.add("gravatar", function($value, element) { if (!$value) { return ""; } // MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) by WebToolkit let MD5 = function(s) { function L(k, d) { return (k << d) | (k >>> (32 - d)); } function K(G, k) { let I, d, F, H, x; F = G & 2147483648; H = k & 2147483648; I = G & 1073741824; d = k & 1073741824; x = (G & 1073741823) + (k & 1073741823); if (I & d) { return x ^ 2147483648 ^ F ^ H; } if (I | d) { if (x & 1073741824) { return x ^ 3221225472 ^ F ^ H; } else { return x ^ 1073741824 ^ F ^ H; } } else { return x ^ F ^ H; } } function r(d, F, k) { return (d & F) | (~d & k); } function q(d, F, k) { return (d & k) | (F & ~k); } function p(d, F, k) { return d ^ F ^ k; } function n(d, F, k) { return F ^ (d | ~k); } function u(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) { G = K(G, K(K(r(F, aa, Z), k), I)); return K(L(G, H), F); } function f(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) { G = K(G, K(K(q(F, aa, Z), k), I)); return K(L(G, H), F); } function D(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) { G = K(G, K(K(p(F, aa, Z), k), I)); return K(L(G, H), F); } function t(G, F, aa, Z, k, H, I) { G = K(G, K(K(n(F, aa, Z), k), I)); return K(L(G, H), F); } function e(G) { let Z; let F = G.length; let x = F + 8; let k = (x - (x % 64)) / 64; let I = (k + 1) * 16; let aa = Array(I - 1); let d = 0; let H = 0; while (H < F) { Z = (H - (H % 4)) / 4; d = (H % 4) * 8; aa[Z] = aa[Z] | (G.charCodeAt(H) << d); H++; } Z = (H - (H % 4)) / 4; d = (H % 4) * 8; aa[Z] = aa[Z] | (128 << d); aa[I - 2] = F << 3; aa[I - 1] = F >>> 29; return aa; } function B(x) { let k = "", F = "", G, d; for (d = 0; d <= 3; d++) { G = (x >>> (d * 8)) & 255; F = "0" + G.toString(16); k = k + F.substr(F.length - 2, 2); } return k; } function J(k) { k = k.replace(/rn/g, "n"); let d = ""; for (let F = 0; F < k.length; F++) { let x = k.charCodeAt(F); if (x < 128) { d += String.fromCharCode(x); } else { if (x > 127 && x < 2048) { d += String.fromCharCode((x >> 6) | 192); d += String.fromCharCode((x & 63) | 128); } else { d += String.fromCharCode((x >> 12) | 224); d += String.fromCharCode(((x >> 6) & 63) | 128); d += String.fromCharCode((x & 63) | 128); } } } return d; } let C = Array(); let P, h, E, v, g, Y, X, W, V; let S = 7, Q = 12, N = 17, M = 22; let A = 5, z = 9, y = 14, w = 20; let o = 4, m = 11, l = 16, j = 23; let U = 6, T = 10, R = 15, O = 21; s = J(s); C = e(s); Y = 1732584193; X = 4023233417; W = 2562383102; V = 271733878; for (P = 0; P < C.length; P += 16) { h = Y; E = X; v = W; g = V; Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 0], S, 3614090360); V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 1], Q, 3905402710); W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 2], N, 606105819); X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 3], M, 3250441966); Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 4], S, 4118548399); V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 5], Q, 1200080426); W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 6], N, 2821735955); X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 7], M, 4249261313); Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 8], S, 1770035416); V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 9], Q, 2336552879); W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 10], N, 4294925233); X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 11], M, 2304563134); Y = u(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 12], S, 1804603682); V = u(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 13], Q, 4254626195); W = u(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 14], N, 2792965006); X = u(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 15], M, 1236535329); Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 1], A, 4129170786); V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 6], z, 3225465664); W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 11], y, 643717713); X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 0], w, 3921069994); Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 5], A, 3593408605); V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 10], z, 38016083); W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 15], y, 3634488961); X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 4], w, 3889429448); Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 9], A, 568446438); V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 14], z, 3275163606); W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 3], y, 4107603335); X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 8], w, 1163531501); Y = f(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 13], A, 2850285829); V = f(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 2], z, 4243563512); W = f(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 7], y, 1735328473); X = f(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 12], w, 2368359562); Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 5], o, 4294588738); V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 8], m, 2272392833); W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 11], l, 1839030562); X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 14], j, 4259657740); Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 1], o, 2763975236); V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 4], m, 1272893353); W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 7], l, 4139469664); X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 10], j, 3200236656); Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 13], o, 681279174); V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 0], m, 3936430074); W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 3], l, 3572445317); X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 6], j, 76029189); Y = D(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 9], o, 3654602809); V = D(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 12], m, 3873151461); W = D(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 15], l, 530742520); X = D(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 2], j, 3299628645); Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 0], U, 4096336452); V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 7], T, 1126891415); W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 14], R, 2878612391); X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 5], O, 4237533241); Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 12], U, 1700485571); V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 3], T, 2399980690); W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 10], R, 4293915773); X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 1], O, 2240044497); Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 8], U, 1873313359); V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 15], T, 4264355552); W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 6], R, 2734768916); X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 13], O, 1309151649); Y = t(Y, X, W, V, C[P + 4], U, 4149444226); V = t(V, Y, X, W, C[P + 11], T, 3174756917); W = t(W, V, Y, X, C[P + 2], R, 718787259); X = t(X, W, V, Y, C[P + 9], O, 3951481745); Y = K(Y, h); X = K(X, E); W = K(W, v); V = K(V, g); } let i = B(Y) + B(X) + B(W) + B(V); return i.toLowerCase(); }; let size = element.dataset["size"] || 80; let email = $ || $value || ""; let name = $ || $value || ""; name = (typeof name !== 'string') ? '' : name; let theme = name .split("") .map(char => char.charCodeAt(0)) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) .toString(); let themes = [ { color: "27005e", background: "e1d2f6" }, // VIOLET { color: "5e2700", background: "f3d9c6" }, // ORANGE { color: "006128", background: "c9f3c6" }, // GREEN { color: "580061", background: "f2d1f5" }, // FUSCHIA { color: "00365d", background: "c6e1f3" }, // BLUE { color: "00075c", background: "d2d5f6" }, // INDIGO { color: "610038", background: "f5d1e6" }, // PINK { color: "386100", background: "dcf1bd" }, // LIME { color: "615800", background: "f1ecba" }, // YELLOW { color: "610008", background: "f6d2d5" } // RED ]; name = name .split(" ") .map(function(n) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n)) { return ""; } return n[0]; }) .join("") || "--"; let background = themes[theme[theme.length - 1]]["background"]; let color = themes[theme[theme.length - 1]]["color"]; let def = "" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "/" + size + "/" + encodeURIComponent(background) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(color); return ( "//" + MD5(email) + ".jpg?s=" + size + "&d=" + encodeURIComponent(def) ); }) .add("selectedCollection", function($value, router) { return $value === router.params.collectionId ? "selected" : ""; }) .add("selectedDocument", function($value, router) { return $value === router.params.documentId ? "selected" : ""; }) .add("localeString", function($value) { $value = parseInt($value); return !Number.isNaN($value) ? $value.toLocaleString() : ""; }) .add("date", function($value, date) { return date.format("Y-m-d", $value); }) .add("date-time", function($value, date) { return date.format("Y-m-d H:i", $value); }) .add("date-text", function($value, date) { return date.format("d M Y", $value); }) .add("ms2hum", function($value) { let temp = $value; const years = Math.floor(temp / 31536000), days = Math.floor((temp %= 31536000) / 86400), hours = Math.floor((temp %= 86400) / 3600), minutes = Math.floor((temp %= 3600) / 60), seconds = temp % 60; if (days || hours || seconds || minutes) { return ( (years ? years + "y " : "") + (days ? days + "d " : "") + (hours ? hours + "h " : "") + (minutes ? minutes + "m " : "") + Number.parseFloat(seconds).toFixed(0) + "s" ); } return "< 1s"; }) .add("markdown", function($value, markdown) { return markdown.render($value); }) .add("pageCurrent", function($value, env) { return Math.ceil(parseInt($value || 0) / env.PAGING_LIMIT) + 1; }) .add("pageTotal", function($value, env) { let total = Math.ceil(parseInt($value || 0) / env.PAGING_LIMIT); return total ? total : 1; }) .add("humanFileSize", function($value) { if (!$value) { return 0; } let thresh = 1000; if (Math.abs($value) < thresh) { return $value + " B"; } let units = ["kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]; let u = -1; do { $value /= thresh; ++u; } while (Math.abs($value) >= thresh && u < units.length - 1); return ( $value.toFixed(1) + '' + units[u] + "" ); }) .add("statsTotal", function($value) { if (!$value) { return 0; } $value = abbreviate($value, 1, false, false); return $value === "0" ? "N/A" : $value; }) .add("isEmpty", function($value) { return (!!$value); }) .add("isEmptyObject", function($value) { return ((Object.keys($value).length === 0 && $value.constructor === Object) || $value.length === 0) }) .add("activeDomainsCount", function($value) { let result = []; if(Array.isArray($value)) { result = $value.filter(function(node) { return (node.verification && node.certificateId); }); } return result.length; }) .add("documentLabel", function($value, rule, filter) { let value = ($value !== null && $value[rule['key']] !== undefined) ? $value[rule['key']] : null; switch (rule['type']) { case 'bool': case 'boolean': return (value) ? 'true' : 'false'; break; case 'numeric': return (value && value.toString) ? value.toString() : value; break; default: return value; break; } }) .add("documentAction", function(container) { let collection = container.get('project-collection'); let document = container.get('project-document'); if(collection && document && !document.$id) { return 'database.createDocument'; } return 'database.updateDocument'; }) .add("documentSuccess", function(container) { let document = container.get('project-document'); if(document && !document.$id) { return ',redirect'; } return ''; }) .add("firstElement", function($value) { if($value && $value[0]) { return $value[0]; } return $value; }) ; function abbreviate(number, maxPlaces, forcePlaces, forceLetter) { number = Number(number); forceLetter = forceLetter || false; if (forceLetter !== false) { return annotate(number, maxPlaces, forcePlaces, forceLetter); } let abbr; if (number >= 1e12) { abbr = "T"; } else if (number >= 1e9) { abbr = "B"; } else if (number >= 1e6) { abbr = "M"; } else if (number >= 1e3) { abbr = "K"; } else { abbr = ""; } return annotate(number, maxPlaces, forcePlaces, abbr); } function annotate(number, maxPlaces, forcePlaces, abbr) { // set places to false to not round let rounded = 0; switch (abbr) { case "T": rounded = number / 1e12; break; case "B": rounded = number / 1e9; break; case "M": rounded = number / 1e6; break; case "K": rounded = number / 1e3; break; case "": rounded = number; break; } if (maxPlaces !== false) { let test = new RegExp("\\.\\d{" + (maxPlaces + 1) + ",}$"); if (test.test("" + rounded)) { rounded = rounded.toFixed(maxPlaces); } } if (forcePlaces !== false) { rounded = Number(rounded).toFixed(forcePlaces); } return rounded + abbr; }