connectionsAuthenticated = count($this->allChannels) * $this->connectionsPerChannel; $this->connectionsGuest = count($this->allChannels) * $this->connectionsPerChannel; $this->connectionsTotal = $this->connectionsAuthenticated + $this->connectionsGuest; /** * Add Authenticated Clients */ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->connectionsPerChannel; $i++) { foreach ($this->allChannels as $index => $channel) { Realtime::setUser(new Document([ '$id' => 'user' . $this->connectionsCount, 'memberships' => [ [ 'teamId' => 'team' . $i, 'roles' => [ empty($index % 2) ? 'admin' : 'member' ] ] ] ])); Realtime::addSubscription( '1', $this->connectionsCount, $this->subscriptions, $this->connections, Realtime::getRoles(), Realtime::parseChannels([0 => $channel]) ); $this->connectionsCount++; } } /** * Add Guest Clients */ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->connectionsPerChannel; $i++) { foreach ($this->allChannels as $index => $channel) { Realtime::setUser(new Document([ '$id' => '' ])); Realtime::addSubscription( '1', $this->connectionsCount, $this->subscriptions, $this->connections, Realtime::getRoles(), Realtime::parseChannels([0 => $channel]) ); $this->connectionsCount++; } } } public function tearDown(): void { $this->connections = []; $this->subscriptions = []; $this->connectionsCount = 0; } public function testSubscriptions() { /** * Check for 1 project. */ $this->assertCount(1, $this->subscriptions); /** * Check for correct amount of subscriptions: * - XXX users * - 1 * * - 1 role:guest * - 1 role:member * - 10 teams * - 20 team roles (2 roles per team) */ $this->assertCount(($this->connectionsAuthenticated + (3 * $this->connectionsPerChannel) + 3), $this->subscriptions['1']); /** * Check for connections * - Authenticated * - Guests */ $this->assertCount($this->connectionsTotal, $this->connections); } /** * Tests Wildcard (*) Permissions on every channel. */ public function testWildcardPermission() { foreach ($this->allChannels as $index => $channel) { $event = [ 'project' => '1', 'permissions' => ['*'], 'data' => [ 'channels' => [ 0 => $channel, ] ] ]; $receivers = Realtime::identifyReceivers( $event, $this->connections, $this->subscriptions ); /** * Every Client subscribed to the Wildcard should receive this event. */ $this->assertCount($this->connectionsTotal / count($this->allChannels), $receivers, $channel); foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { /** * Making sure the right clients receive the event. */ $this->assertStringEndsWith($index, $receiver); } } } public function testRolePermissions() { $roles = ['role:guest', 'role:member']; foreach ($this->allChannels as $index => $channel) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $permissions = [$role]; $event = [ 'project' => '1', 'permissions' => $permissions, 'data' => [ 'channels' => [ 0 => $channel, ] ] ]; $receivers = Realtime::identifyReceivers( $event, $this->connections, $this->subscriptions ); /** * Every Role subscribed to a Channel should receive this event. */ $this->assertCount($this->connectionsPerChannel, $receivers, $channel); foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { /** * Making sure the right clients receive the event. */ $this->assertStringEndsWith($index, $receiver); } } } } public function testUserPermissions() { foreach ($this->allChannels as $index => $channel) { $permissions = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->connectionsPerChannel; $i++) { $permissions[] = 'user:user' . (!empty($i) ? $i : '') . $index; } $event = [ 'project' => '1', 'permissions' => $permissions, 'data' => [ 'channels' => [ 0 => $channel, ] ] ]; $receivers = Realtime::identifyReceivers( $event, $this->connections, $this->subscriptions ); /** * Every Client subscribed to a Channel should receive this event. */ $this->assertCount($this->connectionsAuthenticated / count($this->allChannels), $receivers, $channel); foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { /** * Making sure the right clients receive the event. */ $this->assertStringEndsWith($index, $receiver); } } } public function testTeamPermissions() { foreach ($this->allChannels as $index => $channel) { $permissions = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->connectionsPerChannel; $i++) { $permissions[] = 'team:team' . $i; } $event = [ 'project' => '1', 'permissions' => $permissions, 'data' => [ 'channels' => [ 0 => $channel, ] ] ]; $receivers = Realtime::identifyReceivers( $event, $this->connections, $this->subscriptions ); /** * Every Team Member should receive this event. */ $this->assertCount($this->connectionsAuthenticated / count($this->allChannels), $receivers, $channel); foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { /** * Making sure the right clients receive the event. */ $this->assertStringEndsWith($index, $receiver); } $permissions = ['team:team' . $index . '/' . (empty($index % 2) ? 'admin' : 'member')]; $event = [ 'project' => '1', 'permissions' => $permissions, 'data' => [ 'channels' => [ 0 => $channel, ] ] ]; $receivers = Realtime::identifyReceivers( $event, $this->connections, $this->subscriptions ); /** * Only 1 Team Member of a role should have access to a specific channel. */ $this->assertCount(1, $receivers, $channel); foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { /** * Making sure the right clients receive the event. */ $this->assertStringEndsWith($index, $receiver); } } } }