name: "Tests" concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true env: IMAGE: appwrite-dev CACHE_KEY: appwrite-dev-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} on: [pull_request] jobs: setup: name: Setup & Build Appwrite Image runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: recursive - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2 - name: Build Appwrite uses: docker/build-push-action@v3 with: context: . push: false tags: ${{ env.IMAGE }} load: true cache-from: type=gha cache-to: type=gha,mode=max outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar build-args: | DEBUG=false TESTING=true VERSION=dev - name: Cache Docker Image uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: ${{ env.CACHE_KEY }} path: /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar unit_test: name: Unit Test runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: setup steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Load Cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: ${{ env.CACHE_KEY }} path: /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar fail-on-cache-miss: true - name: Load and Start Appwrite run: | docker load --input /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar docker compose up -d sleep 10 - name: Doctor run: docker compose exec -T appwrite doctor - name: Environment Variables run: docker compose exec -T appwrite vars - name: Run Unit Tests run: docker compose exec appwrite test /usr/src/code/tests/unit e2e_general_test: name: E2E General Test runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: setup steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Load Cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: ${{ env.CACHE_KEY }} path: /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar fail-on-cache-miss: true - name: Load and Start Appwrite run: | docker load --input /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar docker compose up -d sleep 10 - name: Run General Tests run: docker compose exec -T appwrite test /usr/src/code/tests/e2e/General --debug e2e_service_test: name: E2E Service Test runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: setup strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: service: [ Account, Avatars, Console, Databases, Functions, GraphQL, Health, Locale, Projects, Realtime, Storage, Teams, Users, Webhooks, VCS, Messaging, ] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Load Cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: ${{ env.CACHE_KEY }} path: /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar fail-on-cache-miss: true - name: Load and Start Appwrite run: | docker load --input /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar docker compose up -d sleep 25 - name: Run ${{matrix.service}} Tests run: docker compose exec -T appwrite test /usr/src/code/tests/e2e/Services/${{matrix.service}} --debug - name: Run ${{matrix.service}} Shared Tables Tests run: _APP_DATABASE_SHARED_TABLES=database_db_main docker compose exec -T appwrite test /usr/src/code/tests/e2e/Services/${{matrix.service}} --debug benchamrking: name: Benchmark runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: setup steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Load Cache uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: ${{ env.CACHE_KEY }} path: /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar fail-on-cache-miss: true - name: Load and Start Appwrite run: | sed -i 's/traefik/localhost/g' .env docker load --input /tmp/${{ env.IMAGE }}.tar docker compose up -d sleep 10 - name: Install Oha run: | echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/azlux-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azlux.list sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/azlux-archive-keyring.gpg sudo apt update sudo apt install oha - name: Benchmark PR run: oha -z 180s http://localhost/v1/health/version -j > benchmark.json - name: Cleaning run: docker compose down -v - name: Installing latest version run: | rm docker-compose.yml rm .env curl -o docker-compose.yml curl -o .env sed -i 's/_APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE=enabled/_APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE=disabled/g' .env docker compose up -d sleep 10 - name: Benchmark Latest run: oha -z 180s http://localhost/v1/health/version -j > benchmark-latest.json - name: Prepare comment run: | echo '## :sparkles: Benchmark results' > benchmark.txt echo ' ' >> benchmark.txt echo "- Requests per second: $(jq -r '.summary.requestsPerSec|tonumber?|floor|tostring|[while(length>0;.[:-3])|.[-3:]]|reverse|join(",")' benchmark.json)" >> benchmark.txt echo "- Requests with 200 status code: $(jq -r '.statusCodeDistribution."200"|tostring|[while(length>0;.[:-3])|.[-3:]]|reverse|join(",")' benchmark.json)" >> benchmark.txt echo "- P99 latency: $(jq -r '.latencyPercentiles.p99' benchmark.json )" >> benchmark.txt echo " " >> benchmark.txt echo " " >> benchmark.txt echo "## :zap: Benchmark Comparison" >> benchmark.txt echo " " >> benchmark.txt echo "| Metric | This PR | Latest version | " >> benchmark.txt echo "| --- | --- | --- | " >> benchmark.txt echo "| RPS | $(jq -r '.summary.requestsPerSec|tonumber?|floor|tostring|[while(length>0;.[:-3])|.[-3:]]|reverse|join(",")' benchmark.json) | $(jq -r '.summary.requestsPerSec|tonumber|floor|tostring|[while(length>0;.[:-3])|.[-3:]]|reverse|join(",")' benchmark-latest.json) | " >> benchmark.txt echo "| 200 | $(jq -r '.statusCodeDistribution."200"|tostring|[while(length>0;.[:-3])|.[-3:]]|reverse|join(",")' benchmark.json) | $(jq -r '.statusCodeDistribution."200"|tostring|[while(length>0;.[:-3])|.[-3:]]|reverse|join(",")' benchmark-latest.json) | " >> benchmark.txt echo "| P99 | $(jq -r '.latencyPercentiles.p99' benchmark.json ) | $(jq -r '.latencyPercentiles.p99' benchmark-latest.json ) | " >> benchmark.txt - name: Save results uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 if: ${{ !cancelled() }} with: name: benchmark.json path: benchmark.json retention-days: 7 - name: Comment on PR uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@v2 with: filePath: benchmark.txt