2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

182 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable file

Class.subclass( Page.Base, "Page.MyAccount", {
onInit: function() {
// called once at page load
var html = '';
this.div.html( html );
onActivate: function(args) {
// page activation
if (!this.requireLogin(args)) return true;
if (!args) args = {};
this.args = args;
app.setWindowTitle('My Account');
this.receive_user({ user: app.user });
return true;
receive_user: function(resp, tx) {
var self = this;
var html = '';
var user = resp.user;
html += '<div style="padding:50px 20px 50px 20px">';
html += '<center>';
html += '<table><tr>';
html += '<td valign="top" style="vertical-align:top">';
html += '<table style="margin:0;">';
// user id
html += get_form_table_row( 'Username', '<div style="font-size: 14px;"><b>' + app.username + '</b></div>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Your username cannot be changed." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// full name
html += get_form_table_row( 'Full Name', '<input type="text" id="fe_ma_fullname" size="30" value="'+escape_text_field_value(user.full_name)+'"/>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Your first and last names, used for display purposes only.");
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// email
html += get_form_table_row( 'Email Address', '<input type="text" id="fe_ma_email" size="30" value="'+escape_text_field_value('"/>' );
html += get_form_table_caption( "This is used to generate your profile pic, and to<br/>recover your password if you forget it." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// current password
html += get_form_table_row( 'Current Password', '<input type="' + app.get_password_type() + '" id="fe_ma_old_password" size="30" value="" spellcheck="false"/>' + app.get_password_toggle_html() );
html += get_form_table_caption( "Enter your current account password to make changes." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
// reset password
html += get_form_table_row( 'New Password', '<input type="' + app.get_password_type() + '" id="fe_ma_new_password" size="30" value="" spellcheck="false"/>' + app.get_password_toggle_html() );
html += get_form_table_caption( "If you need to change your password, enter the new one here." );
html += get_form_table_spacer();
html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">';
html += '<div style="height:30px;"></div>';
html += '<table><tr>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px; font-weight:normal;" onMouseUp="$P().show_delete_account_dialog()">Delete Account...</div></td>';
html += '<td width="80">&nbsp;</td>';
html += '<td><div class="button" style="width:130px;" onMouseUp="$P().save_changes()"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>Save Changes</div></td>';
html += '</tr></table>';
html += '</td></tr>';
html += '</table>';
html += '</center>';
html += '</td>';
html += '<td valign="top" align="left" style="vertical-align:top; text-align:left;">';
// gravar profile image and edit button
html += '<fieldset style="width:150px; margin-left:40px; background:white; border:1px solid #ddd; box-shadow:none;"><legend>Profile Picture</legend>';
if (app.config.external_users) {
html += '<div id="d_ma_image" style="width:128px; height:128px; margin:5px auto 0 auto; background-image:url('+app.getUserAvatarURL(128)+'); cursor:default;"></div>';
else {
html += '<div id="d_ma_image" style="width:128px; height:128px; margin:5px auto 0 auto; background-image:url('+app.getUserAvatarURL(128)+'); cursor:pointer;" onMouseUp="$P().edit_gravatar()"></div>';
html += '<div class="button mini" style="margin:10px auto 5px auto;" onMouseUp="$P().edit_gravatar()">Edit Image...</div>';
html += '<div style="font-size:11px; color:#888; text-align:center; margin-bottom:5px;">Image services provided by <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</div>';
html += '</fieldset>';
html += '</td>';
html += '</tr></table>';
html += '</div>'; // table wrapper div
this.div.html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
app.password_strengthify( '#fe_ma_new_password' );
if (app.config.external_users) {
app.showMessage('warning', "Users are managed by an external system, so you cannot make changes here.");
self.div.find('input').prop('disabled', true);
}, 1 );
edit_gravatar: function() {
// edit profile pic at '' );
save_changes: function(force) {
// save changes to user info
if (app.config.external_users) {
return app.doError("Users are managed by an external system, so you cannot make changes here.");
if (!$('#fe_ma_old_password').val()) return app.badField('#fe_ma_old_password', "Please enter your current account password to make changes.");
if ($('#fe_ma_new_password').val() && !force && (app.last_password_strength.score < 3)) {
app.confirm( '<span style="color:red">Insecure Password Warning</span>', app.get_password_warning(), "Proceed", function(result) {
if (result) $P().save_changes('force');
} );
} // insecure password
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Saving account..." ); 'user/update', {
username: app.username,
full_name: trim($('#fe_ma_fullname').val()),
email: trim($('#fe_ma_email').val()),
old_password: $('#fe_ma_old_password').val(),
new_password: $('#fe_ma_new_password').val()
function(resp) {
// save complete
app.showMessage('success', "Your account settings were updated successfully.");
app.user = resp.user;
$('#d_ma_image').css( 'background-image', 'url('+app.getUserAvatarURL(128)+')' );
} );
show_delete_account_dialog: function() {
// show dialog confirming account delete action
var self = this;
if (app.config.external_users) {
return app.doError("Users are managed by an external system, so you cannot make changes here.");
if (!$('#fe_ma_old_password').val()) return app.badField('#fe_ma_old_password', "Please enter your current account password.");
app.confirm( "Delete My Account", "Are you sure you want to <b>permanently delete</b> your user account? There is no way to undo this action, and no way to recover your data.", "Delete", function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Deleting Account..." ); 'user/delete', {
username: app.username,
password: $('#fe_ma_old_password').val()
function(resp) {
// finished deleting, immediately log user out
} );
} );
onDeactivate: function() {
// called when page is deactivated
// this.div.html( '' );
return true;
} );