2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00
img notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00
results notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00 notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00
mkdocs.yml notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00 notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00
requirements.txt notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00 notebook and kubespray workspaces 2022-06-20 18:24:28 +00:00

{% set tools = [ { "env": "IDE_URL", "name": "IDE", "image": "assets/home/IDE.jpg", "description": "Browser-based version of Visual Studio Code. Develop in any language, install hundreeds of extensions" }, { "env": "TERMINAL_URL", "name": "Terminal", "image": "assets/home/Terminal.png", "description": "Full-fledged browser-based terminal with Z-shell" }, { "env": "FILEBROWSER_URL", "name": "File Browser", "image": "assets/home/Filebrowser.png", "description": "Browse, upload and download files and folders to and from the Workspace" }, { "env": "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK_URL", "name": "Jupyter Notebooks", "image": "assets/home/Jupyter.png", "description": "Classic notebook experience. Great for data exploration, analysis and visualisation." }, { "env": "JUPYTER_LAB_URL", "name": "Jupyter Lab", "image": "assets/home/Jupyterlab.png", "description": "Notebook development environment. Great for complex notebook projects" }, { "env": "DTALE_URL", "name": "D-Tale", "image": "assets/home/dtale.png", "description": "Comprehensive visual exploration, analysis and discovery from dataset files." }, { "env": "NBVIEWER_URL", "subpath": "localfile/", "name": "Notebook viewer", "image": "assets/home/nbviewer.png", "description": "Display notebooks from folder /home/project/nbviewer" }, { "env": "VOILA_URL", "name": "Voila", "image": "assets/home/voila.png", "description": "Render live Jupyter notebooks with interactive widgets from folder /home/project/voila" }, { "env": "LUIGI_URL", "name": "Luigi", "image": "assets/home/luigi.png", "description": "Luigi helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs in Python" }, { "env": "CRONICLE_URL", "name": "Cronicle", "image": "assets/home/Cronicle.jpg", "description": "Schedule jobs, manage schedules, observe and monitor executions (user/pass - admin/admin)" }, { "env": "UNGIT_URL", "name": "Ungit", "image": "assets/home/Ungit.jpg", "description": "Manage Git repositories and work flow using beautiful UI" }, { "env": "STATICFS_URL", "name": "Static File Server", "image": "assets/home/Static-server.png", "description": "Serve any static websites like a breeze" }, { "env": "MC_URL", "name": "M.Commander", "image": "assets/home/MC.jpg", "description": "Feature rich visual file manager with internal text viewer and editor" }, { "env": "HTOP_URL", "name": "Process monitor", "image": "assets/home/Htop.jpg", "description": "Monitor running process and resource utilization" } ] %}

{% for tool in tools %} {% set tool_url = get_tool_url(tool.env) %}
{% if tool.subpath is defined %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{{ }}
{{ tool.description }}
{% endfor %}