: {
/** @description The row to be created/updated, based on the table schema. */
data: {
/** @description The ID of the row. */
_id: string
/** @description The ID of the table this row comes from. */
tableId: string
} & { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description The table to be created/updated. */
table: {
/** @description The name of the table. */
name: string
/** @description The name of the column which should be used in relationship tags when relating to this table. */
primaryDisplay?: string
schema: {
[key: string]:
| {
* @description A relationship column.
* @enum {string}
type?: "link"
/** @description A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved. */
constraints?: {
/** @enum {string} */
type?: "string" | "number" | "object" | "boolean"
/** @description Defines whether the column is required or not. */
presence?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column. */
name?: string
/** @description Defines whether the column is automatically generated. */
autocolumn?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column which a relationship column is related to in another table. */
fieldName?: string
/** @description The ID of the table which a relationship column is related to. */
tableId?: string
* @description Defines the type of relationship that this column will be used for.
* @enum {string}
relationshipType?: "one-to-many" | "many-to-one" | "many-to-many"
/** @description When using a SQL table that contains many to many relationships this defines the table the relationships are linked through. */
through?: string
/** @description When using a SQL table that contains a one to many relationship this defines the foreign key. */
foreignKey?: string
/** @description When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for this table. */
throughFrom?: string
/** @description When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for the related table. */
throughTo?: string
| {
* @description A formula column.
* @enum {string}
type?: "formula"
/** @description A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved. */
constraints?: {
/** @enum {string} */
type?: "string" | "number" | "object" | "boolean"
/** @description Defines whether the column is required or not. */
presence?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column. */
name?: string
/** @description Defines whether the column is automatically generated. */
autocolumn?: boolean
/** @description Defines a Handlebars or JavaScript formula to use, note that Javascript formulas are expected to be provided in the base64 format. */
formula?: string
* @description Defines whether this is a static or dynamic formula.
* @enum {string}
formulaType?: "static" | "dynamic"
| {
* @description Defines the type of the column, most explain themselves, a link column is a relationship.
* @enum {string}
| "string"
| "longform"
| "options"
| "number"
| "boolean"
| "array"
| "datetime"
| "attachment"
| "link"
| "formula"
| "auto"
| "json"
| "internal"
/** @description A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved. */
constraints?: {
/** @enum {string} */
type?: "string" | "number" | "object" | "boolean"
/** @description Defines whether the column is required or not. */
presence?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column. */
name?: string
/** @description Defines whether the column is automatically generated. */
autocolumn?: boolean
tableOutput: {
/** @description The table to be created/updated. */
data: {
/** @description The name of the table. */
name: string
/** @description The name of the column which should be used in relationship tags when relating to this table. */
primaryDisplay?: string
schema: {
[key: string]:
| {
* @description A relationship column.
* @enum {string}
type?: "link"
/** @description A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved. */
constraints?: {
/** @enum {string} */
type?: "string" | "number" | "object" | "boolean"
/** @description Defines whether the column is required or not. */
presence?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column. */
name?: string
/** @description Defines whether the column is automatically generated. */
autocolumn?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column which a relationship column is related to in another table. */
fieldName?: string
/** @description The ID of the table which a relationship column is related to. */
tableId?: string
* @description Defines the type of relationship that this column will be used for.
* @enum {string}
| "one-to-many"
| "many-to-one"
| "many-to-many"
/** @description When using a SQL table that contains many to many relationships this defines the table the relationships are linked through. */
through?: string
/** @description When using a SQL table that contains a one to many relationship this defines the foreign key. */
foreignKey?: string
/** @description When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for this table. */
throughFrom?: string
/** @description When using a SQL table that utilises a through table, this defines the primary key in the through table for the related table. */
throughTo?: string
| {
* @description A formula column.
* @enum {string}
type?: "formula"
/** @description A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved. */
constraints?: {
/** @enum {string} */
type?: "string" | "number" | "object" | "boolean"
/** @description Defines whether the column is required or not. */
presence?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column. */
name?: string
/** @description Defines whether the column is automatically generated. */
autocolumn?: boolean
/** @description Defines a Handlebars or JavaScript formula to use, note that Javascript formulas are expected to be provided in the base64 format. */
formula?: string
* @description Defines whether this is a static or dynamic formula.
* @enum {string}
formulaType?: "static" | "dynamic"
| {
* @description Defines the type of the column, most explain themselves, a link column is a relationship.
* @enum {string}
| "string"
| "longform"
| "options"
| "number"
| "boolean"
| "array"
| "datetime"
| "attachment"
| "link"
| "formula"
| "auto"
| "json"
| "internal"
/** @description A constraint can be applied to the column which will be validated against when a row is saved. */
constraints?: {
/** @enum {string} */
type?: "string" | "number" | "object" | "boolean"
/** @description Defines whether the column is required or not. */
presence?: boolean
/** @description The name of the column. */
name?: string
/** @description Defines whether the column is automatically generated. */
autocolumn?: boolean
/** @description The ID of the table. */
_id: string
/** @description The query body must contain the required parameters for the query, this depends on query type, setup and bindings. */
executeQuery: { [key: string]: unknown }
executeQueryOutput: {
/** @description The data response from the query. */
data: { [key: string]: unknown }[]
/** @description Extra information that is not part of the main data, e.g. headers. */
extra?: {
/** @description If carrying out a REST request, this will contain the response headers. */
headers?: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description The raw query response, as a string. */
raw?: string
/** @description If pagination is supported, this will contain the bookmark/anchor information for it. */
pagination?: { [key: string]: unknown }
query: {
/** @description The ID of the query. */
_id: string
/** @description The ID of the data source the query belongs to. */
datasourceId?: string
/** @description The bindings which are required to perform this query. */
parameters?: string[]
/** @description The fields that are used to perform this query, e.g. the sql statement */
fields?: { [key: string]: unknown }
* @description The verb that describes this query.
* @enum {undefined}
queryVerb?: "create" | "read" | "update" | "delete"
/** @description The name of the query. */
name: string
/** @description The schema of the data returned when the query is executed. */
schema: { [key: string]: unknown }
/** @description The JavaScript transformer function, applied after the query responds with data. */
transformer?: string
/** @description Whether the query has readable data. */
readable?: boolean
user: {
/** @description The email address of the user, this must be unique. */
email: string
/** @description The password of the user if using password based login - this will never be returned. This can be left out of subsequent requests (updates) and will be enriched back into the user structure. */
password?: string
* @description The status of the user, if they are active.
* @enum {string}
status?: "active"
/** @description The first name of the user */
firstName?: string
/** @description The last name of the user */
lastName?: string
/** @description If set to true forces the user to reset their password on first login. */
forceResetPassword?: boolean
/** @description Describes if the user is a builder user or not. */
builder?: {
/** @description If set to true the user will be able to build any app in the system. */
global?: boolean
/** @description Describes if the user is an admin user or not. */
admin?: {
/** @description If set to true the user will be able to administrate the system. */
global?: boolean
/** @description Contains the roles of the user per app (assuming they are not a builder user). */
roles: { [key: string]: string }
userOutput: {
data: {
/** @description The email address of the user, this must be unique. */
email: string
/** @description The password of the user if using password based login - this will never be returned. This can be left out of subsequent requests (updates) and will be enriched back into the user structure. */
password?: string
* @description The status of the user, if they are active.
* @enum {string}
status?: "active"
/** @description The first name of the user */
firstName?: string
/** @description The last name of the user */
lastName?: string
/** @description If set to true forces the user to reset their password on first login. */
forceResetPassword?: boolean
/** @description Describes if the user is a builder user or not. */
builder?: {
/** @description If set to true the user will be able to build any app in the system. */
global?: boolean
/** @description Describes if the user is an admin user or not. */
admin?: {
/** @description If set to true the user will be able to administrate the system. */
global?: boolean
/** @description Contains the roles of the user per app (assuming they are not a builder user). */
roles: { [key: string]: string }
/** @description The ID of the user. */
_id: string
nameSearch: {
/** @description The name to be used when searching - this will be used in a case insensitive starts with match. */
name: string
parameters: {
/** @description The ID of the table which this request is targeting. */
tableId: string
/** @description The ID of the row which this request is targeting. */
rowId: string
/** @description The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
appId: string
/** @description The ID of the app which this request is targeting. */
appIdUrl: string
/** @description The ID of the query which this request is targeting. */
queryId: string
/** @description The ID of the user which this request is targeting. */
userId: string
export interface operations {}
export interface external {}

View file

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
const path = require("path")
const { join } = require("path")
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
sassOptions: {
includePaths: [path.join(__dirname, "styles")]
includePaths: [join(__dirname, "styles")]
serverRuntimeConfig: {
apiKey: "",
appName: "",
host: "http://localhost:10000"

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"bulma": "^0.9.3",
"next": "12.1.0",
"node-fetch": "^3.2.2",
"node-sass": "^7.0.1",
"react": "17.0.2",
"react-dom": "17.0.2"

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Next.js API route support: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
type Data = {
name: string
export default function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse<Data>
) {
res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' })

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import getConfig from "next/config"
import fetch from "node-fetch"
import { App, AppSearch, RowSearch } from "../../definitions"
const { serverRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
const apiKey = serverRuntimeConfig["apiKey"]
const appName = serverRuntimeConfig["appName"]
const host = serverRuntimeConfig["host"]
async function makeCall(method: string, url: string, opts?: { body?: any, appId?: string } = {}): Promise<any> {
const fetchOpts: any = {
headers: {
"x-budibase-api-key": apiKey,
if (opts?.appId) {
fetchOpts.headers["x-budibase-app-id"] = opts.appId
if (opts?.body) {
fetchOpts.body = JSON.stringify(opts?.body)
fetchOpts.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
const response = await fetch(`${host}/public/v1/${url}`, fetchOpts)
if (response.status === 200) {
return response.json()
} else {
throw new Error(await response.text())
async function getApp(): Promise<App> {
const apps: AppSearch = await makeCall("post", "applications/search", {
body: {
name: appName,
if (!Array.isArray(apps?.data)) {
throw new Error("Fatal error, no apps found.")
const app = apps.data.find((app: App) => app.name === appName)
if (!app) {
throw new Error("Could not find app, please make sure app name in config is correct.")
return app
async function getSales(req: any) {
const { _id: appId } = await getApp()
async function saveSale(req: any) {
const { _id: appId } = await getApp()
export default async function handler(req: any, res: any) {
let response: any = {}
if (req.method === "POST") {
response = await saveSale(req)
} else if (req.method === "GET") {
response = await getSales(req)
} else {

View file

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