desc('Create bucket') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', 'buckets.write') ->label('event', 'buckets.[bucketId].create') ->label('audits.event', 'bucket.create') ->label('audits.resource', 'bucket/{response.$id}') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'createBucket') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_BUCKET) ->param('bucketId', '', new CustomId(), 'Unique Id. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with `ID.unique()`. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can\'t start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.') ->param('name', '', new Text(128), 'Bucket name') ->param('permissions', null, new Permissions(APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE), 'An array of permission strings. By default, no user is granted with any permissions. [Learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions).', true) ->param('fileSecurity', false, new Boolean(true), 'Enables configuring permissions for individual file. A user needs one of file or bucket level permissions to access a file. [Learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions).', true) ->param('enabled', true, new Boolean(true), 'Is bucket enabled?', true) ->param('maximumFileSize', (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0), new Range(1, (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0)), 'Maximum file size allowed in bytes. Maximum allowed value is ' . Storage::human(App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0), 0) . '. For self-hosted setups you can change the max limit by changing the `_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT` environment variable. [Learn more about storage environment variables](docs/environment-variables#storage)', true) ->param('allowedFileExtensions', [], new ArrayList(new Text(64), APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE), 'Allowed file extensions. Maximum of ' . APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE . ' extensions are allowed, each 64 characters long.', true) ->param('compression', COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE, new WhiteList([COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE, COMPRESSION_TYPE_GZIP, COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZSTD]), 'Compression algorithm choosen for compression. Can be one of ' . COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE . ', [' . COMPRESSION_TYPE_GZIP . '](, or [' . COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZSTD . '](, For file size above ' . Storage::human(APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER, 0) . ' compression is skipped even if it\'s enabled', true) ->param('encryption', true, new Boolean(true), 'Is encryption enabled? For file size above ' . Storage::human(APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER, 0) . ' encryption is skipped even if it\'s enabled', true) ->param('antivirus', true, new Boolean(true), 'Is virus scanning enabled? For file size above ' . Storage::human(APP_LIMIT_ANTIVIRUS, 0) . ' AntiVirus scanning is skipped even if it\'s enabled', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('queueForEvents') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $name, ?array $permissions, bool $fileSecurity, bool $enabled, int $maximumFileSize, array $allowedFileExtensions, string $compression, bool $encryption, bool $antivirus, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, Event $queueForEvents) { $bucketId = $bucketId === 'unique()' ? ID::unique() : $bucketId; // Map aggregate permissions into the multiple permissions they represent. $permissions = Permission::aggregate($permissions); try { $files = Config::getParam('collections', [])['files'] ?? []; if (empty($files)) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Files collection is not configured.'); } $attributes = []; $indexes = []; foreach ($files['attributes'] as $attribute) { $attributes[] = new Document([ '$id' => $attribute['$id'], 'type' => $attribute['type'], 'size' => $attribute['size'], 'required' => $attribute['required'], 'signed' => $attribute['signed'], 'array' => $attribute['array'], 'filters' => $attribute['filters'], 'default' => $attribute['default'] ?? null, 'format' => $attribute['format'] ?? '' ]); } foreach ($files['indexes'] as $index) { $indexes[] = new Document([ '$id' => $index['$id'], 'type' => $index['type'], 'attributes' => $index['attributes'], 'lengths' => $index['lengths'], 'orders' => $index['orders'], ]); } $dbForProject->createDocument('buckets', new Document([ '$id' => $bucketId, '$collection' => 'buckets', '$permissions' => $permissions, 'name' => $name, 'maximumFileSize' => $maximumFileSize, 'allowedFileExtensions' => $allowedFileExtensions, 'fileSecurity' => $fileSecurity, 'enabled' => $enabled, 'compression' => $compression, 'encryption' => $encryption, 'antivirus' => $antivirus, 'search' => implode(' ', [$bucketId, $name]), ])); $bucket = $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId); $dbForProject->createCollection('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $attributes, $indexes); } catch (Duplicate) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_ALREADY_EXISTS); } $queueForEvents ->setParam('bucketId', $bucket->getId()) ; $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->dynamic($bucket, Response::MODEL_BUCKET); }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets') ->desc('List buckets') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'listBuckets') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_BUCKET_LIST) ->param('queries', [], new Buckets(), 'Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. [Learn more about queries]( Maximum of ' . APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE . ' queries are allowed, each ' . APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SIZE . ' characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: ' . implode(', ', Buckets::ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES), true) ->param('search', '', new Text(256), 'Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->action(function (array $queries, string $search, Response $response, Database $dbForProject) { $queries = Query::parseQueries($queries); if (!empty($search)) { $queries[] = Query::search('search', $search); } // Get cursor document if there was a cursor query $cursor = Query::getByType($queries, Query::TYPE_CURSORAFTER, Query::TYPE_CURSORBEFORE); $cursor = reset($cursor); if ($cursor) { /** @var Query $cursor */ $bucketId = $cursor->getValue(); $cursorDocument = $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId); if ($cursorDocument->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_CURSOR_NOT_FOUND, "Bucket '{$bucketId}' for the 'cursor' value not found."); } $cursor->setValue($cursorDocument); } $filterQueries = Query::groupByType($queries)['filters']; $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'buckets' => $dbForProject->find('buckets', $queries), 'total' => $dbForProject->count('buckets', $filterQueries, APP_LIMIT_COUNT), ]), Response::MODEL_BUCKET_LIST); }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId') ->desc('Get Bucket') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getBucket') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_BUCKET) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Bucket unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->action(function (string $bucketId, Response $response, Database $dbForProject) { $bucket = $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId); if ($bucket->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $response->dynamic($bucket, Response::MODEL_BUCKET); }); App::put('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId') ->desc('Update Bucket') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', 'buckets.write') ->label('event', 'buckets.[bucketId].update') ->label('audits.event', 'bucket.update') ->label('audits.resource', 'bucket/{response.$id}') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateBucket') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_BUCKET) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Bucket unique ID.') ->param('name', null, new Text(128), 'Bucket name', false) ->param('permissions', null, new Permissions(APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE), 'An array of permission strings. By default, the current permissions are inherited. [Learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions).', true) ->param('fileSecurity', false, new Boolean(true), 'Enables configuring permissions for individual file. A user needs one of file or bucket level permissions to access a file. [Learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions).', true) ->param('enabled', true, new Boolean(true), 'Is bucket enabled?', true) ->param('maximumFileSize', null, new Range(1, (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0)), 'Maximum file size allowed in bytes. Maximum allowed value is ' . Storage::human((int)App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0), 0) . '. For self hosted version you can change the limit by changing _APP_STORAGE_LIMIT environment variable. [Learn more about storage environment variables](docs/environment-variables#storage)', true) ->param('allowedFileExtensions', [], new ArrayList(new Text(64), APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE), 'Allowed file extensions. Maximum of ' . APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE . ' extensions are allowed, each 64 characters long.', true) ->param('compression', COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE, new WhiteList([COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE, COMPRESSION_TYPE_GZIP, COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZSTD]), 'Compression algorithm choosen for compression. Can be one of ' . COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE . ', [' . COMPRESSION_TYPE_GZIP . '](, or [' . COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZSTD . '](, For file size above ' . Storage::human(APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER, 0) . ' compression is skipped even if it\'s enabled', true) ->param('encryption', true, new Boolean(true), 'Is encryption enabled? For file size above ' . Storage::human(APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER, 0) . ' encryption is skipped even if it\'s enabled', true) ->param('antivirus', true, new Boolean(true), 'Is virus scanning enabled? For file size above ' . Storage::human(APP_LIMIT_ANTIVIRUS, 0) . ' AntiVirus scanning is skipped even if it\'s enabled', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('queueForEvents') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $name, ?array $permissions, bool $fileSecurity, bool $enabled, ?int $maximumFileSize, array $allowedFileExtensions, string $compression, bool $encryption, bool $antivirus, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, Event $queueForEvents) { $bucket = $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId); if ($bucket->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $permissions ??= $bucket->getPermissions(); $maximumFileSize ??= $bucket->getAttribute('maximumFileSize', (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0)); $allowedFileExtensions ??= $bucket->getAttribute('allowedFileExtensions', []); $enabled ??= $bucket->getAttribute('enabled', true); $encryption ??= $bucket->getAttribute('encryption', true); $antivirus ??= $bucket->getAttribute('antivirus', true); /** * Map aggregate permissions into the multiple permissions they represent, * accounting for the resource type given that some types not allowed specific permissions. */ // Map aggregate permissions into the multiple permissions they represent. $permissions = Permission::aggregate($permissions); $bucket = $dbForProject->updateDocument('buckets', $bucket->getId(), $bucket ->setAttribute('name', $name) ->setAttribute('$permissions', $permissions) ->setAttribute('maximumFileSize', $maximumFileSize) ->setAttribute('allowedFileExtensions', $allowedFileExtensions) ->setAttribute('fileSecurity', $fileSecurity) ->setAttribute('enabled', $enabled) ->setAttribute('encryption', $encryption) ->setAttribute('compression', $compression) ->setAttribute('antivirus', $antivirus)); $queueForEvents ->setParam('bucketId', $bucket->getId()) ; $response->dynamic($bucket, Response::MODEL_BUCKET); }); App::delete('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId') ->desc('Delete Bucket') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', 'buckets.write') ->label('audits.event', 'bucket.delete') ->label('event', 'buckets.[bucketId].delete') ->label('audits.resource', 'bucket/{request.bucketId}') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteBucket') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_NOCONTENT) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_NONE) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Bucket unique ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('queueForDeletes') ->inject('queueForEvents') ->action(function (string $bucketId, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, Delete $queueForDeletes, Event $queueForEvents) { $bucket = $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId); if ($bucket->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } if (!$dbForProject->deleteDocument('buckets', $bucketId)) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Failed to remove bucket from DB'); } $queueForDeletes ->setType(DELETE_TYPE_DOCUMENT) ->setDocument($bucket); $queueForEvents ->setParam('bucketId', $bucket->getId()) ->setPayload($response->output($bucket, Response::MODEL_BUCKET)) ; $response->noContent(); }); App::post('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files') ->alias('/v1/storage/files', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Create File') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', 'files.write') ->label('audits.event', 'file.create') ->label('event', 'buckets.[bucketId].files.[fileId].create') ->label('audits.resource', 'file/{response.$id}') ->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip},method:{method},url:{url},userId:{userId}') ->label('abuse-limit', APP_LIMIT_WRITE_RATE_DEFAULT) ->label('abuse-time', APP_LIMIT_WRITE_RATE_PERIOD_DEFAULT) ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'createFile') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.request.type', 'multipart/form-data') ->label('sdk.methodType', 'upload') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FILE) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new CustomId(), 'File ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with `ID.unique()`. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can\'t start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.') ->param('file', [], new File(), 'Binary file.', false) ->param('permissions', null, new Permissions(APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE, [Database::PERMISSION_READ, Database::PERMISSION_UPDATE, Database::PERMISSION_DELETE, Database::PERMISSION_WRITE]), 'An array of permission strings. By default, only the current user is granted all permissions. [Learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions).', true) ->inject('request') ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('user') ->inject('queueForEvents') ->inject('mode') ->inject('deviceFiles') ->inject('deviceLocal') ->inject('queueForDeletes') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, mixed $file, ?array $permissions, Request $request, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, Document $user, Event $queueForEvents, string $mode, Device $deviceFiles, Device $deviceLocal, Delete $queueForDeletes) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_CREATE); if (!$validator->isValid($bucket->getCreate())) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } $allowedPermissions = [ Database::PERMISSION_READ, Database::PERMISSION_UPDATE, Database::PERMISSION_DELETE, ]; // Map aggregate permissions to into the set of individual permissions they represent. $permissions = Permission::aggregate($permissions, $allowedPermissions); // Add permissions for current the user if none were provided. if (\is_null($permissions)) { $permissions = []; if (!empty($user->getId())) { foreach ($allowedPermissions as $permission) { $permissions[] = (new Permission($permission, 'user', $user->getId()))->toString(); } } } // Users can only manage their own roles, API keys and Admin users can manage any $roles = Authorization::getRoles(); if (!Auth::isAppUser($roles) && !Auth::isPrivilegedUser($roles)) { foreach (Database::PERMISSIONS as $type) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $permission = Permission::parse($permission); if ($permission->getPermission() != $type) { continue; } $role = (new Role( $permission->getRole(), $permission->getIdentifier(), $permission->getDimension() ))->toString(); if (!Authorization::isRole($role)) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED, 'Permissions must be one of: (' . \implode(', ', $roles) . ')'); } } } } $maximumFileSize = $bucket->getAttribute('maximumFileSize', 0); if ($maximumFileSize > (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_LIMIT', 0)) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Maximum bucket file size is larger than _APP_STORAGE_LIMIT'); } $file = $request->getFiles('file'); // GraphQL multipart spec adds files with index keys if (empty($file)) { $file = $request->getFiles(0); } if (empty($file)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_EMPTY); } // Make sure we handle a single file and multiple files the same way $fileName = (\is_array($file['name']) && isset($file['name'][0])) ? $file['name'][0] : $file['name']; $fileTmpName = (\is_array($file['tmp_name']) && isset($file['tmp_name'][0])) ? $file['tmp_name'][0] : $file['tmp_name']; $fileSize = (\is_array($file['size']) && isset($file['size'][0])) ? $file['size'][0] : $file['size']; $contentRange = $request->getHeader('content-range'); $fileId = $fileId === 'unique()' ? ID::unique() : $fileId; $chunk = 1; $chunks = 1; if (!empty($contentRange)) { $start = $request->getContentRangeStart(); $end = $request->getContentRangeEnd(); $fileSize = $request->getContentRangeSize(); $fileId = $request->getHeader('x-appwrite-id', $fileId); if (is_null($start) || is_null($end) || is_null($fileSize)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_INVALID_CONTENT_RANGE); } if ($end === $fileSize) { //if it's a last chunks the chunk size might differ, so we set the $chunks and $chunk to -1 notify it's last chunk $chunks = $chunk = -1; } else { // Calculate total number of chunks based on the chunk size i.e ($rangeEnd - $rangeStart) $chunks = (int) ceil($fileSize / ($end + 1 - $start)); $chunk = (int) ($start / ($end + 1 - $start)) + 1; } } /** * Validators */ // Check if file type is allowed $allowedFileExtensions = $bucket->getAttribute('allowedFileExtensions', []); $fileExt = new FileExt($allowedFileExtensions); if (!empty($allowedFileExtensions) && !$fileExt->isValid($fileName)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED, 'File extension not allowed'); } // Check if file size is exceeding allowed limit $fileSizeValidator = new FileSize($maximumFileSize); if (!$fileSizeValidator->isValid($fileSize)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_INVALID_FILE_SIZE, 'File size not allowed'); } $upload = new Upload(); if (!$upload->isValid($fileTmpName)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_INVALID_FILE); } // Save to storage $fileSize ??= $deviceLocal->getFileSize($fileTmpName); $path = $deviceFiles->getPath($fileId . '.' . \pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $path = str_ireplace($deviceFiles->getRoot(), $deviceFiles->getRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $bucket->getId(), $path); // Add bucket id to path after root $file = $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); $metadata = ['content_type' => $deviceLocal->getFileMimeType($fileTmpName)]; if (!$file->isEmpty()) { $chunks = $file->getAttribute('chunksTotal', 1); $metadata = $file->getAttribute('metadata', []); if ($chunk === -1) { $chunk = $chunks; } } $chunksUploaded = $deviceFiles->upload($fileTmpName, $path, $chunk, $chunks, $metadata); if (empty($chunksUploaded)) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Failed uploading file'); } if ($chunksUploaded === $chunks) { if (App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS') === 'enabled' && $bucket->getAttribute('antivirus', true) && $fileSize <= APP_LIMIT_ANTIVIRUS && $deviceFiles->getType() === Storage::DEVICE_LOCAL) { $antivirus = new Network( App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS_HOST', 'clamav'), (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_ANTIVIRUS_PORT', 3310) ); if (!$antivirus->fileScan($path)) { $deviceFiles->delete($path); throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_INVALID_FILE); } } $mimeType = $deviceFiles->getFileMimeType($path); // Get mime-type before compression and encryption $data = ''; // Compression $algorithm = $bucket->getAttribute('compression', COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE); if ($fileSize <= APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER && $algorithm != COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE) { $data = $deviceFiles->read($path); switch ($algorithm) { case COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZSTD: $compressor = new Zstd(); break; case COMPRESSION_TYPE_GZIP: default: $compressor = new GZIP(); break; } $data = $compressor->compress($data); } if ($bucket->getAttribute('encryption', true) && $fileSize <= APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER) { if (empty($data)) { $data = $deviceFiles->read($path); } $key = App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1'); $iv = OpenSSL::randomPseudoBytes(OpenSSL::cipherIVLength(OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM)); $data = OpenSSL::encrypt($data, OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM, $key, 0, $iv, $tag); } if (!empty($data)) { if (!$deviceFiles->write($path, $data, $mimeType)) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Failed to save file'); } } $sizeActual = $deviceFiles->getFileSize($path); $fileHash = $deviceFiles->getFileHash($path); $openSSLVersion = null; $openSSLCipher = null; $openSSLTag = null; $openSSLIV = null; if ($bucket->getAttribute('encryption', true) && $fileSize <= APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER) { $openSSLVersion = '1'; $openSSLCipher = OpenSSL::CIPHER_AES_128_GCM; $openSSLTag = \bin2hex($tag); $openSSLIV = \bin2hex($iv); } try { if ($file->isEmpty()) { $doc = new Document([ '$id' => $fileId, '$permissions' => $permissions, 'bucketId' => $bucket->getId(), 'bucketInternalId' => $bucket->getInternalId(), 'name' => $fileName, 'path' => $path, 'signature' => $fileHash, 'mimeType' => $mimeType, 'sizeOriginal' => $fileSize, 'sizeActual' => $sizeActual, 'algorithm' => $algorithm, 'comment' => '', 'chunksTotal' => $chunks, 'chunksUploaded' => $chunksUploaded, 'openSSLVersion' => $openSSLVersion, 'openSSLCipher' => $openSSLCipher, 'openSSLTag' => $openSSLTag, 'openSSLIV' => $openSSLIV, 'search' => implode(' ', [$fileId, $fileName]), 'metadata' => $metadata, ]); $file = $dbForProject->createDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $doc); } else { $file = $file ->setAttribute('$permissions', $permissions) ->setAttribute('signature', $fileHash) ->setAttribute('mimeType', $mimeType) ->setAttribute('sizeActual', $sizeActual) ->setAttribute('algorithm', $algorithm) ->setAttribute('openSSLVersion', $openSSLVersion) ->setAttribute('openSSLCipher', $openSSLCipher) ->setAttribute('openSSLTag', $openSSLTag) ->setAttribute('openSSLIV', $openSSLIV) ->setAttribute('metadata', $metadata) ->setAttribute('chunksUploaded', $chunksUploaded); $file = $dbForProject->updateDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId, $file); } } catch (AuthorizationException) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (StructureException $exception) { throw new Exception(Exception::DOCUMENT_INVALID_STRUCTURE, $exception->getMessage()); } catch (DuplicateException) { throw new Exception(Exception::DOCUMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } else { try { if ($file->isEmpty()) { $doc = new Document([ '$id' => ID::custom($fileId), '$permissions' => $permissions, 'bucketId' => $bucket->getId(), 'bucketInternalId' => $bucket->getInternalId(), 'name' => $fileName, 'path' => $path, 'signature' => '', 'mimeType' => '', 'sizeOriginal' => $fileSize, 'sizeActual' => 0, 'algorithm' => '', 'comment' => '', 'chunksTotal' => $chunks, 'chunksUploaded' => $chunksUploaded, 'search' => implode(' ', [$fileId, $fileName]), 'metadata' => $metadata, ]); $file = $dbForProject->createDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $doc); } else { $file = $file ->setAttribute('chunksUploaded', $chunksUploaded) ->setAttribute('metadata', $metadata); $file = $dbForProject->updateDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId, $file); } } catch (AuthorizationException) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (StructureException $exception) { throw new Exception(Exception::DOCUMENT_INVALID_STRUCTURE, $exception->getMessage()); } catch (DuplicateException) { throw new Exception(Exception::DOCUMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } $queueForEvents ->setParam('bucketId', $bucket->getId()) ->setParam('fileId', $file->getId()) ->setContext('bucket', $bucket) ; $queueForDeletes ->setType(DELETE_TYPE_CACHE_BY_RESOURCE) ->setResource('file/' . $file->getId()) ; $metadata = null; // was causing leaks as it was passed by reference $response ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED) ->dynamic($file, Response::MODEL_FILE); }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files') ->alias('/v1/storage/files', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('List Files') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'listFiles') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FILE_LIST) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('queries', [], new Files(), 'Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. [Learn more about queries]( Maximum of ' . APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE . ' queries are allowed, each ' . APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SIZE . ' characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: ' . implode(', ', Files::ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES), true) ->param('search', '', new Text(256), 'Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('mode') ->action(function (string $bucketId, array $queries, string $search, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, string $mode) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttribute('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_READ); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getRead()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } $queries = Query::parseQueries($queries); if (!empty($search)) { $queries[] = Query::search('search', $search); } // Get cursor document if there was a cursor query $cursor = Query::getByType($queries, Query::TYPE_CURSORAFTER, Query::TYPE_CURSORBEFORE); $cursor = reset($cursor); if ($cursor) { /** @var Query $cursor */ $fileId = $cursor->getValue(); if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { $cursorDocument = $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); } else { $cursorDocument = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); } if ($cursorDocument->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_CURSOR_NOT_FOUND, "File '{$fileId}' for the 'cursor' value not found."); } $cursor->setValue($cursorDocument); } $filterQueries = Query::groupByType($queries)['filters']; if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { $files = $dbForProject->find('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $queries); $total = $dbForProject->count('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $filterQueries, APP_LIMIT_COUNT); } else { $files = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->find('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $queries)); $total = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->count('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $filterQueries, APP_LIMIT_COUNT)); } $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'files' => $files, 'total' => $total, ]), Response::MODEL_FILE_LIST); }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files/:fileId') ->alias('/v1/storage/files/:fileId', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Get File') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getFile') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FILE) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new UID(), 'File ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('mode') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, string $mode) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttribute('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_READ); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getRead()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { $file = $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); } else { $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); } if ($file->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $response->dynamic($file, Response::MODEL_FILE); }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files/:fileId/preview') ->alias('/v1/storage/files/:fileId/preview', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Get File Preview') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('cache', true) ->label('cache.resourceType', 'bucket/{request.bucketId}') ->label('cache.resource', 'file/{request.fileId}') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getFilePreview') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE) ->label('sdk.methodType', 'location') ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new UID(), 'File ID') ->param('width', 0, new Range(0, 4000), 'Resize preview image width, Pass an integer between 0 to 4000.', true) ->param('height', 0, new Range(0, 4000), 'Resize preview image height, Pass an integer between 0 to 4000.', true) ->param('gravity', Image::GRAVITY_CENTER, new WhiteList(Image::getGravityTypes()), 'Image crop gravity. Can be one of ' . implode(",", Image::getGravityTypes()), true) ->param('quality', 100, new Range(0, 100), 'Preview image quality. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 100.', true) ->param('borderWidth', 0, new Range(0, 100), 'Preview image border in pixels. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 0.', true) ->param('borderColor', '', new HexColor(), 'Preview image border color. Use a valid HEX color, no # is needed for prefix.', true) ->param('borderRadius', 0, new Range(0, 4000), 'Preview image border radius in pixels. Pass an integer between 0 to 4000.', true) ->param('opacity', 1, new Range(0, 1, Range::TYPE_FLOAT), 'Preview image opacity. Only works with images having an alpha channel (like png). Pass a number between 0 to 1.', true) ->param('rotation', 0, new Range(-360, 360), 'Preview image rotation in degrees. Pass an integer between -360 and 360.', true) ->param('background', '', new HexColor(), 'Preview image background color. Only works with transparent images (png). Use a valid HEX color, no # is needed for prefix.', true) ->param('output', '', new WhiteList(\array_keys(Config::getParam('storage-outputs')), true), 'Output format type (jpeg, jpg, png, gif and webp).', true) ->inject('request') ->inject('response') ->inject('project') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('mode') ->inject('deviceFiles') ->inject('deviceLocal') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, int $width, int $height, string $gravity, int $quality, int $borderWidth, string $borderColor, int $borderRadius, float $opacity, int $rotation, string $background, string $output, Request $request, Response $response, Document $project, Database $dbForProject, string $mode, Device $deviceFiles, Device $deviceLocal) { if (!\extension_loaded('imagick')) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Imagick extension is missing'); } $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttribute('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_READ); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getRead()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } if ((\strpos($request->getAccept(), 'image/webp') === false) && ('webp' === $output)) { // Fallback webp to jpeg when no browser support $output = 'jpg'; } $inputs = Config::getParam('storage-inputs'); $outputs = Config::getParam('storage-outputs'); $fileLogos = Config::getParam('storage-logos'); if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { $file = $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); } else { $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); } if ($file->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $path = $file->getAttribute('path'); $type = \strtolower(\pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $algorithm = $file->getAttribute('algorithm', 'none'); $cipher = $file->getAttribute('openSSLCipher'); $mime = $file->getAttribute('mimeType'); if (!\in_array($mime, $inputs) || $file->getAttribute('sizeActual') > (int) App::getEnv('_APP_STORAGE_PREVIEW_LIMIT', 20000000)) { if (!\in_array($mime, $inputs)) { $path = (\array_key_exists($mime, $fileLogos)) ? $fileLogos[$mime] : $fileLogos['default']; } else { // it was an image but the file size exceeded the limit $path = $fileLogos['default_image']; } $algorithm = 'none'; $cipher = null; $background = (empty($background)) ? 'eceff1' : $background; $type = \strtolower(\pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $deviceFiles = $deviceLocal; } if (!$deviceFiles->exists($path)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if (empty($output)) { // when file extension is not provided and the mime type is not one of our supported outputs // we fallback to `jpg` output format $output = empty($type) ? (array_search($mime, $outputs) ?? 'jpg') : $type; } $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); if (!empty($cipher)) { // Decrypt $source = OpenSSL::decrypt( $source, $file->getAttribute('openSSLCipher'), App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V' . $file->getAttribute('openSSLVersion')), 0, \hex2bin($file->getAttribute('openSSLIV')), \hex2bin($file->getAttribute('openSSLTag')) ); } switch ($algorithm) { case 'zstd': $compressor = new Zstd(); $source = $compressor->decompress($source); break; case 'gzip': $compressor = new GZIP(); $source = $compressor->decompress($source); break; } $image = new Image($source); $image->crop((int) $width, (int) $height, $gravity); if (!empty($opacity) || $opacity === 0) { $image->setOpacity($opacity); } if (!empty($background)) { $image->setBackground('#' . $background); } if (!empty($borderWidth)) { $image->setBorder($borderWidth, '#' . $borderColor); } if (!empty($borderRadius)) { $image->setBorderRadius($borderRadius); } if (!empty($rotation)) { $image->setRotation(($rotation + 360) % 360); } $data = $image->output($output, $quality); $contentType = (\array_key_exists($output, $outputs)) ? $outputs[$output] : $outputs['jpg']; $response ->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) . ' GMT') ->setContentType($contentType) ->file($data) ; unset($image); }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files/:fileId/download') ->alias('/v1/storage/files/:fileId/download', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Get File for Download') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getFileDownload') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', '*/*') ->label('sdk.methodType', 'location') ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new UID(), 'File ID.') ->inject('request') ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('mode') ->inject('deviceFiles') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, Request $request, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, string $mode, Device $deviceFiles) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttribute('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_READ); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getRead()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { $file = $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); } else { $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); } if ($file->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $path = $file->getAttribute('path', ''); if (!$deviceFiles->exists($path)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 'File not found in ' . $path); } $response ->setContentType($file->getAttribute('mimeType')) ->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache ->addHeader('X-Peak', \memory_get_peak_usage()) ->addHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $file->getAttribute('name', '') . '"') ; $size = $file->getAttribute('sizeOriginal', 0); $rangeHeader = $request->getHeader('range'); if (!empty($rangeHeader)) { $start = $request->getRangeStart(); $end = $request->getRangeEnd(); $unit = $request->getRangeUnit(); if ($end === null) { $end = min(($start + MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE - 1), ($size - 1)); } if ($unit !== 'bytes' || $start >= $end || $end >= $size) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_INVALID_RANGE); } $response ->addHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') ->addHeader('Content-Range', 'bytes ' . $start . '-' . $end . '/' . $size) ->addHeader('Content-Length', $end - $start + 1) ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_PARTIALCONTENT); } $source = ''; if (!empty($file->getAttribute('openSSLCipher'))) { // Decrypt $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); $source = OpenSSL::decrypt( $source, $file->getAttribute('openSSLCipher'), App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V' . $file->getAttribute('openSSLVersion')), 0, \hex2bin($file->getAttribute('openSSLIV')), \hex2bin($file->getAttribute('openSSLTag')) ); } switch ($file->getAttribute('algorithm', 'none')) { case 'zstd': if (empty($source)) { $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); } $compressor = new Zstd(); $source = $compressor->decompress($source); break; case 'gzip': if (empty($source)) { $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); } $compressor = new GZIP(); $source = $compressor->decompress($source); break; } if (!empty($source)) { if (!empty($rangeHeader)) { $response->send(substr($source, $start, ($end - $start + 1))); } $response->send($source); } if (!empty($rangeHeader)) { $response->send($deviceFiles->read($path, $start, ($end - $start + 1))); } if ($size > APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER) { $response->addHeader('Content-Length', $deviceFiles->getFileSize($path)); for ($i = 0; $i < ceil($size / MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE); $i++) { $response->chunk( $deviceFiles->read( $path, ($i * MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE), min(MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE, $size - ($i * MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE)) ), (($i + 1) * MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE) >= $size ); } } else { $response->send($deviceFiles->read($path)); } }); App::get('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files/:fileId/view') ->alias('/v1/storage/files/:fileId/view', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Get File for View') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getFileView') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', '*/*') ->label('sdk.methodType', 'location') ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new UID(), 'File ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('request') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('mode') ->inject('deviceFiles') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, Response $response, Request $request, Database $dbForProject, string $mode, Device $deviceFiles) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttribute('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_READ); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getRead()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { $file = $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); } else { $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); } if ($file->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $mimes = Config::getParam('storage-mimes'); $path = $file->getAttribute('path', ''); if (!$deviceFiles->exists($path)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 'File not found in ' . $path); } $contentType = 'text/plain'; if (\in_array($file->getAttribute('mimeType'), $mimes)) { $contentType = $file->getAttribute('mimeType'); } $response ->setContentType($contentType) ->addHeader('Content-Security-Policy', 'script-src none;') ->addHeader('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff') ->addHeader('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="' . $file->getAttribute('name', '') . '"') ->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 45)) . ' GMT') // 45 days cache ->addHeader('X-Peak', \memory_get_peak_usage()) ; $size = $file->getAttribute('sizeOriginal', 0); $rangeHeader = $request->getHeader('range'); if (!empty($rangeHeader)) { $start = $request->getRangeStart(); $end = $request->getRangeEnd(); $unit = $request->getRangeUnit(); if ($end === null) { $end = min(($start + 2000000 - 1), ($size - 1)); } if ($unit != 'bytes' || $start >= $end || $end >= $size) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_INVALID_RANGE); } $response ->addHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') ->addHeader('Content-Range', "bytes $start-$end/$size") ->addHeader('Content-Length', $end - $start + 1) ->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_PARTIALCONTENT); } $source = ''; if (!empty($file->getAttribute('openSSLCipher'))) { // Decrypt $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); $source = OpenSSL::decrypt( $source, $file->getAttribute('openSSLCipher'), App::getEnv('_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V' . $file->getAttribute('openSSLVersion')), 0, \hex2bin($file->getAttribute('openSSLIV')), \hex2bin($file->getAttribute('openSSLTag')) ); } switch ($file->getAttribute('algorithm', 'none')) { case 'zstd': if (empty($source)) { $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); } $compressor = new Zstd(); $source = $compressor->decompress($source); break; case 'gzip': if (empty($source)) { $source = $deviceFiles->read($path); } $compressor = new GZIP(); $source = $compressor->decompress($source); break; } if (!empty($source)) { if (!empty($rangeHeader)) { $response->send(substr($source, $start, ($end - $start + 1))); } $response->send($source); } if (!empty($rangeHeader)) { $response->send($deviceFiles->read($path, $start, ($end - $start + 1))); } $size = $deviceFiles->getFileSize($path); if ($size > APP_STORAGE_READ_BUFFER) { $response->addHeader('Content-Length', $deviceFiles->getFileSize($path)); for ($i = 0; $i < ceil($size / MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE); $i++) { $response->chunk( $deviceFiles->read( $path, ($i * MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE), min(MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE, $size - ($i * MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE)) ), (($i + 1) * MAX_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE) >= $size ); } } else { $response->send($deviceFiles->read($path)); } }); App::put('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files/:fileId') ->alias('/v1/storage/files/:fileId', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Update File') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', 'files.write') ->label('event', 'buckets.[bucketId].files.[fileId].update') ->label('audits.event', 'file.update') ->label('audits.resource', 'file/{response.$id}') ->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip},method:{method},url:{url},userId:{userId}') ->label('abuse-limit', APP_LIMIT_WRITE_RATE_DEFAULT) ->label('abuse-time', APP_LIMIT_WRITE_RATE_PERIOD_DEFAULT) ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'updateFile') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_FILE) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new UID(), 'File unique ID.') ->param('permissions', null, new Permissions(APP_LIMIT_ARRAY_PARAMS_SIZE, [Database::PERMISSION_READ, Database::PERMISSION_UPDATE, Database::PERMISSION_DELETE, Database::PERMISSION_WRITE]), 'An array of permission string. By default, the current permissions are inherited. [Learn more about permissions](/docs/permissions).', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('user') ->inject('mode') ->inject('queueForEvents') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, ?array $permissions, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, Document $user, string $mode, Event $queueForEvents) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttributes('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_UPDATE); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getUpdate()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } // Read permission should not be required for update $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); if ($file->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } // Map aggregate permissions into the multiple permissions they represent. $permissions = Permission::aggregate($permissions, [ Database::PERMISSION_READ, Database::PERMISSION_UPDATE, Database::PERMISSION_DELETE, ]); // Users can only manage their own roles, API keys and Admin users can manage any $roles = Authorization::getRoles(); if (!Auth::isAppUser($roles) && !Auth::isPrivilegedUser($roles) && !\is_null($permissions)) { foreach (Database::PERMISSIONS as $type) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $permission = Permission::parse($permission); if ($permission->getPermission() != $type) { continue; } $role = (new Role( $permission->getRole(), $permission->getIdentifier(), $permission->getDimension() ))->toString(); if (!Authorization::isRole($role)) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED, 'Permissions must be one of: (' . \implode(', ', $roles) . ')'); } } } } if (\is_null($permissions)) { $permissions = $file->getPermissions() ?? []; } $file->setAttribute('$permissions', $permissions); if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { try { $file = $dbForProject->updateDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId, $file); } catch (AuthorizationException) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } } else { $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->updateDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId, $file)); } $queueForEvents ->setParam('bucketId', $bucket->getId()) ->setParam('fileId', $file->getId()) ->setContext('bucket', $bucket) ; $response->dynamic($file, Response::MODEL_FILE); }); App::delete('/v1/storage/buckets/:bucketId/files/:fileId') ->alias('/v1/storage/files/:fileId', ['bucketId' => 'default']) ->desc('Delete File') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', 'files.write') ->label('event', 'buckets.[bucketId].files.[fileId].delete') ->label('audits.event', 'file.delete') ->label('audits.resource', 'file/{request.fileId}') ->label('abuse-key', 'ip:{ip},method:{method},url:{url},userId:{userId}') ->label('abuse-limit', APP_LIMIT_WRITE_RATE_DEFAULT) ->label('abuse-time', APP_LIMIT_WRITE_RATE_PERIOD_DEFAULT) ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_SESSION, APP_AUTH_TYPE_KEY, APP_AUTH_TYPE_JWT]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'deleteFile') ->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/storage/') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_NOCONTENT) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_NONE) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service [server integration](/docs/server/storage#createBucket).') ->param('fileId', '', new UID(), 'File ID.') ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->inject('queueForEvents') ->inject('mode') ->inject('deviceFiles') ->inject('queueForDeletes') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $fileId, Response $response, Database $dbForProject, Event $queueForEvents, string $mode, Device $deviceFiles, Delete $queueForDeletes) { $bucket = Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId)); if ($bucket->isEmpty() || (!$bucket->getAttribute('enabled') && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN)) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $fileSecurity = $bucket->getAttributes('fileSecurity', false); $validator = new Authorization(Database::PERMISSION_DELETE); $valid = $validator->isValid($bucket->getDelete()); if (!$fileSecurity && !$valid) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } // Read permission should not be required for delete $file = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->getDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); if ($file->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } // Make sure we don't delete the file before the document permission check occurs if ($fileSecurity && !$valid && !$validator->isValid($file->getDelete())) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } $deviceDeleted = false; if ($file->getAttribute('chunksTotal') !== $file->getAttribute('chunksUploaded')) { $deviceDeleted = $deviceFiles->abort( $file->getAttribute('path'), ($file->getAttribute('metadata', [])['uploadId'] ?? '') ); } else { $deviceDeleted = $deviceFiles->delete($file->getAttribute('path')); } if ($deviceDeleted) { $queueForDeletes ->setType(DELETE_TYPE_CACHE_BY_RESOURCE) ->setResource('file/' . $fileId) ; if ($fileSecurity && !$valid) { try { $deleted = $dbForProject->deleteDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId); } catch (AuthorizationException) { throw new Exception(Exception::USER_UNAUTHORIZED); } } else { $deleted = Authorization::skip(fn() => $dbForProject->deleteDocument('bucket_' . $bucket->getInternalId(), $fileId)); } if (!$deleted) { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Failed to remove file from DB'); } } else { throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Failed to delete file from device'); } $queueForEvents ->setParam('bucketId', $bucket->getId()) ->setParam('fileId', $file->getId()) ->setContext('bucket', $bucket) ->setPayload($response->output($file, Response::MODEL_FILE)) ; $response->noContent(); }); App::get('/v1/storage/:bucketId/usage') ->desc('Get usage stats for storage bucket') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_ADMIN]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getBucketUsage') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_USAGE_BUCKETS) ->param('bucketId', '', new UID(), 'Bucket ID.') ->param('range', '30d', new WhiteList(['24h', '7d', '30d', '90d'], true), 'Date range.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->action(function (string $bucketId, string $range, Response $response, Database $dbForProject) { $bucket = $dbForProject->getDocument('buckets', $bucketId); if ($bucket->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception(Exception::STORAGE_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND); } $periods = Config::getParam('usage', []); $stats = $usage = []; $days = $periods[$range]; $metrics = [ str_replace('{bucketInternalId}', $bucket->getInternalId(), METRIC_BUCKET_ID_FILES), str_replace('{bucketInternalId}', $bucket->getInternalId(), METRIC_BUCKET_ID_FILES_STORAGE), ]; Authorization::skip(function () use ($dbForProject, $days, $metrics, &$stats) { foreach ($metrics as $metric) { $limit = $days['limit']; $period = $days['period']; $results = $dbForProject->find('stats', [ Query::equal('period', [$period]), Query::equal('metric', [$metric]), Query::limit($limit), Query::orderDesc('time'), ]); $stats[$metric] = []; foreach ($results as $result) { $stats[$metric][$result->getAttribute('time')] = [ 'value' => $result->getAttribute('value'), ]; } } }); $format = match ($days['period']) { '1h' => 'Y-m-d\TH:00:00.000P', '1d' => 'Y-m-d\T00:00:00.000P', }; foreach ($metrics as $metric) { $usage[$metric] = []; $leap = time() - ($days['limit'] * $days['factor']); while ($leap < time()) { $leap += $days['factor']; $formatDate = date($format, $leap); $usage[$metric][] = [ 'value' => $stats[$metric][$formatDate]['value'] ?? 0, 'date' => $formatDate, ]; } } $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'range' => $range, 'filesTotal' => $usage[$metrics[0]], 'filesStorage' => $usage[$metrics[1]], ]), Response::MODEL_USAGE_BUCKETS); }); App::get('/v1/storage/usage') ->desc('Get usage stats for storage') ->groups(['api', 'storage']) ->label('scope', '') ->label('sdk.auth', [APP_AUTH_TYPE_ADMIN]) ->label('sdk.namespace', 'storage') ->label('sdk.method', 'getUsage') ->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_OK) ->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) ->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_USAGE_STORAGE) ->param('range', '30d', new WhiteList(['24h', '7d', '30d', '90d'], true), 'Date range.', true) ->inject('response') ->inject('dbForProject') ->action(function (string $range, Response $response, Database $dbForProject) { $periods = Config::getParam('usage', []); $stats = $usage = []; $days = $periods[$range]; $metrics = [ METRIC_BUCKETS, METRIC_FILES, METRIC_FILES_STORAGE, ]; Authorization::skip(function () use ($dbForProject, $days, $metrics, &$stats) { foreach ($metrics as $metric) { $limit = $days['limit']; $period = $days['period']; $results = $dbForProject->find('stats', [ Query::equal('period', [$period]), Query::equal('metric', [$metric]), Query::limit($limit), Query::orderDesc('time'), ]); $stats[$metric] = []; foreach ($results as $result) { $stats[$metric][$result->getAttribute('time')] = [ 'value' => $result->getAttribute('value'), ]; } } }); $format = match ($days['period']) { '1h' => 'Y-m-d\TH:00:00.000P', '1d' => 'Y-m-d\T00:00:00.000P', }; foreach ($metrics as $metric) { $usage[$metric] = []; $leap = time() - ($days['limit'] * $days['factor']); while ($leap < time()) { $leap += $days['factor']; $formatDate = date($format, $leap); $usage[$metric][] = [ 'value' => $stats[$metric][$formatDate]['value'] ?? 0, 'date' => $formatDate, ]; } } $response->dynamic(new Document([ 'range' => $range, 'bucketsTotal' => $usage[$metrics[0]], 'filesTotal' => $usage[$metrics[1]], 'filesStorage' => $usage[$metrics[2]], ]), Response::MODEL_USAGE_STORAGE); });