executor = new Executor(); } public function run(): void { $type = $this->args['type'] ?? ''; $projectId = $this->args['projectId'] ?? ''; switch ($type) { case BUILD_TYPE_DEPLOYMENT: $functionId = $this->args['functionId'] ?? ''; $deploymentId = $this->args['deploymentId'] ?? ''; Console::info("Creating build for deployment: $deploymentId"); $this->buildDeployment($projectId, $functionId, $deploymentId); break; // case BUILD_TYPE_RETRY: // $buildId = $this->args['buildId'] ?? ''; // $functionId = $this->args['functionId'] ?? ''; // $deploymentId = $this->args['deploymentId'] ?? ''; // Console::info("Retrying build for id: $buildId"); // $this->createBuild($projectId, $functionId, $deploymentId, $buildId); // break; default: throw new \Exception('Invalid build type'); break; } } protected function buildDeployment(string $projectId, string $functionId, string $deploymentId) { $dbForProject = $this->getProjectDB($projectId); $function = $dbForProject->getDocument('functions', $functionId); if ($function->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception('Function not found', 404); } $deployment = $dbForProject->getDocument('deployments', $deploymentId); if ($deployment->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception('Deployment not found', 404); } $runtimes = Config::getParam('runtimes', []); $key = $function->getAttribute('runtime'); $runtime = isset($runtimes[$key]) ? $runtimes[$key] : null; if (\is_null($runtime)) { throw new Exception('Runtime "' . $function->getAttribute('runtime', '') . '" is not supported'); } $buildId = $deployment->getAttribute('buildId', ''); $build = null; if (empty($buildId)) { $buildId = $dbForProject->getId(); $build = $dbForProject->createDocument('builds', new Document([ '$id' => $buildId, '$read' => [], '$write' => [], 'startTime' => time(), 'deploymentId' => $deploymentId, 'status' => 'processing', 'outputPath' => '', 'runtime' => $function->getAttribute('runtime'), 'source' => $deployment->getAttribute('path'), 'sourceType' => Storage::DEVICE_LOCAL, 'stdout' => '', 'stderr' => '', 'endTime' => 0, 'duration' => 0 ])); $deployment->setAttribute('buildId', $buildId); $deployment = $dbForProject->updateDocument('deployments', $deploymentId, $deployment); } else { $build = $dbForProject->getDocument('builds', $buildId); } /** Request the executor to build the code... */ $build->setAttribute('status', 'building'); $build = $dbForProject->updateDocument('builds', $buildId, $build); $path = $deployment->getAttribute('path'); $vars = $function->getAttribute('vars', []); $baseImage = $runtime['image']; $response = $this->executor->createRuntime( projectId: $projectId, functionId: $functionId, deploymentId: $deploymentId, source: $path, vars: $vars, runtime: $key, baseImage: $baseImage ); /** Update the build document */ $build->setAttribute('endTime', $response['endTime']); $build->setAttribute('duration', $response['duration']); $build->setAttribute('status', $response['status']); $build->setAttribute('outputPath', $response['outputPath']); $build->setAttribute('stderr', $response['stderr']); $build->setAttribute('stdout', $response['stdout']); $build = $dbForProject->updateDocument('builds', $buildId, $build); /** Set auto deploy */ if ($deployment->getAttribute('deploy') === true) { $function->setAttribute('deployment', $deployment->getId()); $function = $dbForProject->updateDocument('functions', $functionId, $function); } /** Update function schedule */ $schedule = $function->getAttribute('schedule', ''); $cron = (empty($function->getAttribute('deployment')) && !empty($schedule)) ? new CronExpression($schedule) : null; $next = (empty($function->getAttribute('deployment')) && !empty($schedule)) ? $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('U') : 0; $function->setAttribute('scheduleNext', (int)$next); $function = $dbForProject->updateDocument('functions', $functionId, $function); Console::success("Build id: $buildId created"); } public function shutdown(): void {} }