groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Create Function') ->label('scope', 'functions.write') ->label('event', 'functions.create') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'create') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FUNCTION) ->param('name', '', new Text(128), 'Function name. Max length: 128 chars.') ->param('execute', [], new ArrayList(new Text(64)), 'An array of strings with execution permissions. By default no user is granted with any execute permissions. [learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions) and get a full list of available permissions.') ->param('env', '', new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('environments')), true), 'Execution enviornment.') ->param('vars', [], new Assoc(), 'Key-value JSON object.', true) ->param('events', [], new ArrayList(new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('events')), true)), 'Events list.', true) ->param('schedule', '', new Cron(), 'Schedule CRON syntax.', true) ->param('timeout', 15, new Range(1, 900), 'Function maximum execution time in seconds.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($name, $execute, $env, $vars, $events, $schedule, $timeout, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $function = $projectDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS, '$permissions' => [ 'execute' => $execute, ], 'dateCreated' => time(), 'dateUpdated' => time(), 'status' => 'disabled', 'name' => $name, 'env' => $env, 'tag' => '', 'vars' => $vars, 'events' => $events, 'schedule' => $schedule, 'schedulePrevious' => null, 'scheduleNext' => null, 'timeout' => $timeout, ]); if (false === $function) { throw new Exception('Failed saving function to DB', 500); } $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->dynamic($function, Response::MODEL_FUNCTION) ; }); App::get('/v1/functions') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('List Functions') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'list') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FUNCTION_LIST) ->param('search', '', new Text(256), 'Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.', true) ->param('limit', 25, new Range(0, 100), 'Results limit value. By default will return maximum 25 results. Maximum of 100 results allowed per request.', true) ->param('offset', 0, new Range(0, 2000), 'Results offset. The default value is 0. Use this param to manage pagination.', true) ->param('orderType', 'ASC', new WhiteList(['ASC', 'DESC'], true), 'Order result by ASC or DESC order.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($search, $limit, $offset, $orderType, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $results = $projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderType' => $orderType, 'search' => $search, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS, ], ]); $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'sum' => $projectDB->getSum(), 'functions' => $results ]), Response::MODEL_FUNCTION_LIST); }); App::get('/v1/functions/:functionId') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Get Function') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'get') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FUNCTION) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($functionId, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $response->dynamic($function, Response::MODEL_FUNCTION); }); App::get('/v1/functions/:functionId/usage') ->desc('Get Function Usage') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_ADMIN]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'getUsage') ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('range', '30d', new WhiteList(['24h', '7d', '30d', '90d']), 'Date range.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('project') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('register') ->action(function ($functionId, $range, $response, $project, $projectDB, $register) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Document $project */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $consoleDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Utopia\Registry\Registry $register */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } if(App::getEnv('_APP_USAGE_STATS', 'enabled') == 'enabled') { $period = [ '24h' => [ 'start' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('-24 hours')), 'end' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('+1 hour')), 'group' => '30m', ], '7d' => [ 'start' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('-7 days')), 'end' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('now')), 'group' => '1d', ], '30d' => [ 'start' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('-30 days')), 'end' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('now')), 'group' => '1d', ], '90d' => [ 'start' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('-90 days')), 'end' => DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('now')), 'group' => '1d', ], ]; $client = $register->get('influxdb'); $executions = []; $failures = []; $compute = []; if ($client) { $start = $period[$range]['start']->format(DateTime::RFC3339); $end = $period[$range]['end']->format(DateTime::RFC3339); $database = $client->selectDB('telegraf'); // Executions $result = $database->query('SELECT sum(value) AS "value" FROM "appwrite_usage_executions_all" WHERE time > \''.$start.'\' AND time < \''.$end.'\' AND "metric_type"=\'counter\' AND "project"=\''.$project->getId().'\' AND "functionId"=\''.$function->getId().'\' GROUP BY time('.$period[$range]['group'].') FILL(null)'); $points = $result->getPoints(); foreach ($points as $point) { $executions[] = [ 'value' => (!empty($point['value'])) ? $point['value'] : 0, 'date' => \strtotime($point['time']), ]; } // Failures $result = $database->query('SELECT sum(value) AS "value" FROM "appwrite_usage_executions_all" WHERE time > \''.$start.'\' AND time < \''.$end.'\' AND "metric_type"=\'counter\' AND "project"=\''.$project->getId().'\' AND "functionId"=\''.$function->getId().'\' AND "functionStatus"=\'failed\' GROUP BY time('.$period[$range]['group'].') FILL(null)'); $points = $result->getPoints(); foreach ($points as $point) { $failures[] = [ 'value' => (!empty($point['value'])) ? $point['value'] : 0, 'date' => \strtotime($point['time']), ]; } // Compute $result = $database->query('SELECT sum(value) AS "value" FROM "appwrite_usage_executions_time" WHERE time > \''.$start.'\' AND time < \''.$end.'\' AND "metric_type"=\'counter\' AND "project"=\''.$project->getId().'\' AND "functionId"=\''.$function->getId().'\' GROUP BY time('.$period[$range]['group'].') FILL(null)'); $points = $result->getPoints(); foreach ($points as $point) { $compute[] = [ 'value' => round((!empty($point['value'])) ? $point['value'] / 1000 : 0, 2), // minutes 'date' => \strtotime($point['time']), ]; } } $response->json([ 'range' => $range, 'executions' => [ 'data' => $executions, 'total' => \array_sum(\array_map(function ($item) { return $item['value']; }, $executions)), ], 'failures' => [ 'data' => $failures, 'total' => \array_sum(\array_map(function ($item) { return $item['value']; }, $failures)), ], 'compute' => [ 'data' => $compute, 'total' => \array_sum(\array_map(function ($item) { return $item['value']; }, $compute)), ], ]); } else { $response->json([]); } }); App::put('/v1/functions/:functionId') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Update Function') ->label('scope', 'functions.write') ->label('event', 'functions.update') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'update') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FUNCTION) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('name', '', new Text(128), 'Function name. Max length: 128 chars.') ->param('execute', [], new ArrayList(new Text(64)), 'An array of strings with execution permissions. By default no user is granted with any execute permissions. [learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions) and get a full list of available permissions.') ->param('vars', [], new Assoc(), 'Key-value JSON object.', true) ->param('events', [], new ArrayList(new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('events')), true)), 'Events list.', true) ->param('schedule', '', new Cron(), 'Schedule CRON syntax.', true) ->param('timeout', 15, new Range(1, 900), 'Function maximum execution time in seconds.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('project') ->action(function ($functionId, $name, $execute, $vars, $events, $schedule, $timeout, $response, $projectDB, $project) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Document $project */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $original = $function->getAttribute('schedule', ''); $cron = (!empty($function->getAttribute('tag', null)) && !empty($schedule)) ? new CronExpression($schedule) : null; $next = (!empty($function->getAttribute('tag', null)) && !empty($schedule)) ? $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('U') : null; $function = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($function->getArrayCopy(), [ '$permissions' => [ 'execute' => $execute, ], 'dateUpdated' => time(), 'name' => $name, 'vars' => $vars, 'events' => $events, 'schedule' => $schedule, 'scheduleNext' => $next, 'timeout' => $timeout, ])); if (false === $function) { throw new Exception('Failed saving function to DB', 500); } if ($next && $schedule !== $original) { ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($next, 'v1-functions', 'FunctionsV1', [ 'projectId' => $project->getId(), 'functionId' => $function->getId(), 'executionId' => null, 'trigger' => 'schedule', ]); // Async task rescheduale } $response->dynamic($function, Response::MODEL_FUNCTION); }); App::patch('/v1/functions/:functionId/tag') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Update Function Tag') ->label('scope', 'functions.write') ->label('event', 'functions.tags.update') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateTag') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FUNCTION) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('tag', '', new UID(), 'Tag unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('project') ->action(function ($functionId, $tag, $response, $projectDB, $project) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Document $project */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); $tag = $projectDB->getDocument($tag); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } if (empty($tag->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS != $tag->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found', 404); } $schedule = $function->getAttribute('schedule', ''); $cron = (empty($function->getAttribute('tag')) && !empty($schedule)) ? new CronExpression($schedule) : null; $next = (empty($function->getAttribute('tag')) && !empty($schedule)) ? $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('U') : null; $function = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($function->getArrayCopy(), [ 'tag' => $tag->getId(), 'scheduleNext' => $next, ])); if ($next) { // Init first schedule ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($next, 'v1-functions', 'FunctionsV1', [ 'projectId' => $project->getId(), 'functionId' => $function->getId(), 'executionId' => null, 'trigger' => 'schedule', ]); // Async task rescheduale } if (false === $function) { throw new Exception('Failed saving function to DB', 500); } $response->dynamic($function, Response::MODEL_FUNCTION); }); App::delete('/v1/functions/:functionId') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Delete Function') ->label('scope', 'functions.write') ->label('event', 'functions.delete') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'delete') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_NOCONTENT) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_NONE) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('deletes') ->action(function ($functionId, $response, $projectDB, $deletes) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Event\Event $deletes */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($function->getId())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove function from DB', 500); } $deletes ->setParam('type', DELETE_TYPE_DOCUMENT) ->setParam('document', $function->getArrayCopy()) ; $response->noContent(); }); App::post('/v1/functions/:functionId/tags') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Create Tag') ->label('scope', 'functions.write') ->label('event', 'functions.tags.create') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'createTag') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.packaging', true) ->label('sdk.request.type', 'multipart/form-data') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_TAG) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('command', '', new Text('1028'), 'Code execution command.') ->param('code', [], new File(), 'Gzip file with your code package. When used with the Appwrite CLI, pass the path to your code directory, and the CLI will automatically package your code. Use a path that is within the current directory.', false) ->inject('request') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('usage') ->action(function ($functionId, $command, $file, $request, $response, $projectDB, $usage) { /** @var Utopia\Swoole\Request $request */ /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Event\Event $usage */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $file = $request->getFiles('code'); $device = Storage::getDevice('functions'); $fileExt = new FileExt([FileExt::TYPE_GZIP]); $fileSize = new FileSize(App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0)); $upload = new Upload(); if (empty($file)) { throw new Exception('No file sent', 400); } // Make sure we handle a single file and multiple files the same way $file['name'] = (\is_array($file['name']) && isset($file['name'][0])) ? $file['name'][0] : $file['name']; $file['tmp_name'] = (\is_array($file['tmp_name']) && isset($file['tmp_name'][0])) ? $file['tmp_name'][0] : $file['tmp_name']; $file['size'] = (\is_array($file['size']) && isset($file['size'][0])) ? $file['size'][0] : $file['size']; if (!$fileExt->isValid($file['name'])) { // Check if file type is allowed throw new Exception('File type not allowed', 400); } if (!$fileSize->isValid($file['size'])) { // Check if file size is exceeding allowed limit throw new Exception('File size not allowed', 400); } if (!$upload->isValid($file['tmp_name'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid file', 403); } // Save to storage $size = $device->getFileSize($file['tmp_name']); $path = $device->getPath(\uniqid().'.'.\pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (!$device->upload($file['tmp_name'], $path)) { // TODO deprecate 'upload' and replace with 'move' throw new Exception('Failed moving file', 500); } $tag = $projectDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => [], 'write' => [], ], 'functionId' => $function->getId(), 'dateCreated' => time(), 'command' => $command, 'path' => $path, 'size' => $size, ]); if (false === $tag) { throw new Exception('Failed saving tag to DB', 500); } $usage ->setParam('storage', $tag->getAttribute('size', 0)) ; $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->dynamic($tag, Response::MODEL_TAG) ; }); App::get('/v1/functions/:functionId/tags') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('List Tags') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'listTags') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_TAG_LIST) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('search', '', new Text(256), 'Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.', true) ->param('limit', 25, new Range(0, 100), 'Results limit value. By default will return maximum 25 results. Maximum of 100 results allowed per request.', true) ->param('offset', 0, new Range(0, 2000), 'Results offset. The default value is 0. Use this param to manage pagination.', true) ->param('orderType', 'ASC', new WhiteList(['ASC', 'DESC'], true), 'Order result by ASC or DESC order.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($functionId, $search, $limit, $offset, $orderType, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $results = $projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderType' => $orderType, 'search' => $search, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS, 'functionId='.$function->getId(), ], ]); $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'sum' => $projectDB->getSum(), 'tags' => $results ]), Response::MODEL_TAG_LIST); }); App::get('/v1/functions/:functionId/tags/:tagId') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Get Tag') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'getTag') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_TAG) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('tagId', '', new UID(), 'Tag unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($functionId, $tagId, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $tag = $projectDB->getDocument($tagId); if ($tag->getAttribute('functionId') !== $function->getId()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found', 404); } if (empty($tag->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS != $tag->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found', 404); } $response->dynamic($tag, Response::MODEL_TAG); }); App::delete('/v1/functions/:functionId/tags/:tagId') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Delete Tag') ->label('scope', 'functions.write') ->label('event', 'functions.tags.delete') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteTag') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_NOCONTENT) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_NONE) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('tagId', '', new UID(), 'Tag unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('usage') ->action(function ($functionId, $tagId, $response, $projectDB, $usage) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Event\Event $usage */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $tag = $projectDB->getDocument($tagId); if ($tag->getAttribute('functionId') !== $function->getId()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found', 404); } if (empty($tag->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS != $tag->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found', 404); } $device = Storage::getDevice('functions'); if ($device->delete($tag->getAttribute('path', ''))) { if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($tag->getId())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove tag from DB', 500); } } if($function->getAttribute('tag') === $tag->getId()) { // Reset function tag $function = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($function->getArrayCopy(), [ 'tag' => '', ])); if (false === $function) { throw new Exception('Failed saving function to DB', 500); } } $usage ->setParam('storage', $tag->getAttribute('size', 0) * -1) ; $response->noContent(); }); App::post('/v1/functions/:functionId/executions') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Create Execution') ->label('scope', 'execution.write') ->label('event', 'functions.executions.create') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'createExecution') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_EXECUTION) ->label('abuse-limit', 60) ->label('abuse-time', 60) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('data', '', new Text(8192), 'String of custom data to send to function.', true) // ->param('async', 1, new Range(0, 1), 'Execute code asynchronously. Pass 1 for true, 0 for false. Default value is 1.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('project') ->inject('projectDB') ->inject('user') ->action(function ($functionId, $data, /*$async,*/ $response, $project, $projectDB, $user) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Document $project */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Document $user */ Authorization::disable(); $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $tag = $projectDB->getDocument($function->getAttribute('tag')); if ($tag->getAttribute('functionId') !== $function->getId()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found. Deploy tag before trying to execute a function', 404); } if (empty($tag->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TAGS != $tag->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Tag not found. Deploy tag before trying to execute a function', 404); } Authorization::reset(); $validator = new Authorization($function, 'execute'); if (!$validator->isValid($function->getPermissions())) { // Check if user has write access to execute function throw new Exception($validator->getDescription(), 401); } Authorization::disable(); $execution = $projectDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_EXECUTIONS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => (!empty($user->getId())) ? ['user:' . $user->getId()] : [], 'write' => [], ], 'dateCreated' => time(), 'functionId' => $function->getId(), 'trigger' => 'http', // http / schedule / event 'status' => 'waiting', // waiting / processing / completed / failed 'exitCode' => 0, 'stdout' => '', 'stderr' => '', 'time' => 0, ]); Authorization::reset(); if (false === $execution) { throw new Exception('Failed saving execution to DB', 500); } $jwt = ''; // initialize if (!empty($user->getId())) { // If userId exists, generate a JWT for function $tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []); $session = new Document(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { /** @var Appwrite\Database\Document $token */ if ($token->getAttribute('secret') == Auth::hash(Auth::$secret)) { // If current session delete the cookies too $session = $token; } } if(!$session->isEmpty()) { $jwtObj = new JWT(App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'), 'HS256', 900, 10); // Instantiate with key, algo, maxAge and leeway. $jwt = $jwtObj->encode([ 'userId' => $user->getId(), 'sessionId' => $session->getId(), ]); } } Resque::enqueue('v1-functions', 'FunctionsV1', [ 'projectId' => $project->getId(), 'functionId' => $function->getId(), 'executionId' => $execution->getId(), 'trigger' => 'http', 'data' => $data, 'userId' => $user->getId(), 'jwt' => $jwt, ]); $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->dynamic($execution, Response::MODEL_EXECUTION) ; }); App::get('/v1/functions/:functionId/executions') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('List Executions') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'listExecutions') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_EXECUTION_LIST) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('search', '', new Text(256), 'Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.', true) ->param('limit', 25, new Range(0, 100), 'Results limit value. By default will return maximum 25 results. Maximum of 100 results allowed per request.', true) ->param('offset', 0, new Range(0, 2000), 'Results offset. The default value is 0. Use this param to manage pagination.', true) ->param('orderType', 'ASC', new WhiteList(['ASC', 'DESC'], true), 'Order result by ASC or DESC order.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($functionId, $search, $limit, $offset, $orderType, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $results = $projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderType' => $orderType, 'search' => $search, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_EXECUTIONS, 'functionId='.$function->getId(), ], ]); $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'sum' => $projectDB->getSum(), 'executions' => $results ]), Response::MODEL_EXECUTION_LIST); }); App::get('/v1/functions/:functionId/executions/:executionId') ->groups(['api', 'functions']) ->desc('Get Execution') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'functions') ->label('sdk.method', 'getExecution') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/functions/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_EXECUTION) ->param('functionId', '', new UID(), 'Function unique ID.') ->param('executionId', '', new UID(), 'Execution unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('projectDB') ->action(function ($functionId, $executionId, $response, $projectDB) { /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ /** @var Appwrite\Database\Database $projectDB */ $function = $projectDB->getDocument($functionId); if (empty($function->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FUNCTIONS != $function->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $execution = $projectDB->getDocument($executionId); if ($execution->getAttribute('functionId') !== $function->getId()) { throw new Exception('Execution not found', 404); } if (empty($execution->getId()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_EXECUTIONS != $execution->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Execution not found', 404); } $response->dynamic($execution, Response::MODEL_EXECUTION); });