setModel(new None()) ->setModel(new Any()) ->setModel(new Error()) ->setModel(new ErrorDev()) // Lists ->setModel(new BaseList('Collections List', self::MODEL_COLLECTION_LIST, 'collections', self::MODEL_COLLECTION)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Indexes List', self::MODEL_INDEX_LIST, 'indexes', self::MODEL_INDEX)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Documents List', self::MODEL_DOCUMENT_LIST, 'documents', self::MODEL_DOCUMENT)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Users List', self::MODEL_USER_LIST, 'users', self::MODEL_USER)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Sessions List', self::MODEL_SESSION_LIST, 'sessions', self::MODEL_SESSION)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Logs List', self::MODEL_LOG_LIST, 'logs', self::MODEL_LOG, false)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Files List', self::MODEL_FILE_LIST, 'files', self::MODEL_FILE)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Teams List', self::MODEL_TEAM_LIST, 'teams', self::MODEL_TEAM)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Memberships List', self::MODEL_MEMBERSHIP_LIST, 'memberships', self::MODEL_MEMBERSHIP)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Functions List', self::MODEL_FUNCTION_LIST, 'functions', self::MODEL_FUNCTION)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Tags List', self::MODEL_TAG_LIST, 'tags', self::MODEL_TAG)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Executions List', self::MODEL_EXECUTION_LIST, 'executions', self::MODEL_EXECUTION)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Projects List', self::MODEL_PROJECT_LIST, 'projects', self::MODEL_PROJECT, true, false)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Webhooks List', self::MODEL_WEBHOOK_LIST, 'webhooks', self::MODEL_WEBHOOK, true, false)) ->setModel(new BaseList('API Keys List', self::MODEL_KEY_LIST, 'keys', self::MODEL_KEY, true, false)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Platforms List', self::MODEL_PLATFORM_LIST, 'platforms', self::MODEL_PLATFORM, true, false)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Domains List', self::MODEL_DOMAIN_LIST, 'domains', self::MODEL_DOMAIN, true, false)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Countries List', self::MODEL_COUNTRY_LIST, 'countries', self::MODEL_COUNTRY)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Continents List', self::MODEL_CONTINENT_LIST, 'continents', self::MODEL_CONTINENT)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Languages List', self::MODEL_LANGUAGE_LIST, 'languages', self::MODEL_LANGUAGE)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Currencies List', self::MODEL_CURRENCY_LIST, 'currencies', self::MODEL_CURRENCY)) ->setModel(new BaseList('Phones List', self::MODEL_PHONE_LIST, 'phones', self::MODEL_PHONE)) // Entities ->setModel(new Collection()) ->setModel(new Attribute()) ->setModel(new AttributeList()) ->setModel(new AttributeString()) ->setModel(new AttributeInteger()) ->setModel(new AttributeFloat()) ->setModel(new AttributeBoolean()) ->setModel(new AttributeEmail()) ->setModel(new AttributeIP()) ->setModel(new AttributeURL()) ->setModel(new Index()) ->setModel(new ModelDocument()) ->setModel(new Log()) ->setModel(new User()) ->setModel(new Preferences()) ->setModel(new Session()) ->setModel(new Token()) ->setModel(new JWT()) ->setModel(new Locale()) ->setModel(new File()) ->setModel(new Team()) ->setModel(new Membership()) ->setModel(new Func()) ->setModel(new Tag()) ->setModel(new Execution()) ->setModel(new Project()) ->setModel(new Webhook()) ->setModel(new Key()) ->setModel(new Domain()) ->setModel(new Platform()) ->setModel(new Country()) ->setModel(new Continent()) ->setModel(new Language()) ->setModel(new Currency()) ->setModel(new Phone()) // Verification // Recovery // Tests (keep last) ->setModel(new Mock()) ; parent::__construct($response); } /** * HTTP content types */ const CONTENT_TYPE_YAML = 'application/x-yaml'; /** * List of defined output objects */ protected $models = []; /** * Set Model Object * * @return self */ public function setModel(Model $instance) { $this->models[$instance->getType()] = $instance; return $this; } /** * Get Model Object * * @return Model */ public function getModel(string $key): Model { if (!isset($this->models[$key])) { throw new Exception('Undefined model: '.$key); } return $this->models[$key]; } /** * Get Models List * * @return Model[] */ public function getModels(): array { return $this->models; } /** * Validate response objects and outputs * the response according to given format type * * @param Document $document * @param string $model * * return void */ public function dynamic(Document $document, string $model): void { $output = $this->output($document, $model); // If filter is set, parse the output if(self::isFilter()){ $output = self::getFilter()->parse($output, $model); } $this->json(!empty($output) ? $output : new stdClass()); } /** * Generate valid response object from document data * * @param Document $document * @param string $model * * return array */ public function output(Document $document, string $model): array { $data = $document; $model = $this->getModel($model); $output = []; if ($model->isAny()) { $this->payload = $document->getArrayCopy(); return $this->payload; } $document = $model->filter($document); foreach ($model->getRules() as $key => $rule) { if (!$document->isSet($key) && $rule['require']) { // do not set attribute in response if not required if (!is_null($rule['default'])) { $document->setAttribute($key, $rule['default']); } else { throw new Exception('Model '.$model->getName().' is missing response key: '.$key); } } if ($rule['array']) { if (!is_array($data[$key])) { throw new Exception($key.' must be an array of type '.$rule['type']); } foreach ($data[$key] as &$item) { if ($item instanceof Document) { if (\is_array($rule['type'])) { foreach ($rule['type'] as $type) { $condition = false; foreach ($this->getModel($type)->conditions as $attribute => $val) { $condition = $item->getAttribute($attribute) === $val; if(!$condition) { break; } } if ($condition) { $ruleType = $type; break; } } } else { $ruleType = $rule['type']; } if (!array_key_exists($ruleType, $this->models)) { throw new Exception('Missing model for rule: '. $ruleType); } $item = $this->output($item, $ruleType); } } } $output[$key] = $data[$key]; } $this->payload = $output; return $this->payload; } /** * YAML * * This helper is for sending YAML HTTP response. * It sets relevant content type header ('application/x-yaml') and convert a PHP array ($data) to valid YAML using native yaml_parse * * @see * * @param array $data * * @return void */ public function yaml(array $data): void { if (!extension_loaded('yaml')) { throw new Exception('Missing yaml extension. Learn more at:'); } $this ->setContentType(Response::CONTENT_TYPE_YAML) ->send(yaml_emit($data, YAML_UTF8_ENCODING)) ; } /** * @return array */ public function getPayload():array { return $this->payload; } /** * Function to set a response filter * * @param $filter the response filter to set * * @return void */ public static function setFilter(?Filter $filter) { self::$filter = $filter; } /** * Return the currently set filter * * @return Filter */ public static function getFilter(): ?Filter { return self::$filter; } /** * Check if a filter has been set * * @return bool */ public static function isFilter(): bool { return self::$filter != null; } }