$this->createTeam('team1', 'Team 1'), 'team2' => $this->createTeam('team2', 'Team 2'), ]; } public function createUsers(): array { return [ 'user1' => $this->createUser('user1', 'lorem@ipsum.com'), 'user2' => $this->createUser('user2', 'dolor@ipsum.com'), 'user3' => $this->createUser('user3', 'sit@ipsum.com'), ]; } public function createCollections($teams) { $db = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'databaseId' => $this->databaseId, 'name' => 'Test Database', ]); $this->assertEquals(201, $db['headers']['status-code']); $collection1 = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'collectionId' => 'collection1', 'name' => 'Collection 1', 'permissions' => [ 'read(team: ' . $teams['team1']['$id'] . ')', 'create(team: ' . $teams['team1']['$id'] . '/admin)', 'update(team: ' . $teams['team1']['$id'] . '/admin)', 'delete(team: ' . $teams['team1']['$id'] . '/admin)', ], ]); $this->collections['collection1'] = $collection1['body']['$id']; $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections/' . $this->collections['collection1'] . '/attributes/string', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'key' => 'title', 'size' => 256, 'required' => true, ]); $collection2 = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'collectionId' => 'collection2', 'name' => 'Collection 2', 'permissions' => [ 'read(team: ' . $teams['team2']['$id'] . ')', 'create(team: ' . $teams['team2']['$id'] . '/owner)', 'update(team: ' . $teams['team2']['$id'] . '/owner)', 'delete(team: ' . $teams['team2']['$id'] . '/owner)', ] ]); $this->collections['collection2'] = $collection2['body']['$id']; $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections/' . $this->collections['collection2'] . '/attributes/string', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'key' => 'title', 'size' => 256, 'required' => true, ]); sleep(2); return $this->collections; } /* * $success = can $user read from $collection * [$user, $collection, $success] */ public function readDocumentsProvider(): array { return [ ['user1', 'collection1', true], ['user2', 'collection1', false], ['user3', 'collection1', true], ['user1', 'collection2', false], ['user2', 'collection2', true], ['user3', 'collection2', true], ]; } /* * $success = can $user write to $collection * [$user, $collection, $success] */ public function writeDocumentsProvider(): array { return [ ['user1', 'collection1', true], ['user2', 'collection1', false], ['user3', 'collection1', false], ['user1', 'collection2', false], ['user2', 'collection2', true], ['user3', 'collection2', false], ]; } /** * Setup database * * Data providers lose object state * so explicitly pass $users to each iteration * @return array $users */ public function testSetupDatabase(): array { $this->createUsers(); $this->createTeams(); $this->addToTeam('user1', 'team1', ['admin']); $this->addToTeam('user2', 'team2', ['owner']); // user3 in both teams but with no roles $this->addToTeam('user3', 'team1'); $this->addToTeam('user3', 'team2'); $this->createCollections($this->teams); $response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections/' . $this->collections['collection1'] . '/documents', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'documentId' => 'unique()', 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Lorem', ], ]); $this->assertEquals(201, $response['headers']['status-code']); $response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections/' . $this->collections['collection2'] . '/documents', $this->getServerHeader(), [ 'documentId' => 'unique()', 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Ipsum', ], ]); $this->assertEquals(201, $response['headers']['status-code']); return $this->users; } /** * Data provider params are passed before test dependencies * @depends testSetupDatabase * @dataProvider readDocumentsProvider */ public function testReadDocuments($user, $collection, $success, $users) { $documents = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_GET, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections/' . $collection . '/documents', [ 'origin' => 'http://localhost', 'content-type' => 'application/json', 'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'], 'cookie' => 'a_session_' . $this->getProject()['$id'] . '=' . $users[$user]['session'], ]); if ($success) { $this->assertCount(1, $documents['body']['documents']); } else { $this->assertEquals(401, $documents['headers']['status-code']); } } /** * @depends testSetupDatabase * @dataProvider writeDocumentsProvider */ public function testWriteDocuments($user, $collection, $success, $users) { $documents = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/databases/' . $this->databaseId . '/collections/' . $collection . '/documents', [ 'origin' => 'http://localhost', 'content-type' => 'application/json', 'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'], 'cookie' => 'a_session_' . $this->getProject()['$id'] . '=' . $users[$user]['session'], ], [ 'documentId' => 'unique()', 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Ipsum', ], ]); if ($success) { $this->assertEquals(201, $documents['headers']['status-code']); } else { // 401 if user is a part of team, 404 otherwise $this->assertContains($documents['headers']['status-code'], [401, 404]); } } }