setParam('version', App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN')) ; $layout ->setParam('title', APP_NAME) ->setParam('description', '') ->setParam('class', 'home') ->setParam('platforms', Config::getParam('platforms')) ->setParam('header', [$header]) ->setParam('footer', [$footer]) ; }, ['layout'], 'home'); App::shutdown(function ($response, $layout) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $response->html($layout->render()); }, ['response', 'layout'], 'home'); App::get('/') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('response') ->action(function ($response) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ $response->redirect('/auth/signin'); }); App::get('/auth/signin') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/signin.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Sign In - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/auth/signup') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/signup.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Sign Up - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/auth/recovery') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/recovery.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Password Recovery - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/auth/confirm') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/confirm.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Account Confirmation - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/auth/join') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/join.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Invitation - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/auth/recovery/reset') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/recovery/reset.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Password Reset - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/auth/oauth2/success') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/oauth2.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page) ->setParam('header', []) ->setParam('footer', []) ; }); App::get('/auth/oauth2/failure') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/oauth2.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page) ->setParam('header', []) ->setParam('footer', []) ; }); App::get('/error/:code') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->param('code', null, new \Utopia\Validator\Numeric(), 'Valid status code number', false) ->inject('layout') ->action(function ($code, $layout) { /** @var Utopia\View $layout */ $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/error.phtml'); $page ->setParam('code', $code) ; $layout ->setParam('title', 'Error'.' - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); App::get('/specs/:format') ->groups(['web', 'home']) ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('docs', false) ->param('format', 'swagger2', new WhiteList(['swagger2', 'open-api3'], true), 'Spec format.', true) ->param('platform', APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT, new WhiteList([APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT, APP_PLATFORM_SERVER, APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE], true), 'Choose target platform.', true) ->param('tests', 0, function () {return new Range(0, 1);}, 'Include only test services.', true) ->inject('utopia') ->inject('request') ->inject('response') ->action(function ($format, $platform, $tests, $utopia, $request, $response) { /** @var Utopia\App $utopia */ /** @var Utopia\Swoole\Request $request */ /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ $platforms = [ 'client' => APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT, 'server' => APP_PLATFORM_SERVER, 'console' => APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE, ]; $routes = []; $models = []; $services = []; $keys = [ APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT => [ 'Project' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Project', 'description' => 'Your project ID', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Locale' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Locale', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], ], APP_PLATFORM_SERVER => [ 'Project' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Project', 'description' => 'Your project ID', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Key' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Key', 'description' => 'Your secret API key', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Locale' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Locale', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], ], APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE => [ 'Project' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Project', 'description' => 'Your project ID', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Key' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Key', 'description' => 'Your secret API key', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Locale' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Locale', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Mode' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Mode', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], ], ]; $security = [ APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT => ['Project' => []], APP_PLATFORM_SERVER => ['Project' => [], 'Key' => []], APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE => ['Project' => [], 'Key' => []], ]; foreach ($utopia->getRoutes() as $key => $method) { foreach ($method as $route) { /** @var \Utopia\Route $route */ if (!$route->getLabel('docs', true)) { continue; } if ($route->getLabel('sdk.mock', false) && !$tests) { continue; } if (!$route->getLabel('sdk.mock', false) && $tests) { continue; } if (empty($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', null))) { continue; } if ($platform !== APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE && !\in_array($platforms[$platform], $route->getLabel('sdk.platform', []))) { continue; } $routes[] = $route; $model = $response->getModel($route->getLabel('sdk.response.model', 'none')); if($model) { $models[$model->getType()] = $model; } } } foreach (Config::getParam('services', []) as $key => $service) { if(!isset($service['docs']) // Skip service if not part of the public API || !isset($service['sdk']) || !$service['docs'] || !$service['sdk']) { continue; } $services[] = [ 'name' => $service['key'] ?? '', 'description' => (!empty($service['description'])) ? file_get_contents(realpath(__DIR__.'/../../..'.$service['description'])) : '', ]; } $models = $response->getModels(); foreach ($models as $key => $value) { if($platform !== APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE && !$value->isPublic()) { unset($models[$key]); } } switch ($format) { case 'swagger2': $format = new Swagger2($utopia, $services, $routes, $models, $keys[$platform], $security[$platform]); break; case 'open-api3': $format = new OpenAPI3($utopia, $services, $routes, $models, $keys[$platform], $security[$platform]); break; default: throw new Exception('Format not found', 404); break; } $specs = new Specification($format); $format ->setParam('name', APP_NAME) ->setParam('description', 'Appwrite backend as a service cuts up to 70% of the time and costs required for building a modern application. We abstract and simplify common development tasks behind a REST APIs, to help you develop your app in a fast and secure way. For full API documentation and tutorials go to [](') ->setParam('endpoint', App::getEnv('_APP_HOME', $request->getProtocol().'://'.$request->getHostname()).'/v1') ->setParam('version', APP_VERSION_STABLE) ->setParam('terms', App::getEnv('_APP_HOME', $request->getProtocol().'://'.$request->getHostname()).'/policy/terms') ->setParam('', App::getEnv('_APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS', APP_EMAIL_TEAM)) ->setParam('support.url', App::getEnv('_APP_HOME', $request->getProtocol().'://'.$request->getHostname()).'/support') ->setParam('', APP_NAME.' Team') ->setParam('', App::getEnv('_APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS', APP_EMAIL_TEAM)) ->setParam('contact.url', App::getEnv('_APP_HOME', $request->getProtocol().'://'.$request->getHostname()).'/support') ->setParam('', 'BSD-3-Clause') ->setParam('license.url', '') ->setParam('docs.description', 'Full API docs, specs and tutorials') ->setParam('docs.url', App::getEnv('_APP_HOME', $request->getProtocol().'://'.$request->getHostname()).'/docs') ; $response ->json($specs->parse()); });