task('volume-sync') ->desc('Runs rsync to sync certificates between the storage mount and traefik.') ->param('source', null, new Text(255), 'Source path to sync from.', false) ->param('destination', null, new Text(255), 'Destination path to sync to.', false) ->param('interval', null, new Integer(true), 'Interval to run rsync', false) ->action(function ($source, $destination, $interval) { Console::title('RSync V1'); Console::success(APP_NAME . ' rsync process v1 has started'); Console::loop(function () use ($interval, $source, $destination) { $time = DateTime::now(); Console::info("[{$time}] Executing rsync every {$interval} seconds"); Console::info("Syncing between $source and $destination"); if (!file_exists($source)) { Console::error('Source directory does not exist. Skipping ... '); return; } $stdin = ""; $stdout = ""; $stderr = ""; Console::execute("rsync -av $source $destination", $stdin, $stdout, $stderr); Console::success($stdout); Console::error($stderr); }, $interval); });