
1423 lines
46 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-07-21 13:17:34 +12:00
/* Copyright 2021 Aristocratos (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
indent = tab
tab-size = 4
#include <deque>
#include <robin_hood.h>
#include <array>
#include <ranges>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
#include <cmath>
#include <filesystem>
2021-07-21 13:17:34 +12:00
#include <btop_menu.hpp>
#include <btop_tools.hpp>
#include <btop_config.hpp>
#include <btop_theme.hpp>
#include <btop_draw.hpp>
#include <btop_shared.hpp>
2021-07-21 13:17:34 +12:00
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
using std::deque, robin_hood::unordered_flat_map, std::array, std::views::iota, std::ref, std::max, std::min, std::ceil, std::clamp;
using namespace Tools;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace rng = std::ranges;
2021-07-21 13:17:34 +12:00
namespace Menu {
atomic<bool> active (false);
string bg;
bool redraw = true;
int currentMenu = -1;
msgBox messageBox;
int signalToSend = 0;
int signalKillRet = 0;
2021-07-21 13:17:34 +12:00
const array<string, 32> P_Signals = {
unordered_flat_map<string, Input::Mouse_loc> mouse_mappings;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
const array<array<string, 3>, 3> menu_normal = {
array<string, 3>{
"│ │├─┘ │ ││ ││││└─┐",
"└─┘┴ ┴ ┴└─┘┘└┘└─┘"
"┬ ┬┌─┐┬ ┌─┐",
"├─┤├┤ │ ├─┘",
"┴ ┴└─┘┴─┘┴ "
"┌─┐ ┬ ┬ ┬┌┬┐",
"│─┼┐│ │ │ │ ",
"└─┘└└─┘ ┴ ┴ "
const array<array<string, 3>, 3> menu_selected = {
array<string, 3>{
"║ ║╠═╝ ║ ║║ ║║║║╚═╗",
"╚═╝╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝╝╚╝╚═╝"
"╦ ╦╔═╗╦ ╔═╗",
"╠═╣║╣ ║ ╠═╝",
"╩ ╩╚═╝╩═╝╩ "
"╔═╗ ╦ ╦ ╦╔╦╗ ",
"║═╬╗║ ║ ║ ║ ",
"╚═╝╚╚═╝ ╩ ╩ "
const array<int, 3> menu_width = {19, 12, 12};
const vector<array<string, 2>> help_text = {
{"Mouse 1", "Clicks buttons and selects in process list."},
{"Mouse scroll", "Scrolls any scrollable list/text under cursor."},
{"Esc, m", "Toggles main menu."},
{"p", "Cycle view presets forwards."},
{"shift + p", "Cycle view presets backwards."},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
{"1", "Toggle CPU box."},
{"2", "Toggle MEM box."},
{"3", "Toggle NET box."},
{"4", "Toggle PROC box."},
{"d", "Toggle disks view in MEM box."},
{"F2, o", "Shows options."},
{"F1, h", "Shows this window."},
{"ctrl + z", "Sleep program and put in background."},
{"q, ctrl + c", "Quits program."},
{"+, -", "Add/Subtract 100ms to/from update timer."},
{"Up, Down", "Select in process list."},
{"Enter", "Show detailed information for selected process."},
{"Spacebar", "Expand/collapse the selected process in tree view."},
{"Pg Up, Pg Down", "Jump 1 page in process list."},
{"Home, End", "Jump to first or last page in process list."},
{"Left, Right", "Select previous/next sorting column."},
{"b, n", "Select previous/next network device."},
{"i", "Toggle disks io mode with big graphs."},
{"z", "Toggle totals reset for current network device"},
{"a", "Toggle auto scaling for the network graphs."},
{"y", "Toggle synced scaling mode for network graphs."},
{"f, /", "To enter a process filter."},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
{"delete", "Clear any entered filter."},
{"c", "Toggle per-core cpu usage of processes."},
{"r", "Reverse sorting order in processes box."},
{"e", "Toggle processes tree view."},
{"Selected +, -", "Expand/collapse the selected process in tree view."},
{"Selected t", "Terminate selected process with SIGTERM - 15."},
{"Selected k", "Kill selected process with SIGKILL - 9."},
{"Selected s", "Select or enter signal to send to process."},
{"", " "},
{"", "For bug reporting and project updates, visit:"},
{"", ""},
const vector<vector<vector<string>>> categories = {
"Set color theme.",
"Choose from all theme files in (usually)",
"\"/usr/[local/]share/btop/themes\" and",
"\"Default\" for builtin default theme.",
"\"TTY\" for builtin 16-color theme.",
"For theme updates see:",
"If the theme set background should be shown.",
"Set to False if you want terminal background",
"Sets if 24-bit truecolor should be used.",
"Will convert 24-bit colors to 256 color",
"(6x6x6 color cube) if False.",
"Set to False if your terminal doesn't have",
"truecolor support and can't convert to",
"TTY mode.",
"Set to true to force tty mode regardless",
"if a real tty has been detected or not.",
"Will force 16-color mode and TTY theme,",
"set all graph symbols to \"tty\" and swap",
"out other non tty friendly symbols."},
"Enable vim keys.",
"Set to True to enable \"h,j,k,l\" keys for",
"directional control in lists.",
"Conflicting keys for",
"h (help) and k (kill)",
"is accessible while holding shift."},
"Define presets for the layout of the boxes.",
"Preset 0 is always all boxes shown with",
"default settings.",
"Max 9 presets.",
"Format: \"box_name:P:G,box_name:P:G\"",
"P=(0 or 1) for alternate positions.",
"G=graph symbol to use for box.",
"Use withespace \" \" as separator between",
"different presets.",
"\"mem:0:tty,proc:1:default cpu:0:braille\""},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Manually set which boxes to show.",
"Available values are \"cpu mem net proc\".",
"Separate values with whitespace.",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Toggle between presets with key \"p\"."},
"Update time in milliseconds.",
"Recommended 2000 ms or above for better",
"sample times for graphs.",
"Min value: 100 ms",
"Max value: 86400000 ms = 24 hours."},
"Rounded corners on boxes.",
"True or False",
"Is always False if TTY mode is ON."},
"Default symbols to use for graph creation.",
"\"braille\", \"block\" or \"tty\".",
"\"braille\" offers the highest resolution but",
"might not be included in all fonts.",
"\"block\" has half the resolution of braille",
"but uses more common characters.",
"\"tty\" uses only 3 different symbols but will",
"work with most fonts.",
"Note that \"tty\" only has half the horizontal",
"resolution of the other two,",
"so will show a shorter historical view."},
"Draw a clock at top of screen.",
"(Only visible if cpu box is enabled!)",
"Formatting according to strftime, empty",
"string to disable.",
"Custom formatting options:",
"\"/host\" = hostname",
"\"/user\" = username",
"\"/uptime\" = system uptime",
"Examples of strftime formats:",
"\"%X\" = locale HH:MM:SS",
"\"%H\" = 24h hour, \"%I\" = 12h hour",
"\"%M\" = minute, \"%S\" = second",
"\"%d\" = day, \"%m\" = month, \"%y\" = year"},
2022-01-17 01:39:50 +13:00
"Use base 10 for bits and bytes sizes.",
"Uses KB = 1000 instead of KiB = 1024,",
"MB = 1000KB instead of MiB = 1024KiB,",
"and so on.",
"True or False."},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Update main ui when menus are showing.",
"True or False.",
"Set this to false if the menus is flickering",
"too much for a comfortable experience."},
"Show battery stats.",
"(Only visible if cpu box is enabled!)",
"Show battery stats in the top right corner",
"if a battery is present."},
"Select battery.",
"Which battery to use if multiple are present.",
"Can be both batteries and UPS.",
"\"Auto\" for auto detection."},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Set loglevel for error.log",
"\"ERROR\", \"WARNING\", \"INFO\" and \"DEBUG\".",
"The level set includes all lower levels,",
"i.e. \"DEBUG\" will show all logging info."}
"Cpu box location.",
"Show cpu box at bottom of screen instead",
"of top."},
"Graph symbol to use for graphs in cpu box.",
"\"default\", \"braille\", \"block\" or \"tty\".",
"\"default\" for the general default symbol.",},
"Cpu upper graph.",
"Sets the CPU stat shown in upper half of",
"the CPU graph.",
"\"total\" = Total cpu usage.",
"\"user\" = User mode cpu usage.",
"\"system\" = Kernel mode cpu usage.",
"+ more depending on kernel."},
"Cpu lower graph.",
"Sets the CPU stat shown in lower half of",
"the CPU graph.",
"\"total\" = Total cpu usage.",
"\"user\" = User mode cpu usage.",
"\"system\" = Kernel mode cpu usage.",
"+ more depending on kernel."},
"Toggles orientation of the lower CPU graph.",
"True or False."},
"Completely disable the lower CPU graph.",
"Shows only upper CPU graph and resizes it",
"to fit to box height.",
"True or False."},
"Enable cpu temperature reporting.",
"True or False."},
"Cpu temperature sensor",
"Select the sensor that corresponds to",
"your cpu temperature.",
"Set to \"Auto\" for auto detection."},
"Show temperatures for cpu cores.",
"Only works if check_temp is True and",
"the system is reporting core temps."},
"Custom mapping between core and coretemp.",
"Can be needed on certain cpus to get correct",
"temperature for correct core.",
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
"Use lm-sensors or similar to see which cores",
"are reporting temperatures on your machine.",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Format: \"X:Y\"",
"X=core with wrong temp.",
"Y=core with correct temp.",
"Use space as separator between multiple",
"Example: \"4:0 5:1 6:3\""},
"Which temperature scale to use.",
"Celsius, default scale.",
"Fahrenheit, the american one.",
"Kelvin, 0 = absolute zero, 1 degree change",
"equals 1 degree change in Celsius.",
"Rankine, 0 = abosulte zero, 1 degree change",
"equals 1 degree change in Fahrenheit."},
"Show CPU frequency",
"Can cause slowdowns on systems with many",
"cores and certain kernel versions."},
"Custom cpu model name in cpu percentage box.",
"Empty string to disable."},
"Shows the system uptime in the CPU box.",
"Can also be shown in the clock by using",
"\"/uptime\" in the formatting.",
"True or False."},
"Mem box location.",
"Show mem box below net box instead of above."},
"Graph symbol to use for graphs in mem box.",
"\"default\", \"braille\", \"block\" or \"tty\".",
"\"default\" for the general default symbol.",},
"Show graphs for memory values.",
"True or False."},
"Split memory box to also show disks.",
"True or False."},
"Toggle IO activity graphs.",
"Show small IO graphs that for disk activity",
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
"(disk busy time) when not in IO mode.",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"True or False."},
"Toggles io mode for disks.",
"Shows big graphs for disk read/write speeds",
"instead of used/free percentage meters.",
"True or False."},
"Toggle combined read and write graphs.",
"Only has effect if \"io mode\" is True.",
"True or False."},
"Set top speeds for the io graphs.",
"Manually set which speed in MiB/s that",
"equals 100 percent in the io graphs.",
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
"(100 MiB/s by default).",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Format: \"device:speed\" separate disks with",
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
"whitespace \" \".",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Example: \"/dev/sda:100, /dev/sdb:20\"."},
"If swap memory should be shown in memory box.",
"True or False."},
"Show swap as a disk.",
"Ignores show_swap value above.",
"Inserts itself after first disk."},
"Filter out non physical disks.",
"Set this to False to include network disks,",
"RAM disks and similar.",
"True or False."},
"(Linux) Read disks list from /etc/fstab.",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"This also disables only_physical.",
"True or False."},
"(Linux) Type of available disk space.",
"Set to true to show how much disk space is",
"available for privileged users.",
"Set to false to show available for normal",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Optional filter for shown disks.",
"Should be full path of a mountpoint.",
"Separate multiple values with",
"whitespace \" \".",
"Begin line with \"exclude=\" to change to",
"exclude filter.",
"Oterwise defaults to \"most include\" filter.",
"\"exclude=/boot /home/user\""},
"(Linux) Count ZFS ARC as cached memory.",
"Add ZFS ARC used to cached memory and",
"ZFS ARC available to available memory.",
"These are otherwise reported by the Linux",
"kernel as used memory.",
"True or False."},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Graph symbol to use for graphs in net box.",
"\"default\", \"braille\", \"block\" or \"tty\".",
"\"default\" for the general default symbol.",},
"Fixed network graph download value.",
"Value in Mebibits, default \"100\".",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Can be toggled with auto button."},
"Fixed network graph upload value.",
"Value in Mebibits, default \"100\".",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Can be toggled with auto button."},
"Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode.",
"Ignores any values set above at start and",
"rescales down to 10Kibibytes at the lowest.",
"True or False."},
"Network scale sync.",
"Syncs the scaling for download and upload to",
"whichever currently has the highest scale.",
"True or False."},
"Network Interface.",
"Manually set the starting Network Interface.",
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Will otherwise automatically choose the NIC",
"with the highest total download since boot."},
"Proc box location.",
"Show proc box on left side of screen",
"instead of right."},
"Graph symbol to use for graphs in proc box.",
"\"default\", \"braille\", \"block\" or \"tty\".",
"\"default\" for the general default symbol.",},
"Processes sorting option.",
"Possible values:",
"\"pid\", \"program\", \"arguments\", \"threads\",",
"\"user\", \"memory\", \"cpu lazy\" and",
"\"cpu direct\".",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"\"cpu lazy\" updates top process over time.",
"\"cpu direct\" updates top process",
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
"Reverse processes sorting order.",
"True or False."},
"Processes tree view.",
"Set true to show processes grouped by",
"parents with lines drawn between parent",
"and child process."},
"Enable colors in process view.",
"True or False."},
"Enable process view gradient fade.",
"Fades from top or current selection.",
"Max fade value is equal to current themes",
"\"inactive_fg\" color value."},
"Process usage per core.",
"If process cpu usage should be of the core",
"it's running on or usage of the total",
"available cpu power.",
"If true and process is multithreaded",
"cpu usage can reach over 100%."},
"Show memory as bytes in process list.",
" ",
"Will show percentage of total memory",
"if False."},
2021-07-21 13:17:34 +12:00
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
msgBox::msgBox() {}
msgBox::msgBox(int width, int boxtype, vector<string> content, string title)
: width(width), boxtype(boxtype) {
const auto& tty_mode = Config::getB("tty_mode");
const auto& rounded = Config::getB("rounded_corners");
const auto& right_up = (tty_mode or not rounded ? Symbols::right_up : Symbols::round_right_up);
const auto& left_up = (tty_mode or not rounded ? Symbols::left_up : Symbols::round_left_up);
const auto& right_down = (tty_mode or not rounded ? Symbols::right_down : Symbols::round_right_down);
const auto& left_down = (tty_mode or not rounded ? Symbols::left_down : Symbols::round_left_down);
height = content.size() + 7;
x = Term::width / 2 - width / 2;
y = Term::height/2 - height/2;
if (boxtype == 2) selected = 1;
button_left = left_up + Symbols::h_line * 6 + Mv::l(7) + Mv::d(2) + left_down + Symbols::h_line * 6 + Mv::l(7) + Mv::u(1) + Symbols::v_line;
button_right = Symbols::v_line + Mv::l(7) + Mv::u(1) + Symbols::h_line * 6 + right_up + Mv::l(7) + Mv::d(2) + Symbols::h_line * 6 + right_down + Mv::u(2);
box_contents = Draw::createBox(x, y, width, height, Theme::c("hi_fg"), true, title) + Mv::d(1);
for (const auto& line : content) {
2022-02-10 03:45:28 +13:00
box_contents += Mv::save + Mv::r(max((size_t)0, (width / 2) - (Fx::uncolor(line).size() / 2) - 1)) + line + Mv::restore + Mv::d(1);
string msgBox::operator()() {
string out;
int pos = width / 2 - (boxtype == 0 ? 6 : 14);
auto& first_color = (selected == 0 ? Theme::c("hi_fg") : Theme::c("div_line"));
out = Mv::d(1) + Mv::r(pos) + Fx::b + first_color + button_left + (selected == 0 ? Theme::c("title") : Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub)
+ (boxtype == 0 ? " Ok " : " Yes ") + first_color + button_right;
mouse_mappings["button1"] = Input::Mouse_loc{y + height - 4, x + pos + 1, 3, 12 + (boxtype > 0 ? 1 : 0)};
if (boxtype > 0) {
auto& second_color = (selected == 1 ? Theme::c("hi_fg") : Theme::c("div_line"));
out += Mv::r(2) + second_color + button_left + (selected == 1 ? Theme::c("title") : Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub)
+ " No " + second_color + button_right;
mouse_mappings["button2"] = Input::Mouse_loc{y + height - 4, x + pos + 15 + (boxtype > 0 ? 1 : 0), 3, 12};
return box_contents + out + Fx::reset;
//? Process input
int msgBox::input(string key) {
if (key.empty()) return Invalid;
if (is_in(key, "escape", "backspace", "q") or key == "button2") {
return No_Esc;
else if (key == "button1" or (boxtype == 0 and str_to_upper(key) == "O")) {
return Ok_Yes;
else if (is_in(key, "enter", "space")) {
return selected + 1;
else if (boxtype == 0) {
return Invalid;
else if (str_to_upper(key) == "Y") {
return Ok_Yes;
else if (str_to_upper(key) == "N") {
return No_Esc;
else if (is_in(key, "right", "tab")) {
if (++selected > 1) selected = 0;
return Select;
else if (is_in(key, "left", "shift_tab")) {
if (--selected < 0) selected = 1;
return Select;
return Invalid;
void msgBox::clear() {
if (mouse_mappings.contains("button1")) mouse_mappings.erase("button1");
if (mouse_mappings.contains("button2")) mouse_mappings.erase("button2");
enum menuReturnCodes {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
int signalChoose(const string& key) {
auto& s_pid = (Config::getB("show_detailed") and Config::getI("selected_pid") == 0 ? Config::getI("detailed_pid") : Config::getI("selected_pid"));
static int x = 0, y = 0, selected_signal = -1;
if (bg.empty()) selected_signal = -1;
auto& out = Global::overlay;
int retval = Changed;
if (redraw) {
x = Term::width/2 - 40;
y = Term::height/2 - 9;
bg = Draw::createBox(x + 2, y, 78, 19, Theme::c("hi_fg"), true, "signals");
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
bg += Mv::to(y+2, x+3) + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b + cjust("Send signal to PID " + to_string(s_pid) + " ("
+ uresize((s_pid == Config::getI("detailed_pid") ? : Config::getS("selected_name")), 30) + ")", 76);
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (is_in(key, "escape", "q")) {
return Closed;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (key.starts_with("button_")) {
if (int new_select = stoi(key.substr(7)); new_select == selected_signal)
goto ChooseEntering;
selected_signal = new_select;
else if (is_in(key, "enter", "space") and selected_signal >= 0) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
signalKillRet = 0;
if (s_pid < 1) {
signalKillRet = ESRCH;
else if (kill(s_pid, selected_signal) != 0) {
signalKillRet = errno;
return Closed;
else if (key.size() == 1 and isdigit( and selected_signal < 10) {
selected_signal = std::min(std::stoi((selected_signal < 1 ? key : to_string(selected_signal) + key)), 64);
else if (key == "backspace" and selected_signal != -1) {
selected_signal = (selected_signal < 10 ? -1 : selected_signal / 10);
else if (is_in(key, "up", "k") and selected_signal != 16) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (selected_signal == 1) selected_signal = 31;
else if (selected_signal < 6) selected_signal += 25;
else {
bool offset = (selected_signal > 16);
selected_signal -= 5;
if (selected_signal <= 16 and offset) selected_signal--;
else if (is_in(key, "down", "j")) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (selected_signal == 31) selected_signal = 1;
else if (selected_signal < 1 or selected_signal == 16) selected_signal = 1;
else if (selected_signal > 26) selected_signal -= 25;
else {
bool offset = (selected_signal < 16);
selected_signal += 5;
if (selected_signal >= 16 and offset) selected_signal++;
if (selected_signal > 31) selected_signal = 31;
else if (is_in(key, "left", "h") and selected_signal > 0 and selected_signal != 16) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (--selected_signal < 1) selected_signal = 31;
else if (selected_signal == 16) selected_signal--;
else if (is_in(key, "right", "l") and selected_signal <= 31 and selected_signal != 16) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (++selected_signal > 31) selected_signal = 1;
else if (selected_signal == 16) selected_signal++;
else {
retval = NoChange;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (retval == Changed) {
int cy = y+4, cx = x+4;
out = bg + Mv::to(cy++, x+3) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub
+ rjust("Enter signal number: ", 48) + Theme::c("hi_fg") + (selected_signal >= 0 ? to_string(selected_signal) : "") + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::bl + "" + Fx::ubl;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
auto sig_str = to_string(selected_signal);
for (int count = 0, i = 0; const auto& sig : P_Signals) {
if (count == 0 or count == 16) { count++; continue; }
if (i++ % 5 == 0) { ++cy; cx = x+4; }
out += Mv::to(cy, cx);
if (count == selected_signal) out += Theme::c("selected_bg") + Theme::c("selected_fg") + Fx::b + ljust(to_string(count), 3) + ljust('(' + sig + ')', 12) + Fx::reset;
else out += Theme::c("hi_fg") + ljust(to_string(count), 3) + Theme::c("main_fg") + ljust('(' + sig + ')', 12);
if (redraw) mouse_mappings["button_" + to_string(count)] = {cy, cx, 1, 15};
cx += 15;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
out += Mv::to(++cy, x+3) + Fx::b + Theme::c("hi_fg") + rjust( "↑ ↓ ← →", 33, true) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub + " | To choose signal.";
out += Mv::to(++cy, x+3) + Fx::b + Theme::c("hi_fg") + rjust("0-9", 33) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub + " | Enter manually.";
out += Mv::to(++cy, x+3) + Fx::b + Theme::c("hi_fg") + rjust("ENTER", 33) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub + " | To send signal.";
mouse_mappings["enter"] = {cy, x, 1, 73};
out += Mv::to(++cy, x+3) + Fx::b + Theme::c("hi_fg") + rjust("ESC or \"q\"", 33) + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub + " | To abort.";
mouse_mappings["escape"] = {cy, x, 1, 73};
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
out += Fx::reset;
return (redraw ? Changed : retval);
int sizeError(const string& key) {
if (redraw) {
vector<string> cont_vec;
cont_vec.push_back(Fx::b + Theme::g("used")[100] + "Error:" + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub);
cont_vec.push_back("Terminal size to small to" + Fx::reset);
cont_vec.push_back("display menu or box!" + Fx::reset);
messageBox = Menu::msgBox{45, 0, cont_vec, "error"};
Global::overlay = messageBox();
auto ret = messageBox.input(key);
if (ret == msgBox::Ok_Yes or ret == msgBox::No_Esc) {
return Closed;
else if (redraw) {
return Changed;
return NoChange;
int signalSend(const string& key) {
auto& s_pid = (Config::getB("show_detailed") and Config::getI("selected_pid") == 0 ? Config::getI("detailed_pid") : Config::getI("selected_pid"));
if (s_pid == 0) return Closed;
if (redraw) {
auto& p_name = (s_pid == Config::getI("detailed_pid") ? : Config::getS("selected_name"));
vector<string> cont_vec = {
Fx::b + Theme::c("main_fg") + "Send signal: " + Fx::ub + Theme::c("hi_fg") + to_string(signalToSend)
+ (signalToSend > 0 and signalToSend <= 32 ? Theme::c("main_fg") + " (" + + ')' : ""),
Fx::b + Theme::c("main_fg") + "To PID: " + Fx::ub + Theme::c("hi_fg") + to_string(s_pid) + Theme::c("main_fg") + " ("
+ uresize(p_name, 16) + ')' + Fx::reset,
messageBox = Menu::msgBox{50, 1, cont_vec, (signalToSend > 1 and signalToSend <= 32 and signalToSend != 17 ? : "signal")};
Global::overlay = messageBox();
auto ret = messageBox.input(key);
if (ret == msgBox::Ok_Yes) {
signalKillRet = 0;
if (kill(s_pid, signalToSend) != 0) {
signalKillRet = errno;
return Closed;
else if (ret == msgBox::No_Esc) {
return Closed;
else if (ret == msgBox::Select) {
Global::overlay = messageBox();
return Changed;
else if (redraw) {
return Changed;
return NoChange;
int signalReturn(const string& key) {
if (redraw) {
vector<string> cont_vec;
cont_vec.push_back(Fx::b + Theme::g("used")[100] + "Failure:" + Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub);
if (signalKillRet == EINVAL) {
cont_vec.push_back("Unsupported signal!" + Fx::reset);
else if (signalKillRet == EPERM) {
cont_vec.push_back("Insufficient permissions to send signal!" + Fx::reset);
else if (signalKillRet == ESRCH) {
cont_vec.push_back("Process not found!" + Fx::reset);
else {
cont_vec.push_back("Unknown error! (errno: " + to_string(signalKillRet) + ')' + Fx::reset);
messageBox = Menu::msgBox{50, 0, cont_vec, "error"};
Global::overlay = messageBox();
auto ret = messageBox.input(key);
if (ret == msgBox::Ok_Yes or ret == msgBox::No_Esc) {
return Closed;
else if (redraw) {
return Changed;
return NoChange;
int mainMenu(const string& key) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
enum MenuItems { Options, Help, Quit };
static int y = 0, selected = 0;
static vector<string> colors_selected;
static vector<string> colors_normal;
auto& tty_mode = Config::getB("tty_mode");
if (bg.empty()) selected = 0;
int retval = Changed;
if (redraw) {
y = Term::height/2 - 10;
bg = Draw::banner_gen(y, 0, true);
if (not tty_mode) {
colors_selected = {
colors_normal = {
else if (is_in(key, "escape", "q", "m", "mouse_click")) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
return Closed;
else if (key.starts_with("button_")) {
if (int new_select = key.back() - '0'; new_select == selected)
goto MainEntering;
selected = new_select;
else if (is_in(key, "enter", "space")) {
switch (selected) {
case Options:
currentMenu = Menus::Options;
return Switch;
case Help:
currentMenu = Menus::Help;
return Switch;
case Quit:
Squashed commit of the following: commit c2c4fe47db3002c3433114954c22bd92b149bea0 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Nov 13 23:15:53 2021 +0100 Changes from main + fixes commit bd5d86708907397f7fc40868ff3665e23f24bb8a Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Nov 13 21:24:01 2021 +0100 Fixes commit dc5f0606cbe6f4d61bec3621c25190f1241b3fce Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Nov 13 20:51:06 2021 +0100 Fixed leak in Proc::collect() commit 8b59ab6e1120439a070b07a4255b10bd7d5197cf Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Nov 13 19:59:56 2021 +0100 Fixed process cpu usage calculation commit 53c8a0325b7567b84da2f01ebd5acad33db4c0cb Author: aristocratos <> Date: Mon Oct 25 13:01:53 2021 +0200 Cpu temp set to average of pACC and eACC for mac m1 commit 940cd0a5131253b0595b233f9da350101211d3cb Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 24 21:12:16 2021 +0200 limit cpu temp to 20 commit 254ceb9c2df0374ad07a6ca1e867ef40a60efc24 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sun Oct 24 11:24:04 2021 +0200 Fixed up Makefile commit 6fa3bf41d757edbb311b99292b26aa45e83d9b9d Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 21 13:12:45 2021 +0200 Makefile fixed WARNFLAGS commit 2c98e2ca2927d772674c130dcc527f3318daf150 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 21 13:08:12 2021 +0200 Updated Makefile commit e69780e9bce7af37ba6a85843db0e97c55c61395 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 20 23:26:09 2021 +0200 fix build commit de6216792154477a5ab7f564c9467761daf842e2 Merge: a590dd3 a0ee404 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 20 23:10:36 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'main' into OSX commit a590dd3f67c9f2f8f8dc3fa49920a40a5e8b369d Author: aristocratos <> Date: Mon Oct 18 11:20:12 2021 +0200 Ignore format-truncation commit 4c30742d412cf552de22b3746a68cd62bfe867f2 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 18 10:08:01 2021 +0200 comments about temp sensors commit 46030de77cb1409eb8b0247c331408a240b0227a Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 18 08:10:37 2021 +0200 available = total - used commit 4c228de0ef8a75275178bad081e568f85fc579fd Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 17 22:19:41 2021 +0200 use sysconf to get arg_max - seems simpler commit c60fc29f0f62831730c04c23cd9ffbefef50a1d8 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 17 22:10:50 2021 +0200 arg_max should be int on macos commit 0b5a931a6d5e8d1a434e88e8fd0613ab948995fa Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 17 22:01:42 2021 +0200 only fetch max_args once commit 71d5cd5fd91511a90e43e5e6dbf7a1b6a3c3f9c8 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 16 23:24:07 2021 +0200 Reverted mutexes back to custom atomic bool based locks commit 3f34a67df68f3f451cb48b023b7cd42ccf933ce4 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 21:47:55 2021 +0200 these helpers can be static commit fc19c46c8aab03e252f60f6f9447d7e1861cbcb9 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 21:44:49 2021 +0200 code cleanup: put the code in .cpp to enable incremental build commit c252c618c043c4b85783f56363121877d0db0727 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 21:09:21 2021 +0200 don't crash on intel commit 9f88187c29821148c7a5272926d204bd3eb39f89 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 21:06:18 2021 +0200 small improvement commit 808f09c97465e8cf511f7690b40a69cd8a2efa15 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 20:59:48 2021 +0200 don't iterate 3 times commit d8408336e3b8336025a087a2bf79a2d15f51ee66 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 20:59:27 2021 +0200 remove debug commit 4f078c3beb960fe06f4d8b44b9c913e2aacf7625 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 13 23:38:27 2021 +0200 more temperature (M1 + intel) commit 289880aaa6d1a3625c01e9d7643138343b29db53 Merge: 88a2528 3ffb212 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 16 19:37:09 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'OSX' of into OSX commit 88a2528ca3a2390f2c94c7f1a18ba982a5e5f2b2 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 16 19:34:10 2021 +0200 Merge changes from main commit 3ffb21203aa3f4ad978533a3f2b1e67e636381ea Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 16 19:20:45 2021 +0200 release a bit more - still has negative temps for 2 cores on my system commit 70b48710626ba22df496ba741625ce03cba6abbd Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 16 01:59:44 2021 +0200 Fixed leaks in Mem and attempt at fixing leaks in sensors.cpp commit fbae907720afbae47162666b6b0aea974be80c07 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Fri Oct 15 23:41:37 2021 +0200 temperature sensors via IOKit commit cef0f0a68daa88a380000ce200a364e4701ba93a Author: aristocratos <> Date: Fri Oct 15 18:39:17 2021 +0200 Process command line arguments commit 921cfa01ffc104c57f2825d0bca648233ddff191 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Wed Oct 13 23:20:15 2021 +0200 Re-enable setuid and set default SU_GROUP to wheel for OSX commit a416c888c7356634ef7a5286130a56160d72f50a Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 13 21:16:41 2021 +0200 temperature commit e7afe00ce7960bfe6fb6ba2a9a2f5d498c5b4fca Author: aristocratos <> Date: Wed Oct 13 12:54:43 2021 +0200 Cpu usage working again commit 4193ef8921617e48ce07ce95d898386f7dd77f43 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Wed Oct 13 10:36:51 2021 +0200 Fixed cpu lazy sorting commit 93fcb6ff04d84c008ed9f7d28918eb9eb8adf740 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Tue Oct 12 22:22:45 2021 +0200 Update commit 683354cd2ed8add79c6940e51800431e8b020635 Merge: 8a399c4 6d724d6 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Tue Oct 12 22:19:30 2021 +0200 Merge pull request #80 from ShrirajHegde/OSX Add github workflow for MacOS commit 8a399c499af87883a7e4b2cf7f6d193f76909923 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Tue Oct 12 21:50:46 2021 +0200 pointer to smart pointer, first pass commit 772605003af9c1c00f163ff75279cd0055074c96 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Tue Oct 12 18:54:38 2021 +0200 Fixed detailed memory not updating commit 28cb67753332fe8c93d23cbf8e4db636fc6823d6 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 11 22:19:25 2021 +0200 more memory free-up - still leaks like crazy commit 304457863f6cdccf82fbe1cca3078c7f5d9f97cd Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 11 21:48:07 2021 +0200 more RAII cleanup commit 82e2e3c55c23e37dbf226952cca4587df3522fa3 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Mon Oct 11 12:40:25 2021 +0200 Removed non present cpu fields and fixed calculation for selectable cpu field graphs commit 68603f2b37e34828f78f0f675f66bd835dae8325 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Mon Oct 11 10:57:04 2021 +0200 RAII Wrappers for Cpu::get_battery() commit d5cb24fbeb19ae57507e1715aa402b2dc33f9b6b Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 10 20:23:11 2021 +0200 RAII commit 8fad5a61bee973c22f3a11fd7fee2c4e40390bbb Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:44:16 2021 +0200 get more disk IO stats commit 7fa903cf160b391fb316ea32a60984921a174066 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:43:48 2021 +0200 fix build commit 98036db660e306626d41fb1b67d9938d9ffe168a Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:18:25 2021 +0200 remove unnecessary uptime param commit aae7ae35caec64ba611d9b78b24c0ad2716f333e Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:07:23 2021 +0200 remove debug logging commit 5187420b04973edcdd25c1b639795a2c8539b2d9 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:06:43 2021 +0200 fix process elapsed time commit 89582c0ea6e9bdd7a658b5583d2ce2c5deeee8b0 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:06:29 2021 +0200 don't double free commit 6d724d6155bad8c084e4c9bdb1d7dda13543a5ac Author: Shriraj Hegde <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:46:33 2021 +0530 Change Upload filename commit 4f94ecc8ad7d7cdb7daed82fd98a5634d723ec6b Author: Shriraj Hegde <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:40:11 2021 +0530 Fix upload path commit e1d6d0a1f224474417078a0a1b98a6c4b5c94a53 Author: Shriraj Hegde <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:36:13 2021 +0530 Skip installing gcc via Homebrew Change job name commit 02cdd9d759d163519048d24746273e4eda2149d0 Author: Shriraj Hegde <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:30:40 2021 +0530 Fix uploading Remove distclean commit 39eb6c396fc31f798d23c21e7f4b313930dca982 Author: Shriraj Hegde <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:26:57 2021 +0530 Disable static compilation commit 099592bccdafe8d8d8c421bcad3e036cbea580ce Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 9 17:52:10 2021 +0200 Ignore empty pid 0 to fix tree mode commit a28e17556e74bb618fc2b6eb74f250b139406cdd Author: Shriraj Hegde <> Date: Sat Oct 9 21:17:11 2021 +0530 Add workflow for MacOS commit aee9179c0a98bce54b55c8bb8ebdc1ac99bad69e Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 9 17:36:46 2021 +0200 Disable failed tty mode detection for OSX commit 4b7b98058d7190a494fa522834217d786d71e5fb Author: aristocratos <> Date: Sat Oct 9 11:28:32 2021 +0200 Fixed disk io and added io activity based on read/write commit bfa0629e7d1e50f88d9a1207930e2f39270fc189 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Fri Oct 8 22:28:10 2021 +0200 fill in 0 for ioticks commit a016ff8a039634bc37a22a4a84b31055b3cfab37 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Fri Oct 8 22:16:01 2021 +0200 disk io from IOreg. Does not show any io though commit f98606c6db09d50c7ae234437ea03eda2cc8739c Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Fri Oct 8 09:32:06 2021 +0200 per process IO stats commit c8b50ed4883103f66c9ed869fd0252d48f18f58f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Fri Oct 8 00:11:08 2021 +0200 don't show autofs, it's useless commit c4df64d4409c511847d76b37a0794b8bb4f6942d Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 18:41:49 2021 +0200 Fixed compile time display for gmake and command timings commit b3e6f495f76bd71fba3442a557df22afdd3e642d Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 18:26:15 2021 +0200 Fixed clk_tck -> clkTck commit e53799188ffc24f3948e7ced375b7fbb53911247 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 18:25:14 2021 +0200 Fixed better detection for OSX commit b864edf984e8f0daa0f10a6ee305074c68efeb42 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 18:24:37 2021 +0200 Fixed cumulative cpu usage commit 6a3c5d9b976c711461d08c373483c84bb69db257 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 13:20:30 2021 +0200 Proc::collect() better cpu percent accurazy commit 84d0596294432baef1b10f7d3a566a07382f69d3 Merge: 3564f8e 98e1e87 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 12:56:55 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'OSX' of into OSX commit 3564f8e4c26f04ec89482606e68a452a3e5f9693 Author: aristocratos <> Date: Thu Oct 7 12:56:27 2021 +0200 Proc::collect() fixed cputimes and cpu percentage calc commit 98e1e874059fe69968d4bb7e4685f292e3b7fd65 Merge: 60c5636 d96fdd7 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Thu Oct 7 11:32:41 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'main' into OSX commit 60c5636cd7c18e6c806cb4cd88846db10092dd57 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 22:45:54 2021 +0200 fix warning commit 489e446152ce00f8e92db8c4e10759f96e38f17f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 22:38:40 2021 +0200 details + process states commit 7e5a808c731772bab35204f2e286975fca334f54 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 22:38:19 2021 +0200 avoid details crash commit 9c9da4606b3f93c0701b820a875fb3db5d0c3daf Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 21:03:21 2021 +0200 fix quit on macos commit ec7415384d9d9b42892a1e36ff55bf7a117a253b Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 00:41:37 2021 +0200 fix mistake in makefile commit 5ac8fa4c8a8f73efac6ac1f15e458ed3b2c1164b Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 18:56:13 2021 +0200 don't show /dev commit d901bbebd94ec45c45431fcd1ab37a974f783d9b Author: aristocratos <> Date: Wed Oct 6 17:27:51 2021 +0200 Ignore tags and other branches commit c7f1e71e29bafb5334cd4e256c662e5ee6303b1b Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 16:00:41 2021 +0200 comment commit b9d58e3faf5b60ad4f5f65454b454ff52deb5eaa Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 15:55:58 2021 +0200 impossible to get CPU freq on M1 apparently commit 66072711c24b2694c4a0054c58829095ed97ada2 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 15:33:43 2021 +0200 detect full commit 6bb0e930a2c44b4fb7d0d02a40f210fa12fdc657 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 00:38:46 2021 +0200 CPU freq in GHz commit a5f10f1a0ff9d10fa8d9d3038aa160b2380aa294 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 15:13:18 2021 +0200 check array length commit 155c848b97e1385bd29eaba91a87ecfb1d846bf7 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 15:05:20 2021 +0200 switch to other way to get CPU freq (still does not work) commit cf51ba2ebe88dddd943040ced484581dc260c3c8 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 14:45:44 2021 +0200 remove some warnings commit 775dff5f72b0631bba0ed01d72374d8c1d1cd059 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 14:16:45 2021 +0200 fix link commit 8c67967775fb98bda80eee40cb6833a00bfb93a1 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 14:16:38 2021 +0200 reduce diff more commit 70b47d2ca8a7e0927cf9613e8fe776d2405f60ee Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 14:10:23 2021 +0200 reduce diff with main branch commit ca9cb48054c5850cbb3c23d368e04644a1885de0 Merge: d0c6c0a c66b46f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 13:49:20 2021 +0200 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into OSX commit c66b46f850d31c100226e519c55b39df9129aeb8 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 13:41:57 2021 +0200 battery state via CoreFoundation commit d0c6c0a362d8dc4f76e2901d7b406a70d8a69b6b Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 10:51:36 2021 +0200 all disks + load averages commit ca67526dc175dba7d98193a6462e70ef1acab194 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 10:33:55 2021 +0200 show all disks commit 56119f99a95ca541d6ab744a9ded54c84e0a3184 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 00:17:41 2021 +0200 procs sorting/filtering commit 8d86011d72a07b3f86f6b525b026b805667a3172 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 23:42:17 2021 +0200 battery states commit a9b64d62e4abf96fe3edcfa660871caef2041d0f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 23:24:59 2021 +0200 battery hack works on M1 commit ce5103114246f5549017ef4823442a0ea916e1dd Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 23:18:22 2021 +0200 ugly hack to get battery commit d5e6725c6cd6973cc75dfe2993892e1c25ac8d38 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 22:42:42 2021 +0200 CPU stuff commit 5c02bd8c8380c5c74837b982987b7bf31103245f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 21:25:42 2021 +0200 network commit d5da9d49835cdb23ad5830c000e1b93fcb8f46fd Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 15:43:05 2021 +0200 correct cached size commit 5f11aba504254d86ed9a2319967590d50988e16f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 12:03:48 2021 +0200 vm stats from syscall + swap commit 776fc968529e8e7e38fc3168c83b2727198722ad Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 10:48:07 2021 +0200 seems to work indeed commit 7b40e2835a085bfe0d5eb40f367a1ed50353e4d9 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 10:46:14 2021 +0200 allow override optimization flag commit 005ea24e4c9bcc6608671a0635126bf10bdece34 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 10:09:24 2021 +0200 update Makefile commit af8cec9debac328645f0f4e2f136e4572d88332e Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 15:32:55 2021 +0200 some more params commit 7ebe4f7594599ccafbf72a004ce37f965549f64d Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 15:15:55 2021 +0200 show more disks commit e50a56394a3702b6616d03694f5d23a5f7ba2f1c Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 14:52:56 2021 +0200 disks show something commit 6497a8c2021b67057dfed26488aec0d82e919a90 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 09:15:35 2021 +0200 reformat commit 28e152b80c07c1fb9a4049cca8510f8bdc31adbb Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 23:21:13 2021 +0200 decrease diff with upstream commit 40da88e9ca91f3db540b63b15da5bc34dc9175e9 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:56:14 2021 +0200 try to get disks to show commit eaf2bb56a503fd2bf3787bfd90b5bc8640b7d628 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:42:01 2021 +0200 don't crash on deque::back() commit f66b6f712c361fafbe6d0cfd8f8c0838dc1bb4d2 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:08:21 2021 +0200 cpu freq, name & process uid/name commit 34a8a61f4de964d3137637b045be8738c4b1b6e5 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 21:46:11 2021 +0200 basic process info commit 29bb2dcc5fcc6b946511068f036590c18fb459ce Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 21:45:39 2021 +0200 initialize mutex (needed on macos apparently and not on linux) commit fb5970b0005793d760e652348d6acc30fb570f70 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:53:41 2021 +0200 comment commit 49d16cdddd56ba5631269eb2ffbec87d9f36f81e Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:51:29 2021 +0200 extract delimiters commit 3db9d6647650bd836201b8150e320a7fbf28e3c2 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:48:28 2021 +0200 first infos on macos: memory used & free commit f8acb2f8542429677116799ddb5f442488cf3f4f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Sep 28 23:37:03 2021 +0200 make it compile on macos (M1 - arm64). Does not run though commit bbba17cd35248e4e9ec9bfc1b113758cfcffde1f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 10:51:36 2021 +0200 all disks + load averages commit 548203e93dfaf3ec9f24086bee08aac85891c4df Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 10:33:55 2021 +0200 show all disks commit 0ab2be39857fb3dcdb13b49bc9155f17c7d82a4e Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Oct 6 00:17:41 2021 +0200 procs sorting/filtering commit 096104c90b571e931a3a7d9c813dbfc9aa47e212 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 23:42:17 2021 +0200 battery states commit 0ad93684c2a72293b23d6a2163c9ec51b499dfa3 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 23:24:59 2021 +0200 battery hack works on M1 commit c75b0f1cea34e6c4c70332ba7e2572ec9b70deef Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 23:18:22 2021 +0200 ugly hack to get battery commit 600b4f72b3bbbcd85bf5d148942bce7be8cf0b72 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 22:42:42 2021 +0200 CPU stuff commit 4eb812d52c6e179ae386df0156021d7c35cbe5a3 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 21:25:42 2021 +0200 network commit 899be68a78270216bfdcca5f0c87668a87c8792f Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 15:43:05 2021 +0200 correct cached size commit a1c7f935e3a5661688c0de1ad3226f7bc43b9979 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 12:03:48 2021 +0200 vm stats from syscall + swap commit bd1050a7404f9766a0125523c868a27d5cfac8e8 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 10:48:07 2021 +0200 seems to work indeed commit 5094b73758ee88617e8d5ce876211e1efa298769 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 10:46:14 2021 +0200 allow override optimization flag commit 8811270332bc2276cd18c1116f4d3c2d64a6f721 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Oct 5 10:09:24 2021 +0200 update Makefile commit 42f966f448b9ad571db7849dc8fd525e0fe72309 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 15:32:55 2021 +0200 some more params commit c1e6d6a62e2810f80fac372e666ec169540b0591 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 15:15:55 2021 +0200 show more disks commit 50fcdaa8543f717bf36146cfa38636fd39009f23 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 14:52:56 2021 +0200 disks show something commit 264bf2d7da0e3fabb5987cddee73762e52170a51 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Mon Oct 4 09:15:35 2021 +0200 reformat commit 1fd625086ba42e9440c463ae940563d934b8b5c3 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 23:21:13 2021 +0200 decrease diff with upstream commit 17f9f3703c1dd52a86176131a2239cd52ee285bd Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:56:14 2021 +0200 try to get disks to show commit 8462ae6431fcfe1985d1bbb4404452ddc03cc1de Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:42:01 2021 +0200 don't crash on deque::back() commit 78bce5b5a6c1c0f3b38f802acad49ec2e32482d6 Merge: 53e379d f9505a4 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:08:34 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'aristocratos:main' into main commit 53e379d74dffe2282b089450728501b51d13d199 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 22:08:21 2021 +0200 cpu freq, name & process uid/name commit 2a44b307ef9e947c1007a86988876668a5731e64 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 21:46:11 2021 +0200 basic process info commit 66534eb5b50753217687de0414d390bcb2a14cf1 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sun Oct 3 21:45:39 2021 +0200 initialize mutex (needed on macos apparently and not on linux) commit 0983917f26948d83fd8da103903ec99f88058d87 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:53:41 2021 +0200 comment commit 9732507248b30139d4af54615945c0b4737cff7d Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:51:29 2021 +0200 extract delimiters commit 6e704ce8387041c33022459fb6a084362f82a72c Merge: fe4db7c 7bfbd83 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:48:43 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'main' of commit fe4db7c16cd349053385eda62e9f2df2e7344d3d Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Sat Oct 2 23:48:28 2021 +0200 first infos on macos: memory used & free commit 7bfbd83a476c8cbe3b74e22b1e44f201026bf9d1 Merge: 8c8139b a15f961 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Fri Oct 1 17:05:26 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'aristocratos:main' into main commit 8c8139bd1df0849061b5e1425a3138d5f45ec149 Merge: 679d21c a246c09 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Sep 29 21:50:00 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'aristocratos:main' into main commit 679d21cd223b1928e8dde95cac25e8bfb412bedf Merge: 4c70c5b a49b8f9 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Sep 29 20:23:34 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'aristocratos:main' into main commit 4c70c5bdd98bfcc0ae9d9d9e8e3713dc8af71d03 Merge: 84a9746 c70667e Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Wed Sep 29 08:30:05 2021 +0200 Merge branch 'aristocratos:main' into main commit 84a974695afaadc53d1d8576ea66255166ede482 Author: Jos Dehaes <> Date: Tue Sep 28 23:37:03 2021 +0200 make it compile on macos (M1 - arm64). Does not run though Co-authored-by: Jos Dehaes <>
2021-11-14 11:31:01 +13:00
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (is_in(key, "down", "tab", "mouse_scroll_down", "j")) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (++selected > 2) selected = 0;
else if (is_in(key, "up", "shift_tab", "mouse_scroll_up", "k")) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (--selected < 0) selected = 2;
else {
retval = NoChange;
if (retval == Changed) {
auto& out = Global::overlay;
out = bg + Fx::reset + Fx::b;
auto cy = y + 7;
for (const auto& i : iota(0, 3)) {
if (tty_mode) out += (i == selected ? Theme::c("hi_fg") : Theme::c("main_fg"));
const auto& menu = (not tty_mode and i == selected ? menu_selected[i] : menu_normal[i]);
const auto& colors = (i == selected ? colors_selected : colors_normal);
if (redraw) mouse_mappings["button_" + to_string(i)] = {cy, Term::width/2 - menu_width[i]/2, 3, menu_width[i]};
for (int ic = 0; const auto& line : menu) {
out += Mv::to(cy++, Term::width/2 - menu_width[i]/2) + (tty_mode ? "" : colors[ic++]) + line;
out += Fx::reset;
return (redraw ? Changed : retval);
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
int optionsMenu(const string& key) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
enum Predispositions { isBool, isInt, isString, is2D, isBrowseable, isEditable};
static int y = 0, x = 0, height = 0, page = 0, pages = 0, selected = 0, select_max = 0, item_height = 0, selected_cat = 0, max_items = 0, last_sel = 0;
static bool editing = false;
static Draw::TextEdit editor;
static string warnings;
static bitset<8> selPred;
static const unordered_flat_map<string, std::reference_wrapper<const vector<string>>> optionsList = {
{"color_theme", std::cref(Theme::themes)},
{"log_level", std::cref(Logger::log_levels)},
{"temp_scale", std::cref(Config::temp_scales)},
{"proc_sorting", std::cref(Proc::sort_vector)},
{"graph_symbol", std::cref(Config::valid_graph_symbols)},
{"graph_symbol_cpu", std::cref(Config::valid_graph_symbols_def)},
{"graph_symbol_mem", std::cref(Config::valid_graph_symbols_def)},
{"graph_symbol_net", std::cref(Config::valid_graph_symbols_def)},
{"graph_symbol_proc", std::cref(Config::valid_graph_symbols_def)},
{"cpu_graph_upper", std::cref(Cpu::available_fields)},
{"cpu_graph_lower", std::cref(Cpu::available_fields)},
{"cpu_sensor", std::cref(Cpu::available_sensors)},
{"selected_battery", std::cref(Config::available_batteries)},
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
auto& tty_mode = Config::getB("tty_mode");
auto& vim_keys = Config::getB("vim_keys");
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (max_items == 0) {
for (const auto& cat : categories) {
if ((int)cat.size() > max_items) max_items = cat.size();
if (bg.empty()) {
page = selected = selected_cat = last_sel = 0;
redraw = true;
int retval = Changed;
bool recollect = false;
bool screen_redraw = false;
bool theme_refresh = false;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
//? Draw background if needed else process input
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (redraw) {
y = max(1, Term::height/2 - 3 - max_items);
x = Term::width/2 - 39;
height = min(Term::height - 7, max_items * 2 + 4);
if (height % 2 != 0) height--;
bg = Draw::banner_gen(y, 0, true)
+ Draw::createBox(x, y + 6, 78, height, Theme::c("hi_fg"), true, "tab" + Symbols::right)
+ Mv::to(y+8, x) + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Symbols::div_left + Theme::c("div_line") + Symbols::h_line * 29
+ Symbols::div_up + Symbols::h_line * (78 - 32) + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Symbols::div_right
+ Mv::to(y+6+height - 1, x+30) + Symbols::div_down + Theme::c("div_line");
for (const auto& i : iota(0, height - 4)) {
bg += Mv::to(y+9 + i, x + 30) + Symbols::v_line;
else if (not warnings.empty() and not key.empty()) {
auto ret = messageBox.input(key);
if (ret == msgBox::msgReturn::Ok_Yes or ret == msgBox::msgReturn::No_Esc) {
else if (editing and not key.empty()) {
if (is_in(key, "escape", "mouse_click")) {
editing = false;
else if (key == "enter") {
const auto& option = categories[selected_cat][item_height * page + selected][0];
if (selPred.test(isString) and Config::stringValid(option, editor.text)) {
Config::set(option, editor.text);
if (option == "custom_cpu_name") screen_redraw = true;
else if (is_in(option, "shown_boxes", "presets")) {
screen_redraw = true;
Config::current_preset = -1;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
else if (option == "clock_format") {
screen_redraw = true;
else if (option == "cpu_core_map") {
Cpu::core_mapping = Cpu::get_core_mapping();
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (selPred.test(isInt) and Config::intValid(option, editor.text)) {
Config::set(option, stoi(editor.text));
warnings = Config::validError;
editing = false;
else if (not editor.command(key))
retval = NoChange;
else if (key == "mouse_click") {
const auto [mouse_x, mouse_y] = Input::mouse_pos;
if (mouse_x < x or mouse_x > x + 80 or mouse_y < y + 6 or mouse_y > y + 6 + height) {
return Closed;
else if (mouse_x < x + 30 and mouse_y > y + 8) {
auto m_select = ceil((double)(mouse_y - y - 8) / 2) - 1;
if (selected != m_select)
selected = m_select;
else if (selPred.test(isEditable))
goto mouseEnter;
else retval = NoChange;
else if (is_in(key, "enter", "e", "E") and selPred.test(isEditable)) {
const auto& option = categories[selected_cat][item_height * page + selected][0];
editor = Draw::TextEdit{Config::getAsString(option), selPred.test(isInt)};
editing = true;
else if (is_in(key, "escape", "q", "o", "backspace")) {
return Closed;
else if (is_in(key, "down", "mouse_scroll_down") or (vim_keys and key == "j")) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (++selected > select_max or selected >= item_height) {
if (page < pages - 1) page++;
else if (pages > 1) page = 0;
selected = 0;
else if (is_in(key, "up", "mouse_scroll_up") or (vim_keys and key == "k")) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (--selected < 0) {
if (page > 0) page--;
else if (pages > 1) page = pages - 1;
selected = item_height - 1;
else if (pages > 1 and key == "page_down") {
if (++page >= pages) page = 0;
selected = 0;
else if (pages > 1 and key == "page_up") {
if (--page < 0) page = pages - 1;
selected = 0;
else if (key == "tab") {
if (++selected_cat >= (int)categories.size()) selected_cat = 0;
page = selected = 0;
else if (key == "shift_tab") {
if (--selected_cat < 0) selected_cat = (int)categories.size() - 1;
page = selected = 0;
else if (is_in(key, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5") or key.starts_with("select_cat_")) {
selected_cat = key.back() - '0' - 1;
page = selected = 0;
else if (is_in(key, "left", "right") or (vim_keys and is_in(key, "h", "l"))) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
const auto& option = categories[selected_cat][item_height * page + selected][0];
if (selPred.test(isInt)) {
const int mod = (option == "update_ms" ? 100 : 1);
long value = Config::getI(option);
if (key == "right" or (vim_keys and key == "l")) value += mod;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else value -= mod;
if (Config::intValid(option, to_string(value)))
Config::set(option, static_cast<int>(value));
else {
warnings = Config::validError;
else if (selPred.test(isBool)) {
screen_redraw = true;
if (option == "truecolor") {
theme_refresh = true;
else if (option == "force_tty") {
theme_refresh = true;
else if (is_in(option, "rounded_corners", "theme_background"))
theme_refresh = true;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
else if (option == "background_update") {
Runner::pause_output = false;
2022-01-17 01:39:50 +13:00
else if (option == "base_10_sizes") {
recollect = true;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (selPred.test(isBrowseable)) {
auto& optList =;
int i = v_index(optList, Config::getS(option));
2021-11-05 00:44:11 +13:00
if ((key == "right" or (vim_keys and key == "l")) and ++i >= (int)optList.size()) i = 0;
else if ((key == "left" or (vim_keys and key == "h")) and --i < 0) i = optList.size() - 1;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (option == "color_theme")
theme_refresh = true;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
else if (option == "log_level") {
Logger::info("Logger set to " +;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (is_in(option, "proc_sorting", "cpu_sensor") or option.starts_with("graph_symbol") or option.starts_with("cpu_graph_"))
screen_redraw = true;
retval = NoChange;
else {
retval = NoChange;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
//? Draw the menu
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (retval == Changed) {
auto& out = Global::overlay;
out = bg;
item_height = min((int)categories[selected_cat].size(), (int)floor((double)(height - 4) / 2));
pages = ceil((double)categories[selected_cat].size() / item_height);
if (page > pages - 1) page = pages - 1;
select_max = min(item_height - 1, (int)categories[selected_cat].size() - 1 - item_height * page);
if (selected > select_max) {
selected = select_max;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
//? Get variable properties for currently selected option
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (selPred.none() or last_sel != (selected_cat << 8) + selected) {
last_sel = (selected_cat << 8) + selected;
const auto& selOption = categories[selected_cat][item_height * page + selected][0];
if (Config::ints.contains(selOption))
else if (Config::bools.contains(selOption))
if (not selPred.test(isString))
else if (optionsList.contains(selOption)) {
if (not selPred.test(isBrowseable) and (selPred.test(isString) or selPred.test(isInt)))
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
//? Category buttons
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
out += Mv::to(y+7, x+4);
for (int i = 0; const auto& m : {"general", "cpu", "mem", "net", "proc"}) {
out += Fx::b + (i == selected_cat
? Theme::c("hi_fg") + '[' + Theme::c("title") + m + Theme::c("hi_fg") + ']'
: Theme::c("hi_fg") + to_string(i + 1) + Theme::c("title") + m + ' ')
+ Mv::r(10);
if (string button_name = "select_cat_" + to_string(i + 1); not editing and not mouse_mappings.contains(button_name))
mouse_mappings[button_name] = {y+6, x+2 + 15*i, 3, 15};
if (pages > 1) {
out += Mv::to(y+6 + height - 1, x+2) + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Symbols::title_left_down + Fx::b + Symbols::up + Theme::c("title") + " page "
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
+ to_string(page+1) + '/' + to_string(pages) + ' ' + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Symbols::down + Fx::ub + Symbols::title_right_down;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
//? Option name and value
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
auto cy = y+9;
for (int c = 0, i = max(0, item_height * page); c++ < item_height and i < (int)categories[selected_cat].size(); i++) {
const auto& option = categories[selected_cat][i][0];
const auto& value = (option == "color_theme" ? (string) fs::path(Config::getS("color_theme")).stem() : Config::getAsString(option));
out += Mv::to(cy++, x + 1) + (c-1 == selected ? Theme::c("selected_bg") + Theme::c("selected_fg") : Theme::c("title"))
+ Fx::b + cjust(capitalize(s_replace(option, "_", " "))
+ (c-1 == selected and selPred.test(isBrowseable)
? ' ' + to_string(v_index(, (option == "color_theme" ? Config::getS("color_theme") : value)) + 1) + '/' + to_string(
: ""), 29);
out += Mv::to(cy++, x + 1) + (c-1 == selected ? "" : Theme::c("main_fg")) + Fx::ub + " "
+ (c-1 == selected and editing ? cjust(editor(24), 34, true) : cjust(value, 25, true)) + " ";
if (c-1 == selected) {
if (not editing and (selPred.test(is2D) or selPred.test(isBrowseable))) {
out += Fx::b + Mv::to(cy-1, x+2) + Symbols::left + Mv::to(cy-1, x+28) + Symbols::right;
mouse_mappings["left"] = {cy-2, x, 2, 5};
mouse_mappings["right"] = {cy-2, x+25, 2, 5};
if (selPred.test(isEditable)) {
out += Fx::b + Mv::to(cy-1, x+28 - (not editing and selPred.test(isInt) ? 2 : 0)) + (tty_mode ? "E" : Symbols::enter);
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
//? Description of selected option
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
out += Fx::reset + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b;
for (int cyy = y+7; const auto& desc : categories[selected_cat][i]) {
if (cyy++ == y+7) continue;
else if (cyy == y+10) out += Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub;
else if (cyy > y + height + 4) break;
out += Mv::to(cyy, x+32) + desc;
if (not warnings.empty()) {
messageBox = msgBox{min(78, (int)ulen(warnings) + 10), msgBox::BoxTypes::OK, {uresize(warnings, 74)}, "warning"};
out += messageBox();
out += Fx::reset;
if (theme_refresh) {
Draw::banner_gen(0, 0, false, true);
screen_redraw = true;
redraw = true;
if (screen_redraw) {
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
auto overlay_bkp = move(Global::overlay);
auto clock_bkp = move(Global::clock);
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
Global::overlay = move(overlay_bkp);
Global::clock = move(clock_bkp);
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
recollect = true;
if (recollect) {
Runner::run("all", false, true);
retval = NoChange;
return (redraw ? Changed : retval);
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
int helpMenu(const string& key) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
static int y = 0, x = 0, height = 0, page = 0, pages = 0;
if (bg.empty()) page = 0;
int retval = Changed;
if (redraw) {
y = max(1, Term::height/2 - 4 - (int)(help_text.size() / 2));
x = Term::width/2 - 39;
height = min(Term::height - 6, (int)help_text.size() + 3);
pages = ceil((double)help_text.size() / (height - 3));
page = 0;
bg = Draw::banner_gen(y, 0, true);
bg += Draw::createBox(x, y + 6, 78, height, Theme::c("hi_fg"), true, "help");
else if (is_in(key, "escape", "q", "h", "backspace", "space", "enter", "mouse_click")) {
return Closed;
else if (pages > 1 and is_in(key, "down", "page_down", "tab", "mouse_scroll_down")) {
if (++page >= pages) page = 0;
else if (pages > 1 and is_in(key, "up", "page_up", "shift_tab", "mouse_scroll_up")) {
if (--page < 0) page = pages - 1;
else {
retval = NoChange;
if (retval == Changed) {
auto& out = Global::overlay;
out = bg;
if (pages > 1) {
out += Mv::to(y+height+6, x + 2) + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Symbols::title_left_down + Fx::b + Symbols::up + Theme::c("title") + " page "
+ to_string(page+1) + '/' + to_string(pages) + ' ' + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Symbols::down + Fx::ub + Symbols::title_right_down;
auto cy = y+7;
out += Mv::to(cy++, x + 1) + Theme::c("title") + Fx::b + cjust("Key:", 20) + "Description:";
for (int c = 0, i = max(0, (height - 3) * page); c++ < height - 3 and i < (int)help_text.size(); i++) {
out += Mv::to(cy++, x + 1) + Theme::c("hi_fg") + Fx::b + cjust(help_text[i][0], 20)
+ Theme::c("main_fg") + Fx::ub + help_text[i][1];
out += Fx::reset;
return (redraw ? Changed : retval);
//* Add menus here and update enum Menus in header
const auto menuFunc = vector{
bitset<8> menuMask;
void process(string key) {
if (menuMask.none()) {
Menu::active = false;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
Runner::pause_output = false;
currentMenu = -1;
Runner::run("all", true, true);
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
if (currentMenu < 0 or not menuMask.test(currentMenu)) {
Menu::active = true;
redraw = true;
if (((menuMask.test(Main) or menuMask.test(Options) or menuMask.test(Help) or menuMask.test(SignalChoose))
and (Term::width < 80 or Term::height < 24))
or (Term::width < 50 or Term::height < 20)) {
for (const auto& i : iota(0, (int)menuMask.size())) {
if (menuMask.test(i)) currentMenu = i;
auto retCode =;
if (retCode == Closed) {
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
Runner::pause_output = false;
else if (redraw) {
redraw = false;
Runner::run("all", true, true);
else if (retCode == Changed)
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00
else if (retCode == Switch) {
Runner::pause_output = false;
redraw = true;
2021-09-18 00:25:54 +12:00
void show(int menu, int signal) {
signalToSend = signal;
2021-09-13 01:58:23 +12:00