task('doctor') ->desc('Validate server health') ->action(function () use ($register) { Console::log(" __ ____ ____ _ _ ____ __ ____ ____ __ __ / _\ ( _ \( _ \/ )( \( _ \( )(_ _)( __) ( )/ \ / \ ) __/ ) __/\ /\ / ) / )( )( ) _) _ )(( O ) \_/\_/(__) (__) (_/\_)(__\_)(__) (__) (____)(_)(__)\__/ "); Console::log("\n" . '👩‍⚕️ Running ' . APP_NAME . ' Doctor for version ' . App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN') . ' ...' . "\n"); Console::log('[Settings]'); $domain = new Domain(App::getEnv('_APP_DOMAIN')); if (!$domain->isKnown() || $domain->isTest()) { Console::log('🔴 Hostname has no public suffix (' . $domain->get() . ')'); } else { Console::log('🟢 Hostname has a public suffix (' . $domain->get() . ')'); } $domain = new Domain(App::getEnv('_APP_DOMAIN_TARGET')); if (!$domain->isKnown() || $domain->isTest()) { Console::log('🔴 CNAME target has no public suffix (' . $domain->get() . ')'); } else { Console::log('🟢 CNAME target has a public suffix (' . $domain->get() . ')'); } if (App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1') === 'your-secret-key' || empty(App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'))) { Console::log('🔴 Not using a unique secret key for encryption'); } else { Console::log('🟢 Using a unique secret key for encryption'); } if (App::getEnv('_APP_ENV', 'development') !== 'production') { Console::log('🔴 App environment is set for development'); } else { Console::log('🟢 App environment is set for production'); } if ('enabled' !== App::getEnv('_APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE', 'disabled')) { Console::log('🔴 Abuse protection is disabled'); } else { Console::log('🟢 Abuse protection is enabled'); } $authWhitelistRoot = App::getEnv('_APP_CONSOLE_WHITELIST_ROOT', null); $authWhitelistEmails = App::getEnv('_APP_CONSOLE_WHITELIST_EMAILS', null); $authWhitelistIPs = App::getEnv('_APP_CONSOLE_WHITELIST_IPS', null); if ( empty($authWhitelistRoot) && empty($authWhitelistEmails) && empty($authWhitelistIPs) ) { Console::log('🔴 Console access limits are disabled'); } else { Console::log('🟢 Console access limits are enabled'); } if ('enabled' !== App::getEnv('_APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS', 'disabled')) { Console::log('🔴 HTTPS force option is disabled'); } else { Console::log('🟢 HTTPS force option is enabled'); } $providerName = App::getEnv('_APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER', ''); $providerConfig = App::getEnv('_APP_LOGGING_CONFIG', ''); if (empty($providerName) || empty($providerConfig) || !Logger::hasProvider($providerName)) { Console::log('🔴 Logging adapter is disabled'); } else { Console::log('🟢 Logging adapter is enabled (' . $providerName . ')'); } \sleep(0.2); try { Console::log("\n" . '[Connectivity]'); } catch (\Throwable $th) { //throw $th; } $pools = $register->get('pools'); /** @var \Utopia\Pools\Group $pools */ $configs = [ 'Console.DB' => Config::getParam('pools-console'), 'Projects.DB' => Config::getParam('pools-database'), ]; foreach ($configs as $key => $config) { foreach ($config as $database) { $adapter = $pools->get($database)->pop()->getResource(); try { if($adapter->ping()) { Console::success('🟢 '.str_pad("{$key}({$database})", 50, '.').'connected'); } else { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("{$key}({$database})", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("{$key}.({$database})", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } } } $pools = $register->get('pools'); /** @var \Utopia\Pools\Group $pools */ $configs = [ 'Cache' => Config::getParam('pools-cache'), 'Queue' => Config::getParam('pools-queue'), 'PubSub' => Config::getParam('pools-pubsub'), ]; foreach ($configs as $key => $config) { foreach ($config as $pool) { $adapter = $pools->get($pool)->pop()->getResource(); try { if($adapter->ping()) { Console::success('🟢 '.str_pad("{$key}({$pool})", 50, '.').'connected'); } else { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("{$key}({$pool})", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("{$key}({$pool})", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } } } if (App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS') === 'enabled') { // Check if scans are enabled try { $antivirus = new Network( App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS_HOST', 'clamav'), (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS_PORT', 3310) ); if ((@$antivirus->ping())) { Console::success('🟢 '.str_pad("Antivirus", 50, '.').'connected'); } else { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("Antivirus", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("Antivirus", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } } try { $mail = $register->get('smtp'); /* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */ $mail->addAddress('demo@example.com', 'Example.com'); $mail->Subject = 'Test SMTP Connection'; $mail->Body = 'Hello World'; $mail->AltBody = 'Hello World'; $mail->send(); Console::success('🟢 '.str_pad("SMTP", 50, '.').'connected'); } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("SMTP", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } $host = App::getEnv('_APP_STATSD_HOST', 'telegraf'); $port = App::getEnv('_APP_STATSD_PORT', 8125); if ($fp = @\fsockopen('udp://' . $host, $port, $errCode, $errStr, 2)) { Console::success('🟢 '.str_pad("StatsD", 50, '.').'connected'); \fclose($fp); } else { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("StatsD", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } $host = App::getEnv('_APP_INFLUXDB_HOST', ''); $port = App::getEnv('_APP_INFLUXDB_PORT', ''); if ($fp = @\fsockopen($host, $port, $errCode, $errStr, 2)) { Console::success('🟢 '.str_pad("InfluxDB", 50, '.').'connected'); \fclose($fp); } else { Console::error('🔴 '.str_pad("InfluxDB", 47, '.').'disconnected'); } \sleep(0.2); Console::log(''); Console::log('[Volumes]'); foreach ( [ 'Uploads' => APP_STORAGE_UPLOADS, 'Cache' => APP_STORAGE_CACHE, 'Config' => APP_STORAGE_CONFIG, 'Certs' => APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES ] as $key => $volume ) { $device = new Local($volume); if (\is_readable($device->getRoot())) { Console::success('🟢 ' . $key . ' Volume is readable'); } else { Console::error('🔴 ' . $key . ' Volume is unreadable'); } if (\is_writable($device->getRoot())) { Console::success('🟢 ' . $key . ' Volume is writeable'); } else { Console::error('🔴 ' . $key . ' Volume is unwriteable'); } } \sleep(0.2); Console::log(''); Console::log('[Disk Space]'); foreach ( [ 'Uploads' => APP_STORAGE_UPLOADS, 'Cache' => APP_STORAGE_CACHE, 'Config' => APP_STORAGE_CONFIG, 'Certs' => APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES ] as $key => $volume ) { $device = new Local($volume); $percentage = (($device->getPartitionTotalSpace() - $device->getPartitionFreeSpace()) / $device->getPartitionTotalSpace()) * 100; $message = $key . ' Volume has ' . Storage::human($device->getPartitionFreeSpace()) . ' free space (' . \round($percentage, 2) . '% used)'; if ($percentage < 80) { Console::success('🟢 ' . $message); } else { Console::error('🔴 ' . $message); } } try { if (App::isProduction()) { Console::log(''); $version = \json_decode(@\file_get_contents(App::getEnv('_APP_HOME', 'http://localhost') . '/v1/health/version'), true); if ($version && isset($version['version'])) { if (\version_compare($version['version'], App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN')) === 0) { Console::info('You are running the latest version of ' . APP_NAME . '! 🥳'); } else { Console::info('A new version (' . $version['version'] . ') is available! 🥳' . "\n"); } } else { Console::error('Failed to check for a newer version' . "\n"); } } } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('Failed to check for a newer version' . "\n"); } });