# WARNING! # This is a development version of THE Appwrite docker-compose.yml file. # Avoid using this file in your production environment. # We're exposing here sensitive ports and mounting code volumes for rapid development and debugging of the server stack. x-logging: &x-logging logging: driver: 'json-file' options: max-file: '5' max-size: '10m' version: '3' services: traefik: image: traefik:2.9 <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-traefik command: - --log.level=DEBUG - --api.insecure=true - --providers.file.directory=/storage/config - --providers.file.watch=true - --providers.docker=true - --providers.docker.exposedByDefault=false - --providers.docker.constraints=Label(`traefik.constraint-label-stack`,`appwrite`) - --entrypoints.appwrite_web.address=:80 - --entrypoints.appwrite_websecure.address=:443 - --accesslog=true ports: - 80:80 - 8080:80 - 443:443 - 9500:8080 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - appwrite-config:/storage/config:ro - appwrite-certificates:/storage/certificates:ro depends_on: - appwrite networks: - gateway - appwrite appwrite: container_name: appwrite <<: *x-logging image: appwrite-dev build: context: . args: DEBUG: false TESTING: true VERSION: dev VITE_CONSOLE_MODE: self-hosted ports: - 9501:80 networks: - appwrite labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.constraint-label-stack=appwrite" - "traefik.docker.network=appwrite" - "traefik.http.services.appwrite_api.loadbalancer.server.port=80" #http - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_http.entrypoints=appwrite_web - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_http.rule=PathPrefix(`/`) - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_http.service=appwrite_api # https - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_https.entrypoints=appwrite_websecure - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_https.rule=PathPrefix(`/`) - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_https.service=appwrite_api - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_api_https.tls=true volumes: - appwrite-uploads:/storage/uploads:rw - appwrite-cache:/storage/cache:rw - appwrite-config:/storage/config:rw - appwrite-certificates:/storage/certificates:rw - appwrite-functions:/storage/functions:rw - ./phpunit.xml:/usr/src/code/phpunit.xml - ./tests:/usr/src/code/tests - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./docs:/usr/src/code/docs - ./public:/usr/src/code/public - ./src:/usr/src/code/src - ./dev:/usr/local/dev depends_on: - mariadb - redis # - clamav entrypoint: - php - -e - app/http.php - -dopcache.preload=opcache.preload=/usr/src/code/app/preload.php environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_SERVER_MULTIPROCESS=enabled - _APP_LOCALE - _APP_CONSOLE_WHITELIST_ROOT - _APP_CONSOLE_WHITELIST_EMAILS - _APP_CONSOLE_WHITELIST_IPS - _APP_CONSOLE_INVITES - _APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_NAME - _APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS - _APP_SYSTEM_SECURITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS - _APP_SYSTEM_RESPONSE_FORMAT - _APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE - _APP_OPTIONS_FORCE_HTTPS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DOMAIN - _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_PUBSUB - _APP_SMTP_HOST - _APP_SMTP_PORT - _APP_SMTP_SECURE - _APP_SMTP_USERNAME - _APP_SMTP_PASSWORD - _APP_HAMSTER_RECIPIENTS - _APP_USAGE_STATS - _APP_INFLUXDB_HOST - _APP_INFLUXDB_PORT - _APP_STORAGE_LIMIT - _APP_STORAGE_PREVIEW_LIMIT - _APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS - _APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS_HOST - _APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS_PORT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_STORAGE - _APP_FUNCTIONS_SIZE_LIMIT - _APP_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT - _APP_FUNCTIONS_BUILD_TIMEOUT - _APP_FUNCTIONS_CPUS - _APP_FUNCTIONS_MEMORY - _APP_FUNCTIONS_RUNTIMES - _APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET - _APP_EXECUTOR_HOST - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG - _APP_STATSD_HOST - _APP_STATSD_PORT - _APP_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_EXECUTION - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_CACHE - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_ABUSE - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_AUDIT - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_USAGE_HOURLY - _APP_SMS_PROVIDER - _APP_SMS_FROM - _APP_REGION appwrite-realtime: entrypoint: realtime <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-realtime image: appwrite-dev restart: unless-stopped ports: - 9505:80 labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.constraint-label-stack=appwrite" - "traefik.docker.network=appwrite" - "traefik.http.services.appwrite_realtime.loadbalancer.server.port=80" #ws - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_ws.entrypoints=appwrite_web - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_ws.rule=PathPrefix(`/v1/realtime`) - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_ws.service=appwrite_realtime # wss - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_wss.entrypoints=appwrite_websecure - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_wss.rule=PathPrefix(`/v1/realtime`) - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_wss.service=appwrite_realtime - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_wss.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.appwrite_realtime_wss.tls.certresolver=dns networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - mariadb - redis environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_SERVER_MULTIPROCESS=enabled - _APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_PUBSUB - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_USAGE_STATS - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-audits: entrypoint: worker-audits <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-audits image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis - mariadb environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-webhooks: entrypoint: worker-webhooks <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-webhooks image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis - mariadb - request-catcher environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_SYSTEM_SECURITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-deletes: entrypoint: worker-deletes <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-deletes image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite depends_on: - redis - mariadb volumes: - appwrite-uploads:/storage/uploads:rw - appwrite-cache:/storage/cache:rw - appwrite-functions:/storage/functions:rw - appwrite-builds:/storage/builds:rw - appwrite-certificates:/storage/certificates:rw - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_STORAGE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG - _APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET - _APP_EXECUTOR_HOST appwrite-worker-databases: entrypoint: worker-databases <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-databases image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis - mariadb environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-builds: entrypoint: worker-builds <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-builds image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis - mariadb environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET - _APP_EXECUTOR_HOST - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_STORAGE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-certificates: entrypoint: worker-certificates <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-certificates image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite depends_on: - redis - mariadb volumes: - appwrite-config:/storage/config:rw - appwrite-certificates:/storage/certificates:rw - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DOMAIN - _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET - _APP_SYSTEM_SECURITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-functions: entrypoint: worker-functions <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-functions image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis - mariadb - openruntimes-executor environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT - _APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET - _APP_EXECUTOR_HOST - _APP_USAGE_STATS - DOCKERHUB_PULL_USERNAME - DOCKERHUB_PULL_PASSWORD appwrite-worker-mails: entrypoint: worker-mails <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-mails image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis - maildev # - smtp environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_NAME - _APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_SMTP_HOST - _APP_SMTP_PORT - _APP_SMTP_SECURE - _APP_SMTP_USERNAME - _APP_SMTP_PASSWORD - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-worker-messaging: entrypoint: worker-messaging <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-worker-messaging image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_SMS_PROVIDER - _APP_SMS_FROM - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-maintenance: entrypoint: maintenance <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-maintenance image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - redis environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_DOMAIN - _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_EXECUTION - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_CACHE - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_ABUSE - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_AUDIT - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_USAGE_HOURLY - _APP_MAINTENANCE_RETENTION_SCHEDULES appwrite-usage: entrypoint: usage <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-usage image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src - ./dev:/usr/local/dev depends_on: - influxdb - mariadb environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1 - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_INFLUXDB_HOST - _APP_INFLUXDB_PORT - _APP_USAGE_AGGREGATION_INTERVAL - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - _APP_LOGGING_CONFIG appwrite-schedule: entrypoint: schedule <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-schedule image: appwrite-dev networks: - appwrite volumes: - ./app:/usr/src/code/app - ./src:/usr/src/code/src depends_on: - mariadb - redis environment: - _APP_ENV - _APP_WORKER_PER_CORE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX - _APP_POOL_CLIENTS - _APP_REDIS_HOST - _APP_REDIS_PORT - _APP_REDIS_USER - _APP_REDIS_PASS - _APP_DB_HOST - _APP_DB_PORT - _APP_DB_SCHEMA - _APP_DB_USER - _APP_DB_PASS - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_PROJECT - _APP_CONNECTIONS_DB_CONSOLE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_CACHE - _APP_CONNECTIONS_QUEUE - _APP_REGION openruntimes-executor: container_name: openruntimes-executor hostname: exc1 <<: *x-logging stop_signal: SIGINT image: openruntimes/executor:0.1.6 networks: - appwrite - runtimes volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - appwrite-builds:/storage/builds:rw - appwrite-functions:/storage/functions:rw - /tmp:/tmp:rw environment: - OPR_EXECUTOR_CONNECTION_STORAGE=$_APP_CONNECTIONS_STORAGE - OPR_EXECUTOR_INACTIVE_TRESHOLD=$_APP_FUNCTIONS_INACTIVE_THRESHOLD - OPR_EXECUTOR_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL=$_APP_FUNCTIONS_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL - OPR_EXECUTOR_NETWORK=$_APP_FUNCTIONS_RUNTIMES_NETWORK - OPR_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME=$_APP_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME - OPR_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD=$_APP_DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD - OPR_EXECUTOR_ENV=$_APP_ENV - OPR_EXECUTOR_RUNTIMES=$_APP_FUNCTIONS_RUNTIMES - OPR_EXECUTOR_SECRET=$_APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET - OPR_EXECUTOR_LOGGING_PROVIDER=$_APP_LOGGING_PROVIDER - OPR_EXECUTOR_LOGGING_CONFIG=$_APP_LOGGING_CONFIG mariadb: image: mariadb:10.7 # fix issues when upgrading using: mysql_upgrade -u root -p container_name: appwrite-mariadb <<: *x-logging networks: - appwrite volumes: - appwrite-mariadb:/var/lib/mysql:rw ports: - "3306:3306" environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${_APP_DB_ROOT_PASS} - MYSQL_DATABASE=${_APP_DB_SCHEMA} - MYSQL_USER=${_APP_DB_USER} - MYSQL_PASSWORD=${_APP_DB_PASS} command: 'mysqld --innodb-flush-method=fsync --max_connections=${_APP_CONNECTIONS_MAX}' # smtp: # image: appwrite/smtp:1.2.0 # container_name: appwrite-smtp # networks: # - appwrite # environment: # - LOCAL_DOMAINS=@ # - RELAY_FROM_HOSTS= ; *.yourdomain.com # - SMARTHOST_HOST=smtp # - SMARTHOST_PORT=587 redis: image: redis:7.0.4-alpine <<: *x-logging container_name: appwrite-redis command: > redis-server --maxmemory 512mb --maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru --maxmemory-samples 5 ports: - "6379:6379" networks: - appwrite volumes: - appwrite-redis:/data:rw # clamav: # image: appwrite/clamav:1.2.0 # container_name: appwrite-clamav # networks: # - appwrite # volumes: # - appwrite-uploads:/storage/uploads influxdb: image: appwrite/influxdb:1.5.0 container_name: appwrite-influxdb <<: *x-logging networks: - appwrite volumes: - appwrite-influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb:rw telegraf: image: appwrite/telegraf:1.4.0 container_name: appwrite-telegraf <<: *x-logging networks: - appwrite environment: - _APP_INFLUXDB_HOST - _APP_INFLUXDB_PORT # Dev Tools Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The Appwrite Team uses the following tools to help debug, monitor and diagnose the Appwrite stack # # Here is a description of the different tools and why are we using them: # # MailCatcher - An SMTP server. Catches all system emails and displays them in a nice UI. # RequestCatcher - An HTTP server. Catches all system https calls and displays them using a simple HTTP API. Used to debug & tests webhooks and HTTP tasks # RedisCommander - A nice UI for exploring Redis data # Resque - A nice UI for exploring Redis pub/sub, view the different queues workloads, pending and failed tasks # Chronograf - A nice UI for exploring InfluxDB data # Webgrind - A nice UI for exploring and debugging code-level stuff maildev: # used mainly for dev tests image: appwrite/mailcatcher:1.0.0 container_name: appwrite-mailcatcher <<: *x-logging ports: - '9503:1080' networks: - appwrite request-catcher: # used mainly for dev tests image: appwrite/requestcatcher:1.0.0 container_name: appwrite-requestcatcher <<: *x-logging ports: - '9504:5000' networks: - appwrite adminer: image: adminer container_name: appwrite-adminer <<: *x-logging ports: - 9506:8080 networks: - appwrite # appwrite-volume-sync: # entrypoint: volume-sync # <<: *x-logging # container_name: appwrite-volume-sync # image: appwrite-dev # command: # - --source=/data/src/ --destination=/data/dest/ --interval=10 # networks: # - appwrite # # volumes: # Mount the rsync source and destination directories # # - /nfs/config:/data/src # # - /storage/config:/data/dest # redis-commander: # image: rediscommander/redis-commander:latest # networks: # - appwrite # environment: # - REDIS_HOSTS=redis # ports: # - "8081:8081" # resque: # image: appwrite/resque-web:1.1.0 # networks: # - appwrite # ports: # - "5678:5678" # environment: # - RESQUE_WEB_HOST=redis # - RESQUE_WEB_PORT=6379 # - RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER=user # - RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=password # chronograf: # image: chronograf:1.6 # container_name: appwrite-chronograf # networks: # - appwrite # volumes: # - appwrite-chronograf:/var/lib/chronograf # ports: # - "8888:8888" # environment: # - INFLUXDB_URL=http://influxdb:8086 # - KAPACITOR_URL=http://kapacitor:9092 # - AUTH_DURATION=48h # - TOKEN_SECRET=duperduper5674829!jwt # - GH_CLIENT_ID=d86f7145a41eacfc52cc # - GH_CLIENT_SECRET=9e0081062367a2134e7f2ea95ba1a32d08b6c8ab # - GH_ORGS=appwrite # webgrind: # image: 'jokkedk/webgrind:latest' # volumes: # - './debug:/tmp' # ports: # - '3001:80' # Dev Tools End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ networks: gateway: name: gateway appwrite: name: appwrite runtimes: name: runtimes volumes: appwrite-mariadb: appwrite-redis: appwrite-cache: appwrite-uploads: appwrite-certificates: appwrite-influxdb: appwrite-config: appwrite-functions: appwrite-builds: # appwrite-chronograf: