match($request); if ($project->isEmpty() && $route->getLabel('abuse-limit', 0) > 0) { // Abuse limit requires an active project scope throw new Exception('Missing or unknown project ID', 400, Exception::PROJECT_UNKNOWN); } /* * Abuse Check */ $abuseKeyLabel = $route->getLabel('abuse-key', 'url:{url},ip:{ip}'); $timeLimitArray = []; $abuseKeyLabel = (!is_array($abuseKeyLabel)) ? [$abuseKeyLabel] : $abuseKeyLabel; foreach ($abuseKeyLabel as $abuseKey) { $timeLimit = new TimeLimit($abuseKey, $route->getLabel('abuse-limit', 0), $route->getLabel('abuse-time', 3600), $dbForProject); $timeLimit ->setParam('{userId}', $user->getId()) ->setParam('{userAgent}', $request->getUserAgent('')) ->setParam('{ip}', $request->getIP()) ->setParam('{url}', $request->getHostname() . $route->getPath()); $timeLimitArray[] = $timeLimit; } $closestLimit = null; $roles = Authorization::getRoles(); $isPrivilegedUser = Auth::isPrivilegedUser($roles); $isAppUser = Auth::isAppUser($roles); foreach ($timeLimitArray as $timeLimit) { foreach ($request->getParams() as $key => $value) { // Set request params as potential abuse keys if (!empty($value)) { $timeLimit->setParam('{param-' . $key . '}', (\is_array($value)) ? \json_encode($value) : $value); } } $abuse = new Abuse($timeLimit); if ($timeLimit->limit() && ($timeLimit->remaining() < $closestLimit || is_null($closestLimit))) { $closestLimit = $timeLimit->remaining(); $response ->addHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', $timeLimit->limit()) ->addHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', $timeLimit->remaining()) ->addHeader('X-RateLimit-Reset', $timeLimit->time() + $route->getLabel('abuse-time', 3600)) ; } if ( (App::getEnv('_APP_OPTIONS_ABUSE', 'enabled') !== 'disabled' // Route is rate-limited && $abuse->check()) // Abuse is not disabled && (!$isAppUser && !$isPrivilegedUser) ) { // User is not an admin or API key throw new Exception('Too many requests', 429, Exception::GENERAL_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); } } /* * Background Jobs */ $events ->setEvent($route->getLabel('event', '')) ->setProject($project) ->setUser($user) ; $mails ->setProject($project) ->setUser($user) ; $audits ->setMode($mode) ->setUserAgent($request->getUserAgent('')) ->setIP($request->getIP()) ->setEvent($route->getLabel('event', '')) ->setProject($project) ->setUser($user) ; $usage ->setParam('projectId', $project->getId()) ->setParam('httpRequest', 1) ->setParam('httpUrl', $request->getHostname() . $request->getURI()) ->setParam('httpMethod', $request->getMethod()) ->setParam('httpPath', $route->getPath()) ->setParam('networkRequestSize', 0) ->setParam('networkResponseSize', 0) ->setParam('storage', 0) ; $deletes->setProject($project); $database->setProject($project); $useCache = $route->getLabel('useCache', false); if ($useCache) { $key = md5($request->getURI() . $request->getServer('query_string')); $cache = new Cache(new Filesystem(APP_STORAGE_CACHE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'app-' . $project->getId())); $data = $cache->load($key, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1); if (!empty($data)) { $cacheLog = $dbForProject->getDocument('cache', $key); if ($cacheLog->isEmpty()) { Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->createDocument('cache', new Document([ '$id' => $key, 'accessedAt' => time(), ]))); } else { $cacheLog->setAttribute('accessedAt', time()); Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->updateDocument('cache', $cacheLog->getId(), $cacheLog)); } $data = json_decode($data, true); $response->file(base64_decode($data['payload']), $data['content-type'], $data['date'], 'hit'); } } }, ['utopia', 'request', 'response', 'project', 'user', 'events', 'audits', 'mails', 'usage', 'deletes', 'database', 'dbForProject', 'mode'], 'api'); App::init(function (App $utopia, Request $request, Document $project) { $route = $utopia->match($request); $isPrivilegedUser = Auth::isPrivilegedUser(Authorization::getRoles()); $isAppUser = Auth::isAppUser(Authorization::getRoles()); if ($isAppUser || $isPrivilegedUser) { // Skip limits for app and console devs return; } $auths = $project->getAttribute('auths', []); switch ($route->getLabel('auth.type', '')) { case 'emailPassword': if (($auths['emailPassword'] ?? true) === false) { throw new Exception('Email / Password authentication is disabled for this project', 501, Exception::USER_AUTH_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED); } break; case 'magic-url': if ($project->getAttribute('usersAuthMagicURL', true) === false) { throw new Exception('Magic URL authentication is disabled for this project', 501, Exception::USER_AUTH_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED); } break; case 'anonymous': if (($auths['anonymous'] ?? true) === false) { throw new Exception('Anonymous authentication is disabled for this project', 501, Exception::USER_AUTH_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED); } break; case 'invites': if (($auths['invites'] ?? true) === false) { throw new Exception('Invites authentication is disabled for this project', 501, Exception::USER_AUTH_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED); } break; case 'jwt': if (($auths['JWT'] ?? true) === false) { throw new Exception('JWT authentication is disabled for this project', 501, Exception::USER_AUTH_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED); } break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupported authentication route', 501, Exception::USER_AUTH_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED); break; } }, ['utopia', 'request', 'project'], 'auth'); App::shutdown(function (App $utopia, Request $request, Response $response, Document $project, Event $events, Audit $audits, Stats $usage, Delete $deletes, EventDatabase $database, string $mode, Database $dbForProject) { if (!empty($events->getEvent())) { if (empty($events->getPayload())) { $events->setPayload($response->getPayload()); } /** * Trigger functions. */ $events ->setClass(Event::FUNCTIONS_CLASS_NAME) ->setQueue(Event::FUNCTIONS_QUEUE_NAME) ->trigger(); /** * Trigger webhooks. */ $events ->setClass(Event::WEBHOOK_CLASS_NAME) ->setQueue(Event::WEBHOOK_QUEUE_NAME) ->trigger(); /** * Trigger realtime. */ if ($project->getId() !== 'console') { $allEvents = Event::generateEvents($events->getEvent(), $events->getParams()); $payload = new Document($events->getPayload()); $db = $events->getContext('database'); $collection = $events->getContext('collection'); $bucket = $events->getContext('bucket'); $target = Realtime::fromPayload( // Pass first, most verbose event pattern event: $allEvents[0], payload: $payload, project: $project, database: $db, collection: $collection, bucket: $bucket, ); Realtime::send( projectId: $target['projectId'] ?? $project->getId(), payload: $events->getPayload(), events: $allEvents, channels: $target['channels'], roles: $target['roles'], options: [ 'permissionsChanged' => $target['permissionsChanged'], 'userId' => $events->getParam('userId') ] ); } } if (!empty($audits->getResource())) { foreach ($events->getParams() as $key => $value) { $audits->setParam($key, $value); } $audits->trigger(); } if (!empty($deletes->getType())) { $deletes->trigger(); } if (!empty($database->getType())) { $database->trigger(); } $route = $utopia->match($request); $useCache = $route->getLabel('useCache', false); if ($useCache) { $key = md5($request->getURI() . $request->getServer('query_string')); $cache = new Cache(new Filesystem(APP_STORAGE_CACHE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'app-' . $project->getId())); $data = $response->getPayload(); if (!empty($data)) { $cacheLog = $dbForProject->getDocument('cache', $key); if ($cacheLog->isEmpty()) { Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->createDocument('cache', new Document([ '$id' => $key, 'accessedAt' => time(), ]))); } else { $cacheLog->setAttribute('accessedAt', time()); Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->updateDocument('cache', $cacheLog->getId(), $cacheLog)); } $data['payload'] = base64_encode($data['payload']); $cache->save($key, json_encode($data)); } } if ( App::getEnv('_APP_USAGE_STATS', 'enabled') == 'enabled' && $project->getId() && $mode !== APP_MODE_ADMIN // TODO: add check to make sure user is admin && !empty($route->getLabel('sdk.namespace', null)) ) { // Don't calculate console usage on admin mode $usage ->setParam('networkRequestSize', $request->getSize() + $usage->getParam('storage')) ->setParam('networkResponseSize', $response->getSize()) ->submit(); } }, ['utopia', 'request', 'response', 'project', 'events', 'audits', 'usage', 'deletes', 'database', 'mode', 'dbForProject'], 'api');