2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

635 lines
22 KiB
Executable file

Class.subclass( Page.Base, "Page.Home", {
bar_width: 100,
onInit: function() {
// called once at page load
this.worker = new Worker('js/home-worker.js');
this.worker.onmessage = this.render_upcoming_events.bind(this);
var html = '';
html += '<div style="padding:10px 20px 20px 20px">';
// header stats
html += '<div id="d_home_header_stats"></div>';
html += '<div style="height:20px;"></div>';
// active jobs
html += '<div class="subtitle">';
html += 'Active Jobs';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div id="d_home_active_jobs"></div>';
html += '<div style="height:20px;"></div>';
// queued jobs
html += '<div id="d_home_queue_container" style="display:none">';
html += '<div class="subtitle">';
html += 'Event Queues';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div id="d_home_queued_jobs"></div>';
html += '<div style="height:20px;"></div>';
html += '</div>';
// upcoming events
html += '<div id="d_home_upcoming_header" class="subtitle">';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div id="d_home_upcoming_events" class="loading"></div>';
html += '</div>'; // container
this.div.html( html );
onActivate: function(args) {
// page activation
if (!this.requireLogin(args)) return true;
if (!args) args = {};
this.args = args;
this.upcoming_offset = 0;
// presort some stuff for the filter menus
app.categories.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
app.plugins.sort( function(a, b) {
// return (b.title < a.title) ? 1 : -1;
return a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare( b.title.toLowerCase() );
} );
// render upcoming event filters
var html = '';
html += 'Upcoming Events';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-search">&nbsp;</i><input type="text" id="fe_home_keywords" size="10" placeholder="Find events..." style="border:0px;" value="' + escape_text_field_value( args.keywords ) + '"/></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_home_target" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:75px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Servers</option>' + this.render_target_menu_options( ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_home_plugin" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:75px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Plugins</option>' + render_menu_options( app.plugins, args.plugin, false ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="subtitle_widget"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down">&nbsp;</i><select id="fe_home_cat" class="subtitle_menu" style="width:95px;" onChange="$P().set_search_filters()"><option value="">All Categories</option>' + render_menu_options( app.categories, args.category, false ) + '</select></div>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
$('#d_home_upcoming_header').html( html );
setTimeout( function() {
$('#fe_home_keywords').keypress( function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == '13') { // enter key
} );
}, 1 );
// refresh datas
$('#d_home_active_jobs').html( this.get_active_jobs_html() );
return true;
refresh_header_stats: function() {
// refresh daemons stats in header fieldset
var html = '';
var stats = app.state ? (app.state.stats || {}) : {};
var servers = app.servers || {};
html += '<fieldset style="margin-top:0px; margin-right:0px; padding-top:10px;"><legend>Server Stats</legend>';
html += '<div style="float:left; width:25%;">';
var active_events = find_objects( app.schedule, { enabled: 1 } );
html += '<div class="info_label">TOTAL EVENTS</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + commify( active_events.length ) + '</div>';
html += '<div class="info_label">TOTAL CATEGORIES</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + commify( app.categories.length ) + '</div>';
html += '<div class="info_label">TOTAL PLUGINS</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + commify( app.plugins.length ) + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div style="float:left; width:25%;">';
html += '<div class="info_label">JOBS COMPLETED TODAY</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + commify( stats.jobs_completed || 0 ) + '</div>';
html += '<div class="info_label">JOBS FAILED TODAY</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + commify( stats.jobs_failed || 0 ) + '</div>';
html += '<div class="info_label">JOB SUCCESS RATE</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + pct( (stats.jobs_completed || 0) - (stats.jobs_failed || 0), stats.jobs_completed || 1 ) + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div style="float:left; width:25%;">';
html += '<div class="info_label">TOTAL SERVERS</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + commify( num_keys(servers) ) + '</div>';
var total_cpu = 0;
var total_mem = 0;
for (var hostname in servers) {
// daemon process cpu, all servers
var server = servers[hostname];
if ( && !server.disabled) {
total_cpu += ( || 0);
total_mem += ( || 0);
for (var id in app.activeJobs) {
// active job process cpu, all jobs
var job = app.activeJobs[id];
if (job.cpu) total_cpu += (job.cpu.current || 0);
if (job.mem) total_mem += (job.mem.current || 0);
html += '<div class="info_label">TOTAL CPU IN USE</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + short_float(total_cpu) + '%</div>';
html += '<div class="info_label">TOTAL RAM IN USE</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + get_text_from_bytes(total_mem) + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div style="float:left; width:25%;">';
var mserver = servers[ app.masterHostname ] || {};
html += '<div class="info_label">MASTER SERVER UPTIME</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + get_text_from_seconds( mserver.uptime || 0, false, true ) + '</div>';
var job_avg = (stats.jobs_elapsed || 0) / (stats.jobs_completed || 1);
html += '<div class="info_label">AVERAGE JOB DURATION</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + get_text_from_seconds( job_avg, false, true ) + '</div>';
var log_size_avg = (stats.jobs_log_size || 0) / (stats.jobs_completed || 1);
html += '<div class="info_label">AVERAGE JOB LOG SIZE</div>';
html += '<div class="info_value">' + get_text_from_bytes(log_size_avg) + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</fieldset>';
$('#d_home_header_stats').html( html );
refresh_upcoming_events: function() {
// send message to worker to refresh upcoming
this.worker_start_time = hires_time_now();
schedule: app.schedule,
state: app.state,
categories: app.categories,
plugins: app.plugins
nav_upcoming: function(offset) {
// refresh upcoming events with new offset
this.upcoming_offset = offset;
data: this.upcoming_events
set_search_filters: function() {
// grab values from search filters, and refresh
var args = this.args;
args.plugin = $('#fe_home_plugin').val();
if (!args.plugin) delete args.plugin; = $('#fe_home_target').val();
if (! delete;
args.category = $('#fe_home_cat').val();
if (!args.category) delete args.category;
args.keywords = $('#fe_home_keywords').val();
if (!args.keywords) delete args.keywords;
render_upcoming_events: function(e) {
// receive data from worker, render table now
var self = this;
var html = '';
var now = app.epoch || hires_time_now();
var args = this.args;
this.upcoming_events =;
/*var elapsed = now - this.worker_start_time;
delete this.worker_start_time;
Debug.trace('Home', "Worker elapsed time: " + elapsed + ' sec for ' + app.schedule.length + ' events.');*/
// apply filters
var events = [];
for (var idx = 0, len =; idx < len; idx++) {
var stub =[idx];
var item = find_object( app.schedule, { id: } ) || {};
// category filter
if (args.category && (item.category != args.category)) continue;
// plugin filter
if (args.plugin && (item.plugin != args.plugin)) continue;
// server group filter
if ( && ( != continue;
// keyword filter
var words = [item.title, item.username, item.notes,].join(' ').toLowerCase();
if (args.keywords && words.indexOf(args.keywords.toLowerCase()) == -1) continue;
events.push( stub );
} // foreach item in schedule
var size = get_inner_window_size();
var col_width = Math.floor( ((size.width * 0.9) + 50) / 7 );
var cols = ['Event Name', 'Category', 'Plugin', 'Target', 'Scheduled Time', 'Countdown', 'Actions'];
var limit = 25;
html += this.getPaginatedTable({
resp: {
rows: events.slice(this.upcoming_offset, this.upcoming_offset + limit),
list: {
length: events.length
cols: cols,
data_type: 'pending event',
limit: limit,
offset: this.upcoming_offset,
pagination_link: '$P().nav_upcoming',
callback: function(stub, idx) {
var item = find_object( app.schedule, { id: } ) || {};
// var dargs = get_date_args( stub.epoch );
var margs = * 1000, item.timezone ||;
var actions = [
'<a href="#Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=''"><b>Edit Event</b></a>'
var cat = item.category ? find_object( app.categories, { id: item.category } ) : null;
var group = ? find_object( app.server_groups, { id: } ) : null;
var plugin = item.plugin ? find_object( app.plugins, { id: item.plugin } ) : null;
var nice_countdown = 'Now';
if (stub.epoch > now) {
nice_countdown = get_text_from_seconds_round( Math.max(60, stub.epoch - now), false );
if (group && item.multiplex) {
group = copy_object(group);
group.multiplex = 1;
var tds = [
'<div class="td_big" style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=''">' + self.getNiceEvent('<b>' + item.title + '</b>', col_width) + '</a></div>',
self.getNiceCategory( cat, col_width ),
self.getNicePlugin( plugin, col_width ),
self.getNiceGroup( group,, col_width ),
// dargs.hour12 + ':' + dargs.mi + ' ' + dargs.ampm.toUpperCase(),
margs.format("h:mm A z"),
actions.join(' | ')
if (cat && cat.color) {
if (tds.className) tds.className += ' '; else tds.className = '';
tds.className += cat.color;
return tds;
} // row callback
}); // table
$('#d_home_upcoming_events').removeClass('loading').html( html );
get_active_jobs_html: function() {
// get html for active jobs table
var html = '';
var size = get_inner_window_size();
var col_width = Math.floor( ((size.width * 0.9) + 50) / 8 );
// copy jobs to array
var jobs = [];
for (var id in app.activeJobs) {
jobs.push( app.activeJobs[id] );
// sort events by time_start descending = jobs.sort( function(a, b) {
return (a.time_start < b.time_start) ? 1 : -1;
} );
var cols = ['Job ID', 'Event Name', 'Category', 'Hostname', 'Elapsed', 'Progress', 'Remaining', 'Actions'];
// render table
var self = this;
html += this.getBasicTable(, cols, 'active job', function(job, idx) {
var actions = [
// '<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().go_job_details('+idx+')"><b>Details</b></span>',
'<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().abort_job('+idx+')"><b>Abort Job</b></span>'
var cat = job.category ? find_object( app.categories || [], { id: job.category } ) : { title: 'n/a' };
// var group = ? find_object( app.server_groups || [], { id: } ) : null;
var plugin = job.plugin ? find_object( app.plugins || [], { id: job.plugin } ) : { title: 'n/a' };
var tds = null;
if (job.pending && job.log_file) {
// job in retry delay
tds = [
'<div class="td_big"><span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().go_job_details('+idx+')">' + self.getNiceJob( + '</span></div>',
self.getNiceEvent( job.event_title, col_width ),
self.getNiceCategory( cat, col_width ),
// self.getNicePlugin( plugin ),
self.getNiceGroup( null, job.hostname, col_width ),
'<div id="d_home_jt_elapsed_''">' + self.getNiceJobElapsedTime(job) + '</div>',
'<div id="d_home_jt_progress_''">' + self.getNiceJobPendingText(job) + '</div>',
actions.join(' | ')
else if (job.pending) {
// multiplex stagger delay
tds = [
'<div class="td_big">' + self.getNiceJob( + '</div>',
self.getNiceEvent( job.event_title, col_width ),
self.getNiceCategory( cat, col_width ),
// self.getNicePlugin( plugin ),
self.getNiceGroup( null, job.hostname, col_width ),
'<div id="d_home_jt_progress_''">' + self.getNiceJobPendingText(job) + '</div>',
actions.join(' | ')
} // pending job
else {
// active job
tds = [
'<div class="td_big"><span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().go_job_details('+idx+')">' + self.getNiceJob( + '</span></div>',
self.getNiceEvent( job.event_title, col_width ),
self.getNiceCategory( cat, col_width ),
// self.getNicePlugin( plugin ),
self.getNiceGroup( null, job.hostname, col_width ),
'<div id="d_home_jt_elapsed_''">' + self.getNiceJobElapsedTime(job) + '</div>',
'<div id="d_home_jt_progress_''">' + self.getNiceJobProgressBar(job) + '</div>',
'<div id="d_home_jt_remaining_''">' + self.getNiceJobRemainingTime(job) + '</div>',
actions.join(' | ')
} // active job
if (cat && cat.color) {
if (tds.className) tds.className += ' '; else tds.className = '';
tds.className += cat.color;
return tds;
} );
return html;
refresh_event_queues: function() {
// update display of event queues, if any
var self = this;
var total_count = 0;
for (var key in app.eventQueue) {
total_count += app.eventQueue[key] || 0;
if (!total_count) {
var size = get_inner_window_size();
var col_width = Math.floor( ((size.width * 0.9) + 50) / 6 );
var cols = ['Event Name', 'Category', 'Plugin', 'Target', 'Queued Jobs', 'Actions'];
var stubs = [];
var sorted_ids = hash_keys_to_array(app.eventQueue).sort( function(a, b) {
return (app.eventQueue[a] < app.eventQueue[b]) ? 1 : -1;
} );
sorted_ids.forEach( function(id) {
if (app.eventQueue[id]) stubs.push({ id: id });
} );
this.queue_stubs = stubs;
// render table
var html = '';
html += this.getBasicTable( stubs, cols, 'event', function(stub, idx) {
var queue_count = app.eventQueue[ ] || 0;
var item = find_object( app.schedule, { id: } ) || {};
// for flush dialog
stub.title = item.title;
var cat = item.category ? find_object( app.categories, { id: item.category } ) : null;
var group = ? find_object( app.server_groups, { id: } ) : null;
var plugin = item.plugin ? find_object( app.plugins, { id: item.plugin } ) : null;
var actions = [
'<span class="link" onMouseUp="$P().flush_event_queue('+idx+')"><b>Flush Queue</b></span>'
var tds = [
'<div class="td_big" style="white-space:nowrap;"><a href="#Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=''">' + self.getNiceEvent('<b>' + item.title + '</b>', col_width) + '</a></div>',
self.getNiceCategory( cat, col_width ),
self.getNicePlugin( plugin, col_width ),
self.getNiceGroup( group,, col_width ),
commify( queue_count ),
actions.join(' | ')
if (cat && cat.color) {
if (tds.className) tds.className += ' '; else tds.className = '';
tds.className += cat.color;
return tds;
} ); // getBasicTable
$('#d_home_queued_jobs').html( html );
go_job_details: function(idx) {
// jump to job details page
var job =[idx];
Nav.go( '#JobDetails?id=' + );
abort_job: function(idx) {
// abort job, after confirmation
var job =[idx];
app.confirm( '<span style="color:red">Abort Job</span>', "Are you sure you want to abort the job &ldquo;<b>""</b>&rdquo;?</br>(Event: "+job.event_title+")", "Abort", function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Aborting job..." ); 'app/abort_job', job, function(resp) {
app.showMessage('success', "Job '"+job.event_title+"' was aborted successfully.");
} );
} );
flush_event_queue: function(idx) {
// abort job, after confirmation
var stub = this.queue_stubs[idx];
app.confirm( '<span style="color:red">Flush Event Queue</span>', "Are you sure you want to flush the queue for event &ldquo;<b>"+stub.title+"</b>&rdquo;?", "Flush", function(result) {
if (result) {
app.showProgress( 1.0, "Flushing event queue..." ); 'app/flush_event_queue', stub, function(resp) {
app.showMessage('success', "Event queue for '"+stub.title+"' was flushed successfully.");
} );
} );
getNiceJobElapsedTime: function(job) {
// render nice elapsed time display
var elapsed = Math.floor( Math.max( 0, app.epoch - job.time_start ) );
return get_text_from_seconds( elapsed, true, false );
getNiceJobProgressBar: function(job) {
// render nice progress bar for job
var html = '';
var counter = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, job.progress || 1));
var cx = Math.floor( counter * this.bar_width );
var extra_classes = '';
var extra_attribs = '';
if (counter == 1.0) extra_classes = 'indeterminate';
else extra_attribs = 'title="'+Math.floor( (counter / 1.0) * 100 )+'%"';
html += '<div class="progress_bar_container '+extra_classes+'" style="width:'+this.bar_width+'px; margin:0;" '+extra_attribs+'>';
html += '<div class="progress_bar_inner" style="width:'+cx+'px;"></div>';
html += '</div>';
return html;
getNiceJobRemainingTime: function(job) {
// get nice job remaining time, using elapsed and progress
var elapsed = Math.floor( Math.max( 0, app.epoch - job.time_start ) );
var progress = job.progress || 0;
if ((elapsed >= 10) && (progress > 0) && (progress < 1.0)) {
var sec_remain = Math.floor(((1.0 - progress) * elapsed) / progress);
return get_text_from_seconds( sec_remain, true, true );
else return 'n/a';
getNiceJobPendingText: function(job) {
// get nice display for pending job status
var html = '';
// if job has a log_file, it's in a retry delay, otherwise it's pending (multiplex stagger)
html += (job.log_file ? 'Retry' : 'Pending');
// countdown to actual launch
var nice_countdown = get_text_from_seconds( Math.max(0, job.when - app.epoch), true, true );
html += ' (' + nice_countdown + ')';
return html;
onStatusUpdate: function(data) {
// received status update (websocket), update page if needed
if (data.jobs_changed) {
// refresh tables
$('#d_home_active_jobs').html( this.get_active_jobs_html() );
else {
// update progress, time remaining, no refresh
for (var id in app.activeJobs) {
var job = app.activeJobs[id];
if (job.pending) {
// update countdown
$('#d_home_jt_progress_' + this.getNiceJobPendingText(job) );
if (job.log_file) {
// retry delay
$('#d_home_jt_elapsed_' + this.getNiceJobElapsedTime(job) );
} // pending job
else {
$('#d_home_jt_elapsed_' + this.getNiceJobElapsedTime(job) );
$('#d_home_jt_remaining_' + this.getNiceJobRemainingTime(job) );
// update progress bar without redrawing it (so animation doesn't jitter)
var counter = job.progress || 1;
var cx = Math.floor( counter * this.bar_width );
var prog_cont = $('#d_home_jt_progress_' + + ' > div.progress_bar_container');
if ((counter == 1.0) && !prog_cont.hasClass('indeterminate')) {
prog_cont.addClass('indeterminate').attr('title', "");
else if ((counter < 1.0) && prog_cont.hasClass('indeterminate')) {
if (counter < 1.0) prog_cont.attr('title', '' + Math.floor( (counter / 1.0) * 100 ) + '%');
prog_cont.find('> div.progress_bar_inner').css( 'width', '' + cx + 'px' );
} // active job
} // foreach job
} // quick update
onDataUpdate: function(key, value) {
// recieved data update (websocket)
switch (key) {
case 'state':
case 'schedule':
// state update (new cursors)
// $('#d_home_upcoming_events').html( this.get_upcoming_events_html() );
case 'eventQueue':
onResizeDelay: function(size) {
// called 250ms after latest window resize
// so we can run more expensive redraw operations
$('#d_home_active_jobs').html( this.get_active_jobs_html() );
if (this.upcoming_events) {
data: this.upcoming_events
onDeactivate: function() {
// called when page is deactivated
// this.div.html( '' );
return true;
} );