2022-05-30 07:24:06 +00:00

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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) Jupyter Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def default_formats():
Return the currently-implemented formats.
These are not classes, but maybe should be: would they survive pickling?
- exporter:
an Exporter subclass.
if not defined, and key is in nbconvert.export.exporter_map, it will be added
- nbconvert_template:
the name of the nbconvert template to add to config.ExporterClass
- test:
a function(notebook_object, notebook_json)
conditionally offer a format based on content if truthy. see
- postprocess:
a function(html, resources)
perform any modifications to html and resources after nbconvert
- content_Type:
a string specifying the Content-Type of the response from this format.
Defaults to text/html; charset=UTF-8
def test_slides(nb, json):
"""Determines if at least one cell has a non-blank or "-" as its
metadata.slideshow.slide_type value.
nb: nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode
Top of the parsed notebook object model
json: str
JSON source of the notebook, unused
for cell in nb.cells:
if (
"metadata" in cell
and "slideshow" in cell.metadata
and cell.metadata.slideshow.get("slide_type", "-") != "-"
return True
return False
return {
"html": {"nbconvert_template": "basic", "label": "Notebook", "icon": "book"},
"slides": {
"nbconvert_template": "slides_reveal",
"label": "Slides",
"icon": "gift",
"test": test_slides,
"script": {
"label": "Code",
"icon": "code",
"content_type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",