args['projectId'] ?? ''; $functionId = $this->args['functionId'] ?? ''; $webhooks = $this->args['webhooks'] ?? []; $executionId = $this->args['executionId'] ?? ''; $trigger = $this->args['trigger'] ?? ''; $event = $this->args['event'] ?? ''; $scheduleOriginal = $this->args['scheduleOriginal'] ?? ''; $eventData = (!empty($this->args['eventData'])) ? json_encode($this->args['eventData']) : ''; $data = $this->args['data'] ?? ''; $userId = $this->args['userId'] ?? ''; $jwt = $this->args['jwt'] ?? ''; $database = $this->getProjectDB($projectId); switch ($trigger) { case 'event': $limit = 30; $sum = 30; $offset = 0; $functions = []; /** @var Document[] $functions */ while ($sum >= $limit) { Authorization::disable(); $functions = $database->find('functions', [], $limit, $offset, ['name'], [Database::ORDER_ASC]); Authorization::reset(); $sum = \count($functions); $offset = $offset + $limit; Console::log('Fetched ' . $sum . ' functions...'); foreach ($functions as $function) { $events = $function->getAttribute('events', []); $deployment = $function->getAttribute('deployment', []); Console::success('Itterating function: ' . $function->getAttribute('name')); if (!\in_array($event, $events) || empty($deployment)) { continue; } Console::success('Triggered function: ' . $event); $this->execute( trigger: 'event', projectId: $projectId, executionId: '', database: $database, function: $function, event: $event, eventData: $eventData, data: $data, webhooks: $webhooks, userId: $userId, jwt: $jwt ); } } break; case 'schedule': /* * 1. Get Original Task * 2. Check for updates * If has updates skip task and don't reschedule * If status not equal to play skip task * 3. Check next run date, update task and add new job at the given date * 4. Execute task (set optional timeout) * 5. Update task response to log * On success reset error count * On failure add error count * If error count bigger than allowed change status to pause */ // Reschedule Authorization::disable(); $function = $database->getDocument('functions', $functionId); Authorization::reset(); if (empty($function->getId())) { throw new Exception('Function not found ('.$functionId.')'); } if ($scheduleOriginal && $scheduleOriginal !== $function->getAttribute('schedule')) { // Schedule has changed from previous run, ignore this run. return; } $cron = new CronExpression($function->getAttribute('schedule')); $next = (int) $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('U'); $function ->setAttribute('scheduleNext', $next) ->setAttribute('schedulePrevious', \time()); Authorization::disable(); $function = $database->updateDocument('functions', $function->getId(), new Document(array_merge($function->getArrayCopy(), [ 'scheduleNext' => (int)$next, ]))); if ($function === false) { throw new Exception('Function update failed (' . $functionId . ')'); } Authorization::reset(); ResqueScheduler::enqueueAt($next, 'v1-functions', 'FunctionsV1', [ 'projectId' => $projectId, 'webhooks' => $webhooks, 'functionId' => $function->getId(), 'userId' => $userId, 'executionId' => null, 'trigger' => 'schedule', 'scheduleOriginal' => $function->getAttribute('schedule', ''), ]); // Async task reschedule $this->execute( trigger: $trigger, projectId: $projectId, executionId: $executionId, database: $database, function: $function, data: $data, webhooks: $webhooks, userId: $userId, jwt: $jwt ); break; case 'http': Authorization::disable(); $function = $database->getDocument('functions', $functionId); Authorization::reset(); if (empty($function->getId())) { throw new Exception('Function not found ('.$functionId.')'); } $this->execute( trigger: $trigger, projectId: $projectId, executionId: $executionId, database: $database, function: $function, data: $data, webhooks: $webhooks, userId: $userId, jwt: $jwt ); break; } } /** * Execute function deployment * * @param string $trigger * @param string $projectId * @param string $executionId * @param Database $database * @param Document $function * @param string $event * @param string $eventData * @param string $data * @param array $webhooks * @param string $userId * @param string $jwt * * @return void */ public function execute(string $trigger, string $projectId, string $executionId, Database $database, Document $function, string $event = '', string $eventData = '', string $data = '', array $webhooks = [], string $userId = '', string $jwt = ''): void { $ch = \curl_init(); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://appwrite-executor/v1/functions/{$function->getId()}/executions"); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode([ 'trigger' => $trigger, 'projectId' => $projectId, 'executionId' => $executionId, 'event' => $event, 'eventData' => $eventData, 'data' => $data, 'webhooks' => $webhooks, 'userId' => $userId, 'jwt' => $jwt, ])); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT', 900) + 200); // + 200 for safety margin \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ 'Content-Type: application/json', 'x-appwrite-project: '.$projectId, 'x-appwrite-executor-key: '. App::getEnv('_APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET', '') ]); \curl_exec($ch); $error = \curl_error($ch); if (!empty($error)) { Console::error('Curl error: '.$error); } \curl_close($ch); } public function shutdown(): void { } }