getServer('_APP_HOME').'/auth/oauth2/success'; $oauthDefaultFailure = $request->getServer('_APP_HOME').'/auth/oauth2/failure'; $oauth2Keys = []; $utopia->init(function() use (&$oauth2Keys) { foreach (Config::getParam('providers') as $key => $provider) { if (!$provider['enabled']) { continue; } $oauth2Keys[] = 'oauth2'.ucfirst($key); $oauth2Keys[] = 'oauth2'.ucfirst($key).'AccessToken'; } }); $utopia->post('/v1/account') ->desc('Create Account') ->label('webhook', 'account.create') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'create') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 10) ->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User email.') ->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'User password.') ->param('name', '', function () { return new Text(100); }, 'User name.', true) ->action( function ($email, $password, $name) use ($register, $request, $response, $audit, $projectDB, $project, $webhook, $oauth2Keys) { if ('console' === $project->getId()) { $whitlistEmails = $project->getAttribute('authWhitelistEmails'); $whitlistIPs = $project->getAttribute('authWhitelistIPs'); $whitlistDomains = $project->getAttribute('authWhitelistDomains'); if (!empty($whitlistEmails) && !in_array($email, $whitlistEmails)) { throw new Exception('Console registration is restricted to specific emails. Contact your administrator for more information.', 401); } if (!empty($whitlistIPs) && !in_array($request->getIP(), $whitlistIPs)) { throw new Exception('Console registration is restricted to specific IPs. Contact your administrator for more information.', 401); } if (!empty($whitlistDomains) && !in_array(substr(strrchr($email, '@'), 1), $whitlistDomains)) { throw new Exception('Console registration is restricted to specific domains. Contact your administrator for more information.', 401); } } $profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, 'email='.$email, ], ]); if (!empty($profile)) { throw new Exception('Account already exists', 409); } Authorization::disable(); try { $user = $projectDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, '$permissions' => [ 'read' => ['*'], 'write' => ['user:{self}'], ], 'email' => $email, 'emailVerification' => false, 'status' => Auth::USER_STATUS_UNACTIVATED, 'password' => Auth::passwordHash($password), 'password-update' => time(), 'registration' => time(), 'reset' => false, 'name' => $name, ], ['email' => $email]); } catch (Duplicate $th) { throw new Exception('Account already exists', 409); } Authorization::enable(); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $webhook ->setParam('payload', [ 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, ]) ; $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.create') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(array_merge( [ '$id', 'email', 'registration', 'name', ], $oauth2Keys )), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()])); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/account/sessions') ->desc('Create Account Session') ->label('webhook', 'account.sessions.create') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'createSession') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 10) ->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},email:{param-email}') ->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User email.') ->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'User password.') ->action( function ($email, $password) use ($response, $request, $projectDB, $audit, $webhook) { $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, 'email='.$email, ], ]); if (false == $profile || !Auth::passwordVerify($password, $profile->getAttribute('password'))) { $audit //->setParam('userId', $profile->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.sesssions.failed') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.($profile ? $profile->getId() : '')) ; throw new Exception('Invalid credentials', 401); // Wrong password or username } $expiry = time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LONG; $secret = Auth::tokenGenerator(); $session = new Document([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS, '$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$profile->getId()], 'write' => ['user:'.$profile->getId()]], 'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, 'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak 'expire' => $expiry, 'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'), 'ip' => $request->getIP(), ]); Authorization::setRole('user:'.$profile->getId()); $session = $projectDB->createDocument($session->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $session) { throw new Exception('Failed saving session to DB', 500); } $profile->setAttribute('tokens', $session, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $profile = $projectDB->updateDocument($profile->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $profile) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $webhook ->setParam('payload', [ 'name' => $profile->getAttribute('name', ''), 'email' => $profile->getAttribute('email', ''), ]) ; $audit ->setParam('userId', $profile->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.sessions.create') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$profile->getId()) ; if(!Config::getParam('domainVerification')) { $response ->addHeader('X-Fallback-Cookies', json_encode([Auth::$cookieName => Auth::encodeSession($profile->getId(), $secret)])) ; } $response ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName.'_legacy', Auth::encodeSession($profile->getId(), $secret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, null) ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, Auth::encodeSession($profile->getId(), $secret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, COOKIE_SAMESITE) ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($session->getArrayCopy(['$id', 'type', 'expire'])) ; } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/:provider') ->desc('Create Account Session with OAuth2') ->label('error', __DIR__.'/../../views/general/error.phtml') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'createOAuth2Session') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('sdk.response.code', 301) ->label('sdk.response.type', 'text/html') ->label('sdk.methodType', 'webAuth') ->label('abuse-limit', 50) ->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip}') ->param('provider', '', function () { return new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('providers'))); }, 'OAuth2 Provider. Currently, supported providers are: ' . implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter(Config::getParam('providers'), function($node) {return (!$node['mock']);}))).'.') ->param('success', $oauthDefaultSuccess, function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect back to your app after a successful login attempt. Only URLs from hostnames in your project platform list are allowed. This requirement helps to prevent an [open redirect]( attack against your project API.', true) ->param('failure', $oauthDefaultFailure, function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect back to your app after a failed login attempt. Only URLs from hostnames in your project platform list are allowed. This requirement helps to prevent an [open redirect]( attack against your project API.', true) ->action( function ($provider, $success, $failure) use ($response, $request, $project) { $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $callback = $protocol.'://'.$request->getServer('HTTP_HOST').'/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/'.$provider.'/'.$project->getId(); $appId = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth2'.ucfirst($provider).'Appid', ''); $appSecret = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth2'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', '{}'); $appSecret = json_decode($appSecret, true); if (!empty($appSecret) && isset($appSecret['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$appSecret['version']); $appSecret = OpenSSL::decrypt($appSecret['data'], $appSecret['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($appSecret['iv']), hex2bin($appSecret['tag'])); } if (empty($appId) || empty($appSecret)) { throw new Exception('This provider is disabled. Please configure the provider app ID and app secret key from your '.APP_NAME.' console to continue.', 412); } $classname = 'Appwrite\\Auth\\OAuth2\\'.ucfirst($provider); if (!class_exists($classname)) { throw new Exception('Provider is not supported', 501); } $oauth2 = new $classname($appId, $appSecret, $callback, ['success' => $success, 'failure' => $failure]); $response ->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0') ->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') ->redirect($oauth2->getLoginURL()); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/:provider/:projectId') ->desc('OAuth2 Callback') ->label('error', __DIR__.'/../../views/general/error.phtml') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('docs', false) ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('provider', '', function () { return new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('providers'))); }, 'OAuth2 provider.') ->param('code', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'OAuth2 code.') ->param('state', '', function () { return new Text(2048); }, 'Login state params.', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $provider, $code, $state) use ($response) { $domain = Config::getParam('domain'); $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $response ->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0') ->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') ->redirect($protocol.'://'.$domain.'/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/'.$provider.'/redirect?' .http_build_query(['project' => $projectId, 'code' => $code, 'state' => $state])); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/:provider/:projectId') ->desc('OAuth2 Callback') ->label('error', __DIR__.'/../../views/general/error.phtml') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('origin', '*') ->label('docs', false) ->param('projectId', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'Project unique ID.') ->param('provider', '', function () { return new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('providers'))); }, 'OAuth2 provider.') ->param('code', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'OAuth2 code.') ->param('state', '', function () { return new Text(2048); }, 'Login state params.', true) ->action( function ($projectId, $provider, $code, $state) use ($response) { $domain = Config::getParam('domain'); $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $response ->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0') ->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') ->redirect($protocol.'://'.$domain.'/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/'.$provider.'/redirect?' .http_build_query(['project' => $projectId, 'code' => $code, 'state' => $state])); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/:provider/redirect') ->desc('OAuth2 Redirect') ->label('error', __DIR__.'/../../views/general/error.phtml') ->label('webhook', 'account.sessions.create') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('abuse-limit', 50) ->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip}') ->label('docs', false) ->param('provider', '', function () { return new WhiteList(array_keys(Config::getParam('providers'))); }, 'OAuth2 provider.') ->param('code', '', function () { return new Text(1024); }, 'OAuth2 code.') ->param('state', '', function () { return new Text(2048); }, 'OAuth2 state params.', true) ->action( function ($provider, $code, $state) use ($response, $request, $user, $projectDB, $project, $audit, $oauthDefaultSuccess) { $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $callback = $protocol.'://'.$request->getServer('HTTP_HOST').'/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/'.$provider.'/'.$project->getId(); $defaultState = ['success' => $project->getAttribute('url', ''), 'failure' => '']; $validateURL = new URL(); $appId = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth2'.ucfirst($provider).'Appid', ''); $appSecret = $project->getAttribute('usersOauth2'.ucfirst($provider).'Secret', '{}'); $appSecret = json_decode($appSecret, true); if (!empty($appSecret) && isset($appSecret['version'])) { $key = $request->getServer('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V'.$appSecret['version']); $appSecret = OpenSSL::decrypt($appSecret['data'], $appSecret['method'], $key, 0, hex2bin($appSecret['iv']), hex2bin($appSecret['tag'])); } $classname = 'Appwrite\\Auth\\OAuth2\\'.ucfirst($provider); if (!class_exists($classname)) { throw new Exception('Provider is not supported', 501); } $oauth2 = new $classname($appId, $appSecret, $callback); if (!empty($state)) { try { $state = array_merge($defaultState, $oauth2->parseState($state)); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new Exception('Failed to parse login state params as passed from OAuth2 provider'); } } else { $state = $defaultState; } if (!$validateURL->isValid($state['success'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid redirect URL for success login', 400); } if (!empty($state['failure']) && !$validateURL->isValid($state['failure'])) { throw new Exception('Invalid redirect URL for failure login', 400); } $state['failure'] = null; $accessToken = $oauth2->getAccessToken($code); if (empty($accessToken)) { if (!empty($state['failure'])) { $response->redirect($state['failure'], 301, 0); } throw new Exception('Failed to obtain access token'); } $oauth2ID = $oauth2->getUserID($accessToken); if (empty($oauth2ID)) { if (!empty($state['failure'])) { $response->redirect($state['failure'], 301, 0); } throw new Exception('Missing ID from OAuth2 provider', 400); } $current = Auth::tokenVerify($user->getAttribute('tokens', []), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, Auth::$secret); if ($current) { $projectDB->deleteDocument($current); //throw new Exception('User already logged in', 401); } $user = (empty($user->getId())) ? $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by provider id 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, 'oauth2'.ucfirst($provider).'='.$oauth2ID, ], ]) : $user; if (empty($user)) { // No user logged in or with OAuth2 provider ID, create new one or connect with account with same email $name = $oauth2->getUserName($accessToken); $email = $oauth2->getUserEmail($accessToken); $user = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by provider email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, 'email='.$email, ], ]); if (!$user || empty($user->getId())) { // Last option -> create user alone, generate random password Authorization::disable(); try { $user = $projectDB->createDocument([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, '$permissions' => ['read' => ['*'], 'write' => ['user:{self}']], 'email' => $email, 'emailVerification' => true, 'status' => Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED, // Email should already be authenticated by OAuth2 provider 'password' => Auth::passwordHash(Auth::passwordGenerator()), 'password-update' => time(), 'registration' => time(), 'reset' => false, 'name' => $name, ], ['email' => $email]); } catch (Duplicate $th) { throw new Exception('Account already exists', 409); } Authorization::enable(); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } } } // Create session token, verify user account and update OAuth2 ID and Access Token $secret = Auth::tokenGenerator(); $expiry = time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_LONG; $session = new Document([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS, '$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$user['$id']], 'write' => ['user:'.$user['$id']]], 'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, 'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak 'expire' => $expiry, 'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'), 'ip' => $request->getIP(), ]); $user ->setAttribute('oauth2'.ucfirst($provider), $oauth2ID) ->setAttribute('oauth2'.ucfirst($provider).'AccessToken', $accessToken) ->setAttribute('status', Auth::USER_STATUS_ACTIVATED) ->setAttribute('tokens', $session, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND) ; Authorization::setRole('user:'.$user->getId()); $user = $projectDB->updateDocument($user->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.sessions.create') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ->setParam('data', ['provider' => $provider]) ; if(!Config::getParam('domainVerification')) { $response ->addHeader('X-Fallback-Cookies', json_encode([Auth::$cookieName => Auth::encodeSession($user->getId(), $secret)])) ; } if($state['success'] === $oauthDefaultSuccess) { // Add keys for non-web platforms $state['success'] = URLParser::parse($state['success']); $query = URLParser::parseQuery($state['success']['query']); $query['project'] = $project->getId(); $query['domain'] = COOKIE_DOMAIN; $query['key'] = Auth::$cookieName; $query['secret'] = Auth::encodeSession($user->getId(), $secret); $state['success']['query'] = URLParser::unparseQuery($query); $state['success'] = URLParser::unparse($state['success']); } $response ->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0') ->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName.'_legacy', Auth::encodeSession($user->getId(), $secret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, null) ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, Auth::encodeSession($user->getId(), $secret), $expiry, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, COOKIE_SAMESITE) ->redirect($state['success']) ; } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account') ->desc('Get Account') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'get') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('sdk.response', ['200' => 'user']) ->action( function () use ($response, &$user, $oauth2Keys) { $response->json(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(array_merge( [ '$id', 'email', 'emailVerification', 'registration', 'name', ], $oauth2Keys )), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()])); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account/prefs') ->desc('Get Account Preferences') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'getPrefs') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->action( function () use ($response, $user) { $prefs = $user->getAttribute('prefs', '{}'); try { $prefs = json_decode($prefs, true); $prefs = ($prefs) ? $prefs : []; } catch (\Exception $error) { throw new Exception('Failed to parse prefs', 500); } $response->json($prefs); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account/sessions') ->desc('Get Account Sessions') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'getSessions') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->action( function () use ($response, $user) { $tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []); $reader = new Reader(__DIR__.'/../../db/DBIP/dbip-country-lite-2020-01.mmdb'); $sessions = []; $current = Auth::tokenVerify($tokens, Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, Auth::$secret); $index = 0; $countries = Locale::getText('countries'); foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */ if (Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN != $token->getAttribute('type')) { continue; } $userAgent = (!empty($token->getAttribute('userAgent'))) ? $token->getAttribute('userAgent') : 'UNKNOWN'; $dd = new DeviceDetector($userAgent); // OPTIONAL: If called, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then) // $dd->skipBotDetection(); $dd->parse(); $sessions[$index] = [ '$id' => $token->getId(), 'OS' => $dd->getOs(), 'client' => $dd->getClient(), 'device' => $dd->getDevice(), 'brand' => $dd->getBrand(), 'model' => $dd->getModel(), 'ip' => $token->getAttribute('ip', ''), 'geo' => [], 'current' => ($current == $token->getId()) ? true : false, ]; try { $record = $reader->country($token->getAttribute('ip', '')); $sessions[$index]['geo']['isoCode'] = strtolower($record->country->isoCode); $sessions[$index]['geo']['country'] = (isset($countries[$record->country->isoCode])) ? $countries[$record->country->isoCode] : Locale::getText(''); } catch (\Exception $e) { $sessions[$index]['geo']['isoCode'] = '--'; $sessions[$index]['geo']['country'] = Locale::getText(''); } ++$index; } $response->json($sessions); } ); $utopia->get('/v1/account/logs') ->desc('Get Account Logs') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'getLogs') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->action( function () use ($response, $register, $project, $user) { $adapter = new AuditAdapter($register->get('db')); $adapter->setNamespace('app_'.$project->getId()); $audit = new Audit($adapter); $countries = Locale::getText('countries'); $logs = $audit->getLogsByUserAndActions($user->getId(), [ 'account.create', 'account.delete', '', '', 'account.update.password', 'account.update.prefs', 'account.sessions.create', 'account.sessions.delete', 'account.recovery.create', 'account.recovery.update', 'account.verification.create', 'account.verification.update', 'teams.membership.create', 'teams.membership.update', 'teams.membership.delete', ]); $reader = new Reader(__DIR__.'/../../db/DBIP/dbip-country-lite-2020-01.mmdb'); $output = []; foreach ($logs as $i => &$log) { $log['userAgent'] = (!empty($log['userAgent'])) ? $log['userAgent'] : 'UNKNOWN'; $dd = new DeviceDetector($log['userAgent']); $dd->skipBotDetection(); // OPTIONAL: If called, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then) $dd->parse(); $output[$i] = [ 'event' => $log['event'], 'ip' => $log['ip'], 'time' => strtotime($log['time']), 'OS' => $dd->getOs(), 'client' => $dd->getClient(), 'device' => $dd->getDevice(), 'brand' => $dd->getBrand(), 'model' => $dd->getModel(), 'geo' => [], ]; try { $record = $reader->country($log['ip']); $output[$i]['geo']['isoCode'] = strtolower($record->country->isoCode); $output[$i]['geo']['country'] = $record->country->name; $output[$i]['geo']['country'] = (isset($countries[$record->country->isoCode])) ? $countries[$record->country->isoCode] : Locale::getText(''); } catch (\Exception $e) { $output[$i]['geo']['isoCode'] = '--'; $output[$i]['geo']['country'] = Locale::getText(''); } } $response->json($output); } ); $utopia->patch('/v1/account/name') ->desc('Update Account Name') ->label('webhook', '') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateName') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->param('name', '', function () { return new Text(100); }, 'User name.') ->action( function ($name) use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit, $oauth2Keys) { $user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [ 'name' => $name, ])); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', '') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $response->json(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(array_merge( [ '$id', 'email', 'registration', 'name', ], $oauth2Keys )), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()])); } ); $utopia->patch('/v1/account/password') ->desc('Update Account Password') ->label('webhook', 'account.update.password') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'updatePassword') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'New user password.') ->param('oldPassword', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'Old user password.') ->action( function ($password, $oldPassword) use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit, $oauth2Keys) { if (!Auth::passwordVerify($oldPassword, $user->getAttribute('password'))) { // Double check user password throw new Exception('Invalid credentials', 401); } $user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [ 'password' => Auth::passwordHash($password), ])); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.update.password') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $response->json(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(array_merge( [ '$id', 'email', 'registration', 'name', ], $oauth2Keys )), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()])); } ); $utopia->patch('/v1/account/email') ->desc('Update Account Email') ->label('webhook', '') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateEmail') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User email.') ->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'User password.') ->action( function ($email, $password) use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit, $oauth2Keys) { if (!Auth::passwordVerify($password, $user->getAttribute('password'))) { // Double check user password throw new Exception('Invalid credentials', 401); } $profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, 'email='.$email, ], ]); if (!empty($profile)) { throw new Exception('User already registered', 400); } // TODO after this user needs to confirm mail again $user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [ 'email' => $email, 'emailVerification' => false, ])); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', '') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $response->json(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(array_merge( [ '$id', 'email', 'registration', 'name', ], $oauth2Keys )), ['roles' => Authorization::getRoles()])); } ); $utopia->patch('/v1/account/prefs') ->desc('Update Account Preferences') ->label('webhook', 'account.update.prefs') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'updatePrefs') ->param('prefs', '', function () { return new Assoc();}, 'Prefs key-value JSON object.') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->action( function ($prefs) use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit) { $old = json_decode($user->getAttribute('prefs', '{}'), true); $old = ($old) ? $old : []; $user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [ 'prefs' => json_encode(array_merge($old, $prefs)), ])); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('event', 'account.update.prefs') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $prefs = $user->getAttribute('prefs', '{}'); try { $prefs = json_decode($prefs, true); $prefs = ($prefs) ? $prefs : []; } catch (\Exception $error) { throw new Exception('Failed to parse prefs', 500); } $response->json($prefs); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/account') ->desc('Delete Account') ->label('webhook', 'account.delete') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'delete') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->action( function () use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit, $webhook) { $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $user = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($user->getArrayCopy(), [ 'status' => Auth::USER_STATUS_BLOCKED, ])); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } //TODO delete all tokens or only current session? //TODO delete all user data according to GDPR. Make sure everything is backed up and backups are deleted later /* * Data to delete * * Tokens * * Memberships */ $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.delete') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ->setParam('data', $user->getArrayCopy()) ; $webhook ->setParam('payload', [ 'name' => $user->getAttribute('name', ''), 'email' => $user->getAttribute('email', ''), ]) ; if(!Config::getParam('domainVerification')) { $response ->addHeader('X-Fallback-Cookies', json_encode([])) ; } $response ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName.'_legacy', '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, null) ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, COOKIE_SAMESITE) ->noContent() ; } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/account/sessions/:sessionId') ->desc('Delete Account Session') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('webhook', 'account.sessions.delete') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteSession') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 100) ->param('sessionId', null, function () { return new UID(); }, 'Session unique ID. Use the string \'current\' to delete the current device session.') ->action( function ($sessionId) use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $webhook, $audit) { $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $sessionId = ($sessionId === 'current') ? Auth::tokenVerify($user->getAttribute('tokens'), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN, Auth::$secret) : $sessionId; $tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []); foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */ if (($sessionId == $token->getId()) && Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_LOGIN == $token->getAttribute('type')) { if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token->getId())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.sessions.delete') ->setParam('resource', '/user/'.$user->getId()) ; $webhook ->setParam('payload', [ 'name' => $user->getAttribute('name', ''), 'email' => $user->getAttribute('email', ''), ]) ; if(!Config::getParam('domainVerification')) { $response ->addHeader('X-Fallback-Cookies', json_encode([])) ; } if ($token->getAttribute('secret') == Auth::hash(Auth::$secret)) { // If current session delete the cookies too $response ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName.'_legacy', '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, null) ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, COOKIE_SAMESITE) ; } return $response->noContent(); } } throw new Exception('Session not found', 404); } ); $utopia->delete('/v1/account/sessions') ->desc('Delete All Account Sessions') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('webhook', 'account.sessions.delete') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteSessions') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 100) ->action( function () use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit, $webhook) { $protocol = Config::getParam('protocol'); $tokens = $user->getAttribute('tokens', []); foreach ($tokens as $token) { /* @var $token Document */ if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($token->getId())) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove token from DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.sessions.delete') ->setParam('resource', '/user/'.$user->getId()) ; $webhook ->setParam('payload', [ 'name' => $user->getAttribute('name', ''), 'email' => $user->getAttribute('email', ''), ]) ; if(!Config::getParam('domainVerification')) { $response ->addHeader('X-Fallback-Cookies', json_encode([])) ; } if ($token->getAttribute('secret') == Auth::hash(Auth::$secret)) { // If current session delete the cookies too $response ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName.'_legacy', '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, null) ->addCookie(Auth::$cookieName, '', time() - 3600, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, ('https' == $protocol), true, COOKIE_SAMESITE) ; } } $response->noContent(); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/account/recovery') ->desc('Create Password Recovery') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'createRecovery') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 10) ->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},email:{param-email}') ->param('email', '', function () { return new Email(); }, 'User email.') ->param('url', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect the user back to your app from the recovery email. Only URLs from hostnames in your project platform list are allowed. This requirement helps to prevent an [open redirect]( attack against your project API.') ->action( function ($email, $url) use ($request, $response, $projectDB, $register, $audit, $project) { $profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, 'email='.$email, ], ]); if (empty($profile)) { throw new Exception('User not found', 404); // TODO maybe hide this } $secret = Auth::tokenGenerator(); $recovery = new Document([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS, '$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$profile->getId()], 'write' => ['user:'.$profile->getId()]], 'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_RECOVERY, 'secret' => Auth::hash($secret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak 'expire' => time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_RECOVERY, 'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'), 'ip' => $request->getIP(), ]); Authorization::setRole('user:'.$profile->getId()); $recovery = $projectDB->createDocument($recovery->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $recovery) { throw new Exception('Failed saving recovery to DB', 500); } $profile->setAttribute('tokens', $recovery, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $profile = $projectDB->updateDocument($profile->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $profile) { throw new Exception('Failed to save user to DB', 500); } $url = Template::parseURL($url); $url['query'] = Template::mergeQuery(((isset($url['query'])) ? $url['query'] : ''), ['userId' => $profile->getId(), 'secret' => $secret]); $url = Template::unParseURL($url); $body = new Template(__DIR__.'/../../config/locales/templates/'.Locale::getText('account.emails.recovery.body')); $body ->setParam('{{direction}}', Locale::getText('settings.direction')) ->setParam('{{project}}', $project->getAttribute('name', ['[APP-NAME]'])) ->setParam('{{name}}', $profile->getAttribute('name')) ->setParam('{{redirect}}', $url) ; $mail = $register->get('smtp'); /* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */ $mail->addAddress($profile->getAttribute('email', ''), $profile->getAttribute('name', '')); $mail->Subject = Locale::getText('account.emails.recovery.title'); $mail->Body = $body->render(); $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body->render()); try { $mail->send(); } catch (\Exception $error) { throw new Exception('Error sending mail: ' . $error->getMessage(), 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $profile->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.recovery.create') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$profile->getId()) ; $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($recovery->getArrayCopy(['$id', 'type', 'expire'])) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/account/recovery') ->desc('Complete Password Recovery') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateRecovery') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 10) ->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},userId:{param-userId}') ->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User account UID address.') ->param('secret', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Valid reset token.') ->param('password', '', function () { return new Password(); }, 'New password.') ->param('passwordAgain', '', function () {return new Password(); }, 'New password again.') ->action( function ($userId, $secret, $password, $passwordAgain) use ($response, $projectDB, $audit) { if ($password !== $passwordAgain) { throw new Exception('Passwords must match', 400); } $profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, '$id='.$userId, ], ]); if (empty($profile)) { throw new Exception('User not found', 404); // TODO maybe hide this } $recovery = Auth::tokenVerify($profile->getAttribute('tokens', []), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_RECOVERY, $secret); if (!$recovery) { throw new Exception('Invalid recovery token', 401); } Authorization::setRole('user:'.$profile->getId()); $profile = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($profile->getArrayCopy(), [ 'password' => Auth::passwordHash($password), 'password-update' => time(), 'emailVerification' => true, ])); if (false === $profile) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } /** * We act like we're updating and validating * the recovery token but actually we don't need it anymore. */ if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($recovery)) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove recovery from DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $profile->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.recovery.update') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$profile->getId()) ; $recovery = $profile->search('$id', $recovery, $profile->getAttribute('tokens', [])); $response->json($recovery->getArrayCopy(['$id', 'type', 'expire'])); } ); $utopia->post('/v1/account/verification') ->desc('Create Email Verification') ->label('scope', 'account') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'createVerification') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 10) ->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},email:{param-email}') ->param('url', '', function () use ($clients) { return new Host($clients); }, 'URL to redirect the user back to your app from the verification email. Only URLs from hostnames in your project platform list are allowed. This requirement helps to prevent an [open redirect]( attack against your project API.') // TODO add built-in confirm page ->action( function ($url) use ($request, $response, $register, $user, $project, $projectDB, $audit) { $verificationSecret = Auth::tokenGenerator(); $verification = new Document([ '$collection' => Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TOKENS, '$permissions' => ['read' => ['user:'.$user->getId()], 'write' => ['user:'.$user->getId()]], 'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_VERIFICATION, 'secret' => Auth::hash($verificationSecret), // On way hash encryption to protect DB leak 'expire' => time() + Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_CONFIRM, 'userAgent' => $request->getServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'UNKNOWN'), 'ip' => $request->getIP(), ]); Authorization::setRole('user:'.$user->getId()); $verification = $projectDB->createDocument($verification->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $verification) { throw new Exception('Failed saving verification to DB', 500); } $user->setAttribute('tokens', $verification, Document::SET_TYPE_APPEND); $user = $projectDB->updateDocument($user->getArrayCopy()); if (false === $user) { throw new Exception('Failed to save user to DB', 500); } $url = Template::parseURL($url); $url['query'] = Template::mergeQuery(((isset($url['query'])) ? $url['query'] : ''), ['userId' => $user->getId(), 'secret' => $verificationSecret]); $url = Template::unParseURL($url); $body = new Template(__DIR__.'/../../config/locales/templates/'.Locale::getText('account.emails.verification.body')); $body ->setParam('{{direction}}', Locale::getText('settings.direction')) ->setParam('{{project}}', $project->getAttribute('name', ['[APP-NAME]'])) ->setParam('{{name}}', $user->getAttribute('name')) ->setParam('{{redirect}}', $url) ; $mail = $register->get('smtp'); /* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */ $mail->addAddress($user->getAttribute('email'), $user->getAttribute('name')); $mail->Subject = Locale::getText('account.emails.verification.title'); $mail->Body = $body->render(); $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body->render()); try { $mail->send(); } catch (\Exception $error) { throw new Exception('Problem sending mail: ' . $error->getMessage(), 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $user->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.verification.create') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->json($verification->getArrayCopy(['$id', 'type', 'expire'])) ; } ); $utopia->put('/v1/account/verification') ->desc('Complete Email Verification') ->label('scope', 'public') ->label('sdk.platform', [APP_PLATFORM_CLIENT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'account') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateVerification') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/') ->label('abuse-limit', 10) ->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},userId:{param-userId}') ->param('userId', '', function () { return new UID(); }, 'User unique ID.') ->param('secret', '', function () { return new Text(256); }, 'Valid verification token.') ->action( function ($userId, $secret) use ($response, $user, $projectDB, $audit) { $profile = $projectDB->getCollection([ // Get user by email address 'limit' => 1, 'first' => true, 'filters' => [ '$collection='.Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS, '$id='.$userId, ], ]); if (empty($profile)) { throw new Exception('User not found', 404); // TODO maybe hide this } $verification = Auth::tokenVerify($profile->getAttribute('tokens', []), Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_VERIFICATION, $secret); if (!$verification) { throw new Exception('Invalid verification token', 401); } Authorization::setRole('user:'.$profile->getId()); $profile = $projectDB->updateDocument(array_merge($profile->getArrayCopy(), [ 'emailVerification' => true, ])); if (false === $profile) { throw new Exception('Failed saving user to DB', 500); } /** * We act like we're updating and validating * the verification token but actually we don't need it anymore. */ if (!$projectDB->deleteDocument($verification)) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove verification from DB', 500); } $audit ->setParam('userId', $profile->getId()) ->setParam('event', 'account.verification.update') ->setParam('resource', 'users/'.$user->getId()) ; $verification = $profile->search('$id', $verification, $profile->getAttribute('tokens', [])); $response->json($verification->getArrayCopy(['$id', 'type', 'expire'])); } );