get('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks') ->desc('List Webhooks') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'listWebhooks') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $webhooks = $project->getAttribute('webhooks', []); foreach ($webhooks as $webhook) { /* @var $webhook Document */ $httpPass = json_decode($webhook->getAttribute('httpPass', '{}'), true); if (empty($httpPass) || !isset($httpPass['version'])) { continue; } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$httpPass['version']); $webhook->setAttribute('httpPass', OpenSSL::decrypt($httpPass['data'], $httpPass['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($httpPass['iv']), hex2bin($httpPass['tag']))); } $response->json($webhooks); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks/:webhookId') ->desc('Get Webhook') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'getWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('webhookId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Webhook unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $webhookId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $webhook = $project->search('$uid', $webhookId, $project->getAttribute('webhooks', [])); if (empty($webhook) && $webhook instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Webhook not found', 404); } $httpPass = json_decode($webhook->getAttribute('httpPass', '{}'), true); if (!empty($httpPass) && isset($httpPass['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$httpPass['version']); $webhook->setAttribute('httpPass', OpenSSL::decrypt($httpPass['data'], $httpPass['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($httpPass['iv']), hex2bin($httpPass['tag']))); } $response->json($webhook->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks') ->desc('Create Webhook') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'createWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook name') ->param('events', null, function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(256)); }, 'Webhook events list') ->param('url', null, function () { return new Text(2000); }, 'Webhook URL') ->param('security', null, function () { return new Range(0, 1); }, 'Certificate verification, 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled') ->param('httpUser', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP user', true) ->param('httpPass', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP password', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $name, $events, $url, $security, $httpUser, $httpPass) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $httpPass = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($httpPass, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $webhook = $consoleDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_WEBHOOKS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null)], 'write' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/owner', 'team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/developer'], ], 'name' => $name, 'events' => $events, 'url' => $url, 'security' => (int) $security, 'httpUser' => $httpUser, 'httpPass' => $httpPass, ]); if (false === $webhook) { throw new Exception('Failed saving webhook to DB', 500); } $project->setAttribute('webhooks', $webhook, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument($project->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($webhook->getArrayCopy()) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks/:webhookId') ->desc('Update Webhook') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('webhookId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Webhook unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook name') ->param('events', null, function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(256)); }, 'Webhook events list') ->param('url', null, function () { return new Text(2000); }, 'Webhook URL') ->param('security', null, function () { return new Range(0, 1); }, 'Certificate verification, 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled') ->param('httpUser', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP user', true) ->param('httpPass', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP password', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $webhookId, $name, $events, $url, $security, $httpUser, $httpPass) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $httpPass = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($httpPass, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $webhook = $project->search('$uid', $webhookId, $project->getAttribute('webhooks', [])); if (empty($webhook) && $webhook instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Webhook not found', 404); } $webhook ->setAttribute('name', $name) ->setAttribute('events', $events) ->setAttribute('url', $url) ->setAttribute('security', (int) $security) ->setAttribute('httpUser', $httpUser) ->setAttribute('httpPass', $httpPass) ; if (false === $consoleDB->updateDocument($webhook->getArrayCopy())) { throw new Exception('Failed saving webhook to DB', 500); } $response->json($webhook->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks/:webhookId') ->desc('Delete Webhook') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('webhookId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Webhook unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $webhookId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $webhook = $project->search('$uid', $webhookId, $project->getAttribute('webhooks', [])); if (empty($webhook) && $webhook instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Webhook not found', 404); } if (!$consoleDB->deleteDocument($webhook->getUid())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove webhook from DB', 500); } $response->noContent(); } );