/* Copyright 2021 Aristocratos (jakob@qvantnet.com) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. indent = tab tab-size = 4 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::round, std::vector, robin_hood::unordered_flat_map, std::stoi, std::views::iota, std::array, std::clamp, std::max, std::min, std::ceil, std::to_string; using namespace Tools; namespace rng = std::ranges; namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace Theme { fs::path theme_dir; fs::path user_theme_dir; vector themes; const unordered_flat_map Default_theme = { { "main_bg", "#00" }, { "main_fg", "#cc" }, { "title", "#ee" }, { "hi_fg", "#969696" }, { "selected_bg", "#7e2626" }, { "selected_fg", "#ee" }, { "inactive_fg", "#40" }, { "graph_text", "#60" }, { "meter_bg", "#40" }, { "proc_misc", "#0de756" }, { "cpu_box", "#3d7b46" }, { "mem_box", "#8a882e" }, { "net_box", "#423ba5" }, { "proc_box", "#923535" }, { "div_line", "#30" }, { "temp_start", "#4897d4" }, { "temp_mid", "#5474e8" }, { "temp_end", "#ff40b6" }, { "cpu_start", "#50f095" }, { "cpu_mid", "#f2e266" }, { "cpu_end", "#fa1e1e" }, { "free_start", "#223014" }, { "free_mid", "#b5e685" }, { "free_end", "#dcff85" }, { "cached_start", "#0b1a29" }, { "cached_mid", "#74e6fc" }, { "cached_end", "#26c5ff" }, { "available_start", "#292107" }, { "available_mid", "#ffd77a" }, { "available_end", "#ffb814" }, { "used_start", "#3b1f1c" }, { "used_mid", "#d9626d" }, { "used_end", "#ff4769" }, { "download_start", "#231a63" }, { "download_mid", "#4f43a3" }, { "download_end", "#b0a9de" }, { "upload_start", "#510554" }, { "upload_mid", "#7d4180" }, { "upload_end", "#dcafde" }, { "process_start", "#80d0a3" }, { "process_mid", "#dcd179" }, { "process_end", "#d45454" } }; const unordered_flat_map TTY_theme = { { "main_bg", "\x1b[40m" }, { "main_fg", "\x1b[37m" }, { "title", "\x1b[97m" }, { "hi_fg", "\x1b[31m" }, { "selected_bg", "\x1b[41m" }, { "selected_fg", "\x1b[97m" }, { "inactive_fg", "\x1b[90m" }, { "graph_text", "\x1b[37m" }, { "meter_bg", "\x1b[90m" }, { "proc_misc", "\x1b[92m" }, { "cpu_box", "\x1b[32m" }, { "mem_box", "\x1b[33m" }, { "net_box", "\x1b[35m" }, { "proc_box", "\x1b[31m" }, { "div_line", "\x1b[90m" }, { "temp_start", "\x1b[94m" }, { "temp_mid", "\x1b[96m" }, { "temp_end", "\x1b[95m" }, { "cpu_start", "\x1b[92m" }, { "cpu_mid", "\x1b[93m" }, { "cpu_end", "\x1b[91m" }, { "free_start", "\x1b[32m" }, { "free_mid", "" }, { "free_end", "\x1b[92m" }, { "cached_start", "\x1b[36m" }, { "cached_mid", "" }, { "cached_end", "\x1b[96m" }, { "available_start", "\x1b[33m" }, { "available_mid", "" }, { "available_end", "\x1b[93m" }, { "used_start", "\x1b[31m" }, { "used_mid", "" }, { "used_end", "\x1b[91m" }, { "download_start", "\x1b[34m" }, { "download_mid", "" }, { "download_end", "\x1b[94m" }, { "upload_start", "\x1b[35m" }, { "upload_mid", "" }, { "upload_end", "\x1b[95m" }, { "process_start", "\x1b[32m" }, { "process_mid", "\x1b[33m" }, { "process_end", "\x1b[31m" } }; namespace { //* Convert 24-bit colors to 256 colors using 6x6x6 color cube int truecolor_to_256(int r, int g, int b){ if (round((double)r / 11) == round((double)g / 11) && round((double)g / 11) == round((double)b / 11)) { return 232 + round((double)r / 11); } else { return round((double)r / 51) * 36 + round((double)g / 51) * 6 + round((double)b / 51) + 16; } } } string hex_to_color(string hexa, bool t_to_256, string depth){ if (hexa.size() > 1){ hexa.erase(0, 1); for (auto& c : hexa) if (!isxdigit(c)) { Logger::error("Invalid hex value: " + hexa); return ""; } string pre = Fx::e + (depth == "fg" ? "38" : "48") + ";" + (t_to_256 ? "5;" : "2;"); if (hexa.size() == 2){ int h_int = stoi(hexa, 0, 16); if (t_to_256){ return pre + to_string(truecolor_to_256(h_int, h_int, h_int)) + "m"; } else { string h_str = to_string(h_int); return pre + h_str + ";" + h_str + ";" + h_str + "m"; } } else if (hexa.size() == 6){ if (t_to_256){ return pre + to_string(truecolor_to_256( stoi(hexa.substr(0, 2), 0, 16), stoi(hexa.substr(2, 2), 0, 16), stoi(hexa.substr(4, 2), 0, 16))) + "m"; } else { return pre + to_string(stoi(hexa.substr(0, 2), 0, 16)) + ";" + to_string(stoi(hexa.substr(2, 2), 0, 16)) + ";" + to_string(stoi(hexa.substr(4, 2), 0, 16)) + "m"; } } else Logger::error("Invalid size of hex value: " + hexa); } else Logger::error("Hex value missing: " + hexa); return ""; } string dec_to_color(int r, int g, int b, bool t_to_256, string depth){ string pre = Fx::e + (depth == "fg" ? "38" : "48") + ";" + (t_to_256 ? "5;" : "2;"); r = std::clamp(r, 0, 255); g = std::clamp(g, 0, 255); b = std::clamp(b, 0, 255); if (t_to_256) return pre + to_string(truecolor_to_256(r, g, b)) + "m"; else return pre + to_string(r) + ";" + to_string(g) + ";" + to_string(b) + "m"; } array esc_to_rgb(string c_string){ array rgb = {-1, -1, -1}; if (c_string.size() >= 14){ c_string.erase(0, 7); auto c_split = ssplit(c_string, ';'); if (c_split.size() == 3){ rgb[0] = stoi(c_split[0]); rgb[1] = stoi(c_split[1]); rgb[2] = stoi(c_split[2].erase(c_split[2].size())); } } return rgb; } namespace { unordered_flat_map colors; unordered_flat_map> rgbs; unordered_flat_map> gradients; //* Convert hex color to a array of decimals array hex_to_dec(string hexa){ if (hexa.size() > 1){ hexa.erase(0, 1); for (auto& c : hexa) if (!isxdigit(c)) return array{-1, -1, -1}; if (hexa.size() == 2){ int h_int = stoi(hexa, 0, 16); return array{h_int, h_int, h_int}; } else if (hexa.size() == 6){ return array{ stoi(hexa.substr(0, 2), 0, 16), stoi(hexa.substr(2, 2), 0, 16), stoi(hexa.substr(4, 2), 0, 16) }; } } return {-1 ,-1 ,-1}; } //* Generate colors and rgb decimal vectors for the theme void generateColors(unordered_flat_map source){ vector t_rgb; string depth; bool t_to_256 = !Config::getB("truecolor"); colors.clear(); rgbs.clear(); for (auto& [name, color] : Default_theme) { depth = (name.ends_with("bg") && name != "meter_bg") ? "bg" : "fg"; if (source.contains(name)) { if (source.at(name)[0] == '#') { colors[name] = hex_to_color(source.at(name), t_to_256, depth); rgbs[name] = hex_to_dec(source.at(name)); } else { t_rgb = ssplit(source.at(name)); if (t_rgb.size() != 3) Logger::error("Invalid RGB decimal value: \"" + source.at(name) + "\""); else { colors[name] = dec_to_color(stoi(t_rgb[0]), stoi(t_rgb[1]), stoi(t_rgb[2]), t_to_256, depth); rgbs[name] = array{stoi(t_rgb[0]), stoi(t_rgb[1]), stoi(t_rgb[2])}; } } } if (colors[name].empty()) { Logger::info("Missing color value for \"" + name + "\". Using value from default."); colors[name] = hex_to_color(color, t_to_256, depth); rgbs[name] = array{-1, -1, -1}; } } } //* Generate color gradients from two or three colors, 101 values indexed 0-100 void generateGradients(){ gradients.clear(); array c_gradient; bool t_to_256 = !Config::getB("truecolor"); for (auto& [name, source_arr] : rgbs) { if (!name.ends_with("_start")) continue; array, 101> dec_arr; dec_arr[0][0] = -1; string wname = rtrim(name, "_start"); array, 3> rgb_arr = {source_arr, rgbs[wname + "_mid"], rgbs[wname + "_end"]}; //? Only start iteration if gradient has a _end color value defined if (rgb_arr[2][0] >= 0) { //? Split iteration in two passes of 50 + 51 instead of 101 if gradient has _start, _mid and _end values defined int rng = (rgb_arr[1][0] >= 0) ? 50 : 100; for (int rgb : iota(0, 3)){ int arr1 = 0, offset = 0; int arr2 = (rng == 50) ? 1 : 2; for (int i : iota(0, 101)) { dec_arr[i][rgb] = rgb_arr[arr1][rgb] + (i - offset) * (rgb_arr[arr2][rgb] - rgb_arr[arr1][rgb]) / rng; //? Switch source arrays from _start/_mid to _mid/_end at 50 passes if _mid is defined if (i == rng) { ++arr1; ++arr2; offset = 50;} } } } if (dec_arr[0][0] != -1) { int y = 0; for (auto& arr : dec_arr) c_gradient[y++] = dec_to_color(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], t_to_256); } else { //? If only _start was defined fill array with _start color c_gradient.fill(colors[name]); } gradients[wname].swap(c_gradient); } } void generateTTYColors(){ rgbs.clear(); colors = TTY_theme; gradients.clear(); for (auto& c : colors) { if (!c.first.ends_with("_start")) continue; string base_name = rtrim(c.first, "_start"); string section = "_start"; int split = colors.at(base_name + "_mid").empty() ? 50 : 33; for (int i : iota(0, 101)) { gradients[base_name][i] = colors.at(base_name + section); if (i == split) { if (split == 50 || split == 66) section = "_end"; else { section = "_mid"; split *= 2; } } } } } auto loadFile(string filename){ unordered_flat_map out; return out; } } void updateThemes(){ } //* Set current theme using map void set(string theme){ if (theme == "TTY" || Config::getB("tty_mode")) generateTTYColors(); else { generateColors((theme == "Default" ? Default_theme : loadFile(theme))); generateGradients(); } Term::fg = colors.at("main_fg"); Term::bg = colors.at("main_bg"); Fx::reset = Fx::reset_base + Term::fg + Term::bg; } //* Return escape code for color const string& c(string name){ return colors.at(name); } //* Return array of escape codes for color gradient const array& g(string name){ return gradients.at(name); } //* Return array of red, green and blue in decimal for color const std::array& dec(string name){ return rgbs.at(name); } robin_hood::unordered_flat_map& test_colors(){ return colors; } robin_hood::unordered_flat_map>& test_gradients(){ return gradients; } }