Handle GPUs which cannot report certain stats in btop_collect.cpp and CPU panel

This commit is contained in:
romner 2023-05-21 18:02:50 +02:00
parent 005de97e6d
commit 414d7eb94c
4 changed files with 276 additions and 170 deletions

View file

@ -507,17 +507,15 @@ namespace Runner {
//* Run collection and draw functions for all boxes
try {
//? GPU data collection
vector<Gpu::gpu_info> gpus;
bool gpu_in_cpu_panel =
Config::getS("cpu_graph_lower") == "default"
or Config::getS("cpu_graph_lower").rfind("gpu-", 0) == 0
or Config::getS("cpu_graph_upper").rfind("gpu-", 0) == 0;
bool gpu_in_cpu_panel = Config::getS("cpu_graph_lower").rfind("gpu-", 0) == 0
or Config::getS("cpu_graph_upper").rfind("gpu-", 0) == 0;
vector<unsigned int> gpu_panels = {};
for (auto& box : conf.boxes)
if (box.rfind("gpu", 0) == 0)
vector<Gpu::gpu_info> gpus;
if (gpu_in_cpu_panel or not gpu_panels.empty()) {
if (Global::debug) debug_timer("gpu", collect_begin);
gpus = Gpu::collect(conf.no_update);

View file

@ -498,6 +498,7 @@ namespace Cpu {
long unsigned int lavg_str_len = 0;
int graph_up_height, graph_low_height;
int graph_up_width, graph_low_width;
int gpu_meter_width;
bool shown = true, redraw = true, mid_line = false;
string box;
vector<Draw::Graph> graphs_upper;
@ -566,16 +567,25 @@ namespace Cpu {
auto& gpu = gpus[i]; auto& graph = graphs[i];
//? GPU graphs/meters
gpu_temp_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "temp", gpu.temp, graph_symbol, false, false, gpu.temp_max, -23 };
gpu_mem_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "used", gpu.mem_used_percent, graph_symbol };
gpu_meters[i] = Draw::Meter{ b_width - 12 - (int)floating_humanizer(gpu.mem_total, true).size() - (show_temps ? 24 : 12) - (int)to_string(i).size(), "cpu" };
if (++i < gpus.size())
graph = Draw::Graph{graph_width, graph_height, "cpu", gpu.gpu_percent, graph_symbol, invert, true};
else {
graph = Draw::Graph{
graph_width + graph_default_width%graph_width - (int)gpus.size() + 1,
graph_height, "cpu", gpu.gpu_percent, graph_symbol, invert, true
if (gpu.supported_functions.temp_info)
gpu_temp_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "temp", gpu.temp, graph_symbol, false, false, gpu.temp_max, -23 };
if (gpu.supported_functions.mem_used and gpu.supported_functions.mem_total)
gpu_mem_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "used", gpu.mem_used_percent, graph_symbol };
if (gpu.supported_functions.gpu_utilization) {
gpu_meter_width = b_width - 12 - (int)floating_humanizer(gpu.mem_total, true).size() - (show_temps ? 24 : 12) - (int)to_string(i).size() + (gpus.size() == 1)*2 - (gpus.size() > 9 and i <= 9);
gpu_meters[i] = Draw::Meter{gpu_meter_width, "cpu" };
bool utilization_support = gpu.supported_functions.gpu_utilization;
if (++i < gpus.size()) {
if (utilization_support)
graph = Draw::Graph{graph_width, graph_height, "cpu", gpu.gpu_percent, graph_symbol, invert, true};
} else {
if (utilization_support)
graph = Draw::Graph{
graph_width + graph_default_width%graph_width - (int)gpus.size() + 1,
graph_height, "cpu", gpu.gpu_percent, graph_symbol, invert, true
@ -587,9 +597,14 @@ namespace Cpu {
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < gpus.size(); ++i) {
gpu_temp_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "temp", gpus[i].temp, graph_symbol, false, false, gpus[i].temp_max, -23 };
gpu_mem_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "used", gpus[i].mem_used_percent, graph_symbol };
gpu_meters[i] = Draw::Meter{ b_width - 12 - (int)floating_humanizer(gpus[i].mem_total, true).size() - (show_temps ? 24 : 12) - (int)to_string(i).size(), "cpu" };
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.temp_info)
gpu_temp_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "temp", gpus[i].temp, graph_symbol, false, false, gpus[i].temp_max, -23 };
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_used and gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_total)
gpu_mem_graphs[i] = Draw::Graph{ 5, 1, "used", gpus[i].mem_used_percent, graph_symbol };
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization) {
gpu_meter_width = b_width - 12 - (int)floating_humanizer(gpus[i].mem_total, true).size() - (show_temps ? 24 : 12) - (int)to_string(i).size() + (gpus.size() == 1)*2 - (gpus.size() > 9 and i <= 9);
gpu_meters[i] = Draw::Meter{gpu_meter_width, "cpu" };
} else {
@ -675,12 +690,15 @@ namespace Cpu {
auto draw_graphs = [&](vector<Draw::Graph>& graphs, const int graph_height, const int graph_width, const string& graph_field) {
if (graph_field == "gpu-totals")
for (unsigned long i = 0;;) {
out += graphs[i](gpus[i].gpu_percent, (data_same or redraw));
if (gpus.size() > 1) {
auto i_str = to_string(i);
out += Mv::l(graph_width-1) + Mv::u(graph_height/2) + (graph_width > 5 ? "GPU " : "") + i_str
+ Mv::d(graph_height/2) + Mv::r(graph_width - 1 - (graph_width > 5)*4 - i_str.size());
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization) {
out += graphs[i](gpus[i].gpu_percent, (data_same or redraw));
if (gpus.size() > 1) {
auto i_str = to_string(i);
out += Mv::l(graph_width-1) + Mv::u(graph_height/2) + (graph_width > 5 ? "GPU " : "") + i_str
+ Mv::d(graph_height/2) + Mv::r(graph_width - 1 - (graph_width > 5)*4 - i_str.size());
} else out += Mv::d(graph_height/2) + Mv::r(graph_width/2 - 6) + "UNSUPPORTED" + Mv::r(graph_width/2 - 5);
if (++i < graphs.size())
out += Theme::c("div_line") + (Symbols::v_line + Mv::l(1) + Mv::u(1))*graph_height + Mv::r(1) + Mv::d(1);
else break;
@ -790,12 +808,21 @@ namespace Cpu {
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < gpus.size(); ++i) {
if (not v_contains(Gpu::shown_panels, i)) {
out += Mv::to(b_y + b_height - 1 - gpus.size() + ++shown_panels_count - (Gpu::shown == 0), b_x + 1)
+ Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "GPU " + to_string(i) + ' ' + gpu_meters[i](gpus[i].gpu_percent.back())
+ Theme::g("cpu").at(gpus[i].gpu_percent.back()) + rjust(to_string(gpus[i].gpu_percent.back()), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + '%';
out += ' ' + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + graph_bg * 6 + Mv::l(6) + Theme::g("used").at(gpus[i].mem_used_percent.back())
+ gpu_mem_graphs[i](gpus[i].mem_used_percent, data_same or redraw) + Theme::c("main_fg")
+ rjust(floating_humanizer(gpus[i].mem_used, true), 5) + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + '/' + Theme::c("main_fg") + floating_humanizer(gpus[i].mem_total, true);
if (show_temps) {
+ Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::b + "GPU " + (gpus.size() > 1 ? rjust(to_string(i) + ' ', 1 + gpus.size() > 9) : "");
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization)
out += gpu_meters[i](gpus[i].gpu_percent.back())
+ Theme::g("cpu").at(gpus[i].gpu_percent.back()) + rjust(to_string(gpus[i].gpu_percent.back()), 4) + Theme::c("main_fg") + '%';
else out += Mv::r(gpu_meter_width);
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_used) {
out += ' ' + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + graph_bg * 6 + Mv::l(6) + Theme::g("used").at(gpus[i].mem_used_percent.back())
+ gpu_mem_graphs[i](gpus[i].mem_used_percent, data_same or redraw) + Theme::c("main_fg")
+ rjust(floating_humanizer(gpus[i].mem_used, true), 5);
if (gpus[i].supported_functions.mem_total)
out += Theme::c("inactive_fg") + '/' + Theme::c("main_fg") + floating_humanizer(gpus[i].mem_total, true);
else out += Mv::r(5);
} else out += Mv::r(17);
if (show_temps and gpus[i].supported_functions.temp_info) {
const auto [temp, unit] = celsius_to(gpus[i].temp.back(), temp_scale);
out += ' ' + Theme::c("inactive_fg") + graph_bg * 6 + Mv::l(6) + Theme::g("temp").at(clamp(gpus[i].temp.back() * 100 / gpus[i].temp_max, 0ll, 100ll))
+ gpu_temp_graphs[i](gpus[i].temp, data_same or redraw)

View file

@ -104,15 +104,29 @@ namespace Gpu {
unsigned long long mem;
//* Container for supported Gpu::*::collect() functions
struct gpu_info_supported {
bool gpu_utilization = true,
mem_utilization = true,
gpu_clock = true,
mem_clock = true,
pwr_usage = true,
pwr_state = true,
temp_info = true,
mem_total = true,
mem_used = true,
pcie_txrx = true;
//* Per-device container for GPU info
struct gpu_info {
deque<long long> gpu_percent = {0};
unsigned int gpu_clock_speed = 0; // MHz
deque<long long> gpu_percent = {};
unsigned int gpu_clock_speed; // MHz
deque<long long> pwr_percent = {0};
long long pwr_usage = 0; // mW
deque<long long> pwr_percent = {};
long long pwr_usage; // mW
long long pwr_max_usage = 255000;
long long pwr_state = 32;
long long pwr_state;
deque<long long> temp = {0};
long long temp_max = 110;
@ -126,6 +140,8 @@ namespace Gpu {
long long pcie_tx = 0; // KB/s
long long pcie_rx = 0;
gpu_info_supported supported_functions;
// vector<proc_info> graphics_processes = {}; // TODO
// vector<proc_info> compute_processes = {};

View file

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ namespace Gpu {
bool initialized = false;
bool init();
bool shutdown();
template <bool is_init> bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice);
#if defined(GPU_NVIDIA)
vector<nvmlDevice_t> devices;
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ namespace Gpu {
bool initialized = false;
bool init();
bool shutdown();
template <bool is_init> bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice);
uint32_t device_count = 0;
@ -193,6 +195,7 @@ namespace Shared {
Mem::old_uptime = system_uptime();
//? Init for CPU graphs
if (Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_upper") == "default" or not v_contains(Cpu::available_fields, Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_upper")))
Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_upper") = "total";
if (Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower") == "default" or not v_contains(Cpu::available_fields, Config::strings.at("cpu_graph_lower")))
@ -857,18 +860,19 @@ namespace Gpu {
namespace Nvml {
bool init() {
if (initialized) return false;
#if defined(GPU_NVIDIA)
if (initialized) return false;
nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit();
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug(std::string("Failed to initialize NVML, NVIDIA GPUs will not be detected: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
Logger::warning(std::string("Failed to initialize NVML, NVIDIA GPUs will not be detected: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
return false;
//? Device count
result = nvmlDeviceGetCount(&device_count);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device count: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device count: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
return false;
@ -881,7 +885,8 @@ namespace Gpu {
//? Device Handle
result = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i, devices.data() + i*sizeof(nvmlDevice_t));
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device handle: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device handle: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
gpus[i].supported_functions = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
@ -889,7 +894,7 @@ namespace Gpu {
result = nvmlDeviceGetName(devices[i], name, NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device name: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get device name: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else {
gpu_names[i] = string(name);
for (const auto& brand : {"NVIDIA", "Nvidia", "AMD", "Amd", "Intel", "(R)", "(TM)"}) {
@ -902,18 +907,21 @@ namespace Gpu {
unsigned int max_power;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit(devices[i], &max_power);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get maximum GPU power draw, defaulting to 225W: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get maximum GPU power draw, defaulting to 225W: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus[i].pwr_max_usage = max_power;
//? Get temp_max
unsigned int temp_max;
result = nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(devices[i], NVML_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_SHUTDOWN, &temp_max);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get maximum GPU temperature, defaulting to 110: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get maximum GPU temperature, defaulting to 110°C: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus[i].temp_max = (long long)temp_max;
initialized = true;
//? Check supported functions
return true;
} else {initialized = true; shutdown(); return false;}
@ -922,8 +930,8 @@ namespace Gpu {
bool shutdown() {
if (!initialized) return false;
#if defined(GPU_NVIDIA)
if (!initialized) return false;
nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlShutdown();
if (NVML_SUCCESS == result)
initialized = false;
@ -935,102 +943,129 @@ namespace Gpu {
template <bool is_init> // collect<1> is called in Nvml::init(), and populates gpus.supported_functions
bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice) { // raw pointer to vector data, size == device_count
if (!initialized) return false;
#if defined(GPU_NVIDIA)
if (!initialized) return false;
nvmlReturn_t result;
// DebugTimer gpu_nvidia("Nvidia Total");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) {
//? GPU & memory utilization
// DebugTimer nvTimer("Nv utilization");
nvmlUtilization_t utilization;
result = nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(devices[i], &utilization);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU utilization: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} else {
gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.push_back((long long)utilization.gpu);
gpus_slice[i].mem_utilization_percent.push_back((long long)utilization.memory);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization) {
nvmlUtilization_t utilization;
result = nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(devices[i], &utilization);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU utilization: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization = false;
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization = false;
} else {
gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.push_back((long long)utilization.gpu);
gpus_slice[i].mem_utilization_percent.push_back((long long)utilization.memory);
// nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv clock");
//? Clock speeds
unsigned int gpu_clock, mem_clock;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock) {
unsigned int gpu_clock;
result = nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(devices[i], NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS, &gpu_clock);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU clock speed: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].gpu_clock_speed = (long long)gpu_clock;
result = nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(devices[i], NVML_CLOCK_GRAPHICS, &gpu_clock);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU clock speed: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus_slice[i].gpu_clock_speed = (long long)gpu_clock;
result = nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(devices[i], NVML_CLOCK_MEM, &mem_clock);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get VRAM clock speed: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus_slice[i].mem_clock_speed = (long long)mem_clock;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock) {
unsigned int mem_clock;
result = nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(devices[i], NVML_CLOCK_MEM, &mem_clock);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get VRAM clock speed: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].mem_clock_speed = (long long)mem_clock;
// nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv power");
//? Power usage & state
unsigned int power;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage(devices[i], &power);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU power usage: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} else {
gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage = (long long)power;
gpus_slice[i].pwr_percent.push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage), 0ll, 100ll));
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage) {
unsigned int power;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage(devices[i], &power);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU power usage: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage = false;
} else {
gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage = (long long)power;
gpus_slice[i].pwr_percent.push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage), 0ll, 100ll));
nvmlPstates_t pState;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerState(devices[i], &pState);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU power state: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus_slice[i].pwr_state = static_cast<int>(pState);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_state) {
nvmlPstates_t pState;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPowerState(devices[i], &pState);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU power state: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_state = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].pwr_state = static_cast<int>(pState);
// nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv temp");
//? GPU temperature
if (Config::getB("check_temp")) {
unsigned int temp;
nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(devices[i], NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &temp);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU temperature: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus_slice[i].temp.push_back((long long)temp);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info) {
if (Config::getB("check_temp")) {
unsigned int temp;
nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(devices[i], NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &temp);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get GPU temperature: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].temp.push_back((long long)temp);
// nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv mem");
//? Memory info
nvmlMemory_t memory;
result = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(devices[i], &memory);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug(std::string("NVML: Failed to get VRAM info: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} else {
gpus_slice[i].mem_total = memory.total;
gpus_slice[i].mem_used = memory.used;
//gpu.mem_free = memory.free;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total) {
nvmlMemory_t memory;
result = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(devices[i], &memory);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get VRAM info: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total = false;
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_used = false;
} else {
gpus_slice[i].mem_total = memory.total;
gpus_slice[i].mem_used = memory.used;
//gpu.mem_free = memory.free;
auto used_percent = (long long)round((double)memory.used * 100.0 / (double)memory.total);
auto used_percent = (long long)round((double)memory.used * 100.0 / (double)memory.total);
//nvTimer.stop_rename_reset("Nv pcie");
//? PCIe link speeds
unsigned int tx,rx;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput(devices[i], NVML_PCIE_UTIL_TX_BYTES, &tx);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::error(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe TX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus_slice[i].pcie_tx = (long long)tx;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx) {
unsigned int tx,rx;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput(devices[i], NVML_PCIE_UTIL_TX_BYTES, &tx);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe TX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].pcie_tx = (long long)tx;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput(devices[i], NVML_PCIE_UTIL_RX_BYTES, &rx);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS)
Logger::error(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe RX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
else gpus_slice[i].pcie_rx = (long long)rx;
result = nvmlDeviceGetPcieThroughput(devices[i], NVML_PCIE_UTIL_RX_BYTES, &rx);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get PCIe RX throughput: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].pcie_rx = (long long)rx;
//? TODO: Processes using GPU
/*unsigned int proc_info_len;
nvmlProcessInfo_t* proc_info = 0;
result = nvmlDeviceGetComputeRunningProcesses_v3(device, &proc_info_len, proc_info);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::error(std::string("NVML: Failed to get compute processes: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < proc_info_len; ++i)
gpus_slice[i].graphics_processes.push_back({proc_info[i].pid, proc_info[i].usedGpuMemory});
//? TODO: Processes using GPU
/*unsigned int proc_info_len;
nvmlProcessInfo_t* proc_info = 0;
result = nvmlDeviceGetComputeRunningProcesses_v3(device, &proc_info_len, proc_info);
if (result != NVML_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning(std::string("NVML: Failed to get compute processes: ") + nvmlErrorString(result));
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < proc_info_len; ++i)
gpus_slice[i].graphics_processes.push_back({proc_info[i].pid, proc_info[i].usedGpuMemory});
return true;
@ -1044,8 +1079,8 @@ namespace Gpu {
//? AMD
namespace Rsmi {
bool init() {
if (initialized) return false;
#if defined(GPU_AMD)
if (initialized) return false;
rsmi_status_t result;
result = rsmi_init(0);
@ -1057,7 +1092,7 @@ namespace Gpu {
//? Device count
result = rsmi_num_monitor_devices(&device_count);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to fetch number of devices");
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to fetch number of devices");
return false;
@ -1072,25 +1107,28 @@ namespace Gpu {
char name[NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE]; // ROCm SMI does not provide a constant for this as far as I can tell, this should be good enough
result = rsmi_dev_name_get(i, name, NVML_DEVICE_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get device name");
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get device name");
else gpu_names[offset] = string(name);
//? Power usage
uint64_t max_power;
result = rsmi_dev_power_cap_get(i, 0, &max_power);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get maximum GPU power draw, defaulting to 225W");
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get maximum GPU power draw, defaulting to 225W");
else gpus[offset].pwr_max_usage = (long long)(max_power/1000); // RSMI reports power in microWatts
//? Get temp_max
int64_t temp_max;
result = rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get(i, RSMI_TEMP_TYPE_EDGE, RSMI_TEMP_MAX, &temp_max);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get maximum GPU temperature, defaulting to 110");
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get maximum GPU temperature, defaulting to 110");
else gpus[offset].temp_max = (long long)temp_max;
initialized = true;
//? Check supported functions
Rsmi::collect<1>(gpus.data() + Nvml::device_count);
return true;
} else {initialized = true; shutdown(); return false;}
@ -1099,8 +1137,8 @@ namespace Gpu {
bool shutdown() {
if (!initialized) return false;
#if defined(GPU_AMD)
if (!initialized) return false;
if (rsmi_shut_down() == RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
initialized = false;
else Logger::warning("Failed to shutdown ROCm SMI");
@ -1111,84 +1149,110 @@ namespace Gpu {
template <bool is_init>
bool collect(gpu_info* gpus_slice) { // raw pointer to vector data, size == device_count, offset by Nvml::device_count elements
if (!initialized) return false;
#if defined(GPU_AMD)
if (!initialized) return false;
rsmi_status_t result;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) {
//? GPU utilization
uint32_t utilization;
result = rsmi_dev_busy_percent_get(i, &utilization);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU utilization");
gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.push_back((long long)utilization);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization) {
uint32_t utilization;
result = rsmi_dev_busy_percent_get(i, &utilization);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU utilization");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_utilization = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].gpu_percent.push_back((long long)utilization);
//? Memory utilization
result = rsmi_dev_memory_busy_percent_get(i, &utilization);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM utilization");
gpus_slice[i].mem_utilization_percent.push_back((long long)utilization);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization) {
uint32_t utilization;
result = rsmi_dev_memory_busy_percent_get(i, &utilization);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM utilization");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_utilization = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].mem_utilization_percent.push_back((long long)utilization);
//? Clock speeds
rsmi_frequencies_t frequencies;
result = rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(i, RSMI_CLK_TYPE_SYS, &frequencies);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU clock speed: ");
else gpus_slice[i].gpu_clock_speed = (long long)frequencies.frequency[frequencies.current]/1000000; // Hz to MHz
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock) {
rsmi_frequencies_t frequencies;
result = rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(i, RSMI_CLK_TYPE_SYS, &frequencies);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU clock speed: ");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.gpu_clock = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].gpu_clock_speed = (long long)frequencies.frequency[frequencies.current]/1000000; // Hz to MHz
result = rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(i, RSMI_CLK_TYPE_MEM, &frequencies);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM clock speed: ");
else gpus_slice[i].mem_clock_speed = (long long)frequencies.frequency[frequencies.current]/1000000; // Hz to MHz
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock) {
rsmi_frequencies_t frequencies;
result = rsmi_dev_gpu_clk_freq_get(i, RSMI_CLK_TYPE_MEM, &frequencies);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM clock speed: ");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_clock = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].mem_clock_speed = (long long)frequencies.frequency[frequencies.current]/1000000; // Hz to MHz
//? Power usage & state
uint64_t power;
result = rsmi_dev_power_ave_get(i, 0, &power);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU power usage");
gpus_slice[i].pwr_percent.push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage), 0ll, 100ll));
gpus_slice[i].pwr_state = 32; // NVML_PSTATE_UNKNOWN; won't display in GUI
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage) {
uint64_t power;
result = rsmi_dev_power_ave_get(i, 0, &power);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU power usage");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_usage = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].pwr_percent.push_back(clamp((long long)round((double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_usage * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].pwr_max_usage), 0ll, 100ll));
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pwr_state = false;
//? GPU temperature
if (Config::getB("check_temp")) {
int64_t temp;
result = rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get(i, RSMI_TEMP_TYPE_EDGE, RSMI_TEMP_CURRENT, &temp);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU temperature");
else gpus_slice[i].temp.push_back((long long)temp/1000);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info) {
if (Config::getB("check_temp") or is_init) {
int64_t temp;
result = rsmi_dev_temp_metric_get(i, RSMI_TEMP_TYPE_EDGE, RSMI_TEMP_CURRENT, &temp);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get GPU temperature");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.temp_info = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].temp.push_back((long long)temp/1000);
//? Memory info
uint64_t total, used;
result = rsmi_dev_memory_total_get(i, RSMI_MEM_TYPE_VRAM, &total);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get total VRAM");
} else {
gpus_slice[i].mem_total = total;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total) {
uint64_t total;
result = rsmi_dev_memory_total_get(i, RSMI_MEM_TYPE_VRAM, &total);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get total VRAM");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total = false;
} else gpus_slice[i].mem_total = total;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_used) {
uint64_t used;
result = rsmi_dev_memory_usage_get(i, RSMI_MEM_TYPE_VRAM, &used);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM usage");
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get VRAM usage");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_used = false;
} else {
gpus_slice[i].mem_used = used;
auto used_percent = (long long)round((double)used * 100.0 / (double)total);
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.mem_total)
gpus_slice[i].mem_used_percent.push_back((long long)round((double)used * 100.0 / (double)gpus_slice[i].mem_total));
//? PCIe link speeds
uint64_t tx, rx;
result = rsmi_dev_pci_throughput_get(i, &tx, &rx, 0);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::debug("ROCm SMI: Failed to get PCIe throughput");
} else {
gpus_slice[i].pcie_tx = (long long)tx;
gpus_slice[i].pcie_rx = (long long)rx;
if (gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx) {
uint64_t tx, rx;
result = rsmi_dev_pci_throughput_get(i, &tx, &rx, 0);
if (result != RSMI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Logger::warning("ROCm SMI: Failed to get PCIe throughput");
if constexpr(is_init) gpus_slice[i].supported_functions.pcie_txrx = false;
} else {
gpus_slice[i].pcie_tx = (long long)tx;
gpus_slice[i].pcie_rx = (long long)rx;
@ -1209,13 +1273,14 @@ namespace Gpu {
// DebugTimer gpu_timer("GPU Total");
//* Collect data
Nvml::collect(gpus.data()); // raw pointer to vector data, size == Nvml::device_count
Rsmi::collect(gpus.data() + Nvml::device_count); // size = Rsmi::device_count
Nvml::collect<0>(gpus.data()); // raw pointer to vector data, size == Nvml::device_count
Rsmi::collect<0>(gpus.data() + Nvml::device_count); // size = Rsmi::device_count
//* Calculate average usage
long long avg = 0;
for (auto& gpu : gpus) {
avg += gpu.gpu_percent.back();
if (gpu.supported_functions.gpu_utilization)
avg += gpu.gpu_percent.back();
//* Trim vectors if there are more values than needed for graphs
if (width != 0) {