args['projectId']) ? $this->args['projectId'] : ''; $type = $this->args['type']; switch (strval($type)) { case DELETE_TYPE_DOCUMENT: $document = $this->args['document']; $document = new Document($document); switch (strval($document->getCollection())) { case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS: $this->deleteProject($document); break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS: $this->deleteFunction($document, $projectId); break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS: $this->deleteUser($document, $projectId); break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_COLLECTIONS: $this->deleteDocuments($document, $projectId); break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TEAMS: $this->deleteMemberships($document, $projectId); break; default: Console::error('No lazy delete operation available for document of type: ' . $document->getCollection()); break; } break; case DELETE_TYPE_EXECUTIONS: $this->deleteExecutionLogs($this->args['timestamp']); break; case DELETE_TYPE_AUDIT: $this->deleteAuditLogs($this->args['timestamp']); break; case DELETE_TYPE_ABUSE: $this->deleteAbuseLogs($this->args['timestamp']); break; case DELETE_TYPE_REALTIME: $this->deleteRealtimeUsage($this->args['timestamp']); break; case DELETE_TYPE_CERTIFICATES: $document = new Document($this->args['document']); $this->deleteCertificates($document); break; default: Console::error('No delete operation for type: ' . $type); break; } } public function shutdown(): void { } protected function deleteDocuments(Document $document, $projectId) { $collectionId = $document->getId(); // Delete Documents in the deleted collection $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection=' . $collectionId ], $this->getProjectDB($projectId)); } protected function deleteMemberships(Document $document, $projectId) { // Delete Memberships $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection=' . Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_MEMBERSHIPS, 'teamId=' . $document->getId(), ], $this->getProjectDB($projectId)); } protected function deleteProject(Document $document) { // Delete all DBs $this->getConsoleDB()->deleteNamespace($document->getId()); $uploads = new Local(APP_STORAGE_UPLOADS . '/app-' . $document->getId()); $cache = new Local(APP_STORAGE_CACHE . '/app-' . $document->getId()); // Delete all storage directories $uploads->delete($uploads->getRoot(), true); $cache->delete($cache->getRoot(), true); } protected function deleteUser(Document $document, $projectId) { $tokens = $document->getAttribute('tokens', []); foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (!$this->getProjectDB($projectId)->deleteDocument($token->getId())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB'); } } $sessions = $document->getAttribute('sessions', []); foreach ($sessions as $session) { if (!$this->getProjectDB($projectId)->deleteDocument($session->getId())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove session from DB'); } } // Delete Memberships and decrement team membership counts $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection=' . Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_MEMBERSHIPS, 'userId=' . $document->getId(), ], $this->getProjectDB($projectId), function (Document $document) use ($projectId) { if ($document->getAttribute('confirm')) { // Count only confirmed members $teamId = $document->getAttribute('teamId'); $team = $this->getProjectDB($projectId)->getDocument($teamId); if (!$team->isEmpty()) { $team = $this->getProjectDB($projectId)->updateDocument(\array_merge($team->getArrayCopy(), [ 'sum' => \max($team->getAttribute('sum', 0) - 1, 0), // Ensure that sum >= 0 ])); } } }); } protected function deleteExecutionLogs($timestamp) { $this->deleteForProjectIds(function ($projectId) use ($timestamp) { if (!($projectDB = $this->getProjectDB($projectId))) { throw new Exception('Failed to get projectDB for project ' . $projectId); } // Delete Executions $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection=' . Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_EXECUTIONS, 'dateCreated<' . $timestamp ], $projectDB); }); } protected function deleteAbuseLogs($timestamp) { global $register; if ($timestamp == 0) { throw new Exception('Failed to delete audit logs. No timestamp provided'); } $timeLimit = new TimeLimit("", 0, 1, $register->get('db')); $this->deleteForProjectIds(function ($projectId) use ($timeLimit, $timestamp) { $timeLimit->setNamespace('app_' . $projectId); $abuse = new Abuse($timeLimit); $status = $abuse->cleanup($timestamp); if (!$status) { throw new Exception('Failed to delete Abuse logs for project ' . $projectId); } }); } protected function deleteAuditLogs($timestamp) { global $register; if ($timestamp == 0) { throw new Exception('Failed to delete audit logs. No timestamp provided'); } $this->deleteForProjectIds(function ($projectId) use ($register, $timestamp) { $adapter = new AuditAdapter($register->get('db')); $adapter->setNamespace('app_' . $projectId); $audit = new Audit($adapter); $status = $audit->cleanup($timestamp); if (!$status) { throw new Exception('Failed to delete Audit logs for project' . $projectId); } }); } protected function deleteRealtimeUsage($timestamp) { if (!($consoleDB = $this->getConsoleDB())) { throw new Exception('Failed to get consoleDb.'); } // Delete Dead Realtime Logs $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_REALTIME_CONNECTIONS, 'timestamp<'.$timestamp ], $consoleDB); } protected function deleteFunction(Document $document, $projectId) { $projectDB = $this->getProjectDB($projectId); $device = new Local(APP_STORAGE_FUNCTIONS . '/app-' . $projectId); // Delete Tags $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection=' . Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS, 'functionId=' . $document->getId(), ], $projectDB, function (Document $document) use ($device) { if ($device->delete($document->getAttribute('path', ''))) { Console::success('Delete code tag: ' . $document->getAttribute('path', '')); } else { Console::error('Failed to delete code tag: ' . $document->getAttribute('path', '')); } }); // Delete Executions $this->deleteByGroup([ '$collection=' . Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_EXECUTIONS, 'functionId=' . $document->getId(), ], $projectDB); } protected function deleteById(Document $document, Database $database, callable $callback = null): bool { Authorization::disable(); if ($database->deleteDocument($document->getId())) { Console::success('Deleted document "' . $document->getId() . '" successfully'); if (is_callable($callback)) { $callback($document); } return true; } else { Console::error('Failed to delete document: ' . $document->getId()); return false; } Authorization::reset(); } protected function deleteForProjectIds(callable $callback) { $count = 0; $chunk = 0; $limit = 50; $projects = []; $sum = $limit; $executionStart = \microtime(true); while ($sum === $limit) { $chunk++; Authorization::disable(); $projects = $this->getConsoleDB()->getCollection([ 'limit' => $limit, 'orderType' => 'ASC', 'orderCast' => 'string', 'filters' => [ '$collection=' . Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS, ], ]); Authorization::reset(); $projectIds = array_map(function ($project) { return $project->getId(); }, $projects); $sum = count($projects); Console::info('Executing delete function for chunk #' . $chunk . '. Found ' . $sum . ' projects'); foreach ($projectIds as $projectId) { $callback($projectId); $count++; } } $executionEnd = \microtime(true); Console::info("Found {$count} projects " . ($executionEnd - $executionStart) . " seconds"); } protected function deleteByGroup(array $filters, Database $database, callable $callback = null) { $count = 0; $chunk = 0; $limit = 50; $results = []; $sum = $limit; $executionStart = \microtime(true); while ($sum === $limit) { $chunk++; Authorization::disable(); $results = $database->getCollection([ 'limit' => $limit, 'orderField' => '$id', 'orderType' => 'ASC', 'orderCast' => 'string', 'filters' => $filters, ]); Authorization::reset(); $sum = count($results); Console::info('Deleting chunk #' . $chunk . '. Found ' . $sum . ' documents'); foreach ($results as $document) { $this->deleteById($document, $database, $callback); $count++; } } $executionEnd = \microtime(true); Console::info("Deleted {$count} document by group in " . ($executionEnd - $executionStart) . " seconds"); } protected function deleteCertificates(Document $document) { $domain = $document->getAttribute('domain'); $directory = APP_STORAGE_CERTIFICATES . '/' . $domain; $checkTraversal = realpath($directory) === $directory; if ($domain && $checkTraversal && is_dir($directory)) { array_map('unlink', glob($directory . '/*.*')); rmdir($directory); Console::info("Deleted certificate files for {$domain}"); } else { Console::info("No certificate files found for {$domain}"); } } /** * @return Database * @throws Exception */ protected function getConsoleDB(): Database { global $register; $db = $register->get('db'); $cache = $register->get('cache'); if (!isset($this->consoleDB)) { $this->consoleDB = new Database(); $this->consoleDB->setAdapter(new RedisAdapter(new MySQLAdapter($db, $cache), $cache));; $this->consoleDB->setNamespace('app_console'); // Main DB $this->consoleDB->setMocks(Config::getParam('collections', [])); } return $this->consoleDB; } /** * @param string $projectId * @return Database * @throws Exception */ protected function getProjectDB(string $projectId): Database { global $register; $db = $register->get('db'); $cache = $register->get('cache'); $projectDB = new Database(); $projectDB->setAdapter(new RedisAdapter(new MySQLAdapter($db, $cache), $cache)); $projectDB->setNamespace('app_' . $projectId); // Main DB $projectDB->setMocks(Config::getParam('collections', [])); return $projectDB; } }