get('db'); $redis = $register->get('cache'); $cache = new Cache(new RedisCache($redis)); $database = new UtopiaDatabase(new MariaDB($db), $cache); $database->setDefaultDatabase(App::getEnv('_APP_DB_SCHEMA', 'appwrite')); $database->setNamespace($namespace); if (!$database->exists($database->getDefaultDatabase(), 'projects')) { throw new Exception('Projects collection not ready'); } break; // leave loop if successful } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::warning("Database not ready. Retrying connection ({$attempts})..."); if ($attempts >= DATABASE_RECONNECT_MAX_ATTEMPTS) { throw new \Exception('Failed to connect to database: ' . $e->getMessage()); } sleep(DATABASE_RECONNECT_SLEEP); } } while ($attempts < DATABASE_RECONNECT_MAX_ATTEMPTS); return $database; } function getInfluxDB(Registry &$register): InfluxDatabase { /** @var InfluxDB\Client $client */ $client = $register->get('influxdb'); $attempts = 0; $max = 10; $sleep = 1; do { // check if telegraf database is ready try { $attempts++; $database = $client->selectDB('telegraf'); if (in_array('telegraf', $client->listDatabases())) { break; // leave the do-while if successful } } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::warning("InfluxDB not ready. Retrying connection ({$attempts})..."); if ($attempts >= $max) { throw new \Exception('InfluxDB database not ready yet'); } sleep($sleep); } } while ($attempts < $max); return $database; } $logError = function (Throwable $error, string $action = 'syncUsageStats') use ($register) { $logger = $register->get('logger'); if ($logger) { $version = App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN'); $log = new Log(); $log->setNamespace("usage"); $log->setServer(\gethostname()); $log->setVersion($version); $log->setType(Log::TYPE_ERROR); $log->setMessage($error->getMessage()); $log->addTag('code', $error->getCode()); $log->addTag('verboseType', get_class($error)); $log->addExtra('file', $error->getFile()); $log->addExtra('line', $error->getLine()); $log->addExtra('trace', $error->getTraceAsString()); $log->addExtra('detailedTrace', $error->getTrace()); $log->setAction($action); $isProduction = App::getEnv('_APP_ENV', 'development') === 'production'; $log->setEnvironment($isProduction ? Log::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION : Log::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING); $responseCode = $logger->addLog($log); Console::info('Usage stats log pushed with status code: ' . $responseCode); } Console::warning("Failed: {$error->getMessage()}"); Console::warning($error->getTraceAsString()); }; function aggregateTimeseries(UtopiaDatabase $database, InfluxDatabase $influxDB, callable $logError): void { $interval = (int) App::getEnv('_APP_USAGE_TIMESERIES_INTERVAL', '30'); // 30 seconds (by default) $usage = new TimeSeries($database, $influxDB, $logError); Console::loop(function () use ($interval, $usage) { $now = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', time()); Console::info("[{$now}] Aggregating Timeseries Usage data every {$interval} seconds"); $loopStart = microtime(true); $usage->collect(); $loopTook = microtime(true) - $loopStart; $now = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', time()); Console::info("[{$now}] Aggregation took {$loopTook} seconds"); }, $interval); } function aggregateDatabase(UtopiaDatabase $database, callable $logError): void { $interval = (int) App::getEnv('_APP_USAGE_DATABASE_INTERVAL', '900'); // 15 minutes (by default) $usage = new Database($database, $logError); $aggregrator = new Aggregator($database, $logError); Console::loop(function () use ($interval, $usage, $aggregrator) { $now = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', time()); Console::info("[{$now}] Aggregating database usage every {$interval} seconds."); $loopStart = microtime(true); $usage->collect(); $aggregrator->collect(); $loopTook = microtime(true) - $loopStart; $now = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', time()); Console::info("[{$now}] Aggregation took {$loopTook} seconds"); }, $interval); } $cli ->task('usage') ->param('type', 'timeseries', new WhiteList(['timeseries', 'database'])) ->desc('Schedules syncing data from influxdb to Appwrite console db') ->action(function (string $type) use ($register, $logError) { Console::title('Usage Aggregation V1'); Console::success(APP_NAME . ' usage aggregation process v1 has started'); $database = getDatabase($register, '_console'); $influxDB = getInfluxDB($register); switch($type) { case 'timeseries': aggregateTimeseries($database, $influxDB, $logError); break; case 'database': aggregateDatabase($database, $logError); break; default: Console::error("Unsupported usage aggregation type"); } });