getRules() as $rule) { if (!in_array($model->getType(), $usedModels)) { continue; } if (\is_array($rule['type'])) { foreach ($rule['type'] as $ruleType) { if (!in_array($ruleType, ['string', 'integer', 'boolean', 'json', 'float'])) { $usedModels[] = $ruleType; foreach ($this->models as $m) { if ($m->getType() === $ruleType) { $this->getNestedModels($m, $usedModels); continue; } } } } } else { if (!in_array($rule['type'], ['string', 'integer', 'boolean', 'json', 'float'])) { $usedModels[] = $rule['type']; foreach ($this->models as $m) { if ($m->getType() === $rule['type']) { $this->getNestedModels($m, $usedModels); continue; } } } } } } public function parse(): array { /* * Specifications (v2.0): * */ $output = [ 'swagger' => '2.0', 'info' => [ 'version' => $this->getParam('version'), 'title' => $this->getParam('name'), 'description' => $this->getParam('description'), 'termsOfService' => $this->getParam('terms'), 'contact' => [ 'name' => $this->getParam(''), 'url' => $this->getParam('contact.url'), 'email' => $this->getParam(''), ], 'license' => [ 'name' => 'BSD-3-Clause', 'url' => '', ], ], 'host' => \parse_url($this->getParam('endpoint', ''), PHP_URL_HOST), 'basePath' => \parse_url($this->getParam('endpoint', ''), PHP_URL_PATH), 'schemes' => [\parse_url($this->getParam('endpoint', ''), PHP_URL_SCHEME)], 'consumes' => ['application/json', 'multipart/form-data'], 'produces' => ['application/json'], 'securityDefinitions' => $this->keys, 'paths' => [], 'tags' => $this->services, 'definitions' => [], 'externalDocs' => [ 'description' => $this->getParam('docs.description'), 'url' => $this->getParam('docs.url'), ], ]; if (isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Project'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Project']['x-appwrite'] = ['demo' => '5df5acd0d48c2']; } if (isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Key'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Key']['x-appwrite'] = ['demo' => '919c2d18fb5d4...a2ae413da83346ad2']; } if (isset($output['securityDefinitions']['JWT'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['JWT']['x-appwrite'] = ['demo' => 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ...']; } if (isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Locale'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Locale']['x-appwrite'] = ['demo' => 'en']; } if (isset($output['securityDefinitions']['Mode'])) { $output['securityDefinitions']['Mode']['x-appwrite'] = ['demo' => '']; } $usedModels = []; foreach ($this->routes as $route) { /** @var \Utopia\Route $route */ $url = \str_replace('/v1', '', $route->getPath()); $scope = $route->getLabel('scope', ''); $consumes = [$route->getLabel('sdk.request.type', 'application/json')]; $method = $route->getLabel('sdk.method', \uniqid()); $desc = (!empty($route->getLabel('sdk.description', ''))) ? \realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../' . $route->getLabel('sdk.description', '')) : null; $produces = $route->getLabel('sdk.response.type', null); $model = $route->getLabel('sdk.response.model', 'none'); $routeSecurity = $route->getLabel('sdk.auth', []); $sdkPlatforms = []; foreach ($routeSecurity as $value) { switch ($value) { case APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION: $sdkPlatforms[] = APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT; break; case APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY: $sdkPlatforms[] = APP_PLATFORM_SERVER; break; case APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT: $sdkPlatforms[] = APP_PLATFORM_SERVER; break; case APP_AUTH_TYPE_ADMIN: $sdkPlatforms[] = APP_PLATFORM_CONSOLE; break; } } if (empty($routeSecurity)) { $sdkPlatforms[] = APP_PLATFORM_SERVER; $sdkPlatforms[] = APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT; } $temp = [ 'summary' => $route->getDesc(), 'operationId' => $route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', 'default') . ucfirst($method), 'consumes' => [], 'produces' => [], 'tags' => [$route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', 'default')], 'description' => ($desc) ? \file_get_contents($desc) : '', 'responses' => [], 'x-appwrite' => [ // Appwrite related metadata 'method' => $method, 'weight' => $route->getOrder(), 'cookies' => $route->getLabel('sdk.cookies', false), 'type' => $route->getLabel('sdk.methodType', ''), 'deprecated' => $route->getLabel('sdk.deprecated', false), 'demo' => Template::fromCamelCaseToDash($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', 'default')) . '/' . Template::fromCamelCaseToDash($method) . '.md', 'edit' => '' . $route->getLabel('sdk.description', ''), 'rate-limit' => $route->getLabel('abuse-limit', 0), 'rate-time' => $route->getLabel('abuse-time', 3600), 'rate-key' => $route->getLabel('abuse-key', 'url:{url},ip:{ip}'), 'scope' => $route->getLabel('scope', ''), 'platforms' => $sdkPlatforms, 'packaging' => $route->getLabel('sdk.packaging', false), 'offline-model' => $route->getLabel('sdk.offline.model', ''), 'offline-key' => $route->getLabel('sdk.offline.key', ''), 'offline-response-key' => $route->getLabel('sdk.offline.response.key', '$id'), ], ]; if ($produces) { $temp['produces'][] = $produces; } foreach ($this->models as $value) { if (\is_array($model)) { $model = \array_map(fn ($m) => $m === $value->getType() ? $value : $m, $model); } else { if ($value->getType() === $model) { $model = $value; break; } } } if (!(\is_array($model)) && $model->isNone()) { $temp['responses'][(string)$route->getLabel('sdk.response.code', '500')] = [ 'description' => in_array($produces, [ 'image/*', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/webp', 'image/svg-x', 'image/x-icon', 'image/bmp', ]) ? 'Image' : 'File', 'schema' => [ 'type' => 'file' ], ]; } else { if (\is_array($model)) { $modelDescription = \join(', or ', \array_map(fn ($m) => $m->getName(), $model)); // model has multiple possible responses, we will use oneOf foreach ($model as $m) { $usedModels[] = $m->getType(); } $temp['responses'][(string)$route->getLabel('sdk.response.code', '500')] = [ 'description' => $modelDescription, 'schema' => [ 'x-oneOf' => \array_map(function ($m) { return ['$ref' => '#/definitions/' . $m->getType()]; }, $model) ], ]; } else { // Response definition using one type $usedModels[] = $model->getType(); $temp['responses'][(string)$route->getLabel('sdk.response.code', '500')] = [ 'description' => $model->getName(), 'schema' => [ '$ref' => '#/definitions/' . $model->getType(), ], ]; } } if (in_array($route->getLabel('sdk.response.code', 500), [204, 301, 302, 308], true)) { $temp['responses'][(string)$route->getLabel('sdk.response.code', '500')]['description'] = 'No content'; unset($temp['responses'][(string)$route->getLabel('sdk.response.code', '500')]['schema']); } if ((!empty($scope))) { // && 'public' != $scope $securities = ['Project' => []]; foreach ($route->getLabel('sdk.auth', []) as $security) { if (array_key_exists($security, $this->keys)) { $securities[$security] = []; } } $temp['x-appwrite']['auth'] = array_slice($securities, 0, $this->authCount); $temp['security'][] = $securities; } $body = [ 'name' => 'payload', 'in' => 'body', 'schema' => [ 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => [], ], ]; $bodyRequired = []; $parameters = \array_merge( $route->getParams(), $route->getLabel('sdk.parameters', []), ); foreach ($parameters as $name => $param) { // Set params /** @var Validator $validator */ $validator = (\is_callable($param['validator'])) ? call_user_func_array($param['validator'], $this->app->getResources($param['injections'])) : $param['validator']; $node = [ 'name' => $name, 'description' => $param['description'], 'required' => !$param['optional'], ]; $isNullable = $validator instanceof Nullable; if ($isNullable) { /** @var Nullable $validator */ $validator = $validator->getValidator(); } switch ((!empty($validator)) ? \get_class($validator) : '') { case 'Utopia\Validator\Text': case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\UID': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['x-example'] = '[' . \strtoupper(Template::fromCamelCaseToSnake($node['name'])) . ']'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Boolean': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['x-example'] = false; break; case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\CustomId': if ($route->getLabel('sdk.methodType', '') === 'upload') { $node['x-upload-id'] = true; } $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['x-example'] = '[' . \strtoupper(Template::fromCamelCaseToSnake($node['name'])) . ']'; break; case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\DatetimeValidator': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = 'datetime'; $node['x-example'] = Model::TYPE_DATETIME_EXAMPLE; break; case 'Appwrite\Network\Validator\Email': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = 'email'; $node['x-example'] = ''; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Host': case 'Utopia\Validator\URL': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = 'url'; $node['x-example'] = ''; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\ArrayList': /** @var ArrayList $validator */ $node['type'] = 'array'; $node['collectionFormat'] = 'multi'; $node['items'] = [ 'type' => $validator->getValidator()->getType(), ]; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\JSON': case 'Utopia\Validator\Mock': case 'Utopia\Validator\Assoc': $node['type'] = 'object'; $node['default'] = (empty($param['default'])) ? new \stdClass() : $param['default']; $node['x-example'] = '{}'; break; case 'Utopia\Storage\Validator\File': $consumes = ['multipart/form-data']; $node['type'] = 'file'; break; case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Attributes': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Buckets': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Collections': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Databases': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Deployments': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Executions': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Files': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Functions': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Identities': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Indexes': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Installations': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Memberships': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Messages': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Migrations': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Projects': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Providers': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Rules': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Subscribers': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Targets': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Teams': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Topics': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Users': case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Variables': case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries': case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Document': case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\Queries\Documents': $node['type'] = 'array'; $node['collectionFormat'] = 'multi'; $node['items'] = [ 'type' => 'string', ]; break; case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\Permissions': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['collectionFormat'] = 'multi'; $node['items'] = [ 'type' => 'string', ]; $node['x-example'] = '["' . Permission::read(Role::any()) . '"]'; break; case 'Utopia\Database\Validator\Roles': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['collectionFormat'] = 'multi'; $node['items'] = [ 'type' => 'string', ]; $node['x-example'] = '["' . Role::any()->toString() . '"]'; break; case 'Appwrite\Auth\Validator\Password': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = 'password'; $node['x-example'] = 'password'; break; case 'Appwrite\Auth\Validator\Phone': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = 'phone'; $node['x-example'] = '+12065550100'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Range': /** @var Range $validator */ $node['type'] = $validator->getType() === Validator::TYPE_FLOAT ? 'number' : $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = $validator->getType() == Validator::TYPE_INTEGER ? 'int32' : 'float'; $node['x-example'] = $validator->getMin(); break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Numeric': case 'Utopia\Validator\Integer': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['format'] = 'int32'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\FloatValidator': $node['type'] = 'number'; $node['format'] = 'float'; break; case 'Utopia\Validator\Length': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); break; case 'Utopia\Validator\WhiteList': /** @var \Utopia\Validator\WhiteList $validator */ $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['x-example'] = $validator->getList()[0]; //Iterate the blackList. If it matches with the current one, then it is blackListed $allowed = true; foreach ($this->enumBlacklist as $blacklist) { if ($blacklist['namespace'] == $route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', '') && $blacklist['method'] == $method && $blacklist['parameter'] == $name) { $allowed = false; break; } } if ($allowed) { $node['enum'] = $validator->getList(); $node['x-enum-name'] = $this->getEnumName($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', ''), $method, $name); $node['x-enum-keys'] = $this->getEnumKeys($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', ''), $method, $name); } if ($validator->getType() === 'integer') { $node['format'] = 'int32'; } break; case 'Appwrite\Utopia\Database\Validator\CompoundUID': $node['type'] = $validator->getType(); $node['x-example'] = '[ID1:ID2]'; break; default: $node['type'] = 'string'; break; } if ($param['optional'] && !\is_null($param['default'])) { // Param has default value $node['default'] = $param['default']; } if (\str_contains($url, ':' . $name)) { // Param is in URL path $node['in'] = 'path'; $temp['parameters'][] = $node; } elseif ($route->getMethod() == 'GET') { // Param is in query $node['in'] = 'query'; $temp['parameters'][] = $node; } else { // Param is in payload if (\in_array('multipart/form-data', $consumes)) { $node['in'] = 'formData'; $temp['parameters'][] = $node; continue; } if (!$param['optional']) { $bodyRequired[] = $name; } $body['schema']['properties'][$name] = [ 'type' => $node['type'], 'description' => $node['description'], 'default' => $node['default'] ?? null, 'x-example' => $node['x-example'] ?? null, ]; if (isset($node['enum'])) { /// If the enum flag is Set, add the enum values to the body $body['schema']['properties'][$name]['enum'] = $node['enum']; $body['schema']['properties'][$name]['x-enum-name'] = $node['x-enum-name'] ?? null; $body['schema']['properties'][$name]['x-enum-keys'] = $node['x-enum-keys'] ?? null; } if ($node['x-global'] ?? false) { $body['schema']['properties'][$name]['x-global'] = true; } if ($isNullable) { $body['schema']['properties'][$name]['x-nullable'] = true; } if (\array_key_exists('items', $node)) { $body['schema']['properties'][$name]['items'] = $node['items']; } } $url = \str_replace(':' . $name, '{' . $name . '}', $url); } if (!empty($bodyRequired)) { $body['schema']['required'] = $bodyRequired; } if (!empty($body['schema']['properties'])) { $temp['parameters'][] = $body; } $temp['consumes'] = $consumes; $output['paths'][$url][\strtolower($route->getMethod())] = $temp; } foreach ($this->models as $model) { $this->getNestedModels($model, $usedModels); } foreach ($this->models as $model) { if (!in_array($model->getType(), $usedModels)) { continue; } $required = $model->getRequired(); $rules = $model->getRules(); $output['definitions'][$model->getType()] = [ 'description' => $model->getName(), 'type' => 'object', ]; if (!empty($rules)) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'] = []; } if ($model->isAny()) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['additionalProperties'] = true; } if (!empty($required)) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['required'] = $required; } foreach ($model->getRules() as $name => $rule) { $type = ''; $format = null; $items = null; switch ($rule['type']) { case 'string': case 'datetime': $type = 'string'; break; case 'json': $type = 'object'; break; case 'integer': $type = 'integer'; $format = 'int32'; break; case 'float': $type = 'number'; $format = 'float'; break; case 'double': $type = 'number'; $format = 'double'; break; case 'boolean': $type = 'boolean'; break; default: $type = 'object'; $rule['type'] = ($rule['type']) ?: 'none'; if (\is_array($rule['type'])) { if ($rule['array']) { $items = [ 'x-anyOf' => \array_map(fn ($type) => ['$ref' => '#/definitions/' . $type], $rule['type']) ]; } else { $items = [ 'x-oneOf' => \array_map(fn ($type) => ['$ref' => '#/definitions/' . $type], $rule['type']) ]; } } else { $items = [ 'type' => $type, '$ref' => '#/definitions/' . $rule['type'], ]; } break; } if ($rule['type'] == 'json') { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name] = [ 'type' => $type, 'additionalProperties' => true, 'description' => $rule['description'] ?? '', 'x-example' => $rule['example'] ?? null, ]; continue; } if ($rule['array']) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name] = [ 'type' => 'array', 'description' => $rule['description'] ?? '', 'items' => [ 'type' => $type, ], 'x-example' => $rule['example'] ?? null, ]; if ($format) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name]['items']['format'] = $format; } } else { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name] = [ 'type' => $type, 'description' => $rule['description'] ?? '', 'x-example' => $rule['example'] ?? null, ]; if ($format) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name]['format'] = $format; } } if ($items) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name]['items'] = $items; } if (!in_array($name, $required)) { $output['definitions'][$model->getType()]['properties'][$name]['x-nullable'] = true; } } } \ksort($output['paths']); return $output; } }