class Account: Service { /** * Get Account * * Get currently logged in user data as JSON object. * * @throws Exception * @return array */ func get() -> Array { let path: String = "/account" let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.get.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Create Account * * Use this endpoint to allow a new user to register a new account in your * project. After the user registration completes successfully, you can use * the [/account/verfication](/docs/client/account#createVerification) route * to start verifying the user email address. To allow your new user to login * to his new account, you need to create a new [account * session](/docs/client/account#createSession). * * @param String _email * @param String _password * @param String _name * @throws Exception * @return array */ func create(_email: String, _password: String, _name: String = "") -> Array { let path: String = "/account" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["email"] = _email params["password"] = _password params["name"] = _name return [, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Delete Account * * Delete a currently logged in user account. Behind the scene, the user * record is not deleted but permanently blocked from any access. This is done * to avoid deleted accounts being overtaken by new users with the same email * address. Any user-related resources like documents or storage files should * be deleted separately. * * @throws Exception * @return array */ func delete() -> Array { let path: String = "/account" let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.delete.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Update Account Email * * Update currently logged in user account email address. After changing user * address, user confirmation status is being reset and a new confirmation * mail is sent. For security measures, user password is required to complete * this request. * * @param String _email * @param String _password * @throws Exception * @return array */ func updateEmail(_email: String, _password: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/email" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["email"] = _email params["password"] = _password return [ Client.HTTPMethod.patch.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Get Account Logs * * Get currently logged in user list of latest security activity logs. Each * log returns user IP address, location and date and time of log. * * @throws Exception * @return array */ func getLogs() -> Array { let path: String = "/account/logs" let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.get.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Update Account Name * * Update currently logged in user account name. * * @param String _name * @throws Exception * @return array */ func updateName(_name: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/name" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["name"] = _name return [ Client.HTTPMethod.patch.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Update Account Password * * Update currently logged in user password. For validation, user is required * to pass the password twice. * * @param String _password * @param String _oldPassword * @throws Exception * @return array */ func updatePassword(_password: String, _oldPassword: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/password" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["password"] = _password params["oldPassword"] = _oldPassword return [ Client.HTTPMethod.patch.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Get Account Preferences * * Get currently logged in user preferences as a key-value object. * * @throws Exception * @return array */ func getPrefs() -> Array { let path: String = "/account/prefs" let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.get.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Update Account Preferences * * Update currently logged in user account preferences. You can pass only the * specific settings you wish to update. * * @param object _prefs * @throws Exception * @return array */ func updatePrefs(_prefs: object) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/prefs" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["prefs"] = _prefs return [ Client.HTTPMethod.patch.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Create Password Recovery * * Sends the user an email with a temporary secret key for password reset. * When the user clicks the confirmation link he is redirected back to your * app password reset URL with the secret key and email address values * attached to the URL query string. Use the query string params to submit a * request to the [PUT /account/recovery](/docs/client/account#updateRecovery) * endpoint to complete the process. * * @param String _email * @param String _url * @throws Exception * @return array */ func createRecovery(_email: String, _url: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/recovery" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["email"] = _email params["url"] = _url return [, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Complete Password Recovery * * Use this endpoint to complete the user account password reset. Both the * **userId** and **secret** arguments will be passed as query parameters to * the redirect URL you have provided when sending your request to the [POST * /account/recovery](/docs/client/account#createRecovery) endpoint. * * Please note that in order to avoid a [Redirect * Attack]( * the only valid redirect URLs are the ones from domains you have set when * adding your platforms in the console interface. * * @param String _userId * @param String _secret * @param String _password * @param String _passwordAgain * @throws Exception * @return array */ func updateRecovery(_userId: String, _secret: String, _password: String, _passwordAgain: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/recovery" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["userId"] = _userId params["secret"] = _secret params["password"] = _password params["passwordAgain"] = _passwordAgain return [ Client.HTTPMethod.put.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Get Account Sessions * * Get currently logged in user list of active sessions across different * devices. * * @throws Exception * @return array */ func getSessions() -> Array { let path: String = "/account/sessions" let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.get.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Create Account Session * * Allow the user to login into his account by providing a valid email and * password combination. This route will create a new session for the user. * * @param String _email * @param String _password * @throws Exception * @return array */ func createSession(_email: String, _password: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/sessions" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["email"] = _email params["password"] = _password return [, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Delete All Account Sessions * * Delete all sessions from the user account and remove any sessions cookies * from the end client. * * @throws Exception * @return array */ func deleteSessions() -> Array { let path: String = "/account/sessions" let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.delete.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Create Account Session with OAuth2 * * Allow the user to login to his account using the OAuth2 provider of his * choice. Each OAuth2 provider should be enabled from the Appwrite console * first. Use the success and failure arguments to provide a redirect URL's * back to your app when login is completed. * * @param String _provider * @param String _success * @param String _failure * @param Array _scopes * @throws Exception * @return array */ func createOAuth2Session(_provider: String, _success: String = "", _failure: String = "", _scopes: Array = []) -> Array { var path: String = "/account/sessions/oauth2/{provider}" path = path.replacingOccurrences( of: "{provider}", with: _provider ) var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["success"] = _success params["failure"] = _failure params["scopes"] = _scopes return [ Client.HTTPMethod.get.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Delete Account Session * * Use this endpoint to log out the currently logged in user from all his * account sessions across all his different devices. When using the option id * argument, only the session unique ID provider will be deleted. * * @param String _sessionId * @throws Exception * @return array */ func deleteSession(_sessionId: String) -> Array { var path: String = "/account/sessions/{sessionId}" path = path.replacingOccurrences( of: "{sessionId}", with: _sessionId ) let params: [String: Any] = [:] return [ Client.HTTPMethod.delete.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Create Email Verification * * Use this endpoint to send a verification message to your user email address * to confirm they are the valid owners of that address. Both the **userId** * and **secret** arguments will be passed as query parameters to the URL you * have provided to be attached to the verification email. The provided URL * should redirect the user back to your app and allow you to complete the * verification process by verifying both the **userId** and **secret** * parameters. Learn more about how to [complete the verification * process](/docs/client/account#updateAccountVerification). * * Please note that in order to avoid a [Redirect * Attack](, * the only valid redirect URLs are the ones from domains you have set when * adding your platforms in the console interface. * * * @param String _url * @throws Exception * @return array */ func createVerification(_url: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/verification" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["url"] = _url return [, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } /** * Complete Email Verification * * Use this endpoint to complete the user email verification process. Use both * the **userId** and **secret** parameters that were attached to your app URL * to verify the user email ownership. If confirmed this route will return a * 200 status code. * * @param String _userId * @param String _secret * @throws Exception * @return array */ func updateVerification(_userId: String, _secret: String) -> Array { let path: String = "/account/verification" var params: [String: Any] = [:] params["userId"] = _userId params["secret"] = _secret return [ Client.HTTPMethod.put.rawValue, path: path, headers: [ "content-type": "application/json", ], params: params)]; } }