deployments>build || documents>collection>database || buckets>files * When we remove a parent document we need to deduct his children aggregation from the project scope */ Server::setResource('reduce', function (Cache $cache, Registry $register, $pools) { return function ($database, $projectInternalId, Document $document, array &$metrics) use ($pools, $cache, $register): void { try { $dbForProject = new Database( $pools ->get($database) ->pop() ->getResource(), $cache ); $dbForProject->setNamespace('_' . $projectInternalId); switch (true) { case $document->getCollection() === 'users': $sessions = count($document->getAttribute('sessions', 0)); if (!empty($sessions)) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'sessions', 'value' => ($sessions * -1), ]; } break; case $document->getCollection() === 'databases': // databases $collections = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".collections")); $documents = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".documents")); if (!empty($collections['value'])) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'collections', 'value' => ($collections['value'] * -1), ]; $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'documents', 'value' => ($documents['value'] * -1), ]; } break; case str_starts_with($document->getCollection(), 'database_') && !str_contains($document->getCollection(), 'collection'): //collections $parts = explode('_', $document->getCollection()); $databaseId = $parts[1] ?? 0; $documents = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$databaseId}" . ".documents")); if (!empty($documents['value'])) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'documents', 'value' => ($documents['value'] * -1), ]; } break; case $document->getCollection() === 'buckets': $files = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".files")); $storage = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . "")); if (!empty($files['value'])) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'files', 'value' => ($files['value'] * -1), ]; $metrics[] = [ 'key' => '', 'value' => ($storage['value'] * -1), ]; } break; case $document->getCollection() === 'functions': $deployments = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_function." . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".deployments")); $deploymentsStorage = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_function." . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . "")); $builds = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".builds")); $buildsStorage = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . "")); $buildsCompute = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".builds.compute")); $executions = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".executions")); $executionsCompute = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', md5("_inf_" . "{$document->getInternalId()}" . ".executions.compute")); if (!empty($deployments['value'])) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'deployments', 'value' => ($deployments['value'] * -1), ]; $metrics[] = [ 'key' => '', 'value' => ($deploymentsStorage['value'] * -1), ]; } if (!empty($builds['value'])) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'builds', 'value' => ($builds['value'] * -1), ]; $metrics[] = [ 'key' => '', 'value' => ($buildsStorage['value'] * -1), ]; $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'builds.compute', 'value' => ($buildsCompute['value'] * -1), ]; } if (!empty($executions['value'])) { $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'executions', 'value' => ($executions['value'] * -1), ]; $metrics[] = [ 'key' => 'executions.compute', 'value' => ($executionsCompute['value'] * -1), ]; } break; default: break; } } catch (\Exception $e) { console::error($e->getMessage()); } finally { $pools->reclaim(); } }; }, ['cache', 'register', 'pools']); $server->job() ->inject('message') ->inject('reduce') ->action(function (Message $message, callable $reduce) use (&$stats) { $payload = $message->getPayload() ?? []; $project = new Document($payload['project'] ?? []); $projectId = $project->getInternalId(); foreach ($payload['reduce'] ?? [] as $document) { $reduce( database: $project->getAttribute('database'), projectInternalId: $project->getInternalId(), document: new Document($document ?? []), metrics: $payload['metrics'], ); } $stats[$projectId]['database'] = $project->getAttribute('database'); foreach ($payload['metrics'] ?? [] as $metric) { if (!isset($stats[$projectId]['keys'][$metric['key']])) { $stats[$projectId]['keys'][$metric['key']] = $metric['value']; continue; } $stats[$projectId]['keys'][$metric['key']] += $metric['value']; } }); $server ->workerStart() ->inject('register') ->inject('cache') ->inject('pools') ->action(function ($register, $cache, $pools) use ($periods, &$stats) { Timer::tick(30000, function () use ($register, $cache, $pools, $periods, &$stats) { $offset = count($stats); $projects = array_slice($stats, 0, $offset, true); array_splice($stats, 0, $offset); foreach ($projects as $projectInternalId => $project) { try { $dbForProject = new Database( $pools ->get($project['database']) ->pop() ->getResource(), $cache ); $dbForProject->setNamespace('_' . $projectInternalId); foreach ($project['keys'] as $key => $value) { if ($value == 0) { continue; } foreach ($periods as $period => $format) { $time = 'inf' === $period ? null : date($format, time()); $id = \md5("{$time}_{$period}_{$key}"); try { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'period' => $period, 'time' => $time, 'metric' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'region' => App::getEnv('_APP_REGION', 'default'), ])); } catch (Duplicate $th) { if ($value < 0) { $dbForProject->decreaseDocumentAttribute( 'stats', $id, 'value', abs($value) ); } else { $dbForProject->increaseDocumentAttribute( 'stats', $id, 'value', $value ); } } } } $dbForProject->createDocument('statsLogger', new Document([ 'time' => DateTime::now(), 'metrics' => $project['keys'], ])); } catch (\Exception $e) { console::error($e->getMessage()); } finally { $pools->reclaim(); } } }); }); $server->start();