queue = $queue; $this->class = $class; } /** * Set queue used for this event. * * @param string $queue * @return Event */ public function setQueue(string $queue): self { $this->queue = $queue; return $this; } /** * Get queue used for this event. * * @return string */ public function getQueue(): string { return $this->queue; } /** * Set event name used for this event. * @param string $event * @return Event */ public function setEvent(string $event): self { $this->event = $event; return $this; } /** * Get event name used for this event. * * @return string */ public function getEvent(): string { return $this->event; } /** * Set project for this event. * * @param Document $project * @return self */ public function setProject(Document $project): self { $this->project = $project; return $this; } /** * Get project for this event. * * @return Document */ public function getProject(): Document { return $this->project; } /** * Set user for this event. * * @param Document $user * @return self */ public function setUser(Document $user): self { $this->user = $user; return $this; } /** * Get project for this event. * * @return Document */ public function getUser(): Document { return $this->user; } /** * Set payload for this event. * * @param array $payload * @return self */ public function setPayload(array $payload): self { $this->payload = $payload; return $this; } /** * Get payload for this event. * * @return array */ public function getPayload(): array { return $this->payload; } /** * Set context for this event. * * @param Document $context * @return self */ public function setContext(Document $context): self { $this->context = $context; return $this; } /** * Get context for this event. * * @return null|Document */ public function getContext(): ?Document { return $this->context; } /** * Set class used for this event. * @param string $class * @return self */ public function setClass(string $class): self { $this->class = $class; return $this; } /** * Get class used for this event. * * @return string */ public function getClass(): string { return $this->class; } /** * Set param of event. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return self */ public function setParam(string $key, mixed $value): self { $this->params[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * Get param of event. * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function getParam(string $key): mixed { return $this->params[$key] ?? null; } /** * Get all params of the event. * * @return array */ public function getParams(): array { return $this->params; } /** * Execute Event. * * @return string|bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function trigger(): string|bool { return Resque::enqueue($this->queue, $this->class, [ 'project' => $this->project, 'user' => $this->user, 'payload' => $this->payload, 'context' => $this->context, 'events' => Event::generateEvents($this->getEvent(), $this->getParams()) ]); } /** * Resets event. * * @return self */ public function reset(): self { $this->params = []; return $this; } /** * Parses event pattern and returns the parts in their respective section. * * @param string $pattern * @return array */ public static function parseEventPattern(string $pattern): array { $parts = \explode('.', $pattern); $count = \count($parts); /** * Identify all sections of the pattern. */ $type = $parts[0] ?? false; $resource = $parts[1] ?? false; $hasSubResource = $count > 3 && \str_starts_with($parts[3], '['); if ($hasSubResource) { $subType = $parts[2]; $subResource = $parts[3]; if ($count === 6) { $attribute = $parts[5]; } } else { if ($count === 4) { $attribute = $parts[3]; } } $subType ??= false; $subResource ??= false; $attribute ??= false; $action = match (true) { !$hasSubResource && $count > 2 => $parts[2], $hasSubResource && $count > 4 => $parts[4], default => false }; return [ 'type' => $type, 'resource' => $resource, 'subType' => $subType, 'subResource' => $subResource, 'action' => $action, 'attribute' => $attribute, ]; } /** * Generates all possible events from a pattern. * * @param string $pattern * @param array $params * @return array * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function generateEvents(string $pattern, array $params = []): array { // $params = \array_filter($params, fn($param) => !\is_array($param)); $paramKeys = \array_keys($params); $paramValues = \array_values($params); $patterns = []; $parsed = self::parseEventPattern($pattern); $type = $parsed['type']; $resource = $parsed['resource']; $subType = $parsed['subType']; $subResource = $parsed['subResource']; $action = $parsed['action']; $attribute = $parsed['attribute']; if ($resource && !\in_array(\trim($resource, "\[\]"), $paramKeys)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("{$resource} is missing from the params."); } if ($subResource && !\in_array(\trim($subResource, "\[\]"), $paramKeys)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("{$subResource} is missing from the params."); } /** * Create all possible patterns including placeholders. */ if ($action) { if ($subResource) { if ($attribute) { $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource, $subType, $subResource, $action, $attribute]); } $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource, $subType, $subResource, $action]); $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource, $subType, $subResource]); } else { $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource, $action]); } if ($attribute) { $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource, $action, $attribute]); } } if ($subResource) { $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource, $subType, $subResource]); } $patterns[] = \implode('.', [$type, $resource]); /** * Removes all duplicates. */ $patterns = \array_unique($patterns); /** * Set all possible values of the patterns and replace placeholders. */ $events = []; foreach ($patterns as $eventPattern) { $events[] = \str_replace($paramKeys, $paramValues, $eventPattern); $events[] = \str_replace($paramKeys, '*', $eventPattern); foreach ($paramKeys as $key) { foreach ($paramKeys as $current) { if ($current === $key) { continue; } $filtered = \array_filter($paramKeys, fn(string $k) => $k === $current); $events[] = \str_replace($paramKeys, $paramValues, \str_replace($filtered, '*', $eventPattern)); } } } /** * Remove [] from the events. */ $events = \array_map(fn (string $event) => \str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $event), $events); $events = \array_unique($events); return $events; } }