db; $project = $this->project; Console::log('Migrating project: ' . $project->getAttribute('name') . ' (' . $project->getId() . ')'); // Update all documents $uid -> $id $this->forEachDocument([$this, 'fixDocument']); $schema = $_SERVER['_APP_DB_SCHEMA'] ?? ''; try { $statement = $db->prepare(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `template.database.unique` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `key` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `index1` (`key`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$schema}`.`app_{$project->getId()}.database.unique` LIKE `template.database.unique`; ALTER TABLE `{$schema}`.`app_{$project->getId()}.audit.audit` DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS `userType`; ALTER TABLE `{$schema}`.`app_{$project->getId()}.audit.audit` DROP INDEX IF EXISTS `index_1`; ALTER TABLE `{$schema}`.`app_{$project->getId()}.audit.audit` ADD INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `index_1` (`userId` ASC); "); $statement->closeCursor(); $statement->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::error('Failed to alter table for project: ' . $project->getId() . ' with message: ' . $e->getMessage() . '/'); } } protected function fixDocument(Document $document) { $providers = Config::getParam('providers'); switch ($document->getAttribute('$collection')) { case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS: foreach ($providers as $key => $provider) { if (!empty($document->getAttribute('usersOauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Appid'))) { $document ->setAttribute('usersOauth2' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Appid', $document->getAttribute('usersOauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Appid', '')) ->removeAttribute('usersOauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Appid'); } if (!empty($document->getAttribute('usersOauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Secret'))) { $document ->setAttribute('usersOauth2' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Secret', $document->getAttribute('usersOauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Secret', '')) ->removeAttribute('usersOauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'Secret'); } } break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PROJECTS: case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_TASKS: $document->setAttribute('security', ($document->getAttribute('security')) ? true : false); break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_USERS: foreach ($providers as $key => $provider) { if (!empty($document->getAttribute('oauth' . \ucfirst($key)))) { $document ->setAttribute('oauth2' . \ucfirst($key), $document->getAttribute('oauth' . \ucfirst($key), '')) ->removeAttribute('oauth' . \ucfirst($key)); } if (!empty($document->getAttribute('oauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'AccessToken'))) { $document ->setAttribute('oauth2' . \ucfirst($key) . 'AccessToken', $document->getAttribute('oauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'AccessToken', '')) ->removeAttribute('oauth' . \ucfirst($key) . 'AccessToken'); } } if ($document->getAttribute('confirm', null) !== null) { $document ->setAttribute('emailVerification', $document->getAttribute('confirm', $document->getAttribute('emailVerification', false))) ->removeAttribute('confirm'); } break; case Database::SYSTEM_COLLECTION_PLATFORMS: if ($document->getAttribute('url', null) !== null) { $document ->setAttribute('hostname', \parse_url($document->getAttribute('url', $document->getAttribute('hostname', '')), PHP_URL_HOST)) ->removeAttribute('url'); } break; } $document ->setAttribute('$id', $document->getAttribute('$uid', $document->getAttribute('$id'))) ->removeAttribute('$uid'); foreach ($document as &$attr) { // Handle child documents if ($attr instanceof Document) { $attr = $this->fixDocument($attr); } if (\is_array($attr)) { foreach ($attr as &$child) { if ($child instanceof Document) { $child = $this->fixDocument($child); } } } } return $document; } }