db = $db; } /** * Set project for migration. * * @param Document $project * @param Database $projectDB * * @return Migration */ public function setProject(Document $project, Database $projectDB): Migration { $this->project = $project; $this->projectDB = $projectDB; $this->projectDB->setNamespace('app_' . $project->getId()); return $this; } /** * Iterates through every document. * * @param callable $callback */ public function forEachDocument(callable $callback): void { $sum = $this->limit; $offset = 0; while ($sum >= $this->limit) { $all = $this->projectDB->getCollection([ 'limit' => $this->limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderType' => 'DESC', ]); $sum = \count($all); Runtime::enableCoroutine(SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL); Console::log('Migrating: ' . $offset . ' / ' . $this->projectDB->getSum()); \Co\run(function () use ($all, $callback) { foreach ($all as $document) { go(function () use ($document, $callback) { $old = $document->getArrayCopy(); $new = call_user_func($callback, $document); if (empty($new->getId())) { Console::warning('Skipped Document due to missing ID.'); return; } if (!$this->check_diff_multi($new->getArrayCopy(), $old)) { return; } try { $new = $this->projectDB->overwriteDocument($document->getArrayCopy()); } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('Failed to update document: ' . $th->getMessage()); return; if ($document && $new->getId() !== $document->getId()) { throw new Exception('Duplication Error'); } } }); } }); $offset += $this->limit; } } public function check_diff_multi($array1, $array2){ $result = array(); foreach($array1 as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val) && isset($array2[$key])) { $tmp = $this->check_diff_multi($val, $array2[$key]); if($tmp) { $result[$key] = $tmp; } } elseif(!isset($array2[$key])) { $result[$key] = null; } elseif($val !== $array2[$key]) { $result[$key] = $array2[$key]; } if(isset($array2[$key])) { unset($array2[$key]); } } $result = array_merge($result, $array2); return $result; } /** * Executes migration for set project. */ abstract public function execute(): void; }