2024-02-29 22:11:39 -08:00

458 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright 2021 Aristocratos (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
indent = tab
tab-size = 4
#pragma once
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
# define BTOP_DEBUG
#include <algorithm> // for std::ranges::count_if
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <filesystem>
#include <ranges>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <source_location>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 255
#define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include "fmt/format.h"
using std::array;
using std::atomic;
using std::string;
using std::to_string;
using std::tuple;
using std::vector;
using namespace fmt::literals;
//? ------------------------------------------------- NAMESPACES ------------------------------------------------------
//* Collection of escape codes for text style and formatting
namespace Fx {
const string e = "\x1b["; //* Escape sequence start
const string b = e + "1m"; //* Bold on/off
const string ub = e + "22m"; //* Bold off
const string d = e + "2m"; //* Dark on
const string ud = e + "22m"; //* Dark off
const string i = e + "3m"; //* Italic on
const string ui = e + "23m"; //* Italic off
const string ul = e + "4m"; //* Underline on
const string uul = e + "24m"; //* Underline off
const string bl = e + "5m"; //* Blink on
const string ubl = e + "25m"; //* Blink off
const string s = e + "9m"; //* Strike/crossed-out on
const string us = e + "29m"; //* Strike/crossed-out on/off
//* Reset foreground/background color and text effects
const string reset_base = e + "0m";
//* Reset text effects and restore theme foregrund and background color
extern string reset;
//* Regex for matching color, style and cursor move escape sequences
const std::regex escape_regex("\033\\[\\d+;?\\d?;?\\d*;?\\d*;?\\d*(m|f|s|u|C|D|A|B){1}");
//* Regex for matching only color and style escape sequences
const std::regex color_regex("\033\\[\\d+;?\\d?;?\\d*;?\\d*;?\\d*(m){1}");
//* Return a string with all colors and text styling removed
inline string uncolor(const string& s) { return std::regex_replace(s, color_regex, ""); }
// string uncolor(const string& s);
//* Collection of escape codes and functions for cursor manipulation
namespace Mv {
//* Move cursor to <line>, <column>
inline string to(int line, int col) { return Fx::e + to_string(line) + ';' + to_string(col) + 'f'; }
//* Move cursor right <x> columns
inline string r(int x) { return Fx::e + to_string(x) + 'C'; }
//* Move cursor left <x> columns
inline string l(int x) { return Fx::e + to_string(x) + 'D'; }
//* Move cursor up x lines
inline string u(int x) { return Fx::e + to_string(x) + 'A'; }
//* Move cursor down x lines
inline string d(int x) { return Fx::e + to_string(x) + 'B'; }
//* Save cursor position
const string save = Fx::e + "s";
//* Restore saved cursor position
const string restore = Fx::e + "u";
//* Collection of escape codes and functions for terminal manipulation
namespace Term {
extern atomic<bool> initialized;
extern atomic<int> width;
extern atomic<int> height;
extern string fg, bg, current_tty;
const string hide_cursor = Fx::e + "?25l";
const string show_cursor = Fx::e + "?25h";
const string alt_screen = Fx::e + "?1049h";
const string normal_screen = Fx::e + "?1049l";
const string clear = Fx::e + "2J" + Fx::e + "0;0f";
const string clear_end = Fx::e + "0J";
const string clear_begin = Fx::e + "1J";
const string mouse_on = Fx::e + "?1002h" + Fx::e + "?1015h" + Fx::e + "?1006h"; //? Enable reporting of mouse position on click and release
const string mouse_off = Fx::e + "?1002l" + Fx::e + "?1015l" + Fx::e + "?1006l";
const string mouse_direct_on = Fx::e + "?1003h"; //? Enable reporting of mouse position at any movement
const string mouse_direct_off = Fx::e + "?1003l";
const string sync_start = Fx::e + "?2026h"; //? Start of terminal synchronized output
const string sync_end = Fx::e + "?2026l"; //? End of terminal synchronized output
//* Returns true if terminal has been resized and updates width and height
bool refresh(bool only_check=false);
//* Returns an array with the lowest possible width, height with current box config
auto get_min_size(const string& boxes) -> array<int, 2>;
//* Check for a valid tty, save terminal options and set new options
bool init();
//* Restore terminal options
void restore();
//* Simple logging implementation
namespace Logger {
const vector<string> log_levels = {
extern std::filesystem::path logfile;
enum Level : size_t {
ERROR = 1,
INFO = 3,
DEBUG = 4,
//* Set log level, valid arguments: "DISABLED", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO" and "DEBUG"
void set(const string& level);
void log_write(const Level level, const string& msg);
inline void error(const string msg) { log_write(ERROR, msg); }
inline void warning(const string msg) { log_write(WARNING, msg); }
inline void info(const string msg) { log_write(INFO, msg); }
inline void debug(const string msg) { log_write(DEBUG, msg); }
//? --------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------
namespace Tools {
constexpr auto SSmax = std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max();
class MyNumPunct : public std::numpunct<char> {
virtual char do_thousands_sep() const { return '\''; }
virtual std::string do_grouping() const { return "\03"; }
size_t wide_ulen(const string& str);
size_t wide_ulen(const std::wstring& w_str);
//* Return number of UTF8 characters in a string (wide=true for column size needed on terminal)
inline size_t ulen(const string& str, bool wide = false) {
return (wide ? wide_ulen(str) : std::ranges::count_if(str, [](char c) { return (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) & 0xC0) != 0x80; }));
//* Resize a string consisting of UTF8 characters (only reduces size)
string uresize(const string str, const size_t len, bool wide = false);
//* Resize a string consisting of UTF8 characters from left (only reduces size)
string luresize(const string str, const size_t len, bool wide = false);
//* Replace <from> in <str> with <to> and return new string
string s_replace(const string& str, const string& from, const string& to);
//* Capatilize <str>
inline string capitalize(string str) { = toupper(;
return str;
//* Return <str> with only uppercase characters
inline string str_to_upper(string str) {
std::ranges::for_each(str, [](auto& c) { c = ::toupper(c); } );
return str;
//* Return <str> with only lowercase characters
inline string str_to_lower(string str) {
std::ranges::for_each(str, [](char& c) { c = ::tolower(c); } );
return str;
//* Check if vector <vec> contains value <find_val>
template <typename T, typename T2>
inline bool v_contains(const vector<T>& vec, const T2& find_val) {
return std::ranges::find(vec, find_val) != vec.end();
//* Check if string <str> contains value <find_val>
template <typename T>
inline bool s_contains(const string& str, const T& find_val) {
return str.find(find_val) != string::npos;
//* Check if string <str> contains string <find_val>, while ignoring case
inline bool s_contains_ic(const string& str, const string& find_val) {
auto it = std::search(
str.begin(), str.end(),
find_val.begin(), find_val.end(),
[](char ch1, char ch2) { return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); }
return it != str.end();
//* Return index of <find_val> from vector <vec>, returns size of <vec> if <find_val> is not present
template <typename T>
inline size_t v_index(const vector<T>& vec, const T& find_val) {
return std::ranges::distance(vec.begin(), std::ranges::find(vec, find_val));
//* Compare <first> with all following values
template<typename First, typename ... T>
inline bool is_in(const First& first, const T& ... t) {
return ((first == t) or ...);
//* Return current time since epoch in seconds
inline uint64_t time_s() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
//* Return current time since epoch in milliseconds
inline uint64_t time_ms() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
//* Return current time since epoch in microseconds
inline uint64_t time_micros() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
//* Check if a string is a valid bool value
inline bool isbool(const string& str) {
return is_in(str, "true", "false", "True", "False");
//* Convert string to bool, returning any value not equal to "true" or "True" as false
inline bool stobool(const string& str) {
return is_in(str, "true", "True");
//* Check if a string is a valid integer value (only positive)
inline bool isint(const string& str) {
return all_of(str.begin(), str.end(), ::isdigit);
//* Left-trim <t_str> from <str> and return new string
string ltrim(const string& str, const string& t_str = " ");
//* Right-trim <t_str> from <str> and return new string
string rtrim(const string& str, const string& t_str = " ");
//* Left/right-trim <t_str> from <str> and return new string
inline string trim(const string& str, const string& t_str = " ") {
return ltrim(rtrim(str, t_str), t_str);
//* Split <string> at all occurrences of <delim> and return as vector of strings
auto ssplit(const string& str, const char& delim = ' ') -> vector<string>;
//* Put current thread to sleep for <ms> milliseconds
inline void sleep_ms(const size_t& ms) {
//* Put current thread to sleep for <micros> microseconds
inline void sleep_micros(const size_t& micros) {
//* Left justify string <str> if <x> is greater than <str> length, limit return size to <x> by default
string ljust(string str, const size_t x, bool utf = false, bool wide = false, bool limit = true);
//* Right justify string <str> if <x> is greater than <str> length, limit return size to <x> by default
string rjust(string str, const size_t x, bool utf = false, bool wide = false, bool limit = true);
//* Center justify string <str> if <x> is greater than <str> length, limit return size to <x> by default
string cjust(string str, const size_t x, bool utf = false, bool wide = false, bool limit = true);
//* Replace whitespaces " " with escape code for move right
string trans(const string& str);
//* Convert seconds to format "<days>d <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>" and return string
string sec_to_dhms(size_t seconds, bool no_days = false, bool no_seconds = false);
//* Scales up in steps of 1024 to highest positive value unit and returns string with unit suffixed
//* bit=True or defaults to bytes
//* start=int to set 1024 multiplier starting unit
//* short=True always returns 0 decimals and shortens unit to 1 character
string floating_humanizer(uint64_t value, bool shorten = false, size_t start = 0, bool bit = false, bool per_second = false);
//* Add std::string operator * : Repeat string <str> <n> number of times
std::string operator*(const string& str, int64_t n);
template <typename K, typename T>
const T& safeVal(const std::unordered_map<K, T>& map, const K& key, const T& fallback = T{}, std::source_location loc = std::source_location::current()) {
if (map.contains(key)) {
} else {
Logger::error(fmt::format("safeVal() called with invalid key: [{}] in file: {} on line: {}", key, loc.file_name(), loc.line()));
return fallback;
const T& safeVal(const std::unordered_map<K, T>& map, const K& key, const T& fallback = T{}) {
if (map.contains(key)) {
} else {
Logger::error(fmt::format("safeVal() called with invalid key: [{}] (Compile btop with DEBUG=true for more extensive logging!)", key));
return fallback;
template <typename T>
const T& safeVal(const std::vector<T>& vec, const size_t& index, const T& fallback = T{}, std::source_location loc = std::source_location::current()) {
if (index < vec.size()) {
} else {
Logger::error(fmt::format("safeVal() called with invalid index: [{}] in file: {} on line: {}", index, loc.file_name(), loc.line()));
return fallback;
const T& safeVal(const std::vector<T>& vec, const size_t& index, const T& fallback = T{}) {
if (index < vec.size()) {
} else {
Logger::error(fmt::format("safeVal() called with invalid index: [{}] (Compile btop with DEBUG=true for more extensive logging!)", index));
return fallback;
//* Return current time in <strf> format
string strf_time(const string& strf);
string hostname();
string username();
static inline void busy_wait (void) {
#if defined __i386__ || defined __x86_64__
#elif defined __ia64__
__asm volatile("hint @pause" : : : "memory");
#elif defined __sparc__ && (defined __arch64__ || defined __sparc_v9__)
__asm volatile("membar #LoadLoad" : : : "memory");
__asm volatile("" : : : "memory");
void atomic_wait(const atomic<bool>& atom, bool old = true) noexcept;
void atomic_wait_for(const atomic<bool>& atom, bool old = true, const uint64_t wait_ms = 0) noexcept;
//* Sets atomic<bool> to true on construct, sets to false on destruct
class atomic_lock {
atomic<bool>& atom;
bool not_true{};
atomic_lock(atomic<bool>& atom, bool wait = false);
//* Read a complete file and return as a string
string readfile(const std::filesystem::path& path, const string& fallback = "");
//* Convert a celsius value to celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin or rankin and return tuple with new value and unit.
auto celsius_to(const long long& celsius, const string& scale) -> tuple<long long, string>;
namespace Tools {
//* Creates a named timer that is started on construct (by default) and reports elapsed time in microseconds to Logger::debug() on destruct if running
//* Unless delayed_report is set to false, all reporting is buffered and delayed until DebugTimer is destructed or .force_report() is called
//* Usage example: Tools::DebugTimer timer(name:"myTimer", [start:true], [delayed_report:true]) // Create timer and start
//* timer.stop(); // Stop timer and report elapsed time
//* timer.stop_rename_reset("myTimer2"); // Stop timer, report elapsed time, rename timer, reset and restart
class DebugTimer {
uint64_t start_time{};
uint64_t elapsed_time{};
bool running{};
std::locale custom_locale = std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new Tools::MyNumPunct);
vector<string> report_buffer{};
string name{};
bool delayed_report{};
Logger::Level log_level = Logger::DEBUG;
DebugTimer() = default;
DebugTimer(const string name, bool start = true, bool delayed_report = true);
void start();
void stop(bool report = true);
void reset(bool restart = true);
//* Stops and reports (default), renames timer then resets and restarts (default)
void stop_rename_reset(const string& new_name, bool report = true, bool restart = true);
void report();
void force_report();
uint64_t elapsed();
bool is_running();