'V15', '1.0.0' => 'V15', '1.0.1' => 'V15', '1.0.3' => 'V15', '1.1.0' => 'V16', ]; /** * @var array */ protected array $collections; public function __construct() { Authorization::disable(); Authorization::setDefaultStatus(false); $this->collections = array_merge([ '_metadata' => [ '$id' => ID::custom('_metadata'), '$collection' => Database::METADATA ], 'audit' => [ '$id' => ID::custom('audit'), '$collection' => Database::METADATA ], 'abuse' => [ '$id' => ID::custom('abuse'), '$collection' => Database::METADATA ] ], Config::getParam('collections', [])); } /** * Set project for migration. * * @param Document $project * @param Database $projectDB * @param Database $oldConsoleDB * * @return self */ public function setProject(Document $project, Database $projectDB, Database $consoleDB): self { $this->project = $project; $this->projectDB = $projectDB; $this->projectDB->setNamespace('_' . $this->project->getId()); $this->consoleDB = $consoleDB; return $this; } /** * Iterates through every document. * * @param callable $callback */ public function forEachDocument(callable $callback): void { foreach ($this->collections as $collection) { if ($collection['$collection'] !== Database::METADATA) { continue; } Console::log('Migrating Collection ' . $collection['$id'] . ':'); \Co\run(function (array $collection, callable $callback) { foreach ($this->documentsIterator($collection['$id']) as $document) { go(function (Document $document, callable $callback) { if (empty($document->getId()) || empty($document->getCollection())) { return; } $old = $document->getArrayCopy(); $new = call_user_func($callback, $document); if (is_null($new) || !self::hasDifference($new->getArrayCopy(), $old)) { return; } try { $new = $this->projectDB->updateDocument($document->getCollection(), $document->getId(), $document); } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('Failed to update document: ' . $th->getMessage()); return; } }, $document, $callback); } }, $collection, $callback); } } /** * Provides an iterator for all documents on a collection. * * @param string $collectionId * @return iterable * @throws \Exception */ public function documentsIterator(string $collectionId): iterable { $sum = 0; $nextDocument = null; $collectionCount = $this->projectDB->count($collectionId); do { $queries = [Query::limit($this->limit)]; if ($nextDocument !== null) { $queries[] = Query::cursorAfter($nextDocument); } $documents = $this->projectDB->find($collectionId, $queries); $count = count($documents); $sum += $count; Console::log($sum . ' / ' . $collectionCount); foreach ($documents as $document) { yield $document; } if ($count !== $this->limit) { $nextDocument = null; } else { $nextDocument = end($documents); } } while (!is_null($nextDocument)); } /** * Checks 2 arrays for differences. * * @param array $array1 * @param array $array2 * @return bool */ public static function hasDifference(array $array1, array $array2): bool { foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if (!isset($array2[$key]) || !is_array($array2[$key])) { return true; } else { if (self::hasDifference($value, $array2[$key])) { return true; } } } elseif (!array_key_exists($key, $array2) || $array2[$key] !== $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates colletion from the config collection. * * @param string $id * @param string|null $name * @return void * @throws \Throwable */ protected function createCollection(string $id, string $name = null): void { $name ??= $id; if (!$this->projectDB->exists(App::getEnv('_APP_DB_SCHEMA', 'appwrite'), $name)) { $attributes = []; $indexes = []; $collection = $this->collections[$id]; foreach ($collection['attributes'] as $attribute) { $attributes[] = new Document([ '$id' => $attribute['$id'], 'type' => $attribute['type'], 'size' => $attribute['size'], 'required' => $attribute['required'], 'signed' => $attribute['signed'], 'array' => $attribute['array'], 'filters' => $attribute['filters'], ]); } foreach ($collection['indexes'] as $index) { $indexes[] = new Document([ '$id' => $index['$id'], 'type' => $index['type'], 'attributes' => $index['attributes'], 'lengths' => $index['lengths'], 'orders' => $index['orders'], ]); } try { $this->projectDB->createCollection($name, $attributes, $indexes); } catch (\Throwable $th) { throw $th; } } } /** * Creates attribute from collections.php * * @param \Utopia\Database\Database $database * @param string $collectionId * @param string $attributeId * @return void * @throws \Exception * @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception\Duplicate * @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception\Limit */ public function createAttributeFromCollection(Database $database, string $collectionId, string $attributeId, string $from = null): void { $from ??= $collectionId; $collection = Config::getParam('collections', [])[$from] ?? null; if (is_null($collection)) { throw new Exception("Collection {$collectionId} not found"); } $attributes = $collection['attributes']; $attributeKey = array_search($attributeId, array_column($attributes, '$id')); if ($attributeKey === false) { throw new Exception("Attribute {$attributeId} not found"); } $attribute = $attributes[$attributeKey]; $filters = $attribute['filters'] ?? []; $default = $attribute['default'] ?? null; $database->createAttribute( collection: $collectionId, id: $attributeId, type: $attribute['type'], size: $attribute['size'], required: $attribute['required'] ?? false, default: in_array('json', $filters) ? json_encode($default) : $default, signed: $attribute['signed'] ?? false, array: $attribute['array'] ?? false, format: $attribute['format'] ?? '', formatOptions: $attribute['formatOptions'] ?? [], filters: $filters, ); } /** * Creates index from collections.php * * @param \Utopia\Database\Database $database * @param string $collectionId * @param string $indexId * @param string|null $from * @return void * @throws \Exception * @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception\Duplicate * @throws \Utopia\Database\Exception\Limit */ public function createIndexFromCollection(Database $database, string $collectionId, string $indexId, string $from = null): void { $from ??= $collectionId; $collection = Config::getParam('collections', [])[$collectionId] ?? null; if (is_null($collection)) { throw new Exception("Collection {$collectionId} not found"); } $indexes = $collection['indexes']; $indexKey = array_search($indexId, array_column($indexes, '$id')); if ($indexKey === false) { throw new Exception("Attribute {$indexId} not found"); } $index = $indexes[$indexKey]; $database->createIndex( collection: $collectionId, id: $indexId, type: $index['type'], attributes: $index['attributes'], lengths: $index['lengths'] ?? [], orders: $index['orders'] ?? [] ); } /** * Executes migration for set project. */ abstract public function execute(): void; }