2022-09-17 08:23:45 +00:00

60 lines
2.6 KiB

ARG BUILD_IMAGE=node:16.17.0
ARG MAIN_IMAGE=alnoda/java-workspace:4.0-17
################################################################################ BUILD THEIA
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install -y apt-utils \
&& apt-get install -y git \
&& apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev \
&& mkdir /opt/theia
WORKDIR /opt/theia
ADD elixir_theia_package.json ./package.json
RUN yarn --pure-lockfile && \
NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=4096" yarn theia build && \
yarn theia download:plugins && \
yarn --production && \
yarn autoclean --init && \
echo *.ts >> .yarnclean && \
echo * >> .yarnclean && \
echo *.spec.* >> .yarnclean && \
yarn autoclean --force && \
yarn cache clean
################################################################################ WORKSPACE IMAGE
# Replace Theia with the new build, which includes additional pre-installed extensions
# To do this, the existing Theia folder will be deleted, and new copied from the build stage
ENV THEIA_DIR="/home/abc/apps/theia"
RUN rm -rf $THEIA_DIR \
&& mkdir "$THEIA_DIR" \
&& cd $THEIA_DIR && nodeenv --node=16.17.0 env && . env/bin/activate
# Copy built Theia from the build image
COPY --from=0 --chown=abc:abc /opt/theia $THEIA_DIR
RUN sudo apt-get -y update \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ Erlang requirements" \
&& sudo apt-get -y install build-essential autoconf libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev fop xsltproc unixodbc-dev \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ Kerl" \
&& cd /tmp && curl -O \
&& chmod a+x kerl \
&& mv /tmp/kerl /home/abc/.local/bin/ \
&& kerl update releases
RUN echo "------------------------------------------------------ Erlang/OTP (user) " \
&& kerl build 25.0 25.0 \
&& kerl install 25.0 /home/abc/erlang/25.0 \
&& export PATH="$PATH:/home/abc/erlang/25.0/bin" \
&& echo "------------------------------------------------------ Kiex, Elixir (user) " \
&& curl -sSL | bash -s \
&& export "PATH=$PATH:/home/abc/.kiex/bin" \
&& kiex install 1.13.4
ENV PATH="$PATH:/home/abc/erlang/25.0/bin"
ENV PATH="$PATH:/home/abc/.kiex/bin"
ENV PATH="$PATH:/home/abc/.kiex/elixirs/elixir-1.13.4/bin"
# Build Alnoda workspace
COPY --chown=abc:abc workspace /tmp/workspace
RUN pipx uninstall alnoda-wrk; pipx install alnoda-wrk; alnoda-wrk build /tmp/workspace && rm -rf /tmp/workspace