#Bashtop "whiteout" theme #by aristocratos # Colors should be in 6 or 2 character hexadecimal or single spaced rgb decimal: "#RRGGBB", "#BW" or "0-255 0-255 0-255" # example for white: "#FFFFFF", "#ff" or "255 255 255". # All graphs and meters can be gradients # For single color graphs leave "mid" and "end" variable empty. # Use "start" and "end" variables for two color gradient # Use "start", "mid" and "end" for three color gradient # Main background, empty for terminal default, need to be empty if you want transparent background theme[main_bg]="#ff" # Main text color theme[main_fg]="#30" # Title color for boxes theme[title]="#10" # Higlight color for keyboard shortcuts theme[hi_fg]="#284d75" # Background color of selected item in processes box theme[selected_bg]="#15283d" # Foreground color of selected item in processes box theme[selected_fg]="#ff" # Color of inactive/disabled text theme[inactive_fg]="#dd" # Misc colors for processes box including mini cpu graphs, details memory graph and details status text theme[proc_misc]="#03521d" # Cpu box outline color theme[cpu_box]="#1a361e" # Memory/disks box outline color theme[mem_box]="#3d3c14" # Net up/down box outline color theme[net_box]="#1a1742" # Processes box outline color theme[proc_box]="#3b1515" # Box divider line and small boxes line color theme[div_line]="#80" # Temperature graph colors theme[temp_start]="#184567" theme[temp_mid]="#122c87" theme[temp_end]="#9e0061" # CPU graph colors theme[cpu_start]="#0b8e44" theme[cpu_mid]="#a49104" theme[cpu_end]="#8d0202" # Mem/Disk free meter theme[free_start]="#b0d090" theme[free_mid]="#70ba26" theme[free_end]="#496600" # Mem/Disk cached meter theme[cached_start]="#26c5ff" theme[cached_mid]="#74e6fc" theme[cached_end]="#0b1a29" # Mem/Disk available meter theme[available_start]="#ffb814" theme[available_mid]="#ffd77a" theme[available_end]="#292107" # Mem/Disk used meter theme[used_start]="#ff4769" theme[used_mid]="#d9626d" theme[used_end]="#3b1f1c" # Download graph colors theme[download_start]="#8d82de" theme[download_mid]="#413786" theme[download_end]="#130f29" # Upload graph colors theme[upload_start]="#f590f9" theme[upload_mid]="#722e76" theme[upload_end]="#2b062d"