2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

1817 lines
72 KiB
Executable file

Class.subclass( Page.Base, "Page.Schedule", {
default_sub: 'events',
onInit: function() {
// called once at page load
var html = '';
this.div.html( html );
onActivate: function(args) {
// page activation
if (!this.requireLogin(args)) return true;
if (!args) args = {};
if (!args.sub) args.sub = this.default_sub;
this.args = args;
//[0]._page_id = Nav.currentAnchor();
return true;
gosub_events: function(args) {
// render table of events with filters and search
app.setWindowTitle( "Scheduled Events" );
var size = get_inner_window_size();
var col_width = Math.floor( ((size.width * 0.9) + 200) / 8 );
var group_by = app.getPref('schedule_group_by');
var html = '';
/* html += this.getSidebarTabs( 'categories',
['categories', "Categories"],
['servers', "Servers"],
['plugins', "Plugins"],
['users', "Users"]
); */
// presort some stuff for the filter menus
app.categories.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
app.plugins.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
// render table
var cols = [
'<i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i>',
'Event Name',
html += '<div style="padding:20px 20px 20px 20px">';
html += '<div class="subtitle">';
html += 'Scheduled Events';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-search">&nbsp;</i><input type="text" id="fe_sch_keywords" size="10" placeholder="Find events..." style="border:0px;" value="' + escape_text_field_value( args.keywords ) + '"/></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_sch_target" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:75px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Servers</option>' + this.render_target_menu_options( ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_sch_plugin" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:75px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Plugins</option>' + render_menu_options( app.plugins, args.plugin, false ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_sch_cat" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:95px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Categories</option>' + render_menu_options( app.categories, args.category, false ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_sch_enabled" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:75px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Events</option>' + render_menu_options( [[1, 'Enabled'], [-1, 'Disabled']], args.enabled, false ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>';
// apply filters = [];
for (var idx = 0, len = app.schedule.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var item = app.schedule[idx];
// category filter
if (args.category && (item.category != args.category)) continue;
// plugin filter
if (args.plugin && (item.plugin != args.plugin)) continue;
// server group filter
if ( && ( != continue;
// keyword filter
var words = [item.title, item.username, item.notes,].join(' ').toLowerCase();
if (args.keywords && words.indexOf(args.keywords.toLowerCase()) == -1) continue;
// enabled filter
if ((args.enabled == 1) && !item.enabled) continue;
if ((args.enabled == -1) && item.enabled) continue; copy_object(item) );
} // foreach item in schedule
// prep events for sort function(item) {
var cat = item.category ? find_object( app.categories, { id: item.category } ) : null;
var group = ? find_object( app.server_groups, { id: } ) : null;
var plugin = item.plugin ? find_object( app.plugins, { id: item.plugin } ) : null;
item.category_title = cat ? cat.title : 'Uncategorized';
item.group_title = group ? group.title :;
item.plugin_title = plugin ? plugin.title : 'No Plugin';
} );
// sort events by title ascending = function(a, b) {
var key = group_by ? (group_by + '_title') : 'title';
if (group_by && (a[key].toLowerCase() == b[key].toLowerCase())) key = 'title';
return a[key].toLowerCase().localeCompare( b[key].toLowerCase() );
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
} );
// header center (group by buttons)
var chtml = '';
chtml += '<div class="schedule_group_button_container">';
chtml += '<i class="fa fa-clock-o '+(group_by ? '' : 'selected')+'" title="Sort by Title" onMouseUp="$P().change_group_by(\'\')"></i>';
chtml += '<i class="fa fa-folder-open-o '+((group_by == 'category') ? 'selected' : '')+'" title="Group by Category" onMouseUp="$P().change_group_by(\'category\')"></i>';
chtml += '<i class="fa fa-plug '+((group_by == 'plugin') ? 'selected' : '')+'" title="Group by Plugin" onMouseUp="$P().change_group_by(\'plugin\')"></i>';
chtml += '<i class="mdi mdi-server-network '+((group_by == 'group') ? 'selected' : '')+'" title="Group by Target" onMouseUp="$P().change_group_by(\'group\')"></i>';
chtml += '</div>';
cols.headerRight = chtml;
// render table
var self = this;
var last_group = '';
html += this.getBasicTable(, cols, 'event', function(item, idx) {
var actions = [
'<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().run_event('+idx+',event)"><b>Run</b></span>',
'<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().edit_event('+idx+')"><b>Edit</b></span>',
'<a href="#History?sub=event_stats&id=''"><b>Stats</b></a>',
'<a href="#History?sub=event_history&id=''"><b>History</b></a>',
// '<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().delete_event('+idx+')"><b>Delete</b></span>'
var cat = item.category ? find_object( app.categories, { id: item.category } ) : null;
var group = ? find_object( app.server_groups, { id: } ) : null;
var plugin = item.plugin ? find_object( app.plugins, { id: item.plugin } ) : null;
var jobs = find_objects( app.activeJobs, { event: } );
var status_html = jobs.length ? ('<b>Running (' + jobs.length + ')</b>') : 'Idle';
if (group && item.multiplex) {
group = copy_object(group);
group.multiplex = 1;
var tds = [
'<input type="checkbox" style="cursor:pointer" onChange="$P().change_event_enabled('+idx+')" '+(item.enabled ? 'checked="checked"' : '')+'/>',
'<div class="td_big"><span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().edit_event('+idx+')">' + self.getNiceEvent(item, col_width) + '</span></div>',
self.getNiceCategory( cat, col_width ),
self.getNicePlugin( plugin, col_width ),
self.getNiceGroup( group,, col_width ),
summarize_event_timing( item.timing, item.timezone ),
if (!item.enabled) tds.className = 'disabled';
if (cat && !cat.enabled) tds.className = 'disabled';
if (plugin && !plugin.enabled) tds.className = 'disabled';
if (cat && cat.color) {
if (tds.className) tds.className += ' '; else tds.className = '';
tds.className += cat.color;
// group by
if (group_by) {
var cur_group = item[ group_by + '_title' ];
if (cur_group != last_group) {
last_group = cur_group;
var insert_html = '<tr><td colspan="'+cols.length+'"><div class="schedule_group_header">';
switch (group_by) {
case 'category': insert_html += self.getNiceCategory(cat); break;
case 'plugin': insert_html += self.getNicePlugin(plugin); break;
case 'group': insert_html += self.getNiceGroup(group,; break;
insert_html += '</div></td></tr>';
tds.insertAbove = insert_html;
} // group changed
} // group_by
return tds;
} );
if (app.hasPrivilege('create_events')) {
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<center><table><tr>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px;" onMouseUp="$P().edit_event(-1)"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Add Event...</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table></center>';
html += '</div>'; // padding
// html += '</div>'; // sidebar tabs
this.div.html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
$('#fe_sch_keywords').keypress( function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == '13') { // enter key
} );
}, 1 );
change_group_by: function(group_by) {
// change grop by setting and refresh schedule display
app.setPref('schedule_group_by', group_by);
this.gosub_events( this.args );
change_event_enabled: function(idx) {
// toggle event on / off
var event =[idx];
event.enabled = event.enabled ? 0 : 1;
var stub = {
title: event.title,
enabled: event.enabled,
catch_up: event.catch_up || false
}; 'app/update_event', stub, function(resp) {
app.showMessage('success', "Event '"+event.title+"' has been " + (event.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') + ".");
} );
run_event: function(event_idx, e) {
// run event ad-hoc style
var self = this;
var event = (event_idx == 'edit') ? this.event :[event_idx];
if (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) {
// allow use to select the "now" time
when: time_now(),
title: "Set Current Event Date/Time",
description: "Configure the internal date/time for the event to run immediately. This is the timestamp which the Plugin will see as the current time.",
button: "Run Now",
timezone: event.timezone ||,
callback: function(new_epoch) {
self.run_event_now( event_idx, new_epoch );
else this.run_event_now(event_idx);
run_event_now: function(idx, now) {
// run event ad-hoc style
var event = (idx == 'edit') ? this.event :[idx];
if (!now) now = time_now(); 'app/run_event', merge_objects( event, { now: now } ), function(resp) {
var msg = '';
if (resp.ids.length > 1) {
// multiple jobs (multiplex)
var num = resp.ids.length;
msg = 'Event "'+event.title+'" has been started ('+num+' jobs). View their progress on the <a href="#Home">Home Tab</a>.';
else if (resp.ids.length == 1) {
// single job
var id = resp.ids[0];
msg = 'Event "'+event.title+'" has been started. <a href="#JobDetails?id='+id+'">Click here</a> to view its progress.';
else {
// queued
msg = 'Event "'+event.title+'" could not run right away, but was queued up. View the queue progress on the <a href="#Home">Home Tab</a>.';
app.showMessage('success', msg);
} );
edit_event: function(idx) {
// edit or create new event
if (idx == -1) {
// edit existing
var event =[idx];
Nav.go('Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=' +;
delete_event: function(idx) {
// delete selected event
var self = this;
var event = (idx == 'edit') ? this.event :[idx];
// check for active jobs first
var jobs = find_objects( app.activeJobs, { event: } );
if (jobs.length) return app.doError("Sorry, you cannot delete an event that has active jobs running.");
var msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the event <b>"+event.title+"</b>?";
if (event.queue && app.eventQueue[]) {
msg += " The event's job queue will also be flushed.";
else {
msg += " There is no way to undo this action.";
// proceed with delete
app.confirm( '<span style="color:red">Delete Event</span>', msg, "Delete", function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Deleting Event..." ); 'app/delete_event', event, function(resp) {
app.showMessage('success', "Event '"+event.title+"' was deleted successfully.");
if (idx == 'edit') Nav.go('Schedule?sub=events');
} );
} );
set_search_filters: function() {
// grab values from search filters, and refresh
var args = this.args;
args.plugin = $('#fe_sch_plugin').val();
if (!args.plugin) delete args.plugin; = $('#fe_sch_target').val();
if (! delete;
args.category = $('#fe_sch_cat').val();
if (!args.category) delete args.category;
args.keywords = $('#fe_sch_keywords').val();
if (!args.keywords) delete args.keywords;
args.enabled = $('#fe_sch_enabled').val();
if (!args.enabled) delete args.enabled;
Nav.go( 'Schedule' + compose_query_string(args) );
gosub_new_event: function(args) {
// create new event
var html = '';
app.setWindowTitle( "Add New Event" );
html += this.getSidebarTabs( 'new_event',
['events', "Schedule"],
['new_event', "Add New Event"]
html += '<div style="padding:20px;"><div class="subtitle">Add New Event</div></div>';
html += '<div style="padding:0px 20px 50px 20px">';
html += '<center><table style="margin:0;">';
if (this.event_copy) {
// copied from existing event
this.event = this.event_copy;
delete this.event_copy;
else if (config.new_event_template) {
// app has a custom event template
this.event = deep_copy_object( config.new_event_template );
if (!this.event.timezone) this.event.timezone =;
else {
// default blank event
this.event = {
enabled: 1,
params: {},
timing: { minutes: [0] },
max_children: 1,
timeout: 3600,
catch_up: 0,
html += this.get_event_edit_html();
// buttons at bottom
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">';
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<table><tr>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:120px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().cancel_event_edit()">Cancel</div></td>';
html += '<td width="50">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:120px;" onMouseUp="$P().do_new_event()"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Create Event</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table>';
html += '</td></tr>';
html += '</table></center>';
html += '</div>'; // table wrapper div
html += '</div>'; // sidebar tabs
this.div.html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
}, 1 );
cancel_event_edit: function() {
// cancel edit, nav back to schedule
do_new_event: function(force) {
// create new event
var event = this.get_event_form_json();
if (!event) return; // error
// pro-tip: embed id in title as bracketed prefix
if (event.title.match(/^\[(\w+)\]\s*(.+)$/)) { = RegExp.$1;
event.title = RegExp.$2;
this.event = event;
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Creating event..." ); 'app/create_event', event, this.new_event_finish.bind(this) );
new_event_finish: function(resp) {
// new event created successfully
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() {
app.showMessage('success', "Event '"+self.event.title+"' was created successfully.");
}, 150 );
gosub_edit_event: function(args) {
// edit event subpage
var event = find_object( app.schedule, { id: } );
if (!event) return app.doError("Could not locate Event with ID: " +;
// check for autosave recovery
if (app.autosave_event) {
if ( == {
Debug.trace("Recovering autosave data for: " +;
event = app.autosave_event;
delete app.autosave_event;
// make local copy so edits don't affect main app list until save
this.event = deep_copy_object( event );
var html = '';
app.setWindowTitle( "Editing Event \"" + event.title + "\"" );
var side_tabs = [];
side_tabs.push( ['events', "Schedule"] );
if (app.hasPrivilege('create_events')) side_tabs.push( ['new_event', "Add New Event"] );
side_tabs.push( ['edit_event', "Edit Event"] );
html += this.getSidebarTabs( 'edit_event', side_tabs );
// html += '<div style="padding:20px;"><div class="subtitle">Editing Event &ldquo;' + event.title + '&rdquo;</div></div>';
html += '<div style="padding:20px;">';
html += '<div class="subtitle">';
html += 'Editing Event &ldquo;' + event.title + '&rdquo;';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget" style="margin-left:5px;"><a href="#History?sub=event_history&id=''"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right">&nbsp;</i><b>Jump to History</b></a></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><a href="#History?sub=event_stats&id=''"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right">&nbsp;</i><b>Jump to Stats</b></a></div>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div style="padding:0px 20px 50px 20px">';
html += '<center>';
html += '<table style="margin:0;">';
// Internal ID
if (this.isAdmin()) {
html += get_form_table_row( 'Event ID', '<div style="font-size:14px;">' + + '</div>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "The internal event ID used for API calls. This cannot be changed." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
html += this.get_event_edit_html();
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">';
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<table><tr>';
// cancel
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:110px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().cancel_event_edit()">Cancel</div></td>';
// delete
if (app.hasPrivilege('delete_events')) {
html += '<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:110px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().delete_event(\'edit\')">Delete Event...</div></td>';
// copy
if (app.hasPrivilege('create_events')) {
html += '<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:120px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().do_copy_event()">Copy Event...</div></td>';
// run
if (app.hasPrivilege('run_events')) {
html += '<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:110px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().run_event_from_edit(event)">Run Now</div></td>';
// save
html += '<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px;" onMouseUp="$P().do_save_event()"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Save Changes</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table>';
html += '</td></tr>';
html += '</table>';
html += '</center>';
html += '</div>'; // table wrapper div
html += '</div>'; // sidebar tabs
this.div.html( html );
do_copy_event: function() {
// make copy of event and jump into new workflow
var event = this.get_event_form_json();
if (!event) return; // error
delete event.created;
delete event.modified;
delete event.username;
event.title = "Copy of " + event.title;
this.event_copy = event;
run_event_from_edit: function(e) {
// run event in its current (possibly edited, unsaved) state
var event = this.get_event_form_json();
if (!event) return; // error
this.event = event;
this.run_event('edit', e);
do_save_event: function() {
// save changes to existing event
this.old_event = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(this.event) );
var event = this.get_event_form_json();
if (!event) return; // error
this.event = event;
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Saving event..." ); 'app/update_event', event, this.save_event_finish.bind(this) );
save_event_finish: function(resp, tx) {
// existing event saved successfully
var self = this;
var event = this.event;
app.showMessage('success', "The event was saved successfully.");
window.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
// copy active jobs to array
var jobs = [];
for (var id in app.activeJobs) {
var job = app.activeJobs[id];
if ((job.event == && !job.detached) jobs.push( job );
// if the event was disabled and there are running jobs, ask user to abort them
if (this.old_event.enabled && !event.enabled && jobs.length) {
app.confirm( '<span style="color:red">Abort Jobs</span>', "There " + ((jobs.length != 1) ? 'are' : 'is') + " currently still " + jobs.length + " active " + pluralize('job', jobs.length) + " using the disabled event <b>"+event.title+"</b>. Do you want to abort " + ((jobs.length != 1) ? 'these' : 'it') + " now?", "Abort", function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Aborting " + pluralize('Job', jobs.length) + "..." ); 'app/abort_jobs', { event: }, function(resp) {
if (resp.count > 0) {
app.showMessage('success', "The " + pluralize('job', resp.count) + " " + ((resp.count != 1) ? 'were' : 'was') + " aborted successfully.");
else {
app.showMessage('warning', "No jobs were aborted. It is likely they completed while the dialog was up.");
} );
} // clicked Abort
} ); // app.confirm
} // disabled + jobs
else {
// if certain key properties were changed and event has active jobs, ask user to update them
var need_update = false;
var updates = {};
var keys = ['title', 'timeout', 'retries', 'retry_delay', 'chain', 'chain_error', 'notify_success', 'notify_fail', 'web_hook', 'cpu_limit', 'cpu_sustain', 'memory_limit', 'memory_sustain', 'log_max_size'];
for (var idx = 0, len = keys.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var key = keys[idx];
if (event[key] != this.old_event[key]) {
updates[key] = event[key];
need_update = true;
} // foreach key
// recount active jobs, including detached this time
jobs = [];
for (var id in app.activeJobs) {
var job = app.activeJobs[id];
if (job.event == jobs.push( job );
if (need_update && jobs.length) {
app.confirm( 'Update Jobs', "This event currently has " + jobs.length + " active " + pluralize('job', jobs.length) + ". Do you want to update " + ((jobs.length != 1) ? 'these' : 'it') + " as well?", "Update", function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Updating " + pluralize('Job', jobs.length) + "..." ); 'app/update_jobs', { event:, updates: updates }, function(resp) {
if (resp.count > 0) {
app.showMessage('success', "The " + pluralize('job', resp.count) + " " + ((resp.count != 1) ? 'were' : 'was') + " updated successfully.");
else {
app.showMessage('warning', "No jobs were updated. It is likely they completed while the dialog was up.");
} );
} // clicked Update
} ); // app.confirm
} // jobs need update
} // check for update
delete this.old_event;
get_event_edit_html: function() {
// get html for editing a event (or creating a new one)
var html = '';
var event = this.event;
// event title
html += get_form_table_row( 'Event Name', '<input type="text" id="fe_ee_title" size="35" value="'+escape_text_field_value(event.title)+'" spellcheck="false"/>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Enter a title for the event, which will be displayed on the main schedule." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// event enabled
html += get_form_table_row( 'Schedule', '<input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_enabled" value="1" ' + (event.enabled ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + '/><label for="fe_ee_enabled">Event Enabled</label>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select whether the event should be enabled or disabled in the schedule." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// category
app.categories.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
html += get_form_table_row( 'Category',
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><select id="fe_ee_cat" onMouseDown="this.options[0].disabled=true"><option value="">Select Category</option>' + render_menu_options(app.categories, event.category, false) + '</select></td>' +
(app.isAdmin() ? '<td><span class="link addme" style="padding-left:5px; font-size:13px;" title="Add New Category" onMouseUp="$P().show_quick_add_cat_dialog()">&laquo; Add New...</span></td>' : '') +
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select a category for the event (this may limit the max concurrent jobs, etc.)" );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// target (server group or individual server)
html += get_form_table_row( 'Target',
'<select id="fe_ee_target" onChange="$P().set_event_target(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">' + this.render_target_menu_options( ) + '</select>'
/*html += get_form_table_row( 'Target',
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><select id="fe_ee_target">' + this.render_target_menu_options( ) + '</select></td>' +
'<td style="padding-left:15px;"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_multiplex" value="1" ' + (event.multiplex ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' onChange="$P().setGroupVisible(\'mp\',this.checked).setGroupVisible(\'algo\',!this.checked)"/><label for="fe_ee_multiplex">Multiplex</label></td>' +
html += get_form_table_caption(
"Select a target server group or individual server to run the event on."
// "Multiplex means that the event will run on <b>all</b> matched servers simultaneously."
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// algo selection
var algo_classes = 'algogroup';
var target_group = ! || find_object( app.server_groups, { id: } );
if (!target_group) algo_classes += ' collapse';
var algo_items = [['random',"Random"],['round_robin',"Round Robin"],['least_cpu',"Least CPU Usage"],['least_mem',"Least Memory Usage"],['prefer_first',"Prefer First (Alphabetically)"],['prefer_last',"Prefer Last (Alphabetically)"],['multiplex',"Multiplex"]];
html += get_form_table_row( algo_classes, 'Algorithm', '<select id="fe_ee_algo" onChange="$P().set_algo(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">' + render_menu_options(algo_items, event.algo, false) + '</select>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( algo_classes,
"Select the desired algorithm for choosing a server from the target group.<br/>" +
"'Multiplex' means that the event will run on <b>all</b> group servers simultaneously."
html += get_form_table_spacer( algo_classes, '' );
// multiplex stagger
var mp_classes = 'mpgroup';
if (!event.multiplex || !target_group) mp_classes += ' collapse';
var stagger_units = 60;
var stagger = parseInt( event.stagger || 0 );
if ((stagger >= 3600) && (stagger % 3600 == 0)) {
// hours
stagger_units = 3600;
stagger = stagger / 3600;
else if ((stagger >= 60) && (stagger % 60 == 0)) {
// minutes
stagger_units = 60;
stagger = Math.floor( stagger / 60 );
else {
// seconds
stagger_units = 1;
// stagger
html += get_form_table_row( mp_classes, 'Stagger',
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><input type="text" id="fe_ee_stagger" style="font-size:14px; width:40px;" value="'+stagger+'"/></td>' +
'<td><select id="fe_ee_stagger_units" style="font-size:12px">' + render_menu_options([[1,'Seconds'], [60,'Minutes'], [3600,'Hours']], stagger_units) + '</select></td>' +
html += get_form_table_caption( mp_classes,
"For multiplexed events, optionally stagger the jobs across the servers.<br/>" +
"Each server will delay its launch by a multiple of the specified time."
html += get_form_table_spacer( mp_classes, '' );
// plugin
app.plugins.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
html += get_form_table_row( 'Plugin', '<select id="fe_ee_plugin" onMouseDown="this.options[0].disabled=true" onChange="$P().change_edit_plugin()"><option value="">Select Plugin</option>' + render_menu_options(app.plugins, event.plugin, false) + '</select>' );
// plugin params
html += get_form_table_row( '', '<div id="d_ee_plugin_params">' + this.get_plugin_params_html() + '</div>' );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// timing
var timing = event.timing;
var tmode = '';
if (!timing) tmode = 'demand';
else if (timing.years && timing.years.length) tmode = 'custom';
else if (timing.months && timing.months.length && timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) tmode = 'custom';
else if (timing.days && timing.days.length && timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) tmode = 'custom';
else if (timing.months && timing.months.length) tmode = 'yearly';
else if (timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) tmode = 'weekly';
else if (timing.days && timing.days.length) tmode = 'monthly';
else if (timing.hours && timing.hours.length) tmode = 'daily';
else if (timing.minutes && timing.minutes.length) tmode = 'hourly';
else if (!num_keys(timing)) tmode = 'hourly';
var timing_items = [
['demand', 'On Demand'],
['custom', 'Custom'],
['yearly', 'Yearly'],
['monthly', 'Monthly'],
['weekly', 'Weekly'],
['daily', 'Daily'],
['hourly', 'Hourly']
html += get_form_table_row( 'Timing',
'<div class="right">' +
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><span class="label" style="font-size:12px;">Timezone:&nbsp;</span></td>' +
'<td><select id="fe_ee_timezone" style="max-width:150px; font-size:12px;" onChange="$P().change_timezone()">' + render_menu_options(app.zones, event.timezone ||, false) + '</select></td>' +
'</tr></table>' +
'</div>' +
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><select id="fe_ee_timing" onChange="$P().change_edit_timing()">' + render_menu_options(timing_items, tmode, false) + '</select></td>' +
'<td><span class="link addme" style="padding-left:5px; font-size:13px;" title="Import from Crontab" onMouseUp="$P().show_crontab_import_dialog()">&laquo; Import...</span></td>' +
'</tr></table>' +
'<div class="clear"></div>'
// timing params
this.show_all_minutes = false;
html += get_form_table_row( '', '<div id="d_ee_timing_params">' + this.get_timing_params_html(tmode) + '</div>' );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// max children
html += get_form_table_row( 'Concurrency', '<select id="fe_ee_max_children">' + render_menu_options([[1,"1 (Singleton)"], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32], event.max_children, false) + '</select>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select the maximum number of jobs that can run simultaneously." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// timeout
html += get_form_table_row( 'Timeout', this.get_relative_time_combo_box('fe_ee_timeout', event.timeout) );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Enter the maximum time allowed for jobs to complete, 0 to disable." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// retries
html += get_form_table_row( 'Retries',
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><select id="fe_ee_retries" onChange="$P().change_retry_amount()">' + render_menu_options([[0,'None'], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32], event.retries, false) + '</select></td>' +
'<td id="td_ee_retry1" '+(event.retries ? '' : 'style="display:none"')+'><span style="padding-left:15px; font-size:13px; color:#777;"><b>Delay:</b>&nbsp;</span></td>' +
'<td id="td_ee_retry2" '+(event.retries ? '' : 'style="display:none"')+'>' + this.get_relative_time_combo_box('fe_ee_retry_delay', event.retry_delay, '', true) + '</td>' +
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select the number of retries to be attempted before an error is reported." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// catch-up mode (run all)
// method (interruptable, non-interruptable)
html += get_form_table_row( 'Misc. Options',
'<div><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_catch_up" value="1" '+(event.catch_up ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' ' + ( ? 'onChange="$P().setGroupVisible(\'rc\',this.checked)"' : '') + ' /><label for="fe_ee_catch_up">Catch-Up (Run All)</label></div>' +
'<div class="caption">Automatically run all missed events after server downtime or scheduler/event disabled.</div>' +
'<div style="margin-top:10px"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_detached" value="1" '+(event.detached ? 'checked="checked"' : '')+'/><label for="fe_ee_detached">Detached (Uninterruptible)</label></div>' +
'<div class="caption">Run event as a detached background process that is never interrupted.</div>' +
'<div style="margin-top:10px"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_queue" value="1" '+(event.queue ? 'checked="checked"' : '')+' onChange="$P().setGroupVisible(\'eq\',this.checked)"/><label for="fe_ee_queue">Allow Queued Jobs</label></div>' +
'<div class="caption">Jobs will be queued that cannot run immediately.</div>'
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// reset cursor (only for catch_up and edit mode)
var rc_epoch = normalize_time( time_now(), { sec: 0 } );
if ( && app.state && app.state.cursors && app.state.cursors[]) {
rc_epoch = app.state.cursors[];
var rc_classes = 'rcgroup';
if (!event.catch_up || ! rc_classes += ' collapse';
html += get_form_table_row( rc_classes, 'Time Machine',
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>' +
'<td><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_rc_enabled" value="1" onChange="$P().toggle_rc_textfield(this.checked)"/></td><td><label for="fe_ee_rc_enabled">Set Event Clock:</label>&nbsp;</td>' +
'<td><input type="text" id="fe_ee_rc_time" style="font-size:13px; width:180px;" disabled="disabled" value="'+$P().rc_get_short_date_time( rc_epoch )+'" data-epoch="' + rc_epoch + '" onFocus="this.blur()" onMouseUp="$P().rc_click()"/></td>' +
'<td><span id="s_ee_rc_reset" class="link addme" style="opacity:0" onMouseUp="$P().reset_rc_time_now()">&laquo; Reset</span></td>' +
html += get_form_table_caption( rc_classes,
"Optionally reset the internal clock for this event, to repeat past jobs, or jump over a queue."
html += get_form_table_spacer( rc_classes, '' );
// event queue max
var eq_classes = 'eqgroup';
if (!event.queue) eq_classes += ' collapse';
html += get_form_table_row( eq_classes, 'Queue Limit',
'<input type="text" id="fe_ee_queue_max" size="8" value="'+escape_text_field_value(event.queue_max || 0)+'" spellcheck="false"/>'
html += get_form_table_caption( eq_classes,
"Set the maximum number of jobs that can be queued up for this event (or '0' for no limit)."
html += get_form_table_spacer( eq_classes, '' );
// chain reaction
var sorted_events = app.schedule.sort( function(a, b) {
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
var chain_expanded = !!(event.chain || event.chain_error);
html += get_form_table_row( 'Chain Reaction',
'<div style="font-size:13px;'+(chain_expanded ? 'display:none;' : '')+'"><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().expand_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Chain Options</span></div>' +
'<fieldset style="padding:10px 10px 0 10px; margin-bottom:5px;'+(chain_expanded ? '' : 'display:none;')+'"><legend class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().collapse_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Chain Options</legend>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Run Event on Success:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><select id="fe_ee_chain" style="margin-left:10px; font-size:12px;"><option value="">(None)</option>' + render_menu_options( sorted_events, event.chain, false ) + '</select></div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Run Event on Failure:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><select id="fe_ee_chain_error" style="margin-left:10px; font-size:12px;"><option value="">(None)</option>' + render_menu_options( sorted_events, event.chain_error, false ) + '</select></div>' +
html += get_form_table_caption( "Select events to run automatically after this event completes." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// notification
var notif_expanded = !!(event.notify_success || event.notify_fail || event.web_hook);
html += get_form_table_row( 'Notification',
'<div style="font-size:13px;'+(notif_expanded ? 'display:none;' : '')+'"><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().expand_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Notification Options</span></div>' +
'<fieldset style="padding:10px 10px 0 10px; margin-bottom:5px;'+(notif_expanded ? '' : 'display:none;')+'"><legend class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().collapse_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Notification Options</legend>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Email on Success:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><input type="text" id="fe_ee_notify_success" size="50" value="'+escape_text_field_value(event.notify_success)+'" placeholder="" spellcheck="false" onChange="$P().update_add_remove_me($(this))"/><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().add_remove_me($(this).prev())"></span></div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Email on Failure:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><input type="text" id="fe_ee_notify_fail" size="50" value="'+escape_text_field_value(event.notify_fail)+'" placeholder="" spellcheck="false" onChange="$P().update_add_remove_me($(this))"/><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().add_remove_me($(this).prev())"></span></div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Web Hook URL:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><input type="text" id="fe_ee_web_hook" size="60" value="'+escape_text_field_value(event.web_hook)+'" placeholder="http://" spellcheck="false"/></div>' +
html += get_form_table_caption( "Enter one or more e-mail addresses for notification (comma-separated), and optionally a web hook URL." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// resource limits
var res_expanded = !!(event.memory_limit || event.memory_sustain || event.cpu_limit || event.cpu_sustain || event.log_max_size);
html += get_form_table_row( 'Limits',
'<div style="font-size:13px;'+(res_expanded ? 'display:none;' : '')+'"><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().expand_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Resource Limits</span></div>' +
'<fieldset style="padding:10px 10px 0 10px; margin-bottom:5px;'+(res_expanded ? '' : 'display:none;')+'"><legend class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().collapse_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Resource Limits</legend>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">CPU Limit:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="fieldset_params_table"><tr>' +
'<td style="padding-right:2px"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_cpu_enabled" value="1" '+(event.cpu_limit ? 'checked="checked"' : '')+' /></td>' +
'<td><label for="fe_ee_cpu_enabled">Abort job if CPU exceeds</label></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" id="fe_ee_cpu_limit" style="width:30px;" value="'+(event.cpu_limit || 0)+'"/>%</td>' +
'<td>for</td>' +
'<td>' + this.get_relative_time_combo_box( 'fe_ee_cpu_sustain', event.cpu_sustain, 'fieldset_params_table' ) + '</td>' +
'</tr></table></div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Memory Limit:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="fieldset_params_table"><tr>' +
'<td style="padding-right:2px"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_memory_enabled" value="1" '+(event.memory_limit ? 'checked="checked"' : '')+' /></td>' +
'<td><label for="fe_ee_memory_enabled">Abort job if memory exceeds</label></td>' +
'<td>' + this.get_relative_size_combo_box( 'fe_ee_memory_limit', event.memory_limit, 'fieldset_params_table' ) + '</td>' +
'<td>for</td>' +
'<td>' + this.get_relative_time_combo_box( 'fe_ee_memory_sustain', event.memory_sustain, 'fieldset_params_table' ) + '</td>' +
'</tr></table></div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_label">Log Size Limit:</div>' +
'<div class="plugin_params_content"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="fieldset_params_table"><tr>' +
'<td style="padding-right:2px"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_log_enabled" value="1" '+(event.log_max_size ? 'checked="checked"' : '')+' /></td>' +
'<td><label for="fe_ee_log_enabled">Abort job if log file exceeds</label></td>' +
'<td>' + this.get_relative_size_combo_box( 'fe_ee_log_limit', event.log_max_size, 'fieldset_params_table' ) + '</td>' +
'</tr></table></div>' +
html += get_form_table_caption(
"Optionally set CPU load, memory usage and log size limits for the event."
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// notes
html += get_form_table_row( 'Notes', '<textarea id="fe_ee_notes" style="width:600px; height:80px; resize:vertical;">'+escape_text_field_value(event.notes)+'</textarea>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Optionally enter notes for the event, which will be included in all e-mail notifications." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
setTimeout( function() {
$P().update_add_remove_me( $('#fe_ee_notify_success, #fe_ee_notify_fail') );
}, 1 );
return html;
set_event_target: function(target) {
// event target has changed (from menu selection)
// hide / show sections as necessary
var target_group = find_object( app.server_groups, { id: target } );
var algo = $('#fe_ee_algo').val();
this.setGroupVisible('algo', !!target_group);
this.setGroupVisible('mp', !!target_group && (algo == 'multiplex'));
set_algo: function(algo) {
// target server algo has changed
// hide / show multiplex stagger as necessary
this.setGroupVisible('mp', (algo == 'multiplex'));
change_retry_amount: function() {
// user has selected a retry amount from the menu
// adjust the visibility of the retry delay controls accordingly
var retries = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_retries').val() );
if (retries) {
if (!$('#td_ee_retry1').hasClass('yup')) {
$('#td_ee_retry1, #td_ee_retry2').css({ display:'table-cell', opacity:0 }).fadeTo( 250, 1.0, function() {
} );
else {
$('#td_ee_retry1, #td_ee_retry2').fadeTo( 250, 0.0, function() {
$(this).css({ display:'none', opacity:0 }).removeClass('yup');
} );
show_crontab_import_dialog: function() {
// allow user to paste in crontab syntax to set timing
var self = this;
var html = '';
html += '<div style="font-size:12px; color:#777; margin-bottom:20px;">Use this to import event timing settings from a <a href="" target="_blank">Crontab expression</a>. This is a string comprising five (or six) fields separated by white space that represents a set of dates/times. Example: <b>30 4 1 * *</b> (First day of every month at 4:30 AM)</div>';
html += '<center><table>' +
// get_form_table_spacer() +
get_form_table_row('Crontab:', '<input type="text" id="fe_ee_crontab" style="width:330px;" value="" spellcheck="false"/>') +
get_form_table_caption("Enter your crontab date/time expression here.") +
app.confirm( '<i class="fa fa-clock-o">&nbsp;</i>Import from Crontab', html, "Import", function(result) {
if (result) {
var cron_exp = $('#fe_ee_crontab').val().toLowerCase();
if (!cron_exp) return app.badField('fe_ee_crontab', "Please enter a crontab date/time expression.");
// validate, convert to timing object
var timing = null;
try {
timing = parse_crontab( cron_exp, $('#fe_ee_title').val() );
catch (e) {
return app.badField('fe_ee_crontab', e.toString());
// hide dialog
// replace event timing object
self.event.timing = timing;
// redraw display
var tmode = '';
if (timing.years && timing.years.length) tmode = 'custom';
else if (timing.months && timing.months.length && timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) tmode = 'custom';
else if (timing.days && timing.days.length && timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) tmode = 'custom';
else if (timing.months && timing.months.length) tmode = 'yearly';
else if (timing.weekdays && timing.weekdays.length) tmode = 'weekly';
else if (timing.days && timing.days.length) tmode = 'monthly';
else if (timing.hours && timing.hours.length) tmode = 'daily';
else if (timing.minutes && timing.minutes.length) tmode = 'hourly';
else if (!num_keys(timing)) tmode = 'hourly';
$('#fe_ee_timing').val( tmode );
$('#d_ee_timing_params').html( self.get_timing_params_html(tmode) );
// and we're done
app.showMessage('success', "Crontab date/time expression was imported successfully.");
} // user clicked add
} ); // app.confirm
setTimeout( function() {
}, 1 );
show_quick_add_cat_dialog: function() {
// allow user to quickly add a category
var self = this;
var html = '';
html += '<div style="font-size:12px; color:#777; margin-bottom:20px;">Use this to quickly add a new category. Note that you should visit the Admin Categories page later so you can set additional options, add a descripton, etc.</div>';
html += '<center><table>' +
// get_form_table_spacer() +
get_form_table_row('Category Title:', '<input type="text" id="fe_ee_cat_title" style="width:315px" value=""/>') +
get_form_table_caption("Enter a title for your category here.") +
app.confirm( '<i class="fa fa-folder-open-o">&nbsp;</i>Quick Add Category', html, "Add", function(result) {
if (result) {
var cat_title = $('#fe_ee_cat_title').val();
if (!cat_title) return app.badField('fe_ee_cat_title', "Please enter a title for the category.");
var category = {};
category.title = cat_title;
category.description = '';
category.max_children = 0;
category.notify_success = '';
category.notify_fail = '';
category.web_hook = '';
category.enabled = 1;
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Adding category..." ); 'app/create_category', category, function(resp) {
app.showMessage('success', "Category was added successfully.");
// set event to new category =;
self.event.category =;
// due to race conditions with websocket, app.categories may or may not have our new cat at this point
// so add it manually if needed
if (!find_object(app.categories, { id: })) {
app.categories.push( category );
// resort cats for menu rebuild
app.categories.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
// rebuild menu and select new cat
'<option value="" disabled="disabled">Select Category</option>' +
render_menu_options(app.categories, self.event.category, false)
} ); //
} // user clicked add
} ); // app.confirm
setTimeout( function() {
}, 1 );
rc_get_short_date_time: function(epoch) {
// get short date/time with tz abbrev using moment
var tz = this.event.timezone ||;
// return epoch * 1000, tz).format("MMM D, YYYY h:mm A z");
return epoch * 1000, tz).format("lll z");
rc_click: function() {
// click in 'reset cursor' text field, popup edit dialog
var self = this;
if ($('#fe_ee_rc_enabled').is(':checked')) {
var epoch = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch') );
when: epoch,
title: "Set Event Clock",
timezone: this.event.timezone ||,
callback: function(rc_epoch) {
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch', rc_epoch).val( self.rc_get_short_date_time( rc_epoch ) );
reset_rc_time_now: function() {
// reset cursor value to now, from click
var rc_epoch = normalize_time( time_now(), { sec: 0 } );
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch', rc_epoch).val( this.rc_get_short_date_time( rc_epoch ) );
update_rc_value: function() {
// received state update from server, event cursor may have changed
// only update field if in edit mode, catch_up, and field is disabled
var event = this.event;
if ( && $('#fe_ee_catch_up').is(':checked') && !$('#fe_ee_rc_enabled').is(':checked') && app.state && app.state.cursors && app.state.cursors[]) {
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch', app.state.cursors[]).val( this.rc_get_short_date_time( app.state.cursors[] ) );
toggle_rc_textfield: function(state) {
// set 'disabled' attribute of 'reset cursor' text field, based on checkbox
var event = this.event;
if (state) {
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').removeAttr('disabled').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$('#s_ee_rc_reset').fadeTo( 250, 1.0 );
else {
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('cursor', 'default');
$('#s_ee_rc_reset').fadeTo( 250, 0.0 );
// reset value just in case it changed while field was enabled
if ( && app.state && app.state.cursors && app.state.cursors[]) {
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch', app.state.cursors[]).val( this.rc_get_short_date_time( app.state.cursors[] ) );
change_timezone: function() {
// change timezone setting
var event = this.event;
// update 'reset cursor' text field to reflect new timezone
var new_cursor = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch') );
if (!new_cursor || isNaN(new_cursor)) {
new_cursor = app.state.cursors[] || normalize_time( time_now(), { sec: 0 } );
new_cursor = normalize_time( new_cursor, { sec: 0 } );
// update timezone
event.timezone = $('#fe_ee_timezone').val();
// render out new RC date/time
$('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch', new_cursor).val( this.rc_get_short_date_time( new_cursor ) );
change_edit_timing: function() {
// change edit timing mode
var event = this.event;
var timing = event.timing;
var tmode = $('#fe_ee_timing').val();
var dargs = get_date_args( time_now() );
// clean up timing object, add sane defaults for the new tmode
switch (tmode) {
case 'demand':
timing = false;
event.timing = false;
case 'custom':
if (!timing) timing = event.timing = {};
case 'yearly':
if (!timing) timing = event.timing = {};
delete timing.years;
if (!timing.months) timing.months = [];
if (!timing.months.length) timing.months.push( dargs.mon );
if (!timing.days) timing.days = [];
if (!timing.days.length) timing.days.push( dargs.mday );
if (!timing.hours) timing.hours = [];
if (!timing.hours.length) timing.hours.push( dargs.hour );
case 'weekly':
if (!timing) timing = event.timing = {};
delete timing.years;
delete timing.months;
delete timing.days;
if (!timing.weekdays) timing.weekdays = [];
if (!timing.weekdays.length) timing.weekdays.push( dargs.wday );
if (!timing.hours) timing.hours = [];
if (!timing.hours.length) timing.hours.push( dargs.hour );
case 'monthly':
if (!timing) timing = event.timing = {};
delete timing.years;
delete timing.months;
delete timing.weekdays;
if (!timing.days) timing.days = [];
if (!timing.days.length) timing.days.push( dargs.mday );
if (!timing.hours) timing.hours = [];
if (!timing.hours.length) timing.hours.push( dargs.hour );
case 'daily':
if (!timing) timing = event.timing = {};
delete timing.years;
delete timing.months;
delete timing.weekdays;
delete timing.days;
if (!timing.hours) timing.hours = [];
if (!timing.hours.length) timing.hours.push( dargs.hour );
case 'hourly':
if (!timing) timing = event.timing = {};
delete timing.years;
delete timing.months;
delete timing.weekdays;
delete timing.days;
delete timing.hours;
if (timing) {
if (!timing.minutes) timing.minutes = [];
if (!timing.minutes.length) timing.minutes.push( 0 );
$('#d_ee_timing_params').html( this.get_timing_params_html(tmode) );
get_timing_params_html: function(tmode) {
// get timing param editor html
var html = '';
var event = this.event;
var timing = event.timing;
html += '<div style="font-size:13px; margin-top:7px; display:none;"><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().expand_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Timing Details</span></div>';
html += '<fieldset style="margin-top:7px; padding:10px 10px 0 10px; max-width:600px;"><legend class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().collapse_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Timing Details</legend>';
// html += '<fieldset style="margin-top:7px; padding:10px 10px 0 10px; max-width:600px;"><legend>Timing Details</legend>';
// only show years in custom mode
if (tmode == 'custom') {
html += '<div class="timing_details_label">Years</div>';
var year = (new Date()).getFullYear();
html += '<div class="timing_details_content">' + this.get_timing_checkbox_set( 'year', [year, year+1, year+2, year+3, year+4, year+5, year+6, year+7, year+8, year+9, year+10], timing.years || [], true ) + '</div>';
} // years
if (tmode.match(/(custom|yearly)/)) {
// show months
html += '<div class="timing_details_label">Months</div>';
html += '<div class="timing_details_content">' + this.get_timing_checkbox_set( 'month', _months, timing.months || [] ) + '</div>';
} // months
if (tmode.match(/(custom|weekly)/)) {
// show weekdays
var wday_items = [ [0,'Sunday'], [1,'Monday'], [2,'Tuesday'], [3,'Wednesday'],
[4,'Thursday'], [5,'Friday'], [6,'Saturday'] ];
html += '<div class="timing_details_label">Weekdays</div>';
html += '<div class="timing_details_content">' + this.get_timing_checkbox_set( 'weekday', wday_items, timing.weekdays || [] ) + '</div>';
} // weekdays
if (tmode.match(/(custom|yearly|monthly)/)) {
// show days of month
var mday_items = [];
for (var idx = 1; idx < 32; idx++) {
var num_str = '' + idx;
var num_label = num_str + _number_suffixes[ parseInt( num_str.substring(num_str.length - 1) ) ];
mday_items.push([ idx, num_label ]);
html += '<div class="timing_details_label">Days of the Month</div>';
html += '<div class="timing_details_content">' + this.get_timing_checkbox_set( 'day', mday_items, timing.days || [] ) + '</div>';
} // days
if (tmode.match(/(custom|yearly|monthly|weekly|daily)/)) {
// show hours
var hour_items = [];
for (var idx = 0; idx < 24; idx++) {
hour_items.push([ idx, _hour_names[idx].toUpperCase() ]);
html += '<div class="timing_details_label">Hours</div>';
html += '<div class="timing_details_content">' + this.get_timing_checkbox_set( 'hour', hour_items, timing.hours || [] ) + '</div>';
} // hours
// always show minutes (if timing is enabled)
if (timing) {
var min_items = [];
for (var idx = 0; idx < 60; idx += this.show_all_minutes ? 1 : 5) {
var num_str = ':' + ((idx < 10) ? '0' : '') + idx;
min_items.push([ idx, num_str, (idx % 5 == 0) ? '' : 'plain' ]);
} // minutes
html += '<div class="timing_details_label">Minutes';
html += ' <span class="link" style="font-weight:normal; font-size:11px" onMouseUp="$P().toggle_show_all_minutes()">(' + (this.show_all_minutes ? 'Show Less' : 'Show All') + ')</span>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="timing_details_content">';
html += this.get_timing_checkbox_set( 'minute', min_items, timing.minutes || [], function(idx) {
var num_str = ':' + ((idx < 10) ? '0' : '') + idx;
return([ idx, num_str, (idx % 5 == 0) ? '' : 'plain' ]);
} );
html += '</div>';
// summary
html += '<div class="info_label">The event will run:</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value" id="d_ee_timing_summary">' + summarize_event_timing(timing, event.timezone).replace(/(every\s+minute)/i, '<span style="color:red">$1</span>') + '</div>';
html += '</fieldset>';
html += '<div class="caption" style="margin-top:6px;">Choose when and how often the event should run.</div>';
setTimeout( function() {
$('.ccbox_timing').mouseup( function() {
// need another delay for event listener race condition
// we want this to happen LAST, after the CSS classes are updated
setTimeout( function() {
}, 1 );
} );
}, 1 );
return html;
toggle_show_all_minutes: function() {
// toggle showing every minutes from 0 - 59, to just the 5s
this.show_all_minutes = !this.show_all_minutes;
var tmode = $('#fe_ee_timing').val();
$('#d_ee_timing_params').html( this.get_timing_params_html(tmode) );
change_edit_timing_param: function() {
// edit timing param has changed, refresh entire timing block
// rebuild entire event.timing object from scratch
var event = this.event;
event.timing = {};
var timing = event.timing;
// if tmode is demand, wipe timing object
if ($('#fe_ee_timing').val() == 'demand') {
event.timing = false;
timing = false;
$('.ccbox_timing_year.checked').each( function() {
if (\d+)$/)) {
var year = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
if (!timing.years) timing.years = [];
timing.years.push( year );
} );
$('.ccbox_timing_month.checked').each( function() {
if (\d+)$/)) {
var month = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
if (!timing.months) timing.months = [];
timing.months.push( month );
} );
$('.ccbox_timing_weekday.checked').each( function() {
if (\d+)$/)) {
var weekday = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
if (!timing.weekdays) timing.weekdays = [];
timing.weekdays.push( weekday );
} );
$('.ccbox_timing_day.checked').each( function() {
if (\d+)$/)) {
var day = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
if (!timing.days) timing.days = [];
timing.days.push( day );
} );
$('.ccbox_timing_hour.checked').each( function() {
if (\d+)$/)) {
var hour = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
if (!timing.hours) timing.hours = [];
timing.hours.push( hour );
} );
$('.ccbox_timing_minute.checked').each( function() {
if (\d+)$/)) {
var minute = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
if (!timing.minutes) timing.minutes = [];
timing.minutes.push( minute );
} );
// update summary
$('#d_ee_timing_summary').html( summarize_event_timing(timing, event.timezone).replace(/(every\s+minute)/i, '<span style="color:red">$1</span>') );
get_timing_checkbox_set: function(name, items, values, auto_add) {
// render html for set of color label checkboxes for timing category
var html = '';
// make sure all items are arrays
for (var idx = 0, len = items.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var item = items[idx];
if (!isa_array(item)) items[idx] = [item, item];
// add unknown values to items array
if (auto_add) {
var is_callback = !!(typeof(auto_add) == 'function');
var added = 0;
for (var idx = 0, len = values.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var value = values[idx];
var found = false;
for (var idy = 0, ley = items.length; idy < ley; idy++) {
if (items[idy][0] == value) { found = true; idy = ley; }
} // foreach item
if (!found) {
items.push( is_callback ? auto_add(value) : [value, value] );
} // foreach value
// resort items
if (added) {
items = items.sort( function(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
} );
} // auto_add
for (var idx = 0, len = items.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var item = items[idx];
var checked = !!(values.indexOf(item[0]) > -1);
var classes = [];
if (checked) classes.push("checked");
classes.push( "ccbox_timing" );
classes.push( "ccbox_timing_" + name );
if (item[2]) classes.push( item[2] );
if (html) html += ' ';
html += app.get_color_checkbox_html("ccbox_timing_" + name + '_' + item[0], item[1], classes.join(' '));
// NOTE: the checkbox id isn't currently even used
// if (break_every && (((idx + 1) % break_every) == 0)) html += '<br/>';
} // foreach item
return html;
change_edit_plugin: function() {
// switch plugins, set default params, refresh param editor
var event = this.event;
var plugin_id = $('#fe_ee_plugin').val();
event.plugin = plugin_id;
event.params = {};
if (plugin_id) {
var plugin = find_object( app.plugins, { id: plugin_id } );
if (plugin && plugin.params && plugin.params.length) {
for (var idx = 0, len = plugin.params.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var param = plugin.params[idx];
event.params[ ] = param.value;
get_plugin_params_html: function() {
// get plugin param editor html
var html = '';
var event = this.event;
var params = event.params;
if (event.plugin) {
var plugin = find_object( app.plugins, { id: event.plugin } );
if (plugin && plugin.params && plugin.params.length) {
html += '<div style="font-size:13px; margin-top:7px; display:none;"><span class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().expand_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Plugin Parameters</span></div>';
html += '<fieldset style="margin-top:7px; padding:10px 10px 0 10px;"><legend class="link addme" onMouseUp="$P().collapse_fieldset($(this))"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o">&nbsp;</i>Plugin Parameters</legend>';
// html += '<fieldset style="margin-top:7px; padding:10px 10px 0 10px;"><legend>Plugin Parameters</legend>';
for (var idx = 0, len = plugin.params.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var param = plugin.params[idx];
var value = ( in params) ? params[ ] : param.value;
switch (param.type) {
case 'text':
html += '<div class="plugin_params_label">' + param.title + '</div>';
html += '<div class="plugin_params_content"><input type="text" id="fe_ee_pp_''" size="'+param.size+'" value="'+escape_text_field_value(value)+'" spellcheck="false"/></div>';
case 'textarea':
var ta_height = parseInt(param.rows) * 15;
html += '<div class="plugin_params_label">' + param.title + '</div>';
html += '<div class="plugin_params_content"><textarea id="fe_ee_pp_''" style="width:99%; height:'+ta_height+'px; resize:vertical;" spellcheck="false" onkeydown="return catchTab(this,event)">'+escape_text_field_value(value)+'</textarea></div>';
case 'checkbox':
html += '<div class="plugin_params_content"><input type="checkbox" id="fe_ee_pp_''" value="1" ' + (value ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + '/><label for="fe_ee_pp_''">' + param.title + '</label></div>';
case 'select':
html += '<div class="plugin_params_label">' + param.title + '</div>';
html += '<div class="plugin_params_content"><select id="fe_ee_pp_''">' + render_menu_options(param.items, value, true) + '</select></div>';
case 'hidden':
// no visible UI
} // switch type
} // foreach param
html += '</fieldset>';
html += '<div class="caption" style="margin-top:6px;">Select the plugin parameters for the event.</div>';
} // plugin params
else {
html += '<div class="caption">The selected plugin has no editable parameters.</div>';
else {
html += '<div class="caption">Select a plugin to edit its parameters.</div>';
return html;
refresh_plugin_params: function() {
// redraw plugin param area after change
$('#d_ee_plugin_params').html( this.get_plugin_params_html() );
get_event_form_json: function(quiet) {
// get event elements from form, used for new or edit
var event = this.event;
// event title
event.title = trim( $('#fe_ee_title').val() );
if (!event.title) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_title', "Please enter a title for the event.");
// event enabled
event.enabled = $('#fe_ee_enabled').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
// category
event.category = $('#fe_ee_cat').val();
if (!event.category) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_cat', "Please select a Category for the event.");
// target (server group or individual server) = $('#fe_ee_target').val();
// algo / multiplex / stagger
event.algo = $('#fe_ee_algo').val();
event.multiplex = (event.algo == 'multiplex') ? 1 : 0;
if (event.multiplex) {
event.stagger = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_stagger').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_stagger_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.stagger)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_stagger', "Please enter a number of seconds to stagger by.");
else {
event.stagger = 0;
// plugin
event.plugin = $('#fe_ee_plugin').val();
if (!event.plugin) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_plugin', "Please select a Plugin for the event.");
// plugin params
event.params = {};
var plugin = find_object( app.plugins, { id: event.plugin } );
if (plugin && plugin.params && plugin.params.length) {
for (var idx = 0, len = plugin.params.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var param = plugin.params[idx];
switch (param.type) {
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
case 'select':
event.params[ ] = $('#fe_ee_pp_' +;
case 'hidden':
// Special case: Always set this to the plugin default value
event.params[ ] = param.value;
case 'checkbox':
event.params[ ] = $('#fe_ee_pp_' +':checked') ? 1 : 0;
} // switch type
} // foreach param
} // plugin params
// timezone
event.timezone = $('#fe_ee_timezone').val();
// max children
event.max_children = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_max_children').val() );
// timeout
event.timeout = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_timeout').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_timeout_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.timeout)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_timeout', "Please enter an integer value for the event timeout.");
if (event.timeout < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_timeout', "Please enter a positive integer for the event timeout.");
// retries
event.retries = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_retries').val() );
event.retry_delay = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_retry_delay').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_retry_delay_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.retry_delay)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_retry_delay', "Please enter an integer value for the event retry delay.");
if (event.retry_delay < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_retry_delay', "Please enter a positive integer for the event retry delay.");
// catch-up mode (run all)
event.catch_up = $('#fe_ee_catch_up').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
// method (interruptable, non-interruptable)
event.detached = $('#fe_ee_detached').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
// event queue
event.queue = $('#fe_ee_queue').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0;
event.queue_max = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_queue_max').val() || "0" );
if (isNaN(event.queue_max)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_queue_max', "Please enter an integer value for the event queue max.");
if (event.queue_max < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_queue_max', "Please enter a positive integer for the event queue max.");
// chain reaction
event.chain = $('#fe_ee_chain').val();
event.chain_error = $('#fe_ee_chain_error').val();
// cursor reset
if ( && event.catch_up && $('#fe_ee_rc_enabled').is(':checked')) {
var new_cursor = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_rc_time').data('epoch') );
if (!new_cursor || isNaN(new_cursor)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_rc_time', "Please enter a valid date/time for the new event time.");
event['reset_cursor'] = normalize_time( new_cursor, { sec: 0 } );
else delete event['reset_cursor'];
// notification
event.notify_success = $('#fe_ee_notify_success').val();
event.notify_fail = $('#fe_ee_notify_fail').val();
event.web_hook = $('#fe_ee_web_hook').val();
// cpu limit
if ($('#fe_ee_cpu_enabled').is(':checked')) {
event.cpu_limit = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_cpu_limit').val() );
if (isNaN(event.cpu_limit)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_cpu_limit', "Please enter an integer value for the CPU limit.");
if (event.cpu_limit < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_cpu_limit', "Please enter a positive integer for the CPU limit.");
event.cpu_sustain = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_cpu_sustain').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_cpu_sustain_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.cpu_sustain)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_cpu_sustain', "Please enter an integer value for the CPU sustain period.");
if (event.cpu_sustain < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_cpu_sustain', "Please enter a positive integer for the CPU sustain period.");
else {
event.cpu_limit = 0;
event.cpu_sustain = 0;
// mem limit
if ($('#fe_ee_memory_enabled').is(':checked')) {
event.memory_limit = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_memory_limit').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_memory_limit_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.memory_limit)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_memory_limit', "Please enter an integer value for the memory limit.");
if (event.memory_limit < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_memory_limit', "Please enter a positive integer for the memory limit.");
event.memory_sustain = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_memory_sustain').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_memory_sustain_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.memory_sustain)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_memory_sustain', "Please enter an integer value for the memory sustain period.");
if (event.memory_sustain < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_memory_sustain', "Please enter a positive integer for the memory sustain period.");
else {
event.memory_limit = 0;
event.memory_sustain = 0;
// log file size limit
if ($('#fe_ee_log_enabled').is(':checked')) {
event.log_max_size = parseInt( $('#fe_ee_log_limit').val() ) * parseInt( $('#fe_ee_log_limit_units').val() );
if (isNaN(event.log_max_size)) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_log_limit', "Please enter an integer value for the log size limit.");
if (event.log_max_size < 0) return quiet ? false : app.badField('fe_ee_log_limit', "Please enter a positive integer for the log size limit.");
else {
event.log_max_size = 0;
// notes
event.notes = trim( $('#fe_ee_notes').val() );
return event;
onDataUpdate: function(key, value) {
// recieved data update (websocket), see if sub-page cares about it
switch (key) {
case 'schedule':
if (this.args.sub == 'events') this.gosub_events(this.args);
case 'state':
if (this.args.sub == 'edit_event') this.update_rc_value();
onStatusUpdate: function(data) {
// received status update (websocket), update sub-page if needed
if (data.jobs_changed && (this.args.sub == 'events')) this.gosub_events(this.args);
onResizeDelay: function(size) {
// called 250ms after latest window resize
// so we can run more expensive redraw operations
if (this.args.sub == 'events') this.gosub_events(this.args);
leavesub_edit_event: function(args) {
// special hook fired when leaving edit_event sub-page
// try to save edited state of event in mem cache
if (this.event_copy) return; // in middle of edit --> copy operation
var event = this.get_event_form_json(true); // quiet mode
if (event) {
app.autosave_event = event;
onDeactivate: function() {
// called when page is deactivated
// this.div.html( '' );
// allow sub-page to hook deactivate
if (this.args && this.args.sub && this['leavesub_'+this.args.sub]) {
return true;
} );