Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-09-30 01:08:13 +13:00

Implement OTP email endpoint + tests

This commit is contained in:
Matej Bačo 2024-01-19 13:42:26 +00:00
parent 31a67a7667
commit df9bc6df56
7 changed files with 354 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ return [
'docs' => 'https://appwrite.io/docs/references/cloud/client-web/account#accountCreateMagicURLToken',
'enabled' => true,
'email' => [
'name' => 'Email (OTP)',
'key' => 'email',
'icon' => '/images/users/email.png',
'docs' => 'https://appwrite.io/docs/references/cloud/client-web/account#accountCreateEmailToken',
'enabled' => true,
'anonymous' => [
'name' => 'Anonymous',
'key' => 'anonymous',

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
a { color:currentColor; word-break: break-all; }
body {
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 32px;
color: #616B7C;
font-size: 15px;

View file

@ -2,9 +2,19 @@
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; display: inline-block;">
<td align="center" style="border-radius: 8px; background-color: #ffffff;">
<p style="font-size: 32px; text-indent: 18px; letter-spacing: 18px; font-family: Inter; color: #414146; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 8px; padding: 32px 16px; border: 1px solid #EDEDF0; display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; ">{{otp}}</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px;">{{thanks}}</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0px;">{{signature}}</p>
<hr style="margin-block-start: 1rem; margin-block-end: 1rem;">
<p style="opacity: 0.7;">{{securityPhrase}}</p>

View file

@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
"emails.magicSession.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.otpSession.subject": "{{project}} Login",
"emails.otpSession.hello": "Hello,",
"emails.otpSession.optionButton": "Enter the following verification code when prompted to securely sign in to your {{projectBold}} account. It will expire in 15 minutes.",
"emails.otpSession.description": "Enter the following verification code when prompted to securely sign in to your {{projectBold}} account. It will expire in 15 minutes.",
"emails.otpSession.clientInfo": "This sign in was requested using {{agentClient}} on {{agentDevice}} {{agentOs}}. If you didn't request the sign in, you can safely ignore this email.",
"emails.otpSession.securityPhrase": "Security phrase for this email is {{phrase}}. You can trust this email if this phrase matches the phrase shown during sign in.",
"emails.otpSession.thanks": "Thanks,",
"emails.otpSession.signature": "{{project}} team",
"emails.recovery.subject": "Password Reset",

View file

@ -1204,6 +1204,235 @@ App::post('/v1/account/tokens/magic-url')
->desc('Create email token (OTP)')
->groups(['api', 'account'])
->label('scope', 'sessions.write')
->label('auth.type', 'email')
->label('audits.event', 'session.create')
->label('audits.resource', 'user/{response.userId}')
->label('audits.userId', '{response.userId}')
->label('sdk.auth', [])
->label('sdk.namespace', 'account')
->label('sdk.method', 'createEmailToken')
->label('sdk.description', '/docs/references/account/create-token-email.md')
->label('sdk.response.code', Response::STATUS_CODE_CREATED)
->label('sdk.response.type', Response::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)
->label('sdk.response.model', Response::MODEL_TOKEN)
->label('abuse-limit', 10)
->label('abuse-key', 'url:{url},email:{param-email}')
->param('userId', '', new CustomId(), 'User ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with `ID.unique()`. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can\'t start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.')
->param('email', '', new Email(), 'User email.')
->param('securityPhrase', false, new Boolean(), 'Toggle for security phrase. If enabled, email will be send with a randomly generated phrase and the phrase will also be included in the response. Confirming phrases match increases the security of authentication flow.', true)
->action(function (string $userId, string $email, bool $securityPhrase, Request $request, Response $response, Document $user, Document $project, Database $dbForProject, Locale $locale, Event $queueForEvents, Mail $queueForMails) {
if (empty(App::getEnv('_APP_SMTP_HOST'))) {
throw new Exception(Exception::GENERAL_SMTP_DISABLED, 'SMTP disabled');
if ($securityPhrase === true) {
$securityPhrase = SecurityPhrase::generate();
$roles = Authorization::getRoles();
$isPrivilegedUser = Auth::isPrivilegedUser($roles);
$isAppUser = Auth::isAppUser($roles);
$result = $dbForProject->findOne('users', [Query::equal('email', [$email])]);
if ($result !== false && !$result->isEmpty()) {
} else {
$limit = $project->getAttribute('auths', [])['limit'] ?? 0;
if ($limit !== 0) {
$total = $dbForProject->count('users', max: APP_LIMIT_USERS);
if ($total >= $limit) {
throw new Exception(Exception::USER_COUNT_EXCEEDED);
// Makes sure this email is not already used in another identity
$identityWithMatchingEmail = $dbForProject->findOne('identities', [
Query::equal('providerEmail', [$email]),
if ($identityWithMatchingEmail !== false && !$identityWithMatchingEmail->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception(Exception::USER_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS);
$userId = $userId === 'unique()' ? ID::unique() : $userId;
'$id' => $userId,
'$permissions' => [
'email' => $email,
'emailVerification' => false,
'status' => true,
'password' => null,
'hash' => Auth::DEFAULT_ALGO,
'hashOptions' => Auth::DEFAULT_ALGO_OPTIONS,
'passwordUpdate' => null,
'registration' => DateTime::now(),
'reset' => false,
'prefs' => new \stdClass(),
'sessions' => null,
'tokens' => null,
'memberships' => null,
'search' => implode(' ', [$userId, $email]),
'accessedAt' => DateTime::now(),
Authorization::skip(fn () => $dbForProject->createDocument('users', $user));
$tokenSecret = Auth::codeGenerator(6);
$expire = DateTime::formatTz(DateTime::addSeconds(new \DateTime(), Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_OTP));
$token = new Document([
'$id' => ID::unique(),
'userId' => $user->getId(),
'userInternalId' => $user->getInternalId(),
'type' => Auth::TOKEN_TYPE_EMAIL,
'secret' => Auth::hash($tokenSecret), // One way hash encryption to protect DB leak
'expire' => $expire,
'userAgent' => $request->getUserAgent('UNKNOWN'),
'ip' => $request->getIP(),
$token = $dbForProject->createDocument('tokens', $token
->setAttribute('$permissions', [
$dbForProject->deleteCachedDocument('users', $user->getId());
$subject = $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.subject");
$customTemplate = $project->getAttribute('templates', [])['email.otpSession-' . $locale->default] ?? [];
$detector = new Detector($request->getUserAgent('UNKNOWN'));
$agentOs = $detector->getOS();
$agentClient = $detector->getClient();
$agentDevice = $detector->getDevice();
$message = Template::fromFile(__DIR__ . '/../../config/locale/templates/email-otp.tpl');
->setParam('{{hello}}', $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.hello"))
->setParam('{{description}}', $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.description"))
->setParam('{{clientInfo}}', $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.clientInfo"))
->setParam('{{thanks}}', $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.thanks"))
->setParam('{{signature}}', $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.signature"));
if (!empty($securityPhrase)) {
$message->setParam('{{securityPhrase}}', $locale->getText("emails.otpSession.securityPhrase"));
} else {
$message->setParam('{{securityPhrase}}', '');
$body = $message->render();
$smtp = $project->getAttribute('smtp', []);
$smtpEnabled = $smtp['enabled'] ?? false;
$senderEmail = App::getEnv('_APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_ADDRESS', APP_EMAIL_TEAM);
$senderName = App::getEnv('_APP_SYSTEM_EMAIL_NAME', APP_NAME . ' Server');
$replyTo = "";
if ($smtpEnabled) {
if (!empty($smtp['senderEmail'])) {
$senderEmail = $smtp['senderEmail'];
if (!empty($smtp['senderName'])) {
$senderName = $smtp['senderName'];
if (!empty($smtp['replyTo'])) {
$replyTo = $smtp['replyTo'];
->setSmtpHost($smtp['host'] ?? '')
->setSmtpPort($smtp['port'] ?? '')
->setSmtpUsername($smtp['username'] ?? '')
->setSmtpPassword($smtp['password'] ?? '')
->setSmtpSecure($smtp['secure'] ?? '');
if (!empty($customTemplate)) {
if (!empty($customTemplate['senderEmail'])) {
$senderEmail = $customTemplate['senderEmail'];
if (!empty($customTemplate['senderName'])) {
$senderName = $customTemplate['senderName'];
if (!empty($customTemplate['replyTo'])) {
$replyTo = $customTemplate['replyTo'];
$body = $customTemplate['message'] ?? '';
$subject = $customTemplate['subject'] ?? $subject;
$emailVariables = [
'direction' => $locale->getText('settings.direction'),
/* {{user}} ,{{team}}, {{project}} and {{otp}} are required in the templates */
'user' => '',
'team' => '',
'project' => $project->getAttribute('name'),
'projectBold' => '<strong>' . $project->getAttribute('name') . '</strong>',
'otp' => $tokenSecret,
'agentDevice' => '<strong>' . ( $agentDevice['deviceBrand'] ?? $agentDevice['deviceBrand'] ?? 'UNKNOWN') . '</strong>',
'agentClient' => '<strong>' . ($agentClient['clientName'] ?? 'UNKNOWN') . '</strong>',
'agentOs' => '<strong>' . ($agentOs['osName'] ?? 'UNKNOWN') . '</strong>',
'phrase' => '<strong>' . (!empty($securityPhrase) ? $securityPhrase : '') . '</strong>'
$token->setAttribute('secret', $tokenSecret),
// Hide secret for clients
$token->setAttribute('secret', ($isPrivilegedUser || $isAppUser) ? $tokenSecret : '');
if (!empty($securityPhrase)) {
$token->setAttribute('securityPhrase', $securityPhrase);
->dynamic($token, Response::MODEL_TOKEN)
$createSession = function (string $userId, string $secret, Request $request, Response $response, Document $user, Database $dbForProject, Document $project, Locale $locale, Reader $geodb, Event $queueForEvents) {
$roles = Authorization::getRoles();
$isPrivilegedUser = Auth::isPrivilegedUser($roles);
@ -1457,7 +1686,7 @@ App::post('/v1/account/tokens/phone')
$secret = Auth::codeGenerator();
$expire = DateTime::formatTz(DateTime::addSeconds(new \DateTime(), Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_PHONE));
$expire = DateTime::formatTz(DateTime::addSeconds(new \DateTime(), Auth::TOKEN_EXPIRATION_OTP));
$token = new Document([
'$id' => ID::unique(),

View file

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class Auth
public const TOKEN_TYPE_PHONE = 6;
public const TOKEN_TYPE_OAUTH2 = 7;
public const TOKEN_TYPE_GENERIC = 8;
public const TOKEN_TYPE_EMAIL = 9; // OTP
* Session Providers.
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ class Auth
public const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_LOGIN_SHORT = 3600; /* 1 hour */
public const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_RECOVERY = 3600; /* 1 hour */
public const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_CONFIRM = 3600 * 1; /* 1 hour */
public const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_PHONE = 60 * 15; /* 15 minutes */
public const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_OTP = 60 * 15; /* 15 minutes */
public const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_GENERIC = 60 * 15; /* 15 minutes */

View file

@ -129,4 +129,104 @@ trait AccountBase
'name' => $name,
public function testEmailOTPSession(): void
* Test for SUCCESS
$response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/account/tokens/email', array_merge([
'origin' => 'http://localhost',
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'],
]), [
'userId' => ID::unique(),
'email' => 'otpuser@appwrite.io'
$this->assertEquals($response['headers']['status-code'], 201);
$userId = $response['body']['userId'];
$lastEmail = $this->getLastEmail();
$this->assertEquals('otpuser@appwrite.io', $lastEmail['to'][0]['address']);
$this->assertEquals($this->getProject()['name'] . ' Login', $lastEmail['subject']);
// FInd 6 concurrent digits in email text - OTP
preg_match_all("/\b\d{6}\b/", $lastEmail['text'], $matches);
$code = ($matches[0] ?? [])[0] ?? '';
$response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/account/sessions/token', array_merge([
'origin' => 'http://localhost',
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'],
]), [
'userId' => $userId,
'secret' => $code
$this->assertEquals(201, $response['headers']['status-code']);
$this->assertEquals($userId, $response['body']['userId']);
$session = $response['cookies']['a_session_' . $this->getProject()['$id']];
$response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_GET, '/account', array_merge([
'origin' => 'http://localhost',
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'],
'cookie' => 'a_session_' . $this->getProject()['$id'] . '=' . $session,
$this->assertEquals(200, $response['headers']['status-code']);
$this->assertEquals($userId, $response['body']['$id']);
$response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/account/sessions/token', array_merge([
'origin' => 'http://localhost',
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'],
]), [
'userId' => $userId,
'secret' => $code
$this->assertEquals(401, $response['headers']['status-code']);
$this->assertEquals('user_invalid_token', $response['body']['type']);
$response = $this->client->call(Client::METHOD_POST, '/account/tokens/email', array_merge([
'origin' => 'http://localhost',
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'x-appwrite-project' => $this->getProject()['$id'],
]), [
'userId' => ID::unique(),
'email' => 'otpuser@appwrite.io',
'securityPhrase' => true
$this->assertEquals($response['headers']['status-code'], 201);
$this->assertEquals($userId, $response['body']['userId']);
$securityPhrase = $response['body']['securityPhrase'];
$lastEmail = $this->getLastEmail();
$this->assertEquals('otpuser@appwrite.io', $lastEmail['to'][0]['address']);
$this->assertEquals($this->getProject()['name'] . ' Login', $lastEmail['subject']);
$this->assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase('security phrase', $lastEmail['text']);
$this->assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase($securityPhrase, $lastEmail['text']);
// TODO: Delete user
// TODO: Failure tests (both endpoints);