set([ 'open_http2_protocol' => true, // 'document_root' => __DIR__.'/../public', // 'enable_static_handler' => true, 'http_compression' => true, 'http_compression_level' => 6, 'package_max_length' => $payloadSize, 'buffer_output_size' => $payloadSize, ]) ; $http->on('WorkerStart', function($serv, $workerId) { Console::success('Worker '.++$workerId.' started succefully'); }); $http->on('BeforeReload', function($serv, $workerId) { Console::success('Starting reload...'); }); $http->on('AfterReload', function($serv, $workerId) { Console::success('Reload completed...'); }); Files::load(__DIR__ . '/../public'); include __DIR__ . '/controllers/general.php'; $http->on('start', function (Server $http) use ($payloadSize, $register) { $app = new App('UTC'); go(function() use ($register, $app) { // wait for database to be ready $attempts = 0; $max = 10; $sleep = 1; do { try { $attempts++; $db = $register->get('dbPool')->get(); $redis = $register->get('redisPool')->get(); break; // leave the do-while if successful } catch(\Exception $e) { Console::warning("Database not ready. Retrying connection ({$attempts})..."); if ($attempts >= $max) { throw new \Exception('Failed to connect to database: '. $e->getMessage()); } sleep($sleep); } } while ($attempts < $max); App::setResource('db', function () use (&$db) { return $db; }); App::setResource('cache', function () use (&$redis) { return $redis; }); App::setResource('app', function() use (&$app) { return $app; }); $dbForConsole = $app->getResource('dbForConsole'); /** @var Utopia\Database\Database $dbForConsole */ if(!$dbForConsole->exists()) { Console::success('[Setup] - Server database init started...'); $collections = Config::getParam('collections2', []); /** @var array $collections */ $redis->flushAll(); $dbForConsole->create(); $audit = new Audit($dbForConsole); $audit->setup(); $adapter = new TimeLimit("", 0, 1, $dbForConsole); $adapter->setup(); foreach ($collections as $key => $collection) { Console::success('[Setup] - Creating collection: ' . $collection['$id'] . '...'); $attributes = []; $indexes = []; foreach ($collection['attributes'] as $attribute) { $attributes[] = new Document([ '$id' => $attribute['$id'], 'type' => $attribute['type'], 'size' => $attribute['size'], 'required' => $attribute['required'], 'signed' => $attribute['signed'], 'array' => $attribute['array'], 'filters' => $attribute['filters'], ]); } foreach ($collection['indexes'] as $index) { $indexes[] = new Document([ '$id' => $index['$id'], 'type' => $index['type'], 'attributes' => $index['attributes'], 'lengths' => $index['lengths'], 'orders' => $index['orders'], ]); } $dbForConsole->createCollection($key, $attributes, $indexes); } Console::success('[Setup] - Server database init completed...'); } }); Console::success('Server started succefully (max payload is '.number_format($payloadSize).' bytes)'); Console::info("Master pid {$http->master_pid}, manager pid {$http->manager_pid}"); // listen ctrl + c Process::signal(2, function () use ($http) { Console::log('Stop by Ctrl+C'); $http->shutdown(); }); }); $http->on('request', function (SwooleRequest $swooleRequest, SwooleResponse $swooleResponse) use ($register) { $request = new Request($swooleRequest); $response = new Response($swooleResponse); if(Files::isFileLoaded($request->getURI())) { $time = (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2); // 45 days cache $response ->setContentType(Files::getFileMimeType($request->getURI())) ->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age='.$time) ->addHeader('Expires', \date('D, d M Y H:i:s', \time() + $time).' GMT') // 45 days cache ->send(Files::getFileContents($request->getURI())) ; return; } $app = new App('UTC'); $db = $register->get('dbPool')->get(); $redis = $register->get('redisPool')->get(); App::setResource('db', function () use (&$db) { return $db; }); App::setResource('cache', function () use (&$redis) { return $redis; }); try { Authorization::cleanRoles(); Authorization::setRole('role:all'); Authorization2::cleanRoles(); Authorization2::setRole('role:all'); $app->run($request, $response); } catch (\Throwable $th) { Console::error('[Error] Type: '.get_class($th)); Console::error('[Error] Message: '.$th->getMessage()); Console::error('[Error] File: '.$th->getFile()); Console::error('[Error] Line: '.$th->getLine()); /** * Reset Database connection if PDOException was thrown. */ if ($th instanceof PDOException) { $db = null; } if(App::isDevelopment()) { $swooleResponse->end('error: '.$th->getMessage()); } else { $swooleResponse->end('500: Server Error'); } } finally { /** @var PDOPool $dbPool */ $dbPool = $register->get('dbPool'); $dbPool->put($db); /** @var RedisPool $redisPool */ $redisPool = $register->get('redisPool'); $redisPool->put($redis); } }); $http->start();