task('usage') ->desc('Schedules syncing data from influxdb to Appwrite console db') ->action(function () use ($register) { Console::title('Usage Aggregation V1'); Console::success(APP_NAME . ' usage aggregation process v1 has started'); $interval = (int) App::getEnv('_APP_USAGE_AGGREGATION_INTERVAL', '30'); // 30 seconds (by default) $periods = [ [ 'key' => '30m', 'startTime' => '-24 hours', ], [ 'key' => '1d', 'startTime' => '-90 days', ], ]; // all the metrics that we are collecting at the moment $globalMetrics = [ 'requests' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_requests_all', ], 'network' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_network_all', ], 'executions' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_executions_all', ], 'database.collections.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_collections_create', ], 'database.collections.read' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_collections_read', ], 'database.collections.update' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_collections_update', ], 'database.collections.delete' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_collections_delete', ], 'database.documents.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_create', ], 'database.documents.read' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_read', ], 'database.documents.update' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_update', ], 'database.documents.delete' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_delete', ], 'database.collections.collectionId.documents.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_create', 'groupBy' => 'collectionId', ], 'database.collections.collectionId.documents.read' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_read', 'groupBy' => 'collectionId', ], 'database.collections.collectionId.documents.update' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_update', 'groupBy' => 'collectionId', ], 'database.collections.collectionId.documents.delete' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_database_documents_delete', 'groupBy' => 'collectionId', ], 'storage.buckets.bucketId.files.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_storage_files_create', 'groupBy' => 'bucketId', ], 'storage.buckets.bucketId.files.read' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_storage_files_read', 'groupBy' => 'bucketId', ], 'storage.buckets.bucketId.files.update' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_storage_files_update', 'groupBy' => 'bucketId', ], 'storage.buckets.bucketId.files.delete' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_storage_files_delete', 'groupBy' => 'bucketId', ], 'users.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_create', ], 'users.read' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_read', ], 'users.update' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_update', ], 'users.delete' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_delete', ], 'users.sessions.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_sessions_create', ], 'users.sessions.provider.create' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_sessions_create', 'groupBy' => 'provider', ], 'users.sessions.delete' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_users_sessions_delete', ], 'functions.functionId.executions' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_executions_all', 'groupBy' => 'functionId', ], 'functions.functionId.compute' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_executions_time', 'groupBy' => 'functionId', ], 'functions.functionId.failures' => [ 'table' => 'appwrite_usage_executions_all', 'groupBy' => 'functionId', 'filters' => [ 'functionStatus' => 'failed', ], ], ]; // TODO Maybe move this to the setResource method, and reuse in the http.php file $attempts = 0; $max = 10; $sleep = 1; do { // connect to db try { $attempts++; $db = $register->get('db'); $redis = $register->get('cache'); break; // leave the do-while if successful } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::warning("Database not ready. Retrying connection ({$attempts})..."); if ($attempts >= $max) { throw new \Exception('Failed to connect to database: ' . $e->getMessage()); } sleep($sleep); } } while ($attempts < $max); // TODO use inject $cacheAdapter = new Cache(new Redis($redis)); $dbForProject = new Database(new MariaDB($db), $cacheAdapter); $dbForConsole = new Database(new MariaDB($db), $cacheAdapter); $dbForConsole->setNamespace('project_console_internal'); $latestTime = []; Authorization::disable(); $iterations = 0; Console::loop(function () use ($interval, $register, $dbForProject, $dbForConsole, $globalMetrics, $periods, &$latestTime, &$iterations) { $now = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', time()); Console::info("[{$now}] Aggregating usage data every {$interval} seconds"); $loopStart = microtime(true); /** * Aggregate InfluxDB every 30 seconds * @var InfluxDB\Client $client */ $client = $register->get('influxdb'); if ($client) { $attempts = 0; $max = 10; $sleep = 1; $database = $client->selectDB('telegraf'); do { // check if telegraf database is ready $attempts++; if(!in_array('telegraf', $client->listDatabases())) { Console::warning("InfluxDB not ready. Retrying connection ({$attempts})..."); if($attempts >= $max) { throw new \Exception('InfluxDB database not ready yet'); } sleep($sleep); } else { break; // leave the do-while if successful } } while ($attempts < $max); // sync data foreach ($globalMetrics as $metric => $options) { //for each metrics foreach ($periods as $period) { // aggregate data for each period $start = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime($period['startTime']))->format(DateTime::RFC3339); if (!empty($latestTime[$metric][$period['key']])) { $start = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $latestTime[$metric][$period['key']])->format(DateTime::RFC3339); } $end = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', \strtotime('now'))->format(DateTime::RFC3339); $table = $options['table']; //Which influxdb table to query for this metric $groupBy = empty($options['groupBy']) ? '' : ', "' . $options['groupBy'] . '"'; //Some sub level metrics may be grouped by other tags like collectionId, bucketId, etc $filters = $options['filters'] ?? []; // Some metrics might have additional filters, like function's status if (!empty($filters)) { $filters = ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', array_map(function ($filter, $value) { return '"' . $filter . '"=\'' . $value . '\''; }, array_keys($filters), array_values($filters))); } $result = $database->query('SELECT sum(value) AS "value" FROM "' . $table . '" WHERE time > \'' . $start . '\' AND time < \'' . $end . '\' AND "metric_type"=\'counter\'' . (empty($filters) ? '' : $filters) . ' GROUP BY time(' . $period['key'] . '), "projectId"' . $groupBy . ' FILL(null)'); $points = $result->getPoints(); foreach ($points as $point) { $projectId = $point['projectId']; if (!empty($projectId) && $projectId != 'console') { $dbForProject->setNamespace('project_' . $projectId . '_internal'); $metricUpdated = $metric; if (!empty($groupBy)) { $groupedBy = $point[$options['groupBy']] ?? ''; if (empty($groupedBy)) { continue; } $metricUpdated = str_replace($options['groupBy'], $groupedBy, $metric); } $time = \strtotime($point['time']); $id = \md5($time . '_' . $period['key'] . '_' . $metricUpdated); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $value = (!empty($point['value'])) ? $point['value'] : 0; try { $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'period' => $period['key'], 'time' => $time, 'metric' => $metricUpdated, 'value' => $value, 'type' => 0, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $value)); } $latestTime[$metric][$period['key']] = $time; } catch (\Exception $e) { // if projects are deleted this might fail Console::warning("Failed to save data for project {$projectId} and metric {$metricUpdated}: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } } } } } /** * Aggregate MariaDB every 15 minutes * Some of the queries here might contain full-table scans. */ if ($iterations % 30 == 0) { // Every 15 minutes aggregate number of objects in database $latestProject = null; do { // Loop over all the projects $attempts = 0; $max = 10; $sleep = 1; do { // list projects try { $attempts++; $projects = $dbForConsole->find('projects', [], 100, orderAfter:$latestProject); break; // leave the do-while if successful } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::warning("Console DB not ready yet. Retrying ({$attempts})..."); if ($attempts >= $max) { throw new \Exception('Failed access console db: ' . $e->getMessage()); } sleep($sleep); } } while ($attempts < $max); if (empty($projects)) { continue; } $latestProject = $projects[array_key_last($projects)]; foreach ($projects as $project) { $projectId = $project->getId(); // Get total storage $dbForProject->setNamespace('project_' . $projectId . '_internal'); $storageTotal = $dbForProject->sum('files', 'sizeOriginal') + $dbForProject->sum('tags', 'size'); $time = (int) (floor(time() / 1800) * 1800); // Time rounded to nearest 30 minutes $id = \md5($time . '_30m_storage.total'); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'period' => '30m', 'time' => $time, 'metric' => 'storage.total', 'value' => $storageTotal, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $storageTotal)); } $time = (int) (floor(time() / 86400) * 86400); // Time rounded to nearest day $id = \md5($time . '_1d_storage.total'); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'period' => '1d', 'time' => $time, 'metric' => 'storage.total', 'value' => $storageTotal, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $storageTotal)); } $collections = [ 'users' => [ 'namespace' => 'internal', ], 'collections' => [ 'metricPrefix' => 'database', 'namespace' => 'internal', 'subCollections' => [ // Some collections, like collections and later buckets have child collections that need counting 'documents' => [ 'namespace' => 'external', ], ], ], 'files' => [ 'metricPrefix' => 'storage', 'namespace' => 'internal', ], ]; foreach ($collections as $collection => $options) { try { $dbForProject->setNamespace("project_{$projectId}_{$options['namespace']}"); $count = $dbForProject->count($collection); $dbForProject->setNamespace("project_{$projectId}_internal"); $metricPrefix = $options['metricPrefix'] ?? ''; $metric = empty($metricPrefix) ? "{$collection}.count" : "{$metricPrefix}.{$collection}.count"; $time = (int) (floor(time() / 1800) * 1800); // Time rounded to nearest 30 minutes $id = \md5($time . '_30m_' . $metric); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'time' => $time, 'period' => '30m', 'metric' => $metric, 'value' => $count, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $count)); } $time = (int) (floor(time() / 86400) * 86400); // Time rounded to nearest day $id = \md5($time . '_1d_' . $metric); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'time' => $time, 'period' => '1d', 'metric' => $metric, 'value' => $count, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $count)); } $subCollections = $options['subCollections'] ?? []; if (empty($subCollections)) { continue; } $latestParent = null; $subCollectionCounts = []; //total project level count of sub collections do { // Loop over all the parent collection document for each sub collection $dbForProject->setNamespace("project_{$projectId}_{$options['namespace']}"); $parents = $dbForProject->find($collection, [], 100, orderAfter:$latestParent); // Get all the parents for the sub collections for example for documents, this will get all the collections if (empty($parents)) { continue; } $latestParent = $parents[array_key_last($parents)]; foreach ($parents as $parent) { foreach ($subCollections as $subCollection => $subOptions) { // Sub collection counts, like database.collections.collectionId.documents.count $dbForProject->setNamespace("project_{$projectId}_{$subOptions['namespace']}"); $count = $dbForProject->count($parent->getId()); $subCollectionCounts[$subCollection] = ($subCollectionCounts[$subCollection] ?? 0) + $count; // Project level counts for sub collections like database.documents.count $dbForProject->setNamespace("project_{$projectId}_internal"); $metric = empty($metricPrefix) ? "{$collection}.{$parent->getId()}.{$subCollection}.count" : "{$metricPrefix}.{$collection}.{$parent->getId()}.{$subCollection}.count"; $time = (int) (floor(time() / 1800) * 1800); // Time rounded to nearest 30 minutes $id = \md5($time . '_30m_' . $metric); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'time' => $time, 'period' => '30m', 'metric' => $metric, 'value' => $count, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $count)); } $time = (int) (floor(time() / 86400) * 86400); // Time rounded to nearest day $id = \md5($time . '_1d_' . $metric); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'time' => $time, 'period' => '1d', 'metric' => $metric, 'value' => $count, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $count)); } } } } while (!empty($parents)); /** * Inserting project level counts for sub collections like database.documents.count */ foreach ($subCollectionCounts as $subCollection => $count) { $dbForProject->setNamespace("project_{$projectId}_internal"); $metric = empty($metricPrefix) ? "{$subCollection}.count" : "{$metricPrefix}.{$subCollection}.count"; $time = (int) (floor(time() / 1800) * 1800); // Time rounded to nearest 30 minutes $id = \md5($time . '_30m_' . $metric); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'time' => $time, 'period' => '30m', 'metric' => $metric, 'value' => $count, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $count)); } $time = (int) (floor(time() / 86400) * 86400); // Time rounded to nearest day $id = \md5($time . '_1d_' . $metric); //Construct unique id for each metric using time, period and metric $document = $dbForProject->getDocument('stats', $id); if ($document->isEmpty()) { $dbForProject->createDocument('stats', new Document([ '$id' => $id, 'time' => $time, 'period' => '1d', 'metric' => $metric, 'value' => $count, 'type' => 1, ])); } else { $dbForProject->updateDocument('stats', $document->getId(), $document->setAttribute('value', $count)); } } } catch (\Exception$e) { Console::warning("Failed to save database counters data for project {$collection}: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } } } while (!empty($projects)); } $iterations++; $loopTook = microtime(true) - $loopStart; $now = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', time()); Console::info("[{$now}] Aggregation took {$loopTook} seconds"); }, $interval); });