Switch from vectors to arrays when size is known

This commit is contained in:
aristocratos 2021-05-18 01:16:22 +02:00
parent e040e6bb74
commit 9b837535bd
4 changed files with 58 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -189,19 +189,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
cout << Theme::c("main_fg") << Theme::c("main_bg") << Term::clear << endl;
cout << Mv::r(Term::width / 2 - Global::banner_width / 2) << Global::banner << endl;
cout << string(Term::width - 1, '-') << endl;
//* Test boxes
if (true){
cout << Box::draw(Box::Conf(10, 5, 50, 10, Theme::c("title"), "testing", "testagain", true, 7)) << Mv::d(12) << endl;
// cout << string(Term::width - 1, '-') << endl;
int ill;
for (int i : iota(0, (int)Term::width)){
ill = (i <= (int)Term::width / 2) ? i : ill - 1;
cout << Theme::g("used")[ill] << "-";
cout << Fx::reset << endl;
//* Test theme
if (false) {
if (true) {
cout << "Theme generation took " << time_ms() - thts << "ms" << endl;
cout << "Colors:" << endl;
@ -287,11 +285,20 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
vector<string> sorting;
bool reversing = false;
int sortint = Proc::sort_map["cpu lazy"];
vector<string> greyscale;
string filter;
string filter_cur;
string key;
cout << rjust("Pid:", 8) << " " << ljust("Program:", 16) << " " << ljust("Command:", Term::width - 69) << " Threads: " <<
ljust("User:", 10) << " " << rjust("MemB", 5) << " " << rjust("Cpu%", 14) << "\n" << Mv::save << flush;
int xc;
for (uint i : iota(0, (int)Term::height - 19)){
xc = 230 - i * 150 / (Term::height - 20);
greyscale.push_back(Theme::dec_to_color(xc, xc, xc));
string pbox = Box::draw(Box::Conf(0, 10, Term::width, Term::height - 16, Theme::c("proc_box"), "testbox", "below", true, 7));
pbox += rjust("Pid:", 8) + " " + ljust("Program:", 16) + " " + ljust("Command:", Term::width - 69) + " Threads: " +
ljust("User:", 10) + " " + rjust("MemB", 5) + " " + rjust("Cpu%", 14) + "\n";
while (key != "q") {
timestamp = time_ms();
@ -302,18 +309,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
lc = 0;
filter_cur = (filtering) ? Fx::bl + "" + Fx::reset : "";
cout << Mv::restore << Mv::u(2) << Mv::r(20) << rjust("Filter: " + filter + filter_cur + string(Term::width / 3, ' ') +
"Sorting: " + Proc::sort_vector[sortint], Term::width - 22, true, filtering) << Mv::restore << flush;
ostring = Mv::save + Mv::u(2) + Mv::r(20) + trans(rjust("Filter: " + filter + filter_cur + string(Term::width / 3, ' ') +
"Sorting: " + string(Proc::sort_vector[sortint]), Term::width - 25, true, filtering)) + Mv::restore;
for (Proc::proc_info& procs : plist){
ostring += rjust(to_string(procs.pid), 8) + " " + ljust(procs.name, 16) + " " + ljust(procs.cmd, Term::width - 66, true) + " " +
ostring += Mv::r(1) + greyscale[lc] + rjust(to_string(procs.pid), 8) + " " + ljust(procs.name, 16) + " " + ljust(procs.cmd, Term::width - 66, true) + " " +
rjust(to_string(procs.threads), 5) + " " + ljust(procs.user, 10) + " " + rjust(floating_humanizer(procs.mem, true), 5) + string(11, ' ');
ostring += (procs.cpu_p > 100) ? rjust(to_string(procs.cpu_p), 3) + " " : rjust(to_string(procs.cpu_p), 4);
ostring += "\n";
if (lc++ > Term::height - 20) break;
if (lc++ > Term::height - 21) break;
cout << Mv::restore << ostring << Term::clear_end << endl;
cout << pbox << ostring << Fx::reset << "\n" << endl;
cout << "Processes call took: " << timestamp << "ms. Drawing took: " << time_ms() - timestamp2 << "ms." << endl;
while (time_ms() < tsl) {

View file

@ -64,17 +64,21 @@ namespace Box {
//* Draw corners
out += Mv::to(c.y, c.x) + Symbols::left_up +
Mv::to(c.y, c.x + c.width - 1) + Symbols::right_up +
Mv::to(c.y, c.x + c.width) + Symbols::right_up +
Mv::to(c.y + c.height - 1, c.x) + Symbols::left_down +
Mv::to(c.y + c.height - 1, c.x + c.width - 1) + Symbols::right_down;
Mv::to(c.y + c.height - 1, c.x + c.width) + Symbols::right_down;
//* Draw titles if defined
if (!c.title.empty()){
out += Mv::to(c.y, c.x + 2) + Symbols::title_left + Fx::b + numbering + Theme::c("title") + c.title +
Fx::ub + lcolor + Symbols::title_right;
if (!c.title2.empty()){
out += Mv::to(c.y + c.height - 1, c.x + 2) + Symbols::title_left + Theme::c("title") + c.title2 +
Fx::ub + lcolor + Symbols::title_right;
return out + Fx::reset + Mv::to(c.y + 1, c.x + 1);
return out + Fx::reset + Mv::to(c.y + 1, c.x + 2);

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ tab-size = 4
#include <btop_tools.h>
#include <btop_config.h>
using std::string, std::round, std::vector, std::map, std::stoi, std::views::iota;
using std::string, std::round, std::vector, std::map, std::stoi, std::views::iota, std::array;
using namespace Tools;
namespace Theme {
@ -116,28 +116,28 @@ namespace Theme {
namespace {
map<string, string> colors;
map<string, vector<int>> rgbs;
map<string, vector<string>> gradients;
map<string, array<int, 3>> rgbs;
map<string, array<string, 101>> gradients;
//* Convert hex color to a vector of decimals
vector<int> hex_to_dec(string hexa){
//* Convert hex color to a array of decimals
array<int, 3> hex_to_dec(string hexa){
if (hexa.size() > 1){
hexa.erase(0, 1);
for (auto& c : hexa) if (!isxdigit(c)) return vector<int>{-1, -1, -1};
for (auto& c : hexa) if (!isxdigit(c)) return array<int, 3>{-1, -1, -1};
if (hexa.size() == 2){
int h_int = stoi(hexa, 0, 16);
return vector<int>{h_int, h_int, h_int};
return array<int, 3>{h_int, h_int, h_int};
else if (hexa.size() == 6){
return vector<int>{
return array<int, 3>{
stoi(hexa.substr(0, 2), 0, 16),
stoi(hexa.substr(2, 2), 0, 16),
stoi(hexa.substr(4, 2), 0, 16)
return vector<int>{-1 ,-1 ,-1};
return array<int, 3>{-1 ,-1 ,-1};
//* Generate colors and rgb decimal vectors for the theme
@ -155,13 +155,13 @@ namespace Theme {
else {
t_rgb = ssplit(source.at(name), " ");
colors[name] = dec_to_color(stoi(t_rgb[0]), stoi(t_rgb[1]), stoi(t_rgb[2]), !Config::getB("truecolor"), depth);
rgbs[name] = vector<int>{stoi(t_rgb[0]), stoi(t_rgb[1]), stoi(t_rgb[2])};
rgbs[name] = array<int, 3>{stoi(t_rgb[0]), stoi(t_rgb[1]), stoi(t_rgb[2])};
else colors[name] = "";
if (colors[name].empty()) {
colors[name] = hex_to_color(color, !Config::getB("truecolor"), depth);
rgbs[name] = vector<int>{-1, -1, -1};
rgbs[name] = array<int, 3>{-1, -1, -1};
@ -169,37 +169,38 @@ namespace Theme {
//* Generate color gradients from one, two or three colors, 101 values indexed 0-100
void generateGradients(){
vector<string> c_gradient;
array<string, 101> c_gradient;
string wname;
vector<vector<int>> rgb_vec;
map<int, vector<int>> dec_map;
int f, s, r, o;
for (auto& [name, s_vector] : rgbs){
dec_map.clear(); c_gradient.clear();
array<array<int, 3>, 3> rgb_arr;
array<array<int, 3>, 101> dec_arr;
int f, s, r, o, y;
for (auto& [name, source_arr] : rgbs){
if (!name.ends_with("_start")) continue;
dec_arr[0][0] = -1;
wname = rtrim(name, "_start");
rgb_vec = {s_vector, rgbs[wname + "_mid"], rgbs[wname + "_end"]};
rgb_arr = {source_arr, rgbs[wname + "_mid"], rgbs[wname + "_end"]};
//? Only start iteration if gradient has a _end color value defined
if (rgb_vec[2][0] >= 0) {
if (rgb_arr[2][0] >= 0) {
//? Split iteration in two passes of 50 + 51 instead of 101 if gradient has _start, _mid and _end values defined
r = (rgb_vec[1][0] >= 0) ? 50 : 100;
r = (rgb_arr[1][0] >= 0) ? 50 : 100;
for (int i : iota(0, 3)){
f = 0; s = (r == 50) ? 1 : 2; o = 0;
for (int c : iota(0, 101)){
dec_map[c].push_back(rgb_vec[f][i] + (c - o) * (rgb_vec[s][i] - rgb_vec[f][i]) / r);
dec_arr[c][i] = rgb_arr[f][i] + (c - o) * (rgb_arr[s][i] - rgb_arr[f][i]) / r;
//? Switch source vectors from _start/_mid to _mid/_end at 50 passes if _mid is defined
//? Switch source arrays from _start/_mid to _mid/_end at 50 passes if _mid is defined
if (c == r) { ++f; ++s; o = 50;}
if (!dec_map.empty()) {
for (auto& vec : dec_map) c_gradient.push_back(dec_to_color(vec.second[0], vec.second[1], vec.second[2], !Config::getB("truecolor")));
y = 0;
if (dec_arr[0][0] != -1) {
for (auto& vec : dec_arr) c_gradient[y++] = dec_to_color(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], !Config::getB("truecolor"));
} else {
//? If only _start was defined create vector of 101 copies of _start color
c_gradient = vector<string>(101, colors[name]);
//? If only _start was defined fill array with _start color
gradients[wname] = c_gradient;

View file

@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ namespace Tools {
str.erase(0, pos);
return (newstr.empty()) ? str : newstr;
return (newstr.empty()) ? str : newstr + str;
//* Convert seconds to format "Xd HH:MM:SS" and return string