get('/v1/projects') ->desc('List Projects') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'list') ->action( function () use ($request, $response, $providers, $consoleDB) { $results = $consoleDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => 20, 'offset' => 0, 'orderField' => 'name', 'orderType' => 'ASC', 'orderCast' => 'string', 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS, ], ]); foreach ($results as $project) { foreach ($providers as $provider => $node) { $secret = json_decode($project->getAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', '{}'), true); if (!empty($secret) && isset($secret['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$secret['version']); $project->setAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', OpenSSL::decrypt($secret['data'], $secret['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($secret['iv']), hex2bin($secret['tag']))); } } } $response->json($results); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId') ->desc('Get Project') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'get') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($request, $response, $providers, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } foreach ($providers as $provider => $node) { $secret = json_decode($project->getAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', '{}'), true); if (!empty($secret) && isset($secret['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$secret['version']); $project->setAttribute('usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', OpenSSL::decrypt($secret['data'], $secret['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($secret['iv']), hex2bin($secret['tag']))); } } $response->json($project->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/usage') ->desc('Get Project') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'getUsage') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($response, $consoleDB, $projectDB, $register) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $client = $register->get('influxdb'); $requests = []; $network = []; if ($client) { $start = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', strtotime('last day of last month')); $start = $start->format(DateTime::RFC3339); $end = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', strtotime('last day of this month')); $end = $end->format(DateTime::RFC3339); $database = $client->selectDB('telegraf'); // Requests $result = $database->query('SELECT sum(value) AS "value" FROM "appwrite_usage_requests_all" WHERE time > \''.$start.'\' AND time < \''.$end.'\' AND "metric_type"=\'counter\' AND "project"=\''.$project->getUid().'\' GROUP BY time(1d) FILL(null)'); $points = $result->getPoints(); foreach ($points as $point) { $requests[] = [ 'value' => (!empty($point['value'])) ? $point['value'] : 0, 'date' => strtotime($point['time']), ]; } // Network $result = $database->query('SELECT sum(value) AS "value" FROM "appwrite_usage_network_all" WHERE time > \''.$start.'\' AND time < \''.$end.'\' AND "metric_type"=\'counter\' AND "project"=\''.$project->getUid().'\' GROUP BY time(1d) FILL(null)'); $points = $result->getPoints(); foreach ($points as $point) { $network[] = [ 'value' => (!empty($point['value'])) ? $point['value'] : 0, 'date' => strtotime($point['time']), ]; } } // Users $projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => 0, 'offset' => 0, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, ], ]); $usersTotal = $projectDB->getSum(); // Documents $collections = $projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => 100, 'offset' => 0, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_COLLECTIONS, ], ]); $collectionsTotal = $projectDB->getSum(); $documents = []; foreach ($collections as $collection) { $result = $projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => 0, 'offset' => 0, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.$collection['$uid'], ], ]); $documents[] = ['name' => $collection['name'], 'total' => $projectDB->getSum()]; } // Tasks $tasksTotal = count($project->getAttribute('tasks', [])); $response->json([ 'requests' => [ 'data' => $requests, 'total' => array_sum(array_map(function ($item) { return $item['value']; }, $requests)), ], 'network' => [ 'data' => $network, 'total' => array_sum(array_map(function ($item) { return $item['value']; }, $network)), ], 'collections' => [ 'data' => $collections, 'total' => $collectionsTotal, ], 'documents' => [ 'data' => $documents, 'total' => array_sum(array_map(function ($item) { return $item['total']; }, $documents)), ], 'users' => [ 'data' => [], 'total' => $usersTotal, ], 'tasks' => [ 'data' => [], 'total' => $tasksTotal, ], 'storage' => [ 'total' => $projectDB->getCount( [ 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_FILES, ], ] ), ], ]); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/projects') ->desc('Create Project') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'create') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(100); }, 'Project name') ->param('teamId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Team unique ID.') ->param('description', '', function () { return new Text(255); }, 'Project description', true) ->param('logo', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'Project logo', true) ->param('url', '', function () { return new URL(); }, 'Project URL', true) ->param('legalName', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Name', true) ->param('legalCountry', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Country', true) ->param('legalState', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal State', true) ->param('legalCity', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal City', true) ->param('legalAddress', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Address', true) ->param('legalTaxId', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Tax ID', true) ->action( function ($name, $teamId, $description, $logo, $url, $legalName, $legalCountry, $legalState, $legalCity, $legalAddress, $legalTaxId) use ($response, $user, $consoleDB, $projectDB) { $team = $projectDB->getDocument($teamId); if (empty($team->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TEAMS != $team->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Team not found', 404); } $project = $consoleDB->createDocument( [ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['team:'.$teamId], 'write' => ['team:'.$teamId.'/owner', 'team:'.$teamId.'/developer'], ], 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'logo' => $logo, 'url' => $url, 'legalName' => $legalName, 'legalCountry' => $legalCountry, 'legalState' => $legalState, 'legalCity' => $legalCity, 'legalAddress' => $legalAddress, 'legalTaxId' => $legalTaxId, 'teamId' => $team->getUid(), 'webhooks' => [], 'keys' => [], ] ); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $consoleDB->createNamespace($project->getUid()); $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($project->getArrayCopy()) ; } ); $utopia->patch('/v1/projects/:projectId') ->desc('Update Project') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'update') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(100); }, 'Project name') ->param('description', '', function () { return new Text(255); }, 'Project description', true) ->param('logo', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'Project logo', true) ->param('url', '', function () { return new URL(); }, 'Project URL', true) ->param('legalName', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Name', true) ->param('legalCountry', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Country', true) ->param('legalState', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal State', true) ->param('legalCity', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal City', true) ->param('legalAddress', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Address', true) ->param('legalTaxId', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Project Legal Tax ID', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $name, $description, $logo, $url, $legalName, $legalCountry, $legalState, $legalCity, $legalAddress, $legalTaxId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument(array_merge($project->getArrayCopy(), [ 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'logo' => $logo, 'url' => $url, 'legalName' => $legalName, 'legalCountry' => $legalCountry, 'legalState' => $legalState, 'legalCity' => $legalCity, 'legalAddress' => $legalAddress, 'legalTaxId' => $legalTaxId, ])); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $response->json($project->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->patch('/v1/projects/:projectId/oauth') ->desc('Update Project OAuth') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateOAuth') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('provider', '', function () use ($providers) { return new WhiteList(array_keys($providers)); }, 'Provider Name', false) ->param('appId', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Provider App ID', true) ->param('secret', '', function () { return new text(256); }, 'Provider Secret Key', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $provider, $appId, $secret) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $secret = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($secret, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument(array_merge($project->getArrayCopy(), [ 'usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Appid' => $appId, 'usersOauth'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret' => $secret, ])); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $response->json($project->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/projects/:projectId') ->desc('Delete Project') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'delete') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('password', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Your Password for confirmation.') ->action( function ($projectId, $password) use ($response, $consoleDB, $user) { if (!Auth::passwordVerify($password, $user->getAttribute('password'))) { // Double check user password throw new Exception('Invalid credentials', 401); } $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } // Delete all children (keys, webhooks, tasks [stop tasks?], platforms) if (!$consoleDB->deleteDocument($projectId)) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove project from DB', 500); } // Delete all DBs // $consoleDB->deleteNamespace($project->getUid()); // Optimize DB? // Delete all storage files // Delete all storage cache $response->noContent(); } ); // Webhooks $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks') ->desc('List Webhooks') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'listWebhooks') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $webhooks = $project->getAttribute('webhooks', []); foreach ($webhooks as $webhook) { /* @var $webhook Document */ $httpPass = json_decode($webhook->getAttribute('httpPass', '{}'), true); if (empty($httpPass) || !isset($httpPass['version'])) { continue; } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$httpPass['version']); $webhook->setAttribute('httpPass', OpenSSL::decrypt($httpPass['data'], $httpPass['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($httpPass['iv']), hex2bin($httpPass['tag']))); } $response->json($webhooks); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks/:webhookId') ->desc('Get Webhook') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'getWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('webhookId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Webhook unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $webhookId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $webhook = $project->search('$uid', $webhookId, $project->getAttribute('webhooks', [])); if (empty($webhook) && $webhook instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Webhook not found', 404); } $httpPass = json_decode($webhook->getAttribute('httpPass', '{}'), true); if (!empty($httpPass) && isset($httpPass['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$httpPass['version']); $webhook->setAttribute('httpPass', OpenSSL::decrypt($httpPass['data'], $httpPass['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($httpPass['iv']), hex2bin($httpPass['tag']))); } $response->json($webhook->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks') ->desc('Create Webhook') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'createWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook name') ->param('events', null, function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(256)); }, 'Webhook events list') ->param('url', null, function () { return new Text(2000); }, 'Webhook URL') ->param('security', null, function () { return new Range(0, 1); }, 'Certificate verification, 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled') ->param('httpUser', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP user', true) ->param('httpPass', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP password', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $name, $events, $url, $security, $httpUser, $httpPass) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $httpPass = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($httpPass, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $webhook = $consoleDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_WEBHOOKS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null)], 'write' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/owner', 'team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/developer'], ], 'name' => $name, 'events' => $events, 'url' => $url, 'security' => (int) $security, 'httpUser' => $httpUser, 'httpPass' => $httpPass, ]); if (false === $webhook) { throw new Exception('Failed saving webhook to DB', 500); } $project->setAttribute('webhooks', $webhook, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument($project->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($webhook->getArrayCopy()) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks/:webhookId') ->desc('Update Webhook') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('webhookId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Webhook unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook name') ->param('events', null, function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(256)); }, 'Webhook events list') ->param('url', null, function () { return new Text(2000); }, 'Webhook URL') ->param('security', null, function () { return new Range(0, 1); }, 'Certificate verification, 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled') ->param('httpUser', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP user', true) ->param('httpPass', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Webhook HTTP password', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $webhookId, $name, $events, $url, $security, $httpUser, $httpPass) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $httpPass = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($httpPass, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $webhook = $project->search('$uid', $webhookId, $project->getAttribute('webhooks', [])); if (empty($webhook) && $webhook instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Webhook not found', 404); } $webhook ->setAttribute('name', $name) ->setAttribute('events', $events) ->setAttribute('url', $url) ->setAttribute('security', (int) $security) ->setAttribute('httpUser', $httpUser) ->setAttribute('httpPass', $httpPass) ; if (false === $consoleDB->updateDocument($webhook->getArrayCopy())) { throw new Exception('Failed saving webhook to DB', 500); } $response->json($webhook->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/projects/:projectId/webhooks/:webhookId') ->desc('Delete Webhook') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteWebhook') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('webhookId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Webhook unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $webhookId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $webhook = $project->search('$uid', $webhookId, $project->getAttribute('webhooks', [])); if (empty($webhook) && $webhook instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Webhook not found', 404); } if (!$consoleDB->deleteDocument($webhook->getUid())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove webhook from DB', 500); } $response->noContent(); } ); // Keys $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/keys') ->desc('List Keys') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'listKeys') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $response->json($project->getAttribute('keys', [])); //FIXME make sure array objects return correctly } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/keys/:keyId') ->desc('Get Key') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'getKey') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('keyId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Key unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $keyId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $project->search('$uid', $keyId, $project->getAttribute('keys', [])); if (empty($key) && $key instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Key not found', 404); } $response->json($key->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/projects/:projectId/keys') ->desc('Create Key') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'createKey') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Key name') ->param('scopes', null, function () use ($scopes) { return new ArrayList(new WhiteList($scopes)); }, 'Key scopes list') ->action( function ($projectId, $name, $scopes) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $consoleDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_KEYS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null)], 'write' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/owner', 'team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/developer'], ], 'name' => $name, 'scopes' => $scopes, 'secret' => bin2hex(random_bytes(128)), ]); if (false === $key) { throw new Exception('Failed saving key to DB', 500); } $project->setAttribute('keys', $key, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument($project->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($key->getArrayCopy()) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/projects/:projectId/keys/:keyId') ->desc('Update Key') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateKey') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('keyId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Key unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Key name') ->param('scopes', null, function () use ($scopes) { return new ArrayList(new WhiteList($scopes)); }, 'Key scopes list') ->action( function ($projectId, $keyId, $name, $scopes) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $project->search('$uid', $keyId, $project->getAttribute('keys', [])); if (empty($key) && $key instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Key not found', 404); } $key ->setAttribute('name', $name) ->setAttribute('scopes', $scopes) ; if (false === $consoleDB->updateDocument($key->getArrayCopy())) { throw new Exception('Failed saving key to DB', 500); } $response->json($key->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/projects/:projectId/keys/:keyId') ->desc('Delete Key') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteKey') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('keyId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Key unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $keyId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $key = $project->search('$uid', $keyId, $project->getAttribute('keys', [])); if (empty($key) && $key instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Key not found', 404); } if (!$consoleDB->deleteDocument($key->getUid())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove key from DB', 500); } $response->noContent(); } ); // Tasks $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/tasks') ->desc('List Tasks') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'listTasks') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $tasks = $project->getAttribute('tasks', []); foreach ($tasks as $task) { /* @var $task Document */ $httpPass = json_decode($task->getAttribute('httpPass', '{}'), true); if (empty($httpPass) || !isset($httpPass['version'])) { continue; } $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$httpPass['version']); $task->setAttribute('httpPass', OpenSSL::decrypt($httpPass['data'], $httpPass['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($httpPass['iv']), hex2bin($httpPass['tag']))); } $response->json($tasks); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/tasks/:taskId') ->desc('Get Task') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'getTask') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('taskId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Task unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $taskId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $task = $project->search('$uid', $taskId, $project->getAttribute('tasks', [])); if (empty($task) && $task instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Task not found', 404); } $httpPass = json_decode($task->getAttribute('httpPass', '{}'), true); if (!empty($httpPass) && isset($httpPass['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$httpPass['version']); $task->setAttribute('httpPass', OpenSSL::decrypt($httpPass['data'], $httpPass['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($httpPass['iv']), hex2bin($httpPass['tag']))); } $response->json($task->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/projects/:projectId/tasks') ->desc('Create Task') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'createTask') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Task name') ->param('status', null, function () { return new WhiteList(['play', 'pause']); }, 'Task status') ->param('schedule', null, function () { return new Cron(); }, 'Task schedule syntax') ->param('security', null, function () { return new Range(0, 1); }, 'Certificate verification, 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled') ->param('httpMethod', '', function () { return new WhiteList(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'CONNECT']); }, 'Task HTTP method') ->param('httpUrl', '', function () { return new URL(); }, 'Task HTTP URL') ->param('httpHeaders', null, function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(256)); }, 'Task HTTP headers list', true) ->param('httpUser', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Task HTTP user', true) ->param('httpPass', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Task HTTP password', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $name, $status, $schedule, $security, $httpMethod, $httpUrl, $httpHeaders, $httpUser, $httpPass) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $cron = CronExpression::factory($schedule); $next = ($status == 'play') ? $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('U') : null; $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $httpPass = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($httpPass, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $task = $consoleDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TASKS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null)], 'write' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/owner', 'team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/developer'], ], 'name' => $name, 'status' => $status, 'schedule' => $schedule, 'updated' => time(), 'previous' => null, 'next' => $next, 'security' => (int) $security, 'httpMethod' => $httpMethod, 'httpUrl' => $httpUrl, 'httpHeaders' => $httpHeaders, 'httpUser' => $httpUser, 'httpPass' => $httpPass, 'log' => '{}', 'failures' => 0, ]); if (false === $task) { throw new Exception('Failed saving tasks to DB', 500); } $project->setAttribute('tasks', $task, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument($project->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } if ($next) { ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($next, 'v1-tasks', 'TasksV1', $task->getArrayCopy()); } $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($task->getArrayCopy()) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/projects/:projectId/tasks/:taskId') ->desc('Update Task') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateTask') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('taskId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Task unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Task name') ->param('status', null, function () { return new WhiteList(['play', 'pause']); }, 'Task status') ->param('schedule', null, function () { return new Cron(); }, 'Task schedule syntax') ->param('security', null, function () { return new Range(0, 1); }, 'Certificate verification, 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled') ->param('httpMethod', '', function () { return new WhiteList(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'CONNECT']); }, 'Task HTTP method') ->param('httpUrl', '', function () { return new URL(); }, 'Task HTTP URL') ->param('httpHeaders', null, function () { return new ArrayList(new Text(256)); }, 'Task HTTP headers list', true) ->param('httpUser', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Task HTTP user', true) ->param('httpPass', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Task HTTP password', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $taskId, $name, $status, $schedule, $security, $httpMethod, $httpUrl, $httpHeaders, $httpUser, $httpPass) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $task = $project->search('$uid', $taskId, $project->getAttribute('tasks', [])); if (empty($task) && $task instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Task not found', 404); } $cron = CronExpression::factory($schedule); $next = ($status == 'play') ? $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('U') : null; $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $tag = null; $httpPass = json_encode([ 'data' => OpenSSL::encrypt($httpPass, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag), 'method' => OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, 'iv' => bin2hex($iv), 'tag' => bin2hex($tag), 'version' => '1', ]); $task ->setAttribute('name', $name) ->setAttribute('status', $status) ->setAttribute('schedule', $schedule) ->setAttribute('updated', time()) ->setAttribute('next', $next) ->setAttribute('security', (int) $security) ->setAttribute('httpMethod', $httpMethod) ->setAttribute('httpUrl', $httpUrl) ->setAttribute('httpHeaders', $httpHeaders) ->setAttribute('httpUser', $httpUser) ->setAttribute('httpPass', $httpPass) ; if (false === $consoleDB->updateDocument($task->getArrayCopy())) { throw new Exception('Failed saving tasks to DB', 500); } if ($next) { ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($next, 'v1-tasks', 'TasksV1', $task->getArrayCopy()); } $response->json($task->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/projects/:projectId/tasks/:taskId') ->desc('Delete Task') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteTask') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('taskId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Task unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $taskId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $task = $project->search('$uid', $taskId, $project->getAttribute('tasks', [])); if (empty($task) && $task instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Task not found', 404); } if (!$consoleDB->deleteDocument($task->getUid())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove tasks from DB', 500); } $response->noContent(); } ); // Platforms $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/platforms') ->desc('List Platforms') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'listPlatforms') ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $platforms = $project->getAttribute('platforms', []); $response->json($platforms); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/projects/:projectId/platforms/:platformId') ->desc('Get Platform') ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'getPlatform') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('platformId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Platform unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $platformId) use ($request, $response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $platform = $project->search('$uid', $platformId, $project->getAttribute('platforms', [])); if (empty($platform) && $platform instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Platform not found', 404); } $response->json($platform->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/projects/:projectId/platforms') ->desc('Create Platform') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'createPlatform') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('type', null, function () { return new WhiteList(['web', 'ios', 'android', 'unity']); }, 'Platform name') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Platform name') ->param('key', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Package name for android or bundle ID for iOS', true) ->param('store', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'App store or Google Play store ID', true) ->param('url', '', function () { return new URL(); }, 'Platform client URL', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $type, $name, $key, $store, $url) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $platform = $consoleDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PLATFORMS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null)], 'write' => ['team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/owner', 'team:'.$project->getAttribute('teamId', null).'/developer'], ], 'type' => $type, 'name' => $name, 'key' => $key, 'store' => $store, 'url' => $url, 'dateCreated' => time(), 'dateUpdated' => time(), ]); if (false === $platform) { throw new Exception('Failed saving platform to DB', 500); } $project->setAttribute('platforms', $platform, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $project = $consoleDB->updateDocument($project->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $project) { throw new Exception('Failed saving project to DB', 500); } $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($platform->getArrayCopy()) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/projects/:projectId/platforms/:platformId') ->desc('Update Platform') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'updatePlatform') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('platformId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Platform unique ID.') ->param('name', null, function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Platform name') ->param('key', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Package name for android or bundle ID for iOS', true) ->param('store', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'App store or Google Play store ID', true) ->param('url', '', function () { return new URL(); }, 'Platform client URL', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $platformId, $name, $key, $store, $url) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $platform = $project->search('$uid', $platformId, $project->getAttribute('platforms', [])); if (empty($platform) && $platform instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Platform not found', 404); } $platform ->setAttribute('name', $name) ->setAttribute('dateUpdated', time()) ->setAttribute('key', $key) ->setAttribute('store', $store) ->setAttribute('url', $url) ; if (false === $consoleDB->updateDocument($platform->getArrayCopy())) { throw new Exception('Failed saving platform to DB', 500); } $response->json($platform->getArrayCopy()); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/projects/:projectId/platforms/:platformId') ->desc('Delete Platform') ->label('scope', 'projects.write') ->label('sdk.namespace', 'projects') ->label('sdk.method', 'deletePlatform') ->param('projectId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('platformId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Platform unique ID.') ->action( function ($projectId, $platformId) use ($response, $consoleDB) { $project = $consoleDB->getDocument($projectId); if (empty($project->getUid()) || Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS != $project->getCollection()) { throw new Exception('Project not found', 404); } $platform = $project->search('$uid', $platformId, $project->getAttribute('platforms', [])); if (empty($platform) && $platform instanceof Document) { throw new Exception('Platform not found', 404); } if (!$consoleDB->deleteDocument($platform->getUid())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove platform from DB', 500); } $response->noContent(); } );