/* Copyright 2021 Aristocratos (jakob@qvantnet.com) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. indent = tab tab-size = 4 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for inet_ntop() #include #include #if !(defined(STATIC_BUILD) && defined(__GLIBC__)) #include #endif #include #include #include using std::clamp; using std::cmp_equal; using std::cmp_greater; using std::cmp_less; using std::ifstream; using std::max; using std::min; using std::numeric_limits; using std::round; using std::streamsize; namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace rng = std::ranges; using namespace Tools; using namespace std::literals; // for operator""s //? --------------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------- namespace Cpu { vector core_old_totals; vector core_old_idles; vector available_fields; vector available_sensors = {"Auto"}; cpu_info current_cpu; fs::path freq_path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq"; bool got_sensors{}; // defaults to false bool cpu_temp_only{}; // defaults to false //* Populate found_sensors map bool get_sensors(); //* Get current cpu clock speed string get_cpuHz(); //* Search /proc/cpuinfo for a cpu name string get_cpuName(); struct Sensor { fs::path path; string label; int64_t temp{}; // defaults to 0 int64_t high{}; // defaults to 0 int64_t crit{}; // defaults to 0 }; unordered_flat_map found_sensors; string cpu_sensor; vector core_sensors; unordered_flat_map core_mapping; } namespace Gpu { vector gpus; vector gpu_names; vector gpu_b_height_offsets; unordered_flat_map> shared_gpu_percent = { {"gpu-average", {}}, {"gpu-vram-total", {}}, {"gpu-pwr-total", {}}, }; long long gpu_pwr_total_max; //? NVIDIA data collection namespace Nvml { //? NVML defines, structs & typedefs #define NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE 64 #define NVML_SUCCESS 0 #define NVML_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_SHUTDOWN 0 #define NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS 0 #define NVML_CLOCK_MEM 2 #define NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU 0 #define NVML_PCIE_UTIL_TX_BYTES 0 #define NVML_PCIE_UTIL_RX_BYTES 1 typedef void* nvmlDevice_t; // we won't be accessing any of the underlying struct's properties, so this is fine typedef int nvmlReturn_t, // enums are basically ints nvmlTemperatureThresholds_t, nvmlClockType_t, nvmlPstates_t, nvmlTemperatureSensors_t, nvmlPcieUtilCounter_t; struct nvmlUtilization_t {unsigned int gpu, memory;}; struct nvmlMemory_t {unsigned long long total, free, used;}; //? Function pointers const char* (*nvmlErrorString)(nvmlReturn_t); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlInit)(); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlShutdown)(); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetCount)(unsigned int*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex)(unsigned int, nvmlDevice_t*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetName)(nvmlDevice_t, char*, unsigned int); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit)(nvmlDevice_t, unsigned int*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlTemperatureThresholds_t, unsigned int*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlUtilization_t*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlClockType_t, unsigned int*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage)(nvmlDevice_t, unsigned int*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPowerState)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlPstates_t*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetTemperature)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlTemperatureSensors_t, unsigned int*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlMemory_t*); nvmlReturn_t (*nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput)(nvmlDevice_t, nvmlPcieUtilCounter_t, unsigned int*); //? Data void* nvml_dl_handle; bool initialized = false; bool init(); bool shutdown(); template bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice); vector devices; unsigned int device_count = 0; } //? AMD data collection namespace Rsmi { #if !defined(RSMI_STATIC) //? Function pointers rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_init)(uint64_t); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_shut_down)(); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_num_monitor_devices)(uint32_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_name_get)(uint32_t, char*, size_t); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_power_cap_get)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint64_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get)(uint32_t, uint32_t, rsmi_temperature_metric_t, int64_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_busy_percent_get)(uint32_t, uint32_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_memory_busy_percent_get)(uint32_t, uint32_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get)(uint32_t, rsmi_clk_type_t, rsmi_frequencies_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_power_ave_get)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint64_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_memory_total_get)(uint32_t, rsmi_memory_type_t, uint64_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_memory_usage_get)(uint32_t, rsmi_memory_type_t, uint64_t*); rsmi_status_t (*rsmi_dev_pci_throughput_get)(uint32_t, uint64_t*, uint64_t*, uint64_t*); //? Data void* rsmi_dl_handle; #endif bool initialized = false; bool init(); bool shutdown(); template bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice); uint32_t device_count = 0; } } namespace Mem { double old_uptime; } namespace Shared { fs::path procPath, passwd_path; long pageSize, clkTck, coreCount; void init() { //? Shared global variables init procPath = (fs::is_directory(fs::path("/proc")) and access("/proc", R_OK) != -1) ? "/proc" : ""; if (procPath.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Proc filesystem not found or no permission to read from it!"); passwd_path = (fs::is_regular_file(fs::path("/etc/passwd")) and access("/etc/passwd", R_OK) != -1) ? "/etc/passwd" : ""; if (passwd_path.empty()) Logger::warning("Could not read /etc/passwd, will show UID instead of username."); coreCount = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); if (coreCount < 1) { coreCount = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); if (coreCount < 1) { coreCount = 1; Logger::warning("Could not determine number of cores, defaulting to 1."); } } pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); if (pageSize <= 0) { pageSize = 4096; Logger::warning("Could not get system page size. Defaulting to 4096, processes memory usage might be incorrect."); } clkTck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); if (clkTck <= 0) { clkTck = 100; Logger::warning("Could not get system clock ticks per second. Defaulting to 100, processes cpu usage might be incorrect."); } //? Init for namespace Cpu if (not fs::exists(Cpu::freq_path) or access(Cpu::freq_path.c_str(), R_OK) == -1) Cpu::freq_path.clear(); Cpu::current_cpu.core_percent.insert(Cpu::current_cpu.core_percent.begin(), Shared::coreCount, {}); Cpu::current_cpu.temp.insert(Cpu::current_cpu.temp.begin(), Shared::coreCount + 1, {}); Cpu::core_old_totals.insert(Cpu::core_old_totals.begin(), Shared::coreCount, 0); Cpu::core_old_idles.insert(Cpu::core_old_idles.begin(), Shared::coreCount, 0); Cpu::collect(); if (Runner::coreNum_reset) Runner::coreNum_reset = false; for (auto& [field, vec] : Cpu::current_cpu.cpu_percent) { if (not vec.empty()) Cpu::available_fields.push_back(field); } Cpu::cpuName = Cpu::get_cpuName(); Cpu::got_sensors = Cpu::get_sensors(); for (const auto& [sensor, ignored] : Cpu::found_sensors) { Cpu::available_sensors.push_back(sensor); } Cpu::core_mapping = Cpu::get_core_mapping(); //? Init for namespace Gpu Gpu::Nvml::init(); Gpu::Rsmi::init(); if (not Gpu::gpu_names.empty()) { for (auto const& [key, _] : Gpu::gpus[0].gpu_percent) Cpu::available_fields.push_back(key); for (auto const& [key, _] : Gpu::shared_gpu_percent) Cpu::available_fields.push_back(key); if (Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower") == "default") Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower") = "gpu-totals"; using namespace Gpu; gpu_b_height_offsets.resize(gpus.size()); for (ulong i = 0; i < gpu_b_height_offsets.size(); ++i) gpu_b_height_offsets[i] = gpus[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization + gpus[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage + (gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_total or gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_used) * (1 + 2*(gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_total and gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_used) + 2*gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization); } //? Init for namespace Mem Mem::old_uptime = system_uptime(); Mem::collect(); //? Init for CPU graphs if (Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_upper") == "default" or not v_contains(Cpu::available_fields, Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_upper"))) Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_upper") = "total"; if (Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower") == "default" or not v_contains(Cpu::available_fields, Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower"))) Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower") = "total"; Logger::debug("Shared::init() : Initialized."); } } namespace Cpu { string cpuName; string cpuHz; bool has_battery = true; tuple current_bat; const array time_names { "user"s, "nice"s, "system"s, "idle"s, "iowait"s, "irq"s, "softirq"s, "steal"s, "guest"s, "guest_nice"s }; unordered_flat_map cpu_old = { {"totals", 0}, {"idles", 0}, {"user", 0}, {"nice", 0}, {"system", 0}, {"idle", 0}, {"iowait", 0}, {"irq", 0}, {"softirq", 0}, {"steal", 0}, {"guest", 0}, {"guest_nice", 0} }; string get_cpuName() { string name; ifstream cpuinfo(Shared::procPath / "cpuinfo"); if (cpuinfo.good()) { for (string instr; getline(cpuinfo, instr, ':') and not instr.starts_with("model name");) cpuinfo.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); if (cpuinfo.bad()) return name; else if (not cpuinfo.eof()) { cpuinfo.ignore(1); getline(cpuinfo, name); } else if (fs::exists("/sys/devices")) { for (const auto& d : fs::directory_iterator("/sys/devices")) { if (string(d.path().filename()).starts_with("arm")) { name = d.path().filename(); break; } } if (not name.empty()) { auto name_vec = ssplit(name, '_'); if (name_vec.size() < 2) return capitalize(name); else return capitalize(name_vec.at(1)) + (name_vec.size() > 2 ? ' ' + capitalize(name_vec.at(2)) : ""); } } auto name_vec = ssplit(name); if ((s_contains(name, "Xeon"s) or v_contains(name_vec, "Duo"s)) and v_contains(name_vec, "CPU"s)) { auto cpu_pos = v_index(name_vec, "CPU"s); if (cpu_pos < name_vec.size() - 1 and not name_vec.at(cpu_pos + 1).ends_with(')')) name = name_vec.at(cpu_pos + 1); else name.clear(); } else if (v_contains(name_vec, "Ryzen"s)) { auto ryz_pos = v_index(name_vec, "Ryzen"s); name = "Ryzen" + (ryz_pos < name_vec.size() - 1 ? ' ' + name_vec.at(ryz_pos + 1) : "") + (ryz_pos < name_vec.size() - 2 ? ' ' + name_vec.at(ryz_pos + 2) : ""); } else if (s_contains(name, "Intel"s) and v_contains(name_vec, "CPU"s)) { auto cpu_pos = v_index(name_vec, "CPU"s); if (cpu_pos < name_vec.size() - 1 and not name_vec.at(cpu_pos + 1).ends_with(')') and name_vec.at(cpu_pos + 1) != "@") name = name_vec.at(cpu_pos + 1); else name.clear(); } else name.clear(); if (name.empty() and not name_vec.empty()) { for (const auto& n : name_vec) { if (n == "@") break; name += n + ' '; } name.pop_back(); for (const auto& replace : {"Processor", "CPU", "(R)", "(TM)", "Intel", "AMD", "Core"}) { name = s_replace(name, replace, ""); name = s_replace(name, " ", " "); } name = trim(name); } } return name; } bool get_sensors() { bool got_cpu = false, got_coretemp = false; vector search_paths; try { //? Setup up paths to search for sensors if (fs::exists(fs::path("/sys/class/hwmon")) and access("/sys/class/hwmon", R_OK) != -1) { for (const auto& dir : fs::directory_iterator(fs::path("/sys/class/hwmon"))) { fs::path add_path = fs::canonical(dir.path()); if (v_contains(search_paths, add_path) or v_contains(search_paths, add_path / "device")) continue; if (s_contains(add_path, "coretemp")) got_coretemp = true; for (const auto & file : fs::directory_iterator(add_path)) { if (string(file.path().filename()) == "device") { for (const auto & dev_file : fs::directory_iterator(file.path())) { string dev_filename = dev_file.path().filename(); if (dev_filename.starts_with("temp") and dev_filename.ends_with("_input")) { search_paths.push_back(file.path()); break; } } } string filename = file.path().filename(); if (filename.starts_with("temp") and filename.ends_with("_input")) { search_paths.push_back(add_path); break; } } } } if (not got_coretemp and fs::exists(fs::path("/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon"))) { for (auto& d : fs::directory_iterator(fs::path("/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon"))) { fs::path add_path = fs::canonical(d.path()); for (const auto & file : fs::directory_iterator(add_path)) { string filename = file.path().filename(); if (filename.starts_with("temp") and filename.ends_with("_input") and not v_contains(search_paths, add_path)) { search_paths.push_back(add_path); got_coretemp = true; break; } } } } //? Scan any found directories for temperature sensors if (not search_paths.empty()) { for (const auto& path : search_paths) { const string pname = readfile(path / "name", path.filename()); for (const auto & file : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { const string file_suffix = "input"; const int file_id = atoi(file.path().filename().c_str() + 4); // skip "temp" prefix string file_path = file.path(); if (!s_contains(file_path, file_suffix)) { continue; } const string basepath = file_path.erase(file_path.find(file_suffix), file_suffix.length()); const string label = readfile(fs::path(basepath + "label"), "temp" + to_string(file_id)); const string sensor_name = pname + "/" + label; const int64_t temp = stol(readfile(fs::path(basepath + "input"), "0")) / 1000; const int64_t high = stol(readfile(fs::path(basepath + "max"), "80000")) / 1000; const int64_t crit = stol(readfile(fs::path(basepath + "crit"), "95000")) / 1000; found_sensors[sensor_name] = {fs::path(basepath + "input"), label, temp, high, crit}; if (not got_cpu and (label.starts_with("Package id") or label.starts_with("Tdie"))) { got_cpu = true; cpu_sensor = sensor_name; } else if (label.starts_with("Core") or label.starts_with("Tccd")) { got_coretemp = true; if (not v_contains(core_sensors, sensor_name)) core_sensors.push_back(sensor_name); } } } } //? If no good candidate for cpu temp has been found scan /sys/class/thermal if (not got_cpu and fs::exists(fs::path("/sys/class/thermal"))) { const string rootpath = fs::path("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone"); for (int i = 0; fs::exists(fs::path(rootpath + to_string(i))); i++) { const fs::path basepath = rootpath + to_string(i); if (not fs::exists(basepath / "temp")) continue; const string label = readfile(basepath / "type", "temp" + to_string(i)); const string sensor_name = "thermal" + to_string(i) + "/" + label; const int64_t temp = stol(readfile(basepath / "temp", "0")) / 1000; int64_t high, crit; for (int ii = 0; fs::exists(basepath / string("trip_point_" + to_string(ii) + "_temp")); ii++) { const string trip_type = readfile(basepath / string("trip_point_" + to_string(ii) + "_type")); if (not is_in(trip_type, "high", "critical")) continue; auto& val = (trip_type == "high" ? high : crit); val = stol(readfile(basepath / string("trip_point_" + to_string(ii) + "_temp"), "0")) / 1000; } if (high < 1) high = 80; if (crit < 1) crit = 95; found_sensors[sensor_name] = {basepath / "temp", label, temp, high, crit}; } } } catch (...) {} if (not got_coretemp or core_sensors.empty()) { cpu_temp_only = true; } else { rng::sort(core_sensors, rng::less{}); rng::stable_sort(core_sensors, [](const auto& a, const auto& b){ return a.size() < b.size(); }); } if (cpu_sensor.empty() and not found_sensors.empty()) { for (const auto& [name, sensor] : found_sensors) { if (s_contains(str_to_lower(name), "cpu") or s_contains(str_to_lower(name), "k10temp")) { cpu_sensor = name; break; } } if (cpu_sensor.empty()) { cpu_sensor = found_sensors.begin()->first; Logger::warning("No good candidate for cpu sensor found, using random from all found sensors."); } } return not found_sensors.empty(); } void update_sensors() { if (cpu_sensor.empty()) return; const auto& cpu_sensor = (not Config::getS("cpu_sensor").empty() and found_sensors.contains(Config::getS("cpu_sensor")) ? Config::getS("cpu_sensor") : Cpu::cpu_sensor); found_sensors.at(cpu_sensor).temp = stol(readfile(found_sensors.at(cpu_sensor).path, "0")) / 1000; current_cpu.temp.at(0).push_back(found_sensors.at(cpu_sensor).temp); current_cpu.temp_max = found_sensors.at(cpu_sensor).crit; if (current_cpu.temp.at(0).size() > 20) current_cpu.temp.at(0).pop_front(); if (Config::getB("show_coretemp") and not cpu_temp_only) { vector done; for (const auto& sensor : core_sensors) { if (v_contains(done, sensor)) continue; found_sensors.at(sensor).temp = stol(readfile(found_sensors.at(sensor).path, "0")) / 1000; done.push_back(sensor); } for (const auto& [core, temp] : core_mapping) { if (cmp_less(core + 1, current_cpu.temp.size()) and cmp_less(temp, core_sensors.size())) { current_cpu.temp.at(core + 1).push_back(found_sensors.at(core_sensors.at(temp)).temp); if (current_cpu.temp.at(core + 1).size() > 20) current_cpu.temp.at(core + 1).pop_front(); } } } } string get_cpuHz() { static int failed{}; // defaults to 0 if (failed > 4) return ""s; string cpuhz; try { double hz{}; // defaults to 0.0 //? Try to get freq from /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy first (faster) if (not freq_path.empty()) { hz = stod(readfile(freq_path, "0.0")) / 1000; if (hz <= 0.0 and ++failed >= 2) freq_path.clear(); } //? If freq from /sys failed or is missing try to use /proc/cpuinfo if (hz <= 0.0) { ifstream cpufreq(Shared::procPath / "cpuinfo"); if (cpufreq.good()) { while (cpufreq.ignore(SSmax, '\n')) { if (cpufreq.peek() == 'c') { cpufreq.ignore(SSmax, ' '); if (cpufreq.peek() == 'M') { cpufreq.ignore(SSmax, ':'); cpufreq.ignore(1); cpufreq >> hz; break; } } } } } if (hz <= 1 or hz >= 1000000) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy and /proc/cpuinfo."); if (hz >= 1000) { if (hz >= 10000) cpuhz = to_string((int)round(hz / 1000)); // Future proof until we reach THz speeds :) else cpuhz = to_string(round(hz / 100) / 10.0).substr(0, 3); cpuhz += " GHz"; } else if (hz > 0) cpuhz = to_string((int)round(hz)) + " MHz"; } catch (const std::exception& e) { if (++failed < 5) return ""s; else { Logger::warning("get_cpuHZ() : " + string{e.what()}); return ""s; } } return cpuhz; } auto get_core_mapping() -> unordered_flat_map { unordered_flat_map core_map; if (cpu_temp_only) return core_map; //? Try to get core mapping from /proc/cpuinfo ifstream cpuinfo(Shared::procPath / "cpuinfo"); if (cpuinfo.good()) { int cpu{}; // defaults to 0 int core{}; // defaults to 0 int n{}; // defaults to 0 for (string instr; cpuinfo >> instr;) { if (instr == "processor") { cpuinfo.ignore(SSmax, ':'); cpuinfo >> cpu; } else if (instr.starts_with("core")) { cpuinfo.ignore(SSmax, ':'); cpuinfo >> core; if (std::cmp_greater_equal(core, core_sensors.size())) { if (std::cmp_greater_equal(n, core_sensors.size())) n = 0; core_map[cpu] = n++; } else core_map[cpu] = core; } cpuinfo.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } } //? If core mapping from cpuinfo was incomplete try to guess remainder, if missing completely, map 0-0 1-1 2-2 etc. if (cmp_less(core_map.size(), Shared::coreCount)) { if (Shared::coreCount % 2 == 0 and (long)core_map.size() == Shared::coreCount / 2) { for (int i = 0, n = 0; i < Shared::coreCount / 2; i++) { if (std::cmp_greater_equal(n, core_sensors.size())) n = 0; core_map[Shared::coreCount / 2 + i] = n++; } } else { core_map.clear(); for (int i = 0, n = 0; i < Shared::coreCount; i++) { if (std::cmp_greater_equal(n, core_sensors.size())) n = 0; core_map[i] = n++; } } } //? Apply user set custom mapping if any const auto& custom_map = Config::getS("cpu_core_map"); if (not custom_map.empty()) { try { for (const auto& split : ssplit(custom_map)) { const auto vals = ssplit(split, ':'); if (vals.size() != 2) continue; int change_id = std::stoi(vals.at(0)); int new_id = std::stoi(vals.at(1)); if (not core_map.contains(change_id) or cmp_greater(new_id, core_sensors.size())) continue; core_map.at(change_id) = new_id; } } catch (...) {} } return core_map; } struct battery { fs::path base_dir, energy_now, energy_full, power_now, status, online; string device_type; bool use_energy = true; }; auto get_battery() -> tuple { if (not has_battery) return {0, 0, ""}; static string auto_sel; static unordered_flat_map batteries; //? Get paths to needed files and check for valid values on first run if (batteries.empty() and has_battery) { try { if (fs::exists("/sys/class/power_supply")) { for (const auto& d : fs::directory_iterator("/sys/class/power_supply")) { //? Only consider online power supplies of type Battery or UPS //? see kernel docs for details on the file structure and contents //? https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-power battery new_bat; fs::path bat_dir; try { if (not d.is_directory() or not fs::exists(d.path() / "type") or not fs::exists(d.path() / "present") or stoi(readfile(d.path() / "present")) != 1) continue; string dev_type = readfile(d.path() / "type"); if (is_in(dev_type, "Battery", "UPS")) { bat_dir = d.path(); new_bat.base_dir = d.path(); new_bat.device_type = dev_type; } } catch (...) { //? skip power supplies not conforming to the kernel standard continue; } if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "energy_now")) new_bat.energy_now = bat_dir / "energy_now"; else if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "charge_now")) new_bat.energy_now = bat_dir / "charge_now"; else new_bat.use_energy = false; if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "energy_full")) new_bat.energy_full = bat_dir / "energy_full"; else if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "charge_full")) new_bat.energy_full = bat_dir / "charge_full"; else new_bat.use_energy = false; if (not new_bat.use_energy and not fs::exists(bat_dir / "capacity")) { continue; } if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "power_now")) new_bat.power_now = bat_dir / "power_now"; else if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "current_now")) new_bat.power_now = bat_dir / "current_now"; if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "AC0/online")) new_bat.online = bat_dir / "AC0/online"; else if (fs::exists(bat_dir / "AC/online")) new_bat.online = bat_dir / "AC/online"; batteries[bat_dir.filename()] = new_bat; Config::available_batteries.push_back(bat_dir.filename()); } } } catch (...) { batteries.clear(); } if (batteries.empty()) { has_battery = false; return {0, 0, ""}; } } auto& battery_sel = Config::getS("selected_battery"); if (auto_sel.empty()) { for (auto& [name, bat] : batteries) { if (bat.device_type == "Battery") { auto_sel = name; break; } } if (auto_sel.empty()) auto_sel = batteries.begin()->first; } auto& b = (battery_sel != "Auto" and batteries.contains(battery_sel) ? batteries.at(battery_sel) : batteries.at(auto_sel)); int percent = -1; long seconds = -1; //? Try to get battery percentage if (b.use_energy) { try { percent = round(100.0 * stoll(readfile(b.energy_now, "-1")) / stoll(readfile(b.energy_full, "1"))); } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) { } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { } } if (percent < 0) { try { percent = stoll(readfile(b.base_dir / "capacity", "-1")); } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) { } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { } } if (percent < 0) { has_battery = false; return {0, 0, ""}; } //? Get charging/discharging status string status = str_to_lower(readfile(b.base_dir / "status", "unknown")); if (status == "unknown" and not b.online.empty()) { const auto online = readfile(b.online, "0"); if (online == "1" and percent < 100) status = "charging"; else if (online == "1") status = "full"; else status = "discharging"; } //? Get seconds to empty if (not is_in(status, "charging", "full")) { if (b.use_energy and not b.power_now.empty()) { try { seconds = round((double)stoll(readfile(b.energy_now, "0")) / stoll(readfile(b.power_now, "1")) * 3600); } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) { } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { } } if (seconds < 0 and fs::exists(b.base_dir / "time_to_empty")) { try { seconds = stoll(readfile(b.base_dir / "time_to_empty", "0")) * 60; } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) { } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { } } } return {percent, seconds, status}; } auto collect(bool no_update) -> cpu_info& { if (Runner::stopping or (no_update and not current_cpu.cpu_percent.at("total").empty())) return current_cpu; auto& cpu = current_cpu; if (Config::getB("show_cpu_freq")) cpuHz = get_cpuHz(); if (getloadavg(cpu.load_avg.data(), cpu.load_avg.size()) < 0) { Logger::error("failed to get load averages"); } ifstream cread; try { //? Get cpu total times for all cores from /proc/stat string cpu_name; cread.open(Shared::procPath / "stat"); int i = 0; int target = Shared::coreCount; for (; i <= target or (cread.good() and cread.peek() == 'c'); i++) { //? Make sure to add zero value for missing core values if at end of file if ((not cread.good() or cread.peek() != 'c') and i <= target) { if (i == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse /proc/stat"); else { //? Fix container sizes if new cores are detected while (cmp_less(cpu.core_percent.size(), i)) { core_old_totals.push_back(0); core_old_idles.push_back(0); cpu.core_percent.emplace_back(); } cpu.core_percent.at(i-1).push_back(0); } } else { if (i == 0) cread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); else { cread >> cpu_name; int cpuNum = std::stoi(cpu_name.substr(3)); if (cpuNum >= target - 1) target = cpuNum + (cread.peek() == 'c' ? 2 : 1); //? Add zero value for core if core number is missing from /proc/stat while (i - 1 < cpuNum) { //? Fix container sizes if new cores are detected while (cmp_less(cpu.core_percent.size(), i)) { core_old_totals.push_back(0); core_old_idles.push_back(0); cpu.core_percent.emplace_back(); } cpu.core_percent[i-1].push_back(0); if (cpu.core_percent.at(i-1).size() > 40) cpu.core_percent.at(i-1).pop_front(); i++; } } //? Expected on kernel 2.6.3> : 0=user, 1=nice, 2=system, 3=idle, 4=iowait, 5=irq, 6=softirq, 7=steal, 8=guest, 9=guest_nice vector times; long long total_sum = 0; for (uint64_t val; cread >> val; total_sum += val) { times.push_back(val); } cread.clear(); if (times.size() < 4) throw std::runtime_error("Malformed /proc/stat"); //? Subtract fields 8-9 and any future unknown fields const long long totals = max(0ll, total_sum - (times.size() > 8 ? std::accumulate(times.begin() + 8, times.end(), 0ll) : 0)); //? Add iowait field if present const long long idles = max(0ll, times.at(3) + (times.size() > 4 ? times.at(4) : 0)); //? Calculate values for totals from first line of stat if (i == 0) { const long long calc_totals = max(1ll, totals - cpu_old.at("totals")); const long long calc_idles = max(1ll, idles - cpu_old.at("idles")); cpu_old.at("totals") = totals; cpu_old.at("idles") = idles; //? Total usage of cpu cpu.cpu_percent.at("total").push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)(calc_totals - calc_idles) * 100 / calc_totals), 0ll, 100ll)); //? Reduce size if there are more values than needed for graph while (cmp_greater(cpu.cpu_percent.at("total").size(), width * 2)) cpu.cpu_percent.at("total").pop_front(); //? Populate cpu.cpu_percent with all fields from stat for (int ii = 0; const auto& val : times) { cpu.cpu_percent.at(time_names.at(ii)).push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)(val - cpu_old.at(time_names.at(ii))) * 100 / calc_totals), 0ll, 100ll)); cpu_old.at(time_names.at(ii)) = val; //? Reduce size if there are more values than needed for graph while (cmp_greater(cpu.cpu_percent.at(time_names.at(ii)).size(), width * 2)) cpu.cpu_percent.at(time_names.at(ii)).pop_front(); if (++ii == 10) break; } continue; } //? Calculate cpu total for each core else { //? Fix container sizes if new cores are detected while (cmp_less(cpu.core_percent.size(), i)) { core_old_totals.push_back(0); core_old_idles.push_back(0); cpu.core_percent.emplace_back(); } const long long calc_totals = max(0ll, totals - core_old_totals.at(i-1)); const long long calc_idles = max(0ll, idles - core_old_idles.at(i-1)); core_old_totals.at(i-1) = totals; core_old_idles.at(i-1) = idles; cpu.core_percent.at(i-1).push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)(calc_totals - calc_idles) * 100 / calc_totals), 0ll, 100ll)); } } //? Reduce size if there are more values than needed for graph if (cpu.core_percent.at(i-1).size() > 40) cpu.core_percent.at(i-1).pop_front(); } //? Notify main thread to redraw screen if we found more cores than previously detected if (cmp_greater(cpu.core_percent.size(), Shared::coreCount)) { Logger::debug("Changing CPU max corecount from " + to_string(Shared::coreCount) + " to " + to_string(cpu.core_percent.size()) + "."); Runner::coreNum_reset = true; Shared::coreCount = cpu.core_percent.size(); while (cmp_less(current_cpu.temp.size(), cpu.core_percent.size() + 1)) current_cpu.temp.push_back({0}); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { Logger::debug("Cpu::collect() : " + string{e.what()}); if (cread.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read /proc/stat"); else throw std::runtime_error("Cpu::collect() : " + string{e.what()}); } if (Config::getB("check_temp") and got_sensors) update_sensors(); if (Config::getB("show_battery") and has_battery) current_bat = get_battery(); return cpu; } } namespace Gpu { //? NVIDIA namespace Nvml { bool init() { if (initialized) return false; //? Dynamic loading & linking nvml_dl_handle = dlopen("libnvidia-ml.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!nvml_dl_handle) { Logger::info(std::string("Failed to load libnvidia-ml.so, NVIDIA GPUs will not be detected: ") + dlerror()); return false; } auto load_nvml_sym = [&](const char sym_name[]) { auto sym = dlsym(nvml_dl_handle, sym_name); auto err = dlerror(); if (err != NULL) { Logger::error(string("NVML: Couldn't find function ") + sym_name + ": " + err); return (void*)nullptr; } else return sym; }; #define LOAD_SYM(NAME) if ((NAME = (decltype(NAME))load_nvml_sym(#NAME)) == nullptr) return false LOAD_SYM(nvmlErrorString); LOAD_SYM(nvmlInit); LOAD_SYM(nvmlShutdown); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetCount); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetName); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetPowerState); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetTemperature); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo); LOAD_SYM(nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput); #undef LOAD_SYM //? Function calls nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("Failed to initialize NVML, NVIDIA GPUs will not be detected: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); return false; } //? Device count result = nvmlDeviceGetCount(&device_count); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device count: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); return false; } if (device_count > 0) { devices.resize(device_count); gpus.resize(device_count); gpu_names.resize(device_count); initialized = true; //? Check supported functions & get maximums Nvml::collect<1>(gpus.data()); return true; } else {initialized = true; shutdown(); return false;} } bool shutdown() { if (!initialized) return false; nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlShutdown(); if (NVML_SUCCESS == result) { initialized = false; dlclose(nvml_dl_handle); } else Logger::warning(std::string("Failed to shutdown NVML: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); return !initialized; } template // collect<1> is called in Nvml::init(), and populates gpus.supported_functions bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice) { // raw pointer to vector data, size == device_count if (!initialized) return false; nvmlReturn_t result; // DebugTimer gpu_nvidia("Nvidia Total"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { if constexpr(is_init) { //? Device Handle result = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i, devices.data() + i); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device handle: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); gpus[i].supported_functions = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}; continue; } //? Device name char name[NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; result = nvmlDeviceGetName(devices[i], name, NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device name: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); else { gpu_names[i] = string(name); for (const auto& brand : {"NVIDIA", "Nvidia", "(R)", "(TM)"}) { gpu_names[i] = s_replace(gpu_names[i], brand, ""); } gpu_names[i] = trim(gpu_names[i]); } //? Power usage unsigned int max_power; result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit(devices[i], &max_power); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get maximum GPU power draw, defaulting to 225W: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); else { gpus[i].pwr_max_usage = max_power; // RSMI reports power in microWatts gpu_pwr_total_max += max_power; } //? Get temp_max unsigned int temp_max; result = nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(devices[i], NVML_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_SHUTDOWN, &temp_max); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get maximum GPU temperature, defaulting to 110°C: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); else gpus[i].temp_max = (long long)temp_max; } //? GPU & memory utilization if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization) { nvmlUtilization_t utilization; result = nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(devices[i], &utilization); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU utilization: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization = false; if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization = false; } else { gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.at("gpu-totals").push_back((long long)utilization.gpu); gpus_slice[i].mem_utilization_percent.push_back((long long)utilization.memory); } } // nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv clock"); //? Clock speeds if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock) { unsigned int gpu_clock; result = nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(devices[i], NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS, &gpu_clock); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU clock speed: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock = false; } else gpus_slice[i].gpu_clock_speed = (long long)gpu_clock; } if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock) { unsigned int mem_clock; result = nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(devices[i], NVML_CLOCK_MEM, &mem_clock); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get VRAM clock speed: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock = false; } else gpus_slice[i].mem_clock_speed = (long long)mem_clock; } // nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv power"); //? Power usage & state if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage) { unsigned int power; result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage(devices[i], &power); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU power usage: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage = false; } else { gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage = (long long)power; gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-totals").push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage), 0ll, 100ll)); } } if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_state) { nvmlPstates_t pState; result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerState(devices[i], &pState); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU power state: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_state = false; } else gpus_slice[i].pwr_state = static_cast(pState); } // nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv temp"); //? GPU temperature if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info) { if (Config::getB("check_temp")) { unsigned int temp; nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(devices[i], NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &temp); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU temperature: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info = false; } else gpus_slice[i].temp.push_back((long long)temp); } } // nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv mem"); //? Memory info if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total) { nvmlMemory_t memory; result = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(devices[i], &memory); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get VRAM info: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total = false; if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_used = false; } else { gpus_slice[i].mem_total = memory.total; gpus_slice[i].mem_used = memory.used; //gpu.mem_free = memory.free; auto used_percent = (long long)round((double)memory.used * 100.0 / (double)memory.total); gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-totals").push_back(used_percent); } } //nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv pcie"); //? PCIe link speeds if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx) { unsigned int tx,rx; result = nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput(devices[i], NVML_PCIE_UTIL_TX_BYTES, &tx); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe TX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx = false; } else gpus_slice[i].pcie_tx = (long long)tx; result = nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput(devices[i], NVML_PCIE_UTIL_RX_BYTES, &rx); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe RX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx = false; } else gpus_slice[i].pcie_rx = (long long)rx; } //? TODO: Processes using GPU /*unsigned int proc_info_len; nvmlProcessInfo_t* proc_info = 0; result = nvmlDeviceGetComputeRunningProcesses_v3(device, &proc_info_len, proc_info); if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get compute processes: ") + nvmlErrorString(result)); } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < proc_info_len; ++i) gpus_slice[i].graphics_processes.push_back({proc_info[i].pid, proc_info[i].usedGpuMemory}); }*/ } return true; } } //? AMD namespace Rsmi { bool init() { if (initialized) return false; //? Dynamic loading & linking #if !defined(RSMI_STATIC) rsmi_dl_handle = dlopen("/opt/rocm/lib/librocm_smi64.so", RTLD_LAZY); // first try /lib and /usr/lib, then /opt/rocm/lib if that fails if (dlerror() != NULL) { rsmi_dl_handle = dlopen("librocm_smi64.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!rsmi_dl_handle) { Logger::info(std::string("Failed to load librocm_smi64.so, AMD GPUs will not be detected: ") + dlerror()); return false; } } auto load_rsmi_sym = [&](const char sym_name[]) { auto sym = dlsym(rsmi_dl_handle, sym_name); auto err = dlerror(); if (err != NULL) { Logger::error(string("ROCm SMI: Couldn't find function ") + sym_name + ": " + err); return (void*)nullptr; } else return sym; }; #define LOAD_SYM(NAME) if ((NAME = (decltype(NAME))load_rsmi_sym(#NAME)) == nullptr) return false LOAD_SYM(rsmi_init); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_shut_down); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_num_monitor_devices); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_name_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_power_cap_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_busy_percent_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_memory_busy_percent_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_power_ave_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_memory_total_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_memory_usage_get); LOAD_SYM(rsmi_dev_pci_throughput_get); #undef LOAD_SYM #endif //? Function calls rsmi_status_t result = rsmi_init(0); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::debug("Failed to initialize ROCm SMI, AMD GPUs will not be detected"); return false; } //? Device count result = rsmi_num_monitor_devices(&device_count); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to fetch number of devices"); return false; } if (device_count > 0) { gpus.resize(gpus.size() + device_count); gpu_names.resize(gpus.size() + device_count); initialized = true; //? Check supported functions & get maximums Rsmi::collect<1>(gpus.data() + Nvml::device_count); return true; } else {initialized = true; shutdown(); return false;} } bool shutdown() { if (!initialized) return false; if (rsmi_shut_down() == RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { initialized = false; #if !defined(RSMI_STATIC) dlclose(rsmi_dl_handle); #endif } else Logger::warning("Failed to shutdown ROCm SMI"); return true; } template bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice) { // raw pointer to vector data, size == device_count, offset by Nvml::device_count elements if (!initialized) return false; rsmi_status_t result; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { if constexpr(is_init) { //? Device name char name[NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; // ROCm SMI does not provide a constant for this as far as I can tell, this should be good enough result = rsmi_dev_name_get(i, name, NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get device name"); else gpu_names[Nvml::device_count + i] = string(name); //? Power usage uint64_t max_power; result = rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(i, 0, &max_power); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get maximum GPU power draw, defaulting to 225W"); else { gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage = (long long)(max_power/1000); // RSMI reports power in microWatts gpu_pwr_total_max += gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage; } //? Get temp_max int64_t temp_max; result = rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get(i, RSMI_TEMP_TYPE_EDGE, RSMI_TEMP_MAX, &temp_max); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get maximum GPU temperature, defaulting to 110°C"); else gpus_slice[i].temp_max = (long long)temp_max; } //? GPU utilization if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization) { uint32_t utilization; result = rsmi_dev_busy_percent_get(i, &utilization); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU utilization"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization = false; } else gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.at("gpu-totals").push_back((long long)utilization); } //? Memory utilization if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization) { uint32_t utilization; result = rsmi_dev_memory_busy_percent_get(i, &utilization); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM utilization"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization = false; } else gpus_slice[i].mem_utilization_percent.push_back((long long)utilization); } //? Clock speeds if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock) { rsmi_frequencies_t frequencies; result = rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(i, RSMI_CLK_TYPE_SYS, &frequencies); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU clock speed: "); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock = false; } else gpus_slice[i].gpu_clock_speed = (long long)frequencies.frequency[frequencies.current]/1000000; // Hz to MHz } if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock) { rsmi_frequencies_t frequencies; result = rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(i, RSMI_CLK_TYPE_MEM, &frequencies); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM clock speed: "); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock = false; } else gpus_slice[i].mem_clock_speed = (long long)frequencies.frequency[frequencies.current]/1000000; // Hz to MHz } //? Power usage & state if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage) { uint64_t power; result = rsmi_dev_power_ave_get(i, 0, &power); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU power usage"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage = false; } else gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-totals").push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage), 0ll, 100ll)); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_state = false; } //? GPU temperature if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info) { if (Config::getB("check_temp") or is_init) { int64_t temp; result = rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get(i, RSMI_TEMP_TYPE_EDGE, RSMI_TEMP_CURRENT, &temp); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU temperature"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info = false; } else gpus_slice[i].temp.push_back((long long)temp/1000); } } //? Memory info if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total) { uint64_t total; result = rsmi_dev_memory_total_get(i, RSMI_MEM_TYPE_VRAM, &total); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get total VRAM"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total = false; } else gpus_slice[i].mem_total = total; } if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_used) { uint64_t used; result = rsmi_dev_memory_usage_get(i, RSMI_MEM_TYPE_VRAM, &used); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM usage"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_used = false; } else { gpus_slice[i].mem_used = used; if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total) gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-totals").push_back((long long)round((double)used * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].mem_total)); } } //? PCIe link speeds if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx) { uint64_t tx, rx; result = rsmi_dev_pci_throughput_get(i, &tx, &rx, 0); if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get PCIe throughput"); if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx = false; } else { gpus_slice[i].pcie_tx = (long long)tx; gpus_slice[i].pcie_rx = (long long)rx; } } } return true; } } // TODO: Intel //? Collect data from GPU-specific libraries auto collect(bool no_update) -> vector& { if (Runner::stopping or (no_update and not gpus.empty())) return gpus; // DebugTimer gpu_timer("GPU Total"); //* Collect data Nvml::collect<0>(gpus.data()); // raw pointer to vector data, size == Nvml::device_count Rsmi::collect<0>(gpus.data() + Nvml::device_count); // size = Rsmi::device_count //* Calculate average usage long long avg = 0; long long mem_usage_total = 0; long long mem_total = 0; long long pwr_total = 0; for (auto& gpu : gpus) { if (gpu.supported_functions.gpu_utilization) avg += gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-totals").back(); if (gpu.supported_functions.mem_used) mem_usage_total += gpu.mem_used; if (gpu.supported_functions.mem_total) mem_total += gpu.mem_total; if (gpu.supported_functions.pwr_usage) mem_total += gpu.pwr_usage; //* Trim vectors if there are more values than needed for graphs if (width != 0) { //? GPU & memory utilization while (cmp_greater(gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-totals").size(), width * 2)) gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-totals").pop_front(); while (cmp_greater(gpu.mem_utilization_percent.size(), width)) gpu.mem_utilization_percent.pop_front(); //? Power usage while (cmp_greater(gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-totals").size(), width)) gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-totals").pop_front(); //? Temperature while (cmp_greater(gpu.temp.size(), 18)) gpu.temp.pop_front(); //? Memory usage while (cmp_greater(gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-totals").size(), width/2)) gpu.gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-totals").pop_front(); } } shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-average").push_back(avg / gpus.size()); if (mem_total != 0) shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-total").push_back(mem_usage_total / mem_total); if (gpu_pwr_total_max != 0) shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-total").push_back(pwr_total / gpu_pwr_total_max); if (width != 0) { while (cmp_greater(shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-average").size(), width * 2)) shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-average").pop_front(); while (cmp_greater(shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-total").size(), width * 2)) shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-pwr-total").pop_front(); while (cmp_greater(shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-total").size(), width * 2)) shared_gpu_percent.at("gpu-vram-total").pop_front(); } return gpus; } } namespace Mem { bool has_swap{}; // defaults to false vector fstab; fs::file_time_type fstab_time; int disk_ios{}; // defaults to 0 vector last_found; //?* Find the filepath to the specified ZFS object's stat file fs::path get_zfs_stat_file(const string& device_name, size_t dataset_name_start, bool zfs_hide_datasets); //?* Collect total ZFS pool io stats bool zfs_collect_pool_total_stats(struct disk_info &disk); mem_info current_mem {}; uint64_t get_totalMem() { ifstream meminfo(Shared::procPath / "meminfo"); int64_t totalMem; if (meminfo.good()) { meminfo.ignore(SSmax, ':'); meminfo >> totalMem; totalMem <<= 10; } if (not meminfo.good() or totalMem == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Could not get total memory size from /proc/meminfo"); return totalMem; } auto collect(bool no_update) -> mem_info& { if (Runner::stopping or (no_update and not current_mem.percent.at("used").empty())) return current_mem; auto show_swap = Config::getB("show_swap"); auto swap_disk = Config::getB("swap_disk"); auto show_disks = Config::getB("show_disks"); auto zfs_arc_cached = Config::getB("zfs_arc_cached"); auto totalMem = get_totalMem(); auto& mem = current_mem; mem.stats.at("swap_total") = 0; //? Read ZFS ARC info from /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats uint64_t arc_size = 0, arc_min_size = 0; if (zfs_arc_cached) { ifstream arcstats(Shared::procPath / "spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats"); if (arcstats.good()) { for (string label; arcstats >> label;) { if (label == "c_min") { arcstats >> arc_min_size >> arc_min_size; // double read skips type column } else if (label == "size") { arcstats >> arc_size >> arc_size; break; } } } arcstats.close(); } //? Read memory info from /proc/meminfo ifstream meminfo(Shared::procPath / "meminfo"); if (meminfo.good()) { bool got_avail = false; for (string label; meminfo.peek() != 'D' and meminfo >> label;) { if (label == "MemFree:") { meminfo >> mem.stats.at("free"); mem.stats.at("free") <<= 10; } else if (label == "MemAvailable:") { meminfo >> mem.stats.at("available"); mem.stats.at("available") <<= 10; got_avail = true; } else if (label == "Cached:") { meminfo >> mem.stats.at("cached"); mem.stats.at("cached") <<= 10; if (not show_swap and not swap_disk) break; } else if (label == "SwapTotal:") { meminfo >> mem.stats.at("swap_total"); mem.stats.at("swap_total") <<= 10; } else if (label == "SwapFree:") { meminfo >> mem.stats.at("swap_free"); mem.stats.at("swap_free") <<= 10; break; } meminfo.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } if (not got_avail) mem.stats.at("available") = mem.stats.at("free") + mem.stats.at("cached"); if (zfs_arc_cached) { mem.stats.at("cached") += arc_size; // The ARC will not shrink below arc_min_size, so that memory is not available if (arc_size > arc_min_size) mem.stats.at("available") += arc_size - arc_min_size; } mem.stats.at("used") = totalMem - (mem.stats.at("available") <= totalMem ? mem.stats.at("available") : mem.stats.at("free")); if (mem.stats.at("swap_total") > 0) mem.stats.at("swap_used") = mem.stats.at("swap_total") - mem.stats.at("swap_free"); } else throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read /proc/meminfo"); meminfo.close(); //? Calculate percentages for (const auto& name : mem_names) { mem.percent.at(name).push_back(round((double)mem.stats.at(name) * 100 / totalMem)); while (cmp_greater(mem.percent.at(name).size(), width * 2)) mem.percent.at(name).pop_front(); } if (show_swap and mem.stats.at("swap_total") > 0) { for (const auto& name : swap_names) { mem.percent.at(name).push_back(round((double)mem.stats.at(name) * 100 / mem.stats.at("swap_total"))); while (cmp_greater(mem.percent.at(name).size(), width * 2)) mem.percent.at(name).pop_front(); } has_swap = true; } else has_swap = false; //? Get disks stats if (show_disks) { static vector ignore_list; double uptime = system_uptime(); auto free_priv = Config::getB("disk_free_priv"); try { auto& disks_filter = Config::getS("disks_filter"); bool filter_exclude = false; auto use_fstab = Config::getB("use_fstab"); auto only_physical = Config::getB("only_physical"); auto zfs_hide_datasets = Config::getB("zfs_hide_datasets"); auto& disks = mem.disks; ifstream diskread; vector filter; if (not disks_filter.empty()) { filter = ssplit(disks_filter); if (filter.at(0).starts_with("exclude=")) { filter_exclude = true; filter.at(0) = filter.at(0).substr(8); } } //? Get list of "real" filesystems from /proc/filesystems vector fstypes; if (only_physical and not use_fstab) { fstypes = {"zfs", "wslfs", "drvfs"}; diskread.open(Shared::procPath / "filesystems"); if (diskread.good()) { for (string fstype; diskread >> fstype;) { if (not is_in(fstype, "nodev", "squashfs", "nullfs")) fstypes.push_back(fstype); diskread.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } } else throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read /proc/filesystems"); diskread.close(); } //? Get disk list to use from fstab if enabled if (use_fstab and fs::last_write_time("/etc/fstab") != fstab_time) { fstab.clear(); fstab_time = fs::last_write_time("/etc/fstab"); diskread.open("/etc/fstab"); if (diskread.good()) { for (string instr; diskread >> instr;) { if (not instr.starts_with('#')) { diskread >> instr; #ifdef SNAPPED if (instr == "/") fstab.push_back("/mnt"); else if (not is_in(instr, "none", "swap")) fstab.push_back(instr); #else if (not is_in(instr, "none", "swap")) fstab.push_back(instr); #endif } diskread.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } } else throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read /etc/fstab"); diskread.close(); } //? Get mounts from /etc/mtab or /proc/self/mounts diskread.open((fs::exists("/etc/mtab") ? fs::path("/etc/mtab") : Shared::procPath / "self/mounts")); if (diskread.good()) { vector found; found.reserve(last_found.size()); string dev, mountpoint, fstype; while (not diskread.eof()) { std::error_code ec; diskread >> dev >> mountpoint >> fstype; diskread.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); if (v_contains(ignore_list, mountpoint) or v_contains(found, mountpoint)) continue; //? Match filter if not empty if (not filter.empty()) { bool match = v_contains(filter, mountpoint); if ((filter_exclude and match) or (not filter_exclude and not match)) continue; } //? Skip ZFS datasets if zfs_hide_datasets option is enabled size_t zfs_dataset_name_start = 0; if (fstype == "zfs" && (zfs_dataset_name_start = dev.find('/')) != std::string::npos && zfs_hide_datasets) continue; if ((not use_fstab and not only_physical) or (use_fstab and v_contains(fstab, mountpoint)) or (not use_fstab and only_physical and v_contains(fstypes, fstype))) { found.push_back(mountpoint); if (not v_contains(last_found, mountpoint)) redraw = true; //? Save mountpoint, name, fstype, dev path and path to /sys/block stat file if (not disks.contains(mountpoint)) { disks[mountpoint] = disk_info{fs::canonical(dev, ec), fs::path(mountpoint).filename(), fstype}; if (disks.at(mountpoint).dev.empty()) disks.at(mountpoint).dev = dev; #ifdef SNAPPED if (mountpoint == "/mnt") disks.at(mountpoint).name = "root"; #endif if (disks.at(mountpoint).name.empty()) disks.at(mountpoint).name = (mountpoint == "/" ? "root" : mountpoint); string devname = disks.at(mountpoint).dev.filename(); int c = 0; while (devname.size() >= 2) { if (fs::exists("/sys/block/" + devname + "/stat", ec) and access(string("/sys/block/" + devname + "/stat").c_str(), R_OK) == 0) { if (c > 0 and fs::exists("/sys/block/" + devname + '/' + disks.at(mountpoint).dev.filename().string() + "/stat", ec)) disks.at(mountpoint).stat = "/sys/block/" + devname + '/' + disks.at(mountpoint).dev.filename().string() + "/stat"; else disks.at(mountpoint).stat = "/sys/block/" + devname + "/stat"; break; //? Set ZFS stat filepath } else if (fstype == "zfs") { disks.at(mountpoint).stat = get_zfs_stat_file(dev, zfs_dataset_name_start, zfs_hide_datasets); if (disks.at(mountpoint).stat.empty()) { Logger::debug("Failed to get ZFS stat file for device " + dev); } break; } devname.resize(devname.size() - 1); c++; } } //? If zfs_hide_datasets option was switched, refresh stat filepath if (fstype == "zfs" && ((zfs_hide_datasets && !is_directory(disks.at(mountpoint).stat)) || (!zfs_hide_datasets && is_directory(disks.at(mountpoint).stat)))) { disks.at(mountpoint).stat = get_zfs_stat_file(dev, zfs_dataset_name_start, zfs_hide_datasets); if (disks.at(mountpoint).stat.empty()) { Logger::debug("Failed to get ZFS stat file for device " + dev); } } } } //? Remove disks no longer mounted or filtered out if (swap_disk and has_swap) found.push_back("swap"); for (auto it = disks.begin(); it != disks.end();) { if (not v_contains(found, it->first)) it = disks.erase(it); else it++; } if (found.size() != last_found.size()) redraw = true; last_found = std::move(found); } else throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get mounts from /etc/mtab and /proc/self/mounts"); diskread.close(); //? Get disk/partition stats bool new_ignored = false; for (auto& [mountpoint, disk] : disks) { if (std::error_code ec; not fs::exists(mountpoint, ec) or v_contains(ignore_list, mountpoint)) continue; struct statvfs vfs; if (statvfs(mountpoint.c_str(), &vfs) < 0) { Logger::warning("Failed to get disk/partition stats for mount \""+ mountpoint + "\" with statvfs error code: " + to_string(errno) + ". Ignoring..."); ignore_list.push_back(mountpoint); new_ignored = true; continue; } disk.total = vfs.f_blocks * vfs.f_frsize; disk.free = (free_priv ? vfs.f_bfree : vfs.f_bavail) * vfs.f_frsize; disk.used = disk.total - disk.free; disk.used_percent = round((double)disk.used * 100 / disk.total); disk.free_percent = 100 - disk.used_percent; } //? Remove any problematic disks added to the ignore_list if (new_ignored) { for (auto it = disks.begin(); it != disks.end();) { if (v_contains(ignore_list, it->first)) it = disks.erase(it); else it++; } } //? Setup disks order in UI and add swap if enabled mem.disks_order.clear(); #ifdef SNAPPED if (disks.contains("/mnt")) mem.disks_order.push_back("/mnt"); #else if (disks.contains("/")) mem.disks_order.push_back("/"); #endif if (swap_disk and has_swap) { mem.disks_order.push_back("swap"); if (not disks.contains("swap")) disks["swap"] = {"", "swap", "swap"}; disks.at("swap").total = mem.stats.at("swap_total"); disks.at("swap").used = mem.stats.at("swap_used"); disks.at("swap").free = mem.stats.at("swap_free"); disks.at("swap").used_percent = mem.percent.at("swap_used").back(); disks.at("swap").free_percent = mem.percent.at("swap_free").back(); } for (const auto& name : last_found) #ifdef SNAPPED if (not is_in(name, "/mnt", "swap")) mem.disks_order.push_back(name); #else if (not is_in(name, "/", "swap")) mem.disks_order.push_back(name); #endif //? Get disks IO int64_t sectors_read, sectors_write, io_ticks, io_ticks_temp; disk_ios = 0; for (auto& [ignored, disk] : disks) { if (disk.stat.empty() or access(disk.stat.c_str(), R_OK) != 0) continue; if (disk.fstype == "zfs" && zfs_hide_datasets && zfs_collect_pool_total_stats(disk)) { disk_ios++; continue; } diskread.open(disk.stat); if (diskread.good()) { disk_ios++; //? ZFS Pool Support if (disk.fstype == "zfs") { // skip first three lines for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> io_ticks; // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> sectors_write; // nbytes written if (disk.io_write.empty()) disk.io_write.push_back(0); else disk.io_write.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (sectors_write - disk.old_io.at(1)))); disk.old_io.at(1) = sectors_write; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_write.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_write.pop_front(); // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> io_ticks_temp; io_ticks += io_ticks_temp; // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> sectors_read; // nbytes read if (disk.io_read.empty()) disk.io_read.push_back(0); else disk.io_read.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (sectors_read - disk.old_io.at(0)))); disk.old_io.at(0) = sectors_read; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_read.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_read.pop_front(); if (disk.io_activity.empty()) disk.io_activity.push_back(0); else disk.io_activity.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (io_ticks - disk.old_io.at(2)))); disk.old_io.at(2) = io_ticks; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_activity.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_activity.pop_front(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { diskread >> std::ws; diskread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); } diskread >> sectors_read; if (disk.io_read.empty()) disk.io_read.push_back(0); else disk.io_read.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (sectors_read - disk.old_io.at(0)) * 512)); disk.old_io.at(0) = sectors_read; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_read.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_read.pop_front(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { diskread >> std::ws; diskread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); } diskread >> sectors_write; if (disk.io_write.empty()) disk.io_write.push_back(0); else disk.io_write.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (sectors_write - disk.old_io.at(1)) * 512)); disk.old_io.at(1) = sectors_write; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_write.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_write.pop_front(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { diskread >> std::ws; diskread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); } diskread >> io_ticks; if (disk.io_activity.empty()) disk.io_activity.push_back(0); else disk.io_activity.push_back(clamp((long)round((double)(io_ticks - disk.old_io.at(2)) / (uptime - old_uptime) / 10), 0l, 100l)); disk.old_io.at(2) = io_ticks; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_activity.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_activity.pop_front(); } } else { Logger::debug("Error in Mem::collect() : when opening " + string{disk.stat}); } diskread.close(); } old_uptime = uptime; } catch (const std::exception& e) { Logger::warning("Error in Mem::collect() : " + string{e.what()}); } } return mem; } fs::path get_zfs_stat_file(const string& device_name, size_t dataset_name_start, bool zfs_hide_datasets) { fs::path zfs_pool_stat_path; if (zfs_hide_datasets) { zfs_pool_stat_path = Shared::procPath / "spl/kstat/zfs" / device_name; if (access(zfs_pool_stat_path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0) { return zfs_pool_stat_path; } else { Logger::debug("Cant access folder: " + zfs_pool_stat_path.string()); return ""; } } ifstream filestream; string filename; string name_compare; if (dataset_name_start != std::string::npos) { // device is a dataset zfs_pool_stat_path = Shared::procPath / "spl/kstat/zfs" / device_name.substr(0, dataset_name_start); } else { // device is a pool zfs_pool_stat_path = Shared::procPath / "spl/kstat/zfs" / device_name; } // looking through all files that start with 'objset' to find the one containing `device_name` object stats for (const auto& file: fs::directory_iterator(zfs_pool_stat_path)) { filename = file.path().filename(); if (filename.starts_with("objset")) { filestream.open(file.path()); if (filestream.good()) { // skip first two lines for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) filestream.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); // skip characters until '7' is reached, indicating data type 7, next value will be object name filestream.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '7'); filestream >> name_compare; if (name_compare == device_name) { filestream.close(); if (access(file.path().c_str(), R_OK) == 0) { return file.path(); } else { Logger::debug("Can't access file: " + file.path().string()); return ""; } } } filestream.close(); } } Logger::debug("Could not read directory: " + zfs_pool_stat_path.string()); return ""; } bool zfs_collect_pool_total_stats(struct disk_info &disk) { ifstream diskread; int64_t bytes_read; int64_t bytes_write; int64_t io_ticks; int64_t bytes_read_total{}; // defaults to 0 int64_t bytes_write_total{}; // defaults to 0 int64_t io_ticks_total{}; // defaults to 0 int64_t objects_read{}; // defaults to 0 // looking through all files that start with 'objset' for (const auto& file: fs::directory_iterator(disk.stat)) { if ((file.path().filename()).string().starts_with("objset")) { diskread.open(file.path()); if (diskread.good()) { try { // skip first three lines for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> io_ticks; io_ticks_total += io_ticks; // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> bytes_write; bytes_write_total += bytes_write; // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> io_ticks; io_ticks_total += io_ticks; // skip characters until '4' is reached, indicating data type 4, next value will be out target diskread.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '4'); diskread >> bytes_read; bytes_read_total += bytes_read; } catch (const std::exception& e) { continue; } // increment read objects counter if no errors were encountered objects_read++; } else { Logger::debug("Could not read file: " + file.path().string()); } diskread.close(); } } // if for some reason no objects were read if (objects_read == 0) return false; if (disk.io_write.empty()) disk.io_write.push_back(0); else disk.io_write.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (bytes_write_total - disk.old_io.at(1)))); disk.old_io.at(1) = bytes_write_total; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_write.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_write.pop_front(); if (disk.io_read.empty()) disk.io_read.push_back(0); else disk.io_read.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (bytes_read_total - disk.old_io.at(0)))); disk.old_io.at(0) = bytes_read_total; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_read.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_read.pop_front(); if (disk.io_activity.empty()) disk.io_activity.push_back(0); else disk.io_activity.push_back(max((int64_t)0, (io_ticks_total - disk.old_io.at(2)))); disk.old_io.at(2) = io_ticks_total; while (cmp_greater(disk.io_activity.size(), width * 2)) disk.io_activity.pop_front(); return true; } } namespace Net { unordered_flat_map current_net; net_info empty_net = {}; vector interfaces; string selected_iface; int errors{}; // defaults to 0 unordered_flat_map graph_max = { {"download", {}}, {"upload", {}} }; unordered_flat_map> max_count = { {"download", {}}, {"upload", {}} }; bool rescale{true}; uint64_t timestamp{}; // defaults to 0 //* RAII wrapper for getifaddrs class getifaddr_wrapper { struct ifaddrs* ifaddr; public: int status; getifaddr_wrapper() { status = getifaddrs(&ifaddr); } ~getifaddr_wrapper() { freeifaddrs(ifaddr); } auto operator()() -> struct ifaddrs* { return ifaddr; } }; auto collect(bool no_update) -> net_info& { if (Runner::stopping) return empty_net; auto& net = current_net; auto& config_iface = Config::getS("net_iface"); auto net_sync = Config::getB("net_sync"); auto net_auto = Config::getB("net_auto"); auto new_timestamp = time_ms(); if (not no_update and errors < 3) { //? Get interface list using getifaddrs() wrapper getifaddr_wrapper if_wrap {}; if (if_wrap.status != 0) { errors++; Logger::error("Net::collect() -> getifaddrs() failed with id " + to_string(if_wrap.status)); redraw = true; return empty_net; } int family = 0; static_assert(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN >= INET_ADDRSTRLEN); // 46 >= 16, compile-time assurance. enum { IPBUFFER_MAXSIZE = INET6_ADDRSTRLEN }; // manually using the known biggest value, guarded by the above static_assert char ip[IPBUFFER_MAXSIZE]; interfaces.clear(); string ipv4, ipv6; //? Iteration over all items in getifaddrs() list for (auto* ifa = if_wrap(); ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL) continue; family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family; const auto& iface = ifa->ifa_name; //? Update available interfaces vector and get status of interface if (not v_contains(interfaces, iface)) { interfaces.push_back(iface); net[iface].connected = (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_RUNNING); // An interface can have more than one IP of the same family associated with it, // but we pick only the first one to show in the NET box. // Note: Interfaces without any IPv4 and IPv6 set are still valid and monitorable! net[iface].ipv4.clear(); net[iface].ipv6.clear(); } //? Get IPv4 address if (family == AF_INET) { if (net[iface].ipv4.empty()) { if (NULL != inet_ntop(family, &(reinterpret_cast(ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr), ip, IPBUFFER_MAXSIZE)) { net[iface].ipv4 = ip; } else { int errsv = errno; Logger::error("Net::collect() -> Failed to convert IPv4 to string for iface " + string(iface) + ", errno: " + strerror(errsv)); } } } //? Get IPv6 address else if (family == AF_INET6) { if (net[iface].ipv6.empty()) { if (NULL != inet_ntop(family, &(reinterpret_cast(ifa->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr), ip, IPBUFFER_MAXSIZE)) { net[iface].ipv6 = ip; } else { int errsv = errno; Logger::error("Net::collect() -> Failed to convert IPv6 to string for iface " + string(iface) + ", errno: " + strerror(errsv)); } } } //else, ignoring family==AF_PACKET (see man 3 getifaddrs) which is the first one in the `for` loop. } //? Get total recieved and transmitted bytes + device address if no ip was found for (const auto& iface : interfaces) { if (net.at(iface).ipv4.empty() and net.at(iface).ipv6.empty()) net.at(iface).ipv4 = readfile("/sys/class/net/" + iface + "/address"); for (const string dir : {"download", "upload"}) { const fs::path sys_file = "/sys/class/net/" + iface + "/statistics/" + (dir == "download" ? "rx_bytes" : "tx_bytes"); auto& saved_stat = net.at(iface).stat.at(dir); auto& bandwidth = net.at(iface).bandwidth.at(dir); uint64_t val{}; // defaults to 0 try { val = (uint64_t)stoull(readfile(sys_file, "0")); } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {} //? Update speed, total and top values if (val < saved_stat.last) { saved_stat.rollover += saved_stat.last; saved_stat.last = 0; } if (cmp_greater((unsigned long long)saved_stat.rollover + (unsigned long long)val, numeric_limits::max())) { saved_stat.rollover = 0; saved_stat.last = 0; } saved_stat.speed = round((double)(val - saved_stat.last) / ((double)(new_timestamp - timestamp) / 1000)); if (saved_stat.speed > saved_stat.top) saved_stat.top = saved_stat.speed; if (saved_stat.offset > val + saved_stat.rollover) saved_stat.offset = 0; saved_stat.total = (val + saved_stat.rollover) - saved_stat.offset; saved_stat.last = val; //? Add values to graph bandwidth.push_back(saved_stat.speed); while (cmp_greater(bandwidth.size(), width * 2)) bandwidth.pop_front(); //? Set counters for auto scaling if (net_auto and selected_iface == iface) { if (net_sync and saved_stat.speed < net.at(iface).stat.at(dir == "download" ? "upload" : "download").speed) continue; if (saved_stat.speed > graph_max[dir]) { ++max_count[dir][0]; if (max_count[dir][1] > 0) --max_count[dir][1]; } else if (graph_max[dir] > 10 << 10 and saved_stat.speed < graph_max[dir] / 10) { ++max_count[dir][1]; if (max_count[dir][0] > 0) --max_count[dir][0]; } } } } //? Clean up net map if needed if (net.size() > interfaces.size()) { for (auto it = net.begin(); it != net.end();) { if (not v_contains(interfaces, it->first)) it = net.erase(it); else it++; } net.compact(); } timestamp = new_timestamp; } //? Return empty net_info struct if no interfaces was found if (net.empty()) return empty_net; //? Find an interface to display if selected isn't set or valid if (selected_iface.empty() or not v_contains(interfaces, selected_iface)) { max_count["download"][0] = max_count["download"][1] = max_count["upload"][0] = max_count["upload"][1] = 0; redraw = true; if (net_auto) rescale = true; if (not config_iface.empty() and v_contains(interfaces, config_iface)) selected_iface = config_iface; else { //? Sort interfaces by total upload + download bytes auto sorted_interfaces = interfaces; rng::sort(sorted_interfaces, [&](const auto& a, const auto& b){ return cmp_greater(net.at(a).stat["download"].total + net.at(a).stat["upload"].total, net.at(b).stat["download"].total + net.at(b).stat["upload"].total); }); selected_iface.clear(); //? Try to set to a connected interface for (const auto& iface : sorted_interfaces) { if (net.at(iface).connected) selected_iface = iface; break; } //? If no interface is connected set to first available if (selected_iface.empty() and not sorted_interfaces.empty()) selected_iface = sorted_interfaces.at(0); else if (sorted_interfaces.empty()) return empty_net; } } //? Calculate max scale for graphs if needed if (net_auto) { bool sync = false; for (const auto& dir: {"download", "upload"}) { for (const auto& sel : {0, 1}) { if (rescale or max_count[dir][sel] >= 5) { const long long avg_speed = (net[selected_iface].bandwidth[dir].size() > 5 ? std::accumulate(net.at(selected_iface).bandwidth.at(dir).rbegin(), net.at(selected_iface).bandwidth.at(dir).rbegin() + 5, 0ll) / 5 : net[selected_iface].stat[dir].speed); graph_max[dir] = max(uint64_t(avg_speed * (sel == 0 ? 1.3 : 3.0)), (uint64_t)10 << 10); max_count[dir][0] = max_count[dir][1] = 0; redraw = true; if (net_sync) sync = true; break; } } //? Sync download/upload graphs if enabled if (sync) { const auto other = (string(dir) == "upload" ? "download" : "upload"); graph_max[other] = graph_max[dir]; max_count[other][0] = max_count[other][1] = 0; break; } } } rescale = false; return net.at(selected_iface); } } namespace Proc { vector current_procs; unordered_flat_map uid_user; string current_sort; string current_filter; bool current_rev{}; // defaults to false fs::file_time_type passwd_time; uint64_t cputimes; int collapse = -1, expand = -1; uint64_t old_cputimes{}; // defaults to 0 atomic numpids{}; // defaults to 0 int filter_found{}; // defaults to 0 detail_container detailed; constexpr size_t KTHREADD = 2; static robin_hood::unordered_set kernels_procs = {KTHREADD}; //* Get detailed info for selected process void _collect_details(const size_t pid, const uint64_t uptime, vector& procs) { fs::path pid_path = Shared::procPath / std::to_string(pid); if (pid != detailed.last_pid) { detailed = {}; detailed.last_pid = pid; detailed.skip_smaps = not Config::getB("proc_info_smaps"); } //? Copy proc_info for process from proc vector auto p_info = rng::find(procs, pid, &proc_info::pid); detailed.entry = *p_info; //? Update cpu percent deque for process cpu graph if (not Config::getB("proc_per_core")) detailed.entry.cpu_p *= Shared::coreCount; detailed.cpu_percent.push_back(clamp((long long)round(detailed.entry.cpu_p), 0ll, 100ll)); while (cmp_greater(detailed.cpu_percent.size(), width)) detailed.cpu_percent.pop_front(); //? Process runtime detailed.elapsed = sec_to_dhms(uptime - (detailed.entry.cpu_s / Shared::clkTck)); if (detailed.elapsed.size() > 8) detailed.elapsed.resize(detailed.elapsed.size() - 3); //? Get parent process name if (detailed.parent.empty()) { auto p_entry = rng::find(procs, detailed.entry.ppid, &proc_info::pid); if (p_entry != procs.end()) detailed.parent = p_entry->name; } //? Expand process status from single char to explanative string detailed.status = (proc_states.contains(detailed.entry.state)) ? proc_states.at(detailed.entry.state) : "Unknown"; ifstream d_read; string short_str; //? Try to get RSS mem from proc/[pid]/smaps detailed.memory.clear(); if (not detailed.skip_smaps and fs::exists(pid_path / "smaps")) { d_read.open(pid_path / "smaps"); uint64_t rss = 0; try { while (d_read.good()) { d_read.ignore(SSmax, 'R'); if (d_read.peek() == 's') { d_read.ignore(SSmax, ':'); getline(d_read, short_str, 'k'); rss += stoull(short_str); } } if (rss == detailed.entry.mem >> 10) detailed.skip_smaps = true; else { detailed.mem_bytes.push_back(rss << 10); detailed.memory = floating_humanizer(rss, false, 1); } } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {} d_read.close(); } if (detailed.memory.empty()) { detailed.mem_bytes.push_back(detailed.entry.mem); detailed.memory = floating_humanizer(detailed.entry.mem); } if (detailed.first_mem == -1 or detailed.first_mem < detailed.mem_bytes.back() / 2 or detailed.first_mem > detailed.mem_bytes.back() * 4) { detailed.first_mem = min((uint64_t)detailed.mem_bytes.back() * 2, Mem::get_totalMem()); redraw = true; } while (cmp_greater(detailed.mem_bytes.size(), width)) detailed.mem_bytes.pop_front(); //? Get bytes read and written from proc/[pid]/io if (fs::exists(pid_path / "io")) { d_read.open(pid_path / "io"); try { string name; while (d_read.good()) { getline(d_read, name, ':'); if (name.ends_with("read_bytes")) { getline(d_read, short_str); detailed.io_read = floating_humanizer(stoull(short_str)); } else if (name.ends_with("write_bytes")) { getline(d_read, short_str); detailed.io_write = floating_humanizer(stoull(short_str)); break; } else d_read.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {} d_read.close(); } } //* Collects and sorts process information from /proc auto collect(bool no_update) -> vector& { if (Runner::stopping) return current_procs; const auto& sorting = Config::getS("proc_sorting"); auto reverse = Config::getB("proc_reversed"); const auto& filter = Config::getS("proc_filter"); auto per_core = Config::getB("proc_per_core"); auto should_filter_kernel = Config::getB("proc_filter_kernel"); auto tree = Config::getB("proc_tree"); auto show_detailed = Config::getB("show_detailed"); const size_t detailed_pid = Config::getI("detailed_pid"); bool should_filter = current_filter != filter; if (should_filter) current_filter = filter; bool sorted_change = (sorting != current_sort or reverse != current_rev or should_filter); if (sorted_change) { current_sort = sorting; current_rev = reverse; } ifstream pread; string long_string; string short_str; static vector found; const double uptime = system_uptime(); const int cmult = (per_core) ? Shared::coreCount : 1; bool got_detailed = false; static size_t proc_clear_count{}; // defaults to 0 //* Use pids from last update if only changing filter, sorting or tree options if (no_update and not current_procs.empty()) { if (show_detailed and detailed_pid != detailed.last_pid) _collect_details(detailed_pid, round(uptime), current_procs); } //* ---------------------------------------------Collection start---------------------------------------------- else { should_filter = true; found.clear(); //? First make sure kernel proc cache is cleared. if (should_filter_kernel and ++proc_clear_count >= 256) { //? Clearing the cache is used in the event of a pid wrap around. //? In that event processes that acquire old kernel pids would also be filtered out so we need to manually clean the cache every now and then. kernels_procs.clear(); kernels_procs.emplace(KTHREADD); proc_clear_count = 0; } auto totalMem = Mem::get_totalMem(); int totalMem_len = to_string(totalMem >> 10).size(); //? Update uid_user map if /etc/passwd changed since last run if (not Shared::passwd_path.empty() and fs::last_write_time(Shared::passwd_path) != passwd_time) { string r_uid, r_user; passwd_time = fs::last_write_time(Shared::passwd_path); uid_user.clear(); pread.open(Shared::passwd_path); if (pread.good()) { while (pread.good()) { getline(pread, r_user, ':'); pread.ignore(SSmax, ':'); getline(pread, r_uid, ':'); if (uid_user.contains(r_uid)) break; uid_user[r_uid] = r_user; pread.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } } else { Shared::passwd_path.clear(); } pread.close(); } //? Get cpu total times from /proc/stat cputimes = 0; pread.open(Shared::procPath / "stat"); if (pread.good()) { pread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); for (uint64_t times; pread >> times; cputimes += times); } else throw std::runtime_error("Failure to read /proc/stat"); pread.close(); //? Iterate over all pids in /proc for (const auto& d: fs::directory_iterator(Shared::procPath)) { if (Runner::stopping) return current_procs; if (pread.is_open()) pread.close(); const string pid_str = d.path().filename(); if (not isdigit(pid_str[0])) continue; const size_t pid = stoul(pid_str); if (should_filter_kernel and kernels_procs.contains(pid)) { continue; } found.push_back(pid); //? Check if pid already exists in current_procs auto find_old = rng::find(current_procs, pid, &proc_info::pid); bool no_cache{}; // defaults to false if (find_old == current_procs.end()) { current_procs.push_back({pid}); find_old = current_procs.end() - 1; no_cache = true; } auto& new_proc = *find_old; //? Get program name, command and username if (no_cache) { pread.open(d.path() / "comm"); if (not pread.good()) continue; getline(pread, new_proc.name); pread.close(); //? Check for whitespace characters in name and set offset to get correct fields from stat file new_proc.name_offset = rng::count(new_proc.name, ' '); pread.open(d.path() / "cmdline"); if (not pread.good()) continue; long_string.clear(); while(getline(pread, long_string, '\0')) { new_proc.cmd += long_string + ' '; if (new_proc.cmd.size() > 1000) { new_proc.cmd.resize(1000); break; } } pread.close(); if (not new_proc.cmd.empty()) new_proc.cmd.pop_back(); pread.open(d.path() / "status"); if (not pread.good()) continue; string uid; string line; while (pread.good()) { getline(pread, line, ':'); if (line == "Uid") { pread.ignore(); getline(pread, uid, '\t'); break; } else { pread.ignore(SSmax, '\n'); } } pread.close(); if (uid_user.contains(uid)) { new_proc.user = uid_user.at(uid); } else { #if !(defined(STATIC_BUILD) && defined(__GLIBC__)) try { struct passwd* udet; udet = getpwuid(stoi(uid)); if (udet != NULL and udet->pw_name != NULL) { new_proc.user = string(udet->pw_name); } else { new_proc.user = uid; } } catch (...) { new_proc.user = uid; } #else new_proc.user = uid; #endif } } //? Parse /proc/[pid]/stat pread.open(d.path() / "stat"); if (not pread.good()) continue; const auto& offset = new_proc.name_offset; short_str.clear(); int x = 0, next_x = 3; uint64_t cpu_t = 0; try { for (;;) { while (pread.good() and ++x < next_x + offset) pread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); if (not pread.good()) break; else getline(pread, short_str, ' '); switch (x-offset) { case 3: //? Process state new_proc.state = short_str.at(0); if (new_proc.ppid != 0) next_x = 14; continue; case 4: //? Parent pid new_proc.ppid = stoull(short_str); next_x = 14; continue; case 14: //? Process utime cpu_t = stoull(short_str); continue; case 15: //? Process stime cpu_t += stoull(short_str); next_x = 19; continue; case 19: //? Nice value new_proc.p_nice = stoll(short_str); continue; case 20: //? Number of threads new_proc.threads = stoull(short_str); if (new_proc.cpu_s == 0) { next_x = 22; new_proc.cpu_t = cpu_t; } else next_x = 24; continue; case 22: //? Get cpu seconds if missing new_proc.cpu_s = stoull(short_str); next_x = 24; continue; case 24: //? RSS memory (can be inaccurate, but parsing smaps increases total cpu usage by ~20x) if (cmp_greater(short_str.size(), totalMem_len)) new_proc.mem = totalMem; else new_proc.mem = stoull(short_str) * Shared::pageSize; } break; } } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) { continue; } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { continue; } pread.close(); if (should_filter_kernel and new_proc.ppid == KTHREADD) { kernels_procs.emplace(new_proc.pid); found.pop_back(); } if (x-offset < 24) continue; //? Get RSS memory from /proc/[pid]/statm if value from /proc/[pid]/stat looks wrong if (new_proc.mem >= totalMem) { pread.open(d.path() / "statm"); if (not pread.good()) continue; pread.ignore(SSmax, ' '); pread >> new_proc.mem; new_proc.mem *= Shared::pageSize; pread.close(); } //? Process cpu usage since last update new_proc.cpu_p = clamp(round(cmult * 1000 * (cpu_t - new_proc.cpu_t) / max((uint64_t)1, cputimes - old_cputimes)) / 10.0, 0.0, 100.0 * Shared::coreCount); //? Process cumulative cpu usage since process start new_proc.cpu_c = (double)cpu_t / max(1.0, (uptime * Shared::clkTck) - new_proc.cpu_s); //? Update cached value with latest cpu times new_proc.cpu_t = cpu_t; if (show_detailed and not got_detailed and new_proc.pid == detailed_pid) { got_detailed = true; } } //? Clear dead processes from current_procs and remove kernel processes if enabled auto eraser = rng::remove_if(current_procs, [&](const auto& element){ return not v_contains(found, element.pid); }); current_procs.erase(eraser.begin(), eraser.end()); //? Update the details info box for process if active if (show_detailed and got_detailed) { _collect_details(detailed_pid, round(uptime), current_procs); } else if (show_detailed and not got_detailed and detailed.status != "Dead") { detailed.status = "Dead"; redraw = true; } old_cputimes = cputimes; } //* ---------------------------------------------Collection done----------------------------------------------- //* Match filter if defined if (should_filter) { filter_found = 0; for (auto& p : current_procs) { if (not tree and not filter.empty()) { if (not s_contains_ic(to_string(p.pid), filter) and not s_contains_ic(p.name, filter) and not s_contains_ic(p.cmd, filter) and not s_contains_ic(p.user, filter)) { p.filtered = true; filter_found++; } else { p.filtered = false; } } else { p.filtered = false; } } } //* Sort processes if (sorted_change or not no_update) { proc_sorter(current_procs, sorting, reverse, tree); } //* Generate tree view if enabled if (tree and (not no_update or should_filter or sorted_change)) { bool locate_selection = false; if (auto find_pid = (collapse != -1 ? collapse : expand); find_pid != -1) { auto collapser = rng::find(current_procs, find_pid, &proc_info::pid); if (collapser != current_procs.end()) { if (collapse == expand) { collapser->collapsed = not collapser->collapsed; } else if (collapse > -1) { collapser->collapsed = true; } else if (expand > -1) { collapser->collapsed = false; } if (Config::ints.at("proc_selected") > 0) locate_selection = true; } collapse = expand = -1; } if (should_filter or not filter.empty()) filter_found = 0; vector tree_procs; tree_procs.reserve(current_procs.size()); for (auto& p : current_procs) { if (not v_contains(found, p.ppid)) p.ppid = 0; } //? Stable sort to retain selected sorting among processes with the same parent rng::stable_sort(current_procs, rng::less{}, & proc_info::ppid); //? Start recursive iteration over processes with the lowest shared parent pids for (auto& p : rng::equal_range(current_procs, current_procs.at(0).ppid, rng::less{}, &proc_info::ppid)) { _tree_gen(p, current_procs, tree_procs, 0, false, filter, false, no_update, should_filter); } //? Recursive sort over tree structure to account for collapsed processes in the tree int index = 0; tree_sort(tree_procs, sorting, reverse, index, current_procs.size()); //? Add tree begin symbol to first item if childless if (tree_procs.size() > 0 and tree_procs.front().children.empty() and tree_procs.front().entry.get().prefix.size() >= 8) tree_procs.front().entry.get().prefix.replace(tree_procs.front().entry.get().prefix.size() - 8, 8, " ┌─ "); //? Add tree terminator symbol to last item if childless if (tree_procs.size() > 0 and tree_procs.back().children.empty() and tree_procs.back().entry.get().prefix.size() >= 8) tree_procs.back().entry.get().prefix.replace(tree_procs.back().entry.get().prefix.size() - 8, 8, " └─ "); //? Final sort based on tree index rng::sort(current_procs, rng::less{}, & proc_info::tree_index); //? Move current selection/view to the selected process when collapsing/expanding in the tree if (locate_selection) { int loc = rng::find(current_procs, Proc::selected_pid, &proc_info::pid)->tree_index; if (Config::ints.at("proc_start") >= loc or Config::ints.at("proc_start") <= loc - Proc::select_max) Config::ints.at("proc_start") = max(0, loc - 1); Config::ints.at("proc_selected") = loc - Config::ints.at("proc_start") + 1; } } numpids = (int)current_procs.size() - filter_found; return current_procs; } } namespace Tools { double system_uptime() { string upstr; ifstream pread(Shared::procPath / "uptime"); if (pread.good()) { try { getline(pread, upstr, ' '); pread.close(); return stod(upstr); } catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {} } throw std::runtime_error("Failed get uptime from " + string{Shared::procPath} + "/uptime"); } }