desc('Get usage stats for a project') ->groups(['api']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_ADMIN]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'project') ->label('sdk.method', 'getUsage') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_USAGE_PROJECT) ->param('range', '30d', new WhiteList(['24h', '7d', '30d', '90d'], true), 'Date range.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->action(function (string $range, Response $response, Database $dbForProject) { // $usage = []; // if (App::getEnv('_APP_USAGE_STATS', 'enabled') == 'enabled') { // $periods = [ // '24h' => [ // 'period' => '1h', // 'limit' => 24, // ], // '7d' => [ // 'period' => '1d', // 'limit' => 7, // ], // '30d' => [ // 'period' => '1d', // 'limit' => 30, // ], // '90d' => [ // 'period' => '1d', // 'limit' => 90, // ], // ]; // $metrics = [ // 'project.$', // 'project.$', // 'project.$', // 'users.$', // 'databases.$', // 'documents.$', // 'executions.$', // 'buckets.$' // ]; // $stats = []; // Authorization::skip(function () use ($dbForProject, $periods, $range, $metrics, &$stats) { // foreach ($metrics as $metric) { // $limit = $periods[$range]['limit']; // $period = $periods[$range]['period']; // $requestDocs = $dbForProject->find('stats', [ // Query::equal('period', [$period]), // Query::equal('metric', [$metric]), // Query::limit($limit), // Query::orderDesc('time'), // ]); // $stats[$metric] = []; // foreach ($requestDocs as $requestDoc) { // $stats[$metric][] = [ // 'value' => $requestDoc->getAttribute('value'), // 'date' => $requestDoc->getAttribute('time'), // ]; // } // // backfill metrics with empty values for graphs // $backfill = $limit - \count($requestDocs); // while ($backfill > 0) { // $last = $limit - $backfill - 1; // array index of last added metric // $diff = match ($period) { // convert period to seconds for unix timestamp math // '1h' => 3600, // '1d' => 86400, // }; // $stats[$metric][] = [ // 'value' => 0, // 'date' => DateTime::formatTz(DateTime::addSeconds(new \DateTime($stats[$metric][$last]['date'] ?? null), -1 * $diff)), // ]; // $backfill--; // } // $stats[$metric] = array_reverse($stats[$metric]); // } // }); // $usage = new Document([ // 'range' => $range, // 'requests' => $stats[$metrics[0]] ?? [], // 'network' => $stats[$metrics[1]] ?? [], // 'storage' => $stats[$metrics[2]] ?? [], // 'users' => $stats[$metrics[3]] ?? [], // 'databases' => $stats[$metrics[4]] ?? [], // 'documents' => $stats[$metrics[5]] ?? [], // 'executions' => $stats[$metrics[6]] ?? [], // 'buckets' => $stats[$metrics[7]] ?? [], // ]); // } // $response->dynamic($usage, Response::MODEL_USAGE_PROJECT); });