setParam('version', Config::getParam('version')) ; $layout ->setParam('title', APP_NAME) ->setParam('description', '') ->setParam('class', 'home') ->setParam('platforms', Config::getParam('platforms')) ->setParam('header', [$header]) ->setParam('footer', [$footer]) ; $utopia->shutdown(function () use ($response, $layout) { $response->send($layout->render()); }); $utopia->get('/') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action( function () use ($response) { $response->redirect('/auth/signin'); } ); $utopia->get('/auth/signin') ->desc('Login page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/signin.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Sign In - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/auth/signup') ->desc('Registration page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/signup.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Sign Up - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/auth/recovery') ->desc('Password recovery page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($request, $layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/recovery.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Password Recovery - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/auth/confirm') ->desc('Account confirmation page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/confirm.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Account Confirmation - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/auth/join') ->desc('Account team join page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/join.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Invitation - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/auth/recovery/reset') ->desc('Password recovery page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/recovery/reset.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', 'Password Reset - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/auth/oauth2/success') ->desc('Registration page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/oauth2.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page) ->setParam('header', []) ->setParam('footer', []) ; }); $utopia->get('/auth/oauth2/failure') ->desc('Registration page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->action(function () use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/home/auth/oauth2.phtml'); $layout ->setParam('title', APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page) ->setParam('header', []) ->setParam('footer', []) ; }); $utopia->get('/error/:code') ->desc('Error page') ->label('permission', 'public') ->label('scope', 'home') ->param('code', null, new \Utopia\Validator\Numeric(), 'Valid status code number', false) ->action(function ($code) use ($layout) { $page = new View(__DIR__.'/../../views/error.phtml'); $page ->setParam('code', $code) ; $layout ->setParam('title', 'Error'.' - '.APP_NAME) ->setParam('body', $page); }); $utopia->get('/open-api-2.json') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('docs', false) ->param('platform', APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT, function () {return new WhiteList([APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT, APP_PLATFORM_SERVER, APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE]);}, 'Choose target platform.', true) ->param('extensions', 0, function () {return new Range(0, 1);}, 'Show extra data.', true) ->param('tests', 0, function () {return new Range(0, 1);}, 'Include only test services.', true) ->action( function ($platform, $extensions, $tests) use ($response, $request, $utopia, $services) { function fromCamelCase($input) { preg_match_all('!([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?=$|[A-Z][a-z0-9])|[A-Za-z][a-z0-9]+)!', $input, $matches); $ret = $matches[0]; foreach ($ret as &$match) { $match = $match == strtoupper($match) ? strtolower($match) : lcfirst($match); } return implode('_', $ret); } function fromCamelCaseToDash($input) { return str_replace([' ', '_'], '-', strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z])(?=[A-Z])/', '$1-', $input))); } foreach ($services as $service) { /* @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ if($tests && !isset($service['tests'])) { continue; } if($tests && !$service['tests']) { continue; } if (!$tests && !$service['sdk']) { continue; } /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include_once realpath(__DIR__.'/../../'.$service['controller']); } $security = [ APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT => ['Project' => []], APP_PLATFORM_SERVER => ['Project' => [], 'Key' => []], APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE => ['Project' => [], 'Key' => []], ]; $platforms = [ 'client' => APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT, 'server' => APP_PLATFORM_SERVER, 'all' => APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE, ]; $keys = [ APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT => [ 'Project' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Project', 'description' => 'Your project ID', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Locale' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Locale', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], ], APP_PLATFORM_SERVER => [ 'Project' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Project', 'description' => 'Your project ID', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Key' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Key', 'description' => 'Your secret API key', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Locale' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Locale', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], ], APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE => [ 'Project' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Project', 'description' => 'Your project ID', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Key' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Key', 'description' => 'Your secret API key', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Locale' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Locale', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], 'Mode' => [ 'type' => 'apiKey', 'name' => 'X-Appwrite-Mode', 'description' => '', 'in' => 'header', ], ], ]; /* * Specifications (v3.0.0): * */ $output = [ 'swagger' => '2.0', 'info' => [ 'version' => APP_VERSION_STABLE, 'title' => APP_NAME, 'description' => 'Appwrite backend as a service cuts up to 70% of the time and costs required for building a modern application. We abstract and simplify common development tasks behind a REST APIs, to help you develop your app in a fast and secure way. For full API documentation and tutorials go to [](', 'termsOfService' => '', 'contact' => [ 'name' => 'Appwrite Team', 'url' => '', 'email' => $request->getServer('_APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS', APP_EMAIL_TEAM), ], 'license' => [ 'name' => 'BSD-3-Clause', 'url' => '', ], ], 'host' => parse_url($request->getServer('_APP_HOME', Config::getParam('domain')), PHP_URL_HOST), 'basePath' => '/v1', 'schemes' => ['https'], 'consumes' => ['application/json', 'multipart/form-data'], 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'securityDefinitions' => $keys[$platform], 'paths' => [], 'definitions' => [ // 'Pet' => [ // 'required' => ['id', 'name'], // 'properties' => [ // 'id' => [ // 'type' => 'integer', // 'format' => 'int64', // ], // 'name' => [ // 'type' => 'string', // ], // 'tag' => [ // 'type' => 'string', // ], // ], // ], // 'Pets' => array( // 'type' => 'array', // 'items' => array( // '$ref' => '#/definitions/Pet', // ), // ), 'Error' => array( 'required' => array( 0 => 'code', 1 => 'message', ), 'properties' => array( 'code' => array( 'type' => 'integer', 'format' => 'int32', ), 'message' => array( 'type' => 'string', ), ), ), ], 'externalDocs' => [ 'description' => 'Full API docs, specs and tutorials', 'url' => Config::getParam('protocol').'://'.Config::getParam('domain').'/docs', ], ]; if ($extensions) { if(isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Project'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Project']['extensions'] = ['demo' => '5df5acd0d48c2']; } if(isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Key'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Key']['extensions'] = ['demo' => '919c2d18fb5d4...a2ae413da83346ad2']; } if(isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Locale'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Locale']['extensions'] = ['demo' => 'en']; } if(isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Mode'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Mode']['extensions'] = ['demo' => '']; } } foreach ($utopia->getRoutes() as $key => $method) { foreach ($method as $route) { /* @var $route \Utopia\Route */ if (!$route->getLabel('docs', true)) { continue; } if (empty($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', null))) { continue; } if($platform !== APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE && !in_array($platforms[$platform], $route->getLabel('sdk.platform', []))) { continue; } $url = str_replace('/v1', '', $route->getURL()); $scope = $route->getLabel('scope', ''); $hide = $route->getLabel('sdk.hide', false); $consumes = ['application/json']; if ($hide) { continue; } $desc = (!empty($route->getLabel('sdk.description', ''))) ? realpath('../'.$route->getLabel('sdk.description', '')) : null; $temp = [ 'summary' => $route->getDesc(), 'operationId' => $route->getLabel('sdk.method', uniqid()), 'consumes' => [], 'tags' => [$route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', 'default')], 'description' => ($desc) ? file_get_contents($desc) : '', // 'responses' => [ // 200 => [ // 'description' => 'An paged array of pets', // 'schema' => [ // '$ref' => '#/definitions/Pet', // ], // ], // ], ]; if ($extensions) { $platformList = $route->getLabel('sdk.platform', []); $temp['extensions'] = [ 'weight' => $route->getOrder(), 'cookies' => $route->getLabel('sdk.cookies', false), 'type' => $route->getLabel('sdk.methodType', ''), 'demo' => 'docs/examples/'.fromCamelCaseToDash($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', 'default')).'/'.fromCamelCaseToDash($temp['operationId']).'.md', 'edit' => '' . $route->getLabel('sdk.description', ''), 'rate-limit' => $route->getLabel('abuse-limit', 0), 'rate-time' => $route->getLabel('abuse-time', 3600), 'rate-key' => $route->getLabel('abuse-key', 'url:{url},ip:{ip}'), 'scope' => $route->getLabel('scope', ''), 'platforms' => $platformList, ]; } if ((!empty($scope))) { // && 'public' != $scope $temp['security'][] = $route->getLabel('', $security[$platform]); } $requestBody = [ 'content' => [ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' => [ 'schema' => [ 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => [], ], 'required' => [], ], ], ]; foreach ($route->getParams() as $name => $param) { $validator = (is_callable($param['validator'])) ? $param['validator']() : $param['validator']; /* @var $validator \Utopia\Validator */ $node = [ 'name' => $name, 'description' => $param['description'], 'required' => !$param['optional'], ]; switch ((!empty($validator)) ? get_class($validator) : '') { case 'Utopia\Validator\Text': $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['x-example'] = '['.strtoupper(fromCamelCase($node['name'])).']'; break; case 'Appwrite\Database\Validator\UID': $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['x-example'] = '['.strtoupper(fromCamelCase($node['name'])).']'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Email': $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['format'] = 'email'; $node['x-example'] = ''; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\URL': $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['format'] = 'url'; $node['x-example'] = ''; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\JSON': case 'Utopia\Validator\Mock': case 'Utopia\Validator\Assoc': $node['type'] = 'object'; $node['type'] = 'object'; $node['x-example'] = '{}'; //$node['format'] = 'json'; break; case 'Appwrite\Storage\Validator\File': $consumes = ['multipart/form-data']; $node['type'] = 'file'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\ArrayList': $node['type'] = 'array'; $node['collectionFormat'] = 'multi'; $node['items'] = [ 'type' => 'string', ]; break; case 'Appwrite\Auth\Validator\Password': $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['format'] = 'format'; $node['x-example'] = 'password'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Range': /* @var $validator \Utopia\Validator\Range */ $node['type'] = 'integer'; $node['format'] = 'int32'; $node['x-example'] = $validator->getMin(); break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Numeric': $node['type'] = 'integer'; $node['format'] = 'int32'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Length': $node['type'] = 'string'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Host': $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['format'] = 'url'; $node['x-example'] = ''; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\WhiteList': /* @var $validator \Utopia\Validator\WhiteList */ $node['type'] = 'string'; $node['x-example'] = $validator->getList()[0]; break; default: $node['type'] = 'string'; break; } if ($param['optional'] && !is_null($param['default'])) { // Param has default value $node['default'] = $param['default']; } if (false !== strpos($url, ':'.$name)) { // Param is in URL path $node['in'] = 'path'; $temp['parameters'][] = $node; } elseif ($key == 'GET') { // Param is in query $node['in'] = 'query'; $temp['parameters'][] = $node; } else { // Param is in payload $node['in'] = 'formData'; $temp['parameters'][] = $node; $requestBody['content']['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']['schema']['properties'][] = $node; if (!$param['optional']) { $requestBody['content']['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']['required'][] = $name; } } $url = str_replace(':'.$name, '{'.$name.'}', $url); } $temp['consumes'] = $consumes; $output['paths'][$url][strtolower($route->getMethod())] = $temp; } } /*foreach ($consoleDB->getMocks() as $mock) { var_dump($mock['name']); }*/ ksort($output['paths']); $response ->json($output); } );