get('logger'); if ($logger) { $version = App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN'); $log = new Log(); $log->setNamespace("executor"); $log->setServer(\gethostname()); $log->setVersion($version); $log->setType(Log::TYPE_ERROR); $log->setMessage($error->getMessage()); if ($route) { $log->addTag('method', $route->getMethod()); $log->addTag('url', $route->getPath()); } $log->addTag('code', $error->getCode()); $log->addTag('verboseType', get_class($error)); $log->addExtra('file', $error->getFile()); $log->addExtra('line', $error->getLine()); $log->addExtra('trace', $error->getTraceAsString()); $log->setAction($action); $isProduction = App::getEnv('_APP_ENV', 'development') === 'production'; $log->setEnvironment($isProduction ? Log::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION : Log::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING); $responseCode = $logger->addLog($log); Console::info('Executor log pushed with status code: ' . $responseCode); } Console::error('[Error] Type: ' . get_class($error)); Console::error('[Error] Message: ' . $error->getMessage()); Console::error('[Error] File: ' . $error->getFile()); Console::error('[Error] Line: ' . $error->getLine()); }; $orchestrationPool = new ConnectionPool(function () { $dockerUser = App::getEnv('DOCKERHUB_PULL_USERNAME', null); $dockerPass = App::getEnv('DOCKERHUB_PULL_PASSWORD', null); $orchestration = new Orchestration(new DockerCLI($dockerUser, $dockerPass)); return $orchestration; }, 6); try { $runtimes = Config::getParam('runtimes'); // Warmup: make sure images are ready to run fast 🚀 Co\run(function () use ($runtimes, $orchestrationPool) { foreach ($runtimes as $runtime) { go(function () use ($runtime, $orchestrationPool) { try { $orchestration = $orchestrationPool->get(); Console::info('Warming up ' . $runtime['name'] . ' ' . $runtime['version'] . ' environment...'); $response = $orchestration->pull($runtime['image']); if ($response) { Console::success("Successfully Warmed up {$runtime['name']} {$runtime['version']}!"); } else { Console::warning("Failed to Warmup {$runtime['name']} {$runtime['version']}!"); } } catch (\Throwable $th) { } finally { $orchestrationPool->put($orchestration); } }); } }); $activeFunctions = new Swoole\Table(1024); $activeFunctions->column('id', Swoole\Table::TYPE_STRING, 512); $activeFunctions->column('name', Swoole\Table::TYPE_STRING, 512); $activeFunctions->column('status', Swoole\Table::TYPE_STRING, 512); $activeFunctions->column('key', Swoole\Table::TYPE_STRING, 4096); $activeFunctions->create(); Co\run(function () use ($orchestrationPool, $activeFunctions) { try { $orchestration = $orchestrationPool->get(); $executionStart = \microtime(true); $residueList = $orchestration->list(['label' => 'openruntimes-type=function']); } catch (\Throwable $th) { } finally { $orchestrationPool->put($orchestration); } foreach ($residueList as $value) { go(fn () => $activeFunctions->set($value->getName(), [ 'id' => $value->getId(), 'name' => $value->getName(), 'status' => $value->getStatus(), 'private-key' => '' ])); } $executionEnd = \microtime(true); Console::info(count($activeFunctions) . ' functions listed in ' . ($executionEnd - $executionStart) . ' seconds'); }); } catch (\Throwable $error) { call_user_func($logError, $error, "startupError"); } function createRuntimeServer(string $runtimeId, string $buildOutputPath, array $vars, string $baseImage, string $runtime): bool { global $orchestrationPool; global $activeFunctions; $orchestration = $orchestrationPool->get(); try { $container = 'runtime-' . $runtimeId; if ($activeFunctions->exists($container) && !(\substr($activeFunctions->get($container)['status'], 0, 2) === 'Up')) { // Remove container if not online // If container is online then stop and remove it try { $orchestration->remove($container, true); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Failed to remove container: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $activeFunctions->del($container); } /** * Copy code files from source to a temporary location on the executor */ $tmpBuild = "/tmp/$runtimeId/builds/code.tar.gz"; $device = new Local(); $buffer = $device->read($buildOutputPath); if(!$device->write($tmpBuild, $buffer)) { throw new Exception('Failed to write built code to temporary location.', 500); }; /** * Launch Runtime */ $secret = \bin2hex(\random_bytes(16)); $vars = \array_merge($vars, [ 'INTERNAL_RUNTIME_KEY' => $secret ]); if (!$activeFunctions->exists($container)) { $executionStart = \microtime(true); $executionTime = \time(); $vars = array_map(fn ($v) => strval($v), $vars); $orchestration ->setCpus(App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_CPUS', '1')) ->setMemory(App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_MEMORY', '256')) ->setSwap(App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_MEMORY_SWAP', '256')); $id = $orchestration->run( image: $baseImage, name: $container, vars: $vars, labels: [ 'openruntimes-id' => $runtimeId, 'openruntimes-type' => 'function', 'openruntimes-created' => strval($executionTime), 'openruntimes-runtime' => $runtime ], hostname: $container, mountFolder: \dirname($tmpBuild), ); if (empty($id)) { throw new Exception('Failed to create container'); } // Add to network $orchestration->networkConnect($container, App::getEnv('_APP_EXECUTOR_RUNTIME_NETWORK', 'appwrite_runtimes')); $executionEnd = \microtime(true); $activeFunctions->set($container, [ 'id' => $id, 'name' => $container, 'status' => 'Up ' . \round($executionEnd - $executionStart, 2) . 's', 'key' => $secret, ]); } Console::success('Runtime Server created in ' . ($executionEnd - $executionStart) . ' seconds'); return true; } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('Runtime Server Creation Failed: '. $th->getMessage()); return false; } finally { $orchestrationPool->put($orchestration); } }; function execute(string $runtimeId, string $path, array $vars, string $data, string $baseImage, string $runtime, string $entrypoint, int $timeout): array { Console::info('Executing Runtime: ' . $runtimeId); global $activeFunctions; $container = 'runtime-' . $runtimeId; /** Create a new runtime server if there's none running */ if (!$activeFunctions->exists($container)) { Console::info("Runtime server for $runtimeId not running. Creating new one..."); createRuntimeServer($runtimeId, $path, $vars, $baseImage, $runtime); } $key = $activeFunctions->get('runtime-' . $runtimeId, 'key'); $stdout = ''; $stderr = ''; $executionStart = \microtime(true); $statusCode = 0; $errNo = -1; $attempts = 0; $max = 5; $executorResponse = ''; // cURL request to runtime do { $attempts++; $ch = \curl_init(); $body = \json_encode([ 'path' => '/usr/code', 'file' => $entrypoint, 'env' => $vars, 'payload' => $data, 'timeout' => $timeout ?? (int) App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT', 900) ]); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://" . $container . ":3000/"); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout ?? (int) App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT', 900)); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); \curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . \strlen($body), 'x-internal-challenge: ' . $key, 'host: null' ]); $executorResponse = \curl_exec($ch); $statusCode = \curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $error = \curl_error($ch); $errNo = \curl_errno($ch); \curl_close($ch); if ($errNo != CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT && $errNo != 111) { break; } sleep(1); } while ($attempts < $max); if ($attempts >= 5) { $stderr = 'Failed to connect to executor runtime after 5 attempts.'; $statusCode = 124; } // If timeout error if (in_array($errNo, [CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT, 110])) { $statusCode = 124; } // 110 is the Swoole error code for timeout, see: if ($errNo !== 0 && $errNo !== CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT && $errNo !== CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT && $errNo !== 110) { throw new Exception('An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: ' . $error, 500); } $executionData = []; if (!empty($executorResponse)) { $executionData = json_decode($executorResponse, true); } if (isset($executionData['code'])) { $statusCode = $executionData['code']; } if ($statusCode === 500) { if (isset($executionData['message'])) { $stderr = $executionData['message']; } else { $stderr = 'Internal Runtime error'; } } else if ($statusCode === 124) { $stderr = 'Execution timed out.'; } else if ($statusCode === 0) { $stderr = 'Execution failed.'; } else if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 300) { $stdout = $executorResponse; } else { $stderr = 'Execution failed.'; } $executionEnd = \microtime(true); $executionTime = ($executionEnd - $executionStart); $functionStatus = ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 300) ? 'completed' : 'failed'; Console::success('Function executed in ' . $executionTime . ' seconds, status: ' . $functionStatus); $execution = [ 'status' => $functionStatus, 'statusCode' => $statusCode, 'stdout' => \utf8_encode(\mb_substr($stdout, -8000)), 'stderr' => \utf8_encode(\mb_substr($stderr, -8000)), 'time' => $executionTime, ]; return $execution; }; // POST /v1/runtimes App::post('/v1/runtimes') ->desc("Create a new runtime server") ->param('runtimeId', '', new Text(128), 'Unique runtime ID.') ->param('source', '', new Text(0), 'Path to source files.') ->param('destination', '', new Text(0), 'Destination folder to store build files into.') ->param('vars', '', new Assoc(), 'Environment Variables required for the build') ->param('runtime', '', new Text(128), 'Runtime for the cloud function') ->param('baseImage', '', new Text(128), 'Base image name of the runtime') ->inject('response') ->action(function (string $runtimeId, string $source, string $destination, array $vars, string $runtime, string $baseImage, Response $response) { // TODO: Check if runtime already exists.. // TODO: Move orchestration pool and swoole table to a utopia resource global $orchestrationPool; global $activeFunctions; $orchestration = $orchestrationPool->get(); $build = []; $id = ''; $buildStdout = ''; $buildStderr = ''; $buildStart = \time(); $buildEnd = 0; try { Console::info('Building runtime with ID : ' . $runtimeId); /** * Temporary file paths in the executor */ $tmpSource = "/tmp/$runtimeId/code.tar.gz"; $tmpBuildDir = "/tmp/$runtimeId/builds"; $tmpBuild = "/tmp/$runtimeId/builds/code.tar.gz"; /** * Copy code files from source to a temporary location on the executor */ $device = new Local($destination); $buffer = $device->read($source); if(!$device->write($tmpSource, $buffer)) { throw new Exception('Failed to write source code to temporary location.', 500); }; /** * Create a temporary folder to store builds */ if (!\file_exists($tmpBuildDir)) { if (!@\mkdir($tmpBuildDir, 0755, true)) { throw new Exception("Can't create directory : $tmpBuildDir", 500); } } /** * Create container */ $container = 'build-' . $runtimeId; $vars = array_map(fn ($v) => strval($v), $vars); $orchestration ->setCpus(App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_CPUS', 0)) ->setMemory(App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_MEMORY', 256)) ->setSwap(App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_MEMORY_SWAP', 256)); $id = $orchestration->run( image: $baseImage, name: $container, vars: $vars, workdir: '/usr/code', labels: [ 'openruntimes-id' => $runtimeId, 'openruntimes-type' => 'build', 'openruntimes-created' => strval($buildStart), 'openruntimes-runtime' => $runtime, ], command: [ 'tail', '-f', '/dev/null' ], hostname: $container, mountFolder: \dirname($tmpSource), volumes: [ "$tmpBuildDir:/usr/builds:rw" ] ); if (empty($id)) { throw new Exception('Failed to create build container', 500); } /** * Extract user code into build container */ $untarStdout = ''; $untarStderr = ''; $untarSuccess = $orchestration->execute( name: $container, command: [ 'sh', '-c', 'mkdir -p /usr/code && cp /tmp/code.tar.gz /usr/workspace/code.tar.gz && cd /usr/workspace/ && tar -zxf /usr/workspace/code.tar.gz -C /usr/code && rm /usr/workspace/code.tar.gz' ], stdout: $untarStdout, stderr: $untarStderr, timeout: 60 ); if (!$untarSuccess) { throw new Exception('Failed to extract tar: ' . $untarStderr); } /** * Build code and install dependenices */ $buildSuccess = $orchestration->execute( name: $container, command: ['sh', '-c', 'cd /usr/local/src && ./'], stdout: $buildStdout, stderr: $buildStderr, timeout: App::getEnv('_APP_FUNCTIONS_BUILD_TIMEOUT', 900) ); if (!$buildSuccess) { throw new Exception('Failed to build dependencies: ' . $buildStderr); } /** * Repackage code and save */ $compressStdout = ''; $compressStderr = ''; $compressSuccess = $orchestration->execute( name: $container, command: [ 'tar', '-C', '/usr/code', '-czvf', '/usr/builds/code.tar.gz', './' ], stdout: $compressStdout, stderr: $compressStderr, timeout: 60 ); if (!$compressSuccess) { throw new Exception('Failed to compress built code: ' . $compressStderr); } // Check if the build was successful by checking if file exists if (!\file_exists($tmpBuild)) { throw new Exception('Something went wrong during the build process.'); } /** * Move built code to expected build directory */ $outputPath = $device->getPath(\uniqid() . '.' . \pathinfo('code.tar.gz', PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_DEVICE', Storage::DEVICE_LOCAL) === Storage::DEVICE_LOCAL) { if (!$device->move($tmpBuild, $outputPath)) { throw new Exception('Failed to move built code to storage', 500); } } else { if (!$device->upload($tmpBuild, $outputPath)) { throw new Exception('Failed to upload built code upload to storage', 500); } } if ($buildStdout === '') { $buildStdout = 'Build Successful!'; } $buildEnd = \time(); $build = [ 'outputPath' => $outputPath, 'status' => 'ready', 'stdout' => \utf8_encode(\mb_substr($buildStdout, -4096)), 'stderr' => \utf8_encode(\mb_substr($buildStderr, -4096)), 'startTime' => $buildStart, 'endTime' => $buildEnd, 'duration' => $buildEnd - $buildStart, ]; Console::success('Build Stage Ran in ' . ($buildEnd - $buildStart) . ' seconds'); } catch (Throwable $th) { $buildEnd = \time(); $buildStderr = $th->getMessage(); $build = [ 'status' => 'failed', 'stdout' => \utf8_encode(\mb_substr($buildStdout, -4096)), 'stderr' => \utf8_encode(\mb_substr($buildStderr, -4096)), 'startTime' => $buildStart, 'endTime' => $buildEnd, 'duration' => $buildEnd - $buildStart, ]; Console::error('Build failed: ' . $th->getMessage()); } finally { if (!empty($id)) { $orchestration->remove($id, true); } $orchestrationPool->put($orchestration); } if ( $build['status'] !== 'ready') { return $response ->setStatusCode(201) ->json($build); } $status = createRuntimeServer($runtimeId, $outputPath, $vars, $baseImage, $runtime); if (!$status) { Console::error('Failed to create runtime server'); } $response ->setStatusCode(201) ->json($build); }); // GET /v1/runtimes App::get('/v1/runtimes') ->desc("Get the list of currently active runtimes") ->inject('response') ->action(function (Response $response) { // TODO : Get list of active runtimes from swoole table $runtimes = []; $response ->setStatusCode(200) ->json($runtimes); }); // GET /v1/runtimes/:runtimeId App::get('/v1/runtimes/:runtimeId') ->desc("Get a runtime by its ID") ->param('runtimeId', '', new Text(128), 'Runtime unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->action(function (Response $response) { // Get a runtime by its ID $runtime = []; $response ->setStatusCode(200) ->json($runtime); }); // DELETE /v1/runtimes/:runtimeId App::delete('/v1/runtimes/:runtimeId') ->desc('Delete a runtime') ->param('runtimeId', '', new Text(128), 'Runtime unique ID.', false) ->param('buildIds', [], new ArrayList(new Text(0), 100), 'List of build IDs to delete.', false) ->inject('response') ->action(function (string $runtimeId, array $buildIds, Response $response) use ($orchestrationPool) { Console::info('Deleting runtime: ' . $runtimeId); $orchestration = $orchestrationPool->get(); // Remove the container of the deployment $status = $orchestration->remove('runtime-' . $runtimeId , true); if ($status) { Console::success('Removed runtime container: ' . $runtimeId); } else { Console::error('Failed to remove runtime container: ' . $runtimeId); } // Remove all the build containers with that same ID // TODO:: Delete build containers // foreach ($buildIds as $buildId) { // try { // Console::info('Deleting build container : ' . $buildId); // $status = $orchestration->remove('build-' . $buildId, true); // } catch (Throwable $th) { // Console::error($th->getMessage()); // } // } $orchestrationPool->put($orchestration); $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->send(); }); // POST /v1/execution (get runtime as param, if 404 or 501/503, go and create a runtime first) App::post('/v1/execution') ->desc('Create an execution') ->param('runtimeId', '', new Text(1024), 'The runtimeID to execute') ->param('path', '', new Text(0), 'Path to built files.', false) ->param('vars', '', new Assoc(), 'Environment Variables required for the build', false) ->param('data', '', new Text(8192), 'Data to be forwarded to the function, this is user specified.', true) ->param('runtime', '', new Text(128), 'Runtime for the cloud function', false) ->param('entrypoint', '', new Text(256), 'Entrypoint of the code file') ->param('timeout', 15, new ValidatorRange(1, 900), 'Function maximum execution time in seconds.', true) ->param('baseImage', '', new Text(128), 'Base image name of the runtime', false) ->inject('response') ->action( function (string $runtimeId, string $path, array $vars, string $data, string $runtime, string $entrypoint, $timeout, string $baseImage, Response $response) { // Send both data and vars from the caller $execution = execute($runtimeId, $path, $vars, $data, $baseImage, $runtime, $entrypoint, $timeout); $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->json($execution); } ); App::setMode(App::MODE_TYPE_PRODUCTION); // Define Mode $http = new Server("", 80); // function handleShutdown() // { // global $orchestrationPool; // global $register; // try { // Console::info('Cleaning up containers before shutdown...'); // // Remove all containers. // /** @var Orchestration $orchestration */ // $orchestration = $orchestrationPool->get(); // $functionsToRemove = $orchestration->list(['label' => 'appwrite-type=function']); // foreach ($functionsToRemove as $container) { // go(fn () => $orchestration->remove($container->getId(), true)); // // Get a database instance // $db = $register->get('dbPool')->get(); // $cache = $register->get('redisPool')->get(); // $cache = new Cache(new RedisCache($cache)); // $database = new Database(new MariaDB($db), $cache); // $database->setDefaultDatabase(App::getEnv('_APP_DB_SCHEMA', 'appwrite')); // $database->setNamespace('_project_' . $container->getLabels()["appwrite-project"]); // // Get list of all processing executions // $executions = $database->find('executions', [ // new Query('deploymentId', Query::TYPE_EQUAL, [$container->getLabels()["appwrite-deployment"]]), // new Query('status', Query::TYPE_EQUAL, ['waiting']) // ]); // // Mark all processing executions as failed // foreach ($executions as $execution) { // $execution // ->setAttribute('status', 'failed') // ->setAttribute('statusCode', 1) // ->setAttribute('stderr', 'Appwrite was shutdown during execution'); // $database->updateDocument('executions', $execution->getId(), $execution); // } // Console::info('Removed container ' . $container->getName()); // } // } catch (\Throwable $error) { // logError($error, 'shutdownError'); // } finally { // $orchestrationPool->put($orchestration); // } // }; App::error(function ($error, $utopia, $request, $response) { /** @var Exception $error */ /** @var Utopia\App $utopia */ /** @var Utopia\Swoole\Request $request */ /** @var Appwrite\Utopia\Response $response */ if ($error instanceof PDOException) { throw $error; } $route = $utopia->match($request); // logError($error, "httpError", $route); $version = App::getEnv('_APP_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN'); $code = $error->getCode(); $message = $error->getMessage(); $output = ((App::isDevelopment())) ? [ 'message' => $error->getMessage(), 'code' => $error->getCode(), 'file' => $error->getFile(), 'line' => $error->getLine(), 'trace' => $error->getTrace(), 'version' => $version, ] : [ 'message' => $message, 'code' => $code, 'version' => $version, ]; $response ->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') ->addHeader('Expires', '0') ->addHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache') ->setStatusCode(500); $response->json($output); }, ['error', 'utopia', 'request', 'response']); $http->on('start', function ($http) { @Process::signal(SIGINT, function () use ($http) { // handleShutdown(); $http->shutdown(); }); @Process::signal(SIGQUIT, function () use ($http) { // handleShutdown(); $http->shutdown(); }); @Process::signal(SIGKILL, function () use ($http) { // handleShutdown(); $http->shutdown(); }); @Process::signal(SIGTERM, function () use ($http) { // handleShutdown(); $http->shutdown(); }); }); $http->on('request', function (SwooleRequest $swooleRequest, SwooleResponse $swooleResponse) { $request = new Request($swooleRequest); $response = new Response($swooleResponse); $app = new App('UTC'); // Check environment variable key $secretKey = $request->getHeader('x-appwrite-executor-key', ''); if (empty($secretKey)) { $swooleResponse->status(401); return $swooleResponse->end('401: Authentication Error'); } if ($secretKey !== App::getEnv('_APP_EXECUTOR_SECRET', '')) { $swooleResponse->status(401); return $swooleResponse->end('401: Authentication Error'); } try { $app->run($request, $response); } catch (Exception $e) { // logError($e, "serverError"); $swooleResponse->end('500: Server Error'); } }); $http->start();