From 018e4fe54b4f28d124658d197008a3a0c2f022e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vrabe Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 20:25:40 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] update zh-tw translation --- app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json | 192 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json b/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json index 2edba9f49d..3944287c0e 100644 --- a/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json +++ b/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json @@ -5,57 +5,63 @@ "emails.sender": "%s 小組", "emails.verification.subject": "帳戶驗證", "emails.verification.hello": "嗨 {{name}}", - "emails.verification.body": "按照此鏈接驗證您的電子郵件地址。", + "emails.verification.body": "按照此連結驗證您的電子郵件地址。", "emails.verification.footer": "如果您沒有要求驗證此地址,則可以忽略此消息。", "emails.verification.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.verification.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", - "emails.magicSession.subject": "登錄", - "emails.magicSession.hello": "嗨", - "emails.magicSession.body": "點此鏈接登錄。", - "emails.magicSession.footer": "如果您沒有要求使用此電子郵件登錄,則可以忽略此消息。", + "emails.magicSession.subject": "登入", + "emails.magicSession.hello": "嗨,", + "emails.magicSession.body": "點此連結登入。", + "emails.magicSession.footer": "如果您沒有要求使用此電子郵件登入,則可以忽略此消息。", "emails.magicSession.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.magicSession.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", "emails.recovery.subject": "重設密碼", "emails.recovery.hello": "你好 {{name}}", - "emails.recovery.body": "按照此鏈接重置您的 {{project}} 密碼.", + "emails.recovery.body": "按照此連結重置您的 {{project}} 密碼。", "emails.recovery.footer": "如果您沒有要求重置密碼,則可以忽略此消息。", "emails.recovery.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.recovery.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", "emails.invitation.subject": "邀請 %s 團隊在 %s", "emails.invitation.hello": "你好", - "emails.invitation.body": "這封郵件發送給您是因為 {{owner}} 想邀請您成為 {{team}} 團隊在 {{project}}.", + "emails.invitation.body": "發送這封郵件給您是因為 {{owner}} 想邀請您成為 {{team}} 團隊在 {{project}}。", "emails.invitation.footer": "如果您不感興趣,可以忽略此消息。", "emails.invitation.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.invitation.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", + "emails.certificate.subject": "%s 的憑證更新失敗", + "emails.certificate.hello": "你好", + "emails.certificate.body": "無法產生你的域名 '{{domain}}' 的憑證。這是第 {{attempt}} 次嘗試,失敗原因是:{{error}}", + "emails.certificate.footer": "你的上一個憑證將會在第一次失敗的 30 天後失效。我們強烈建議你調查這件事情,否則你的域名將會無法進行有效的 SSL 通訊。", + "emails.certificate.thanks": "謝謝", + "emails.certificate.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", "": "未知", "": "阿富汗", "": "安哥拉", "": "阿爾巴尼亞", "": "安道爾", - 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"emails.recovery.hello": "你好 {{name}}", + "emails.recovery.hello": "您好 {{name}}", "emails.recovery.body": "按照此連結重置您的 {{project}} 密碼。", "emails.recovery.footer": "如果您沒有要求重置密碼,則可以忽略此消息。", "emails.recovery.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.recovery.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", "emails.invitation.subject": "邀請 %s 團隊在 %s", - "emails.invitation.hello": "你好", + "emails.invitation.hello": "您好", "emails.invitation.body": "發送這封郵件給您是因為 {{owner}} 想邀請您成為 {{team}} 團隊在 {{project}}。", "emails.invitation.footer": "如果您不感興趣,可以忽略此消息。", "emails.invitation.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.invitation.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", "emails.certificate.subject": "%s 的憑證更新失敗", - "emails.certificate.hello": "你好", - "emails.certificate.body": "無法產生你的域名 '{{domain}}' 的憑證。這是第 {{attempt}} 次嘗試,失敗原因是:{{error}}", - "emails.certificate.footer": "你的上一個憑證將會在第一次失敗的 30 天後失效。我們強烈建議你調查這件事情,否則你的域名將會無法進行有效的 SSL 通訊。", + "emails.certificate.hello": "您好", + "emails.certificate.body": "無法產生您的域名 '{{domain}}' 的憑證。這是第 {{attempt}} 次嘗試,失敗原因是:{{error}}", + "emails.certificate.footer": "您的上一個憑證將會在第一次失敗的 30 天後失效。我們強烈建議您調查這件事情,否則您的域名將會無法進行有效的 SSL 通訊。", "emails.certificate.thanks": "謝謝", "emails.certificate.signature": "{{project}} 團隊", "": "未知", From f2608361008320534b843ed9125eb7c99a1fada4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vrabe Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 19:14:20 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update the name of Eswatini (Swaziland) --- app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json b/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json index 11cfd9708a..5d3e7141fb 100644 --- a/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json +++ b/app/config/locale/translations/zh-tw.json @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ "": "斯洛伐克", "": "斯洛維尼亞", "": "瑞典", - "": "史瓦濟蘭", + "": "史瓦帝尼", "": "塞席爾", "": "敘利亞", "": "查德", @@ -235,4 +235,4 @@ "": "北美洲", "continents.oc": "大洋洲", "": "南美洲" -} \ No newline at end of file +}