2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

1963 lines
64 KiB
Executable file

// Cronicle Server Job Manager
// Copyright (c) 2015 Joseph Huckaby
// Released under the MIT License
var async = require('async');
var cp = require('child_process');
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');
var sqparse = require('shell-quote').parse;
var zlib = require('zlib');
var Class = require("pixl-class");
var Tools = require("pixl-tools");
var JSONStream = require("pixl-json-stream");
var PixlMail = require('pixl-mail');
module.exports = Class.create({
launchOrQueueJob: function(event, callback) {
// launch job, or queue upon failure (if event desires)
var self = this;
// must be master to do this
if (!this.multi.master) return callback( new Error("Only a master server can launch jobs.") );
this.launchJob(event, function(err, jobs) {
if (err && event.queue) {
// event supports queuing
var queue_max = event.queue_max || 0;
if (!self.eventQueue[]) self.eventQueue[] = 0;
if (!queue_max || (self.eventQueue[] < queue_max)) {
// queue has room for one more
self.authSocketEmit( 'update', { eventQueue: self.eventQueue } );
// special 0-job response denotes an enqueue occurred
err = null;
jobs = [];
// add now time if not already set
if (! = Tools.timeNow(true);
// add job to actual queue in storage, async 'global/event_queue/' +, event, function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('queue', "Failed to push job onto event queue: " + err);
} );
else {
// queue is full, change error message
err = new Error( "Job could not be queued: Event queue reached max of " + queue_max + " items" );
callback(err, jobs);
launchJob: function(event, callback) {
// locate suitable server and launch job
var self = this;
var orig_event = null;
var server_group = null;
var plugin = null;
var category = null;
var servers = [];
// must be master to do this
if (!this.multi.master) return callback( new Error("Only a master server can launch jobs.") );
function(callback) {
// event target may refer to server group OR hostname
var slave = self.slaves[ ] || null;
if (slave && !slave.disabled) {
servers.push( slave );
return callback();
} 'global/server_groups', { id: }, function(err, item) {
server_group = item;
} );
function(callback) { 'global/plugins', { id: event.plugin }, function(err, item) {
plugin = item;
} );
function(callback) { 'global/categories', { id: event.category }, function(err, item) {
category = item;
} );
function(callback) { 'global/schedule', { id: }, function(err, item) {
orig_event = item;
} );
function(err) {
// all resources loaded
if (err) return callback(err);
if (!server_group && !servers.length) return callback( new Error("Server or Server Group not found: " + );
if (!plugin) return callback( new Error("Plugin not found: " + event.plugin) );
if (!category) return callback( new Error("Category not found: " + event.category) );
if (!orig_event) return callback( new Error("Event not found: " + );
var all_jobs = self.getAllActiveJobs(true); // include pending jobs
var job_list = Tools.hashValuesToArray( all_jobs );
// check running jobs vs. max children
if (orig_event.max_children) {
var event_jobs = Tools.findObjectsIdx( job_list, { 'event': } );
if (event_jobs.length >= orig_event.max_children) {
// too many event children running
return callback( new Error("Maximum of "+orig_event.max_children+" "+Tools.pluralize("job", orig_event.max_children)+" already running for event: " + event.title) );
if (category.max_children) {
var cat_jobs = Tools.findObjectsIdx( job_list, { 'category': event.category } );
if (cat_jobs.length >= category.max_children) {
// too many category children running
return callback( new Error("Maximum of "+category.max_children+" "+Tools.pluralize("job", category.max_children)+" already running for category: " + category.title) );
var max_jobs = self.server.config.get('max_jobs') || 0;
if (max_jobs && (job_list.length >= max_jobs)) {
return callback( new Error("Global maximum of " + max_jobs + " " + Tools.pluralize("job", max_jobs) + " already running.") );
if (!category.enabled) {
return callback( new Error("Category '" + category.title + "' is disabled.") );
if (!plugin.enabled) {
return callback( new Error("Plugin '" + plugin.title + "' is disabled.") );
// automatically pick server if needed
if (!servers.length && server_group) {
var candidates = [];
var regex = new RegExp( server_group.regexp );
for (var hostname in self.slaves) {
var slave = self.slaves[hostname];
// only consider slaves that match the group hostname pattern, and are not disabled
if (hostname.match(regex) && !slave.disabled) {
candidates.push( self.slaves[hostname] );
if (!candidates.length) {
return callback( new Error("Could not find any servers for group: " + server_group.title) );
// sort the candidates by hostname ascending
candidates = candidates.sort( function(a, b) {
return a.hostname.localeCompare( b.hostname );
} );
if (event.multiplex) {
// run on ALL servers in group simultaneously (multiplex)
servers = candidates;
else {
// run on one server in group, chosen by custom algo
servers.push( self.chooseServer(candidates, event) );
} // find slave
if (!servers.length) {
// event was targetting server that is no longer with us
return callback( new Error("Target server is not available: " + );
var jobs = [];
// loop through each matched server, launching job on each
for (var idx = 0, len = servers.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var slave = servers[idx];
// construct job object based on event
var job = Tools.copyHash( event, true );
delete job.title;
delete job.timing;
delete job.enabled;
delete job.max_children;
// delete;
delete job.username;
delete job.api_key;
delete job.session_id;
delete job.modified;
delete job.created; = self.getUniqueID('j');
job.time_start = Tools.timeNow();
job.hostname = slave.hostname;
job.event =;
job.params = event.params || {}; = || Tools.timeNow(true);
job.event_title = event.title;
job.plugin_title = plugin.title;
job.category_title = category.title;
job.nice_target = server_group ? server_group.title :;
// pull in properties from plugin
job.command = plugin.command;
if (plugin.cwd) job.cwd = plugin.cwd;
if (plugin.uid) job.uid = plugin.uid;
if (plugin.gid) job.gid = plugin.gid;
if (plugin.env) job.env = plugin.env;
// plugin params may have changed outside of event,
// so recopy missing / hidden ones
if (plugin.params) plugin.params.forEach( function(param) {
if (!( in job.params) || (param.type == 'hidden')) {
job.params[ ] = param.value;
} );
// pull in defaults from category
if (!job.notify_success && category.notify_success) job.notify_success = category.notify_success;
if (!job.notify_fail && category.notify_fail) job.notify_fail = category.notify_fail;
if (!job.web_hook && category.web_hook) job.web_hook = category.web_hook;
if (!job.memory_limit && category.memory_limit) {
job.memory_limit = category.memory_limit;
job.memory_sustain = category.memory_sustain || 0;
if (!job.cpu_limit && category.cpu_limit) {
job.cpu_limit = category.cpu_limit;
job.cpu_sustain = category.cpu_sustain || 0;
// multiplex stagger if desired
if (event.multiplex && event.stagger && (idx > 0)) {
// delay job by N seconds, based on stagger and host position in group
job.when = Tools.timeNow() + (event.stagger * idx);
job.time_start = job.when;
// send remote or run local
if (slave.master) {
// run the event here
self.launchLocalJob( job );
else if (slave.socket) {
// send the job to remote slave server
self.logDebug(6, "Sending remote job to: " + slave.hostname, job);
slave.socket.emit( 'launch_job', job );
// Pre-insert job into slave's active_jobs, so something will show in getAllActiveJobs() right away.
// Important for when the scheduler is catching up, and may try to launch a bunch of jobs in a row.
if (!slave.active_jobs) slave.active_jobs = {};
slave.active_jobs[ ] = job;
// fire web hook
var hook_data = Tools.mergeHashes( job, { action: 'job_start' } );
// prepare nice text summary (compatible with Slack Incoming WebHooks)
hook_data.base_app_url = self.server.config.get('base_app_url');
hook_data.job_details_url = self.server.config.get('base_app_url') + '/#JobDetails?id=' +;
hook_data.edit_event_url = self.server.config.get('base_app_url') + '/#Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=' + job.event;
var hook_text_templates = self.server.config.get('web_hook_text_templates') || self.defaultWebHookTextTemplates;
if (hook_text_templates[hook_data.action]) {
hook_data.text = Tools.sub( hook_text_templates[hook_data.action], hook_data );
// include web_hook_config_keys if configured
if (self.server.config.get('web_hook_config_keys')) {
var web_hook_config_keys = self.server.config.get('web_hook_config_keys');
for (var idy = 0, ley = web_hook_config_keys.length; idy < ley; idy++) {
var key = web_hook_config_keys[idy];
hook_data[key] = self.server.config.get(key);
// include web_hook_custom_data if configured
if (self.server.config.get('web_hook_custom_data')) {
var web_hook_custom_data = self.server.config.get('web_hook_custom_data');
for (var key in web_hook_custom_data) hook_data[key] = web_hook_custom_data[key];
// custom http options for web hook
var hook_opts = self.server.config.get('web_hook_custom_opts') || {};
if (job.web_hook) {
self.logDebug(9, "Firing web hook for job start: " + + ": " + job.web_hook);
self.request.json( job.web_hook, hook_data, hook_opts, function(err, resp, data) {
// log response
if (err) self.logDebug(9, "Web Hook Error: " + job.web_hook + ": " + err);
else self.logDebug(9, "Web Hook Response: " + job.web_hook + ": HTTP " + resp.statusCode + " " + resp.statusMessage);
} );
if (self.server.config.get('universal_web_hook')) {
self.logDebug(9, "Firing universal web hook for job start: " + self.server.config.get('universal_web_hook'));
self.request.json( self.server.config.get('universal_web_hook'), hook_data, hook_opts, function(err, resp, data) {
// log response
if (err) self.logDebug(9, "Universal Web Hook Error: " + err);
else self.logDebug(9, "Universal Web Hook Response: HTTP " + resp.statusCode + " " + resp.statusMessage);
} );
} // yes fire hook
jobs.push( job );
} // foreach slave
// no error
callback( null, jobs );
chooseServer: function(candidates, event) {
// choose server for event, based on algo
var server = null;
var hostnames = [];
for (var idx = 0, len = candidates.length; idx < len; idx++) {
hostnames.push( candidates[idx].hostname );
this.logDebug(9, "Choosing server for event using algo: " + event.algo || 'random', hostnames);
switch (event.algo || 'random') {
case "random":
// random server from group
server = Tools.randArray( candidates );
case "round_robin":
// pick each server in sequence, repeat
if (!this.state.robins) this.state.robins = {};
var robin = this.state.robins[ ] || 0;
if (robin >= candidates.length) robin = 0;
server = candidates[robin];
this.state.robins[ ] = robin + 1;
case "least_cpu":
// pick server with least CPU in use
var cpus = {};
var servers = this.getAllServers();
for (var hostname in servers) {
cpus[hostname] = 0;
if (servers[hostname] && servers[hostname].data && servers[hostname].data.cpu) {
cpus[hostname] = servers[hostname].data.cpu;
var jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs();
for (var job_id in jobs) {
var job = jobs[job_id];
if (job.cpu && job.cpu.current) {
if (!cpus[job.hostname]) cpus[job.hostname] = 0;
cpus[job.hostname] += job.cpu.current;
var least_value = -1;
var least_hostname = '';
for (var idx = 0, len = candidates.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var hostname = candidates[idx].hostname;
if ((least_value == -1) || (cpus[hostname] < least_value)) {
least_value = cpus[hostname];
least_hostname = hostname;
this.logDebug(9, "CPU Snapshot:", cpus);
server = Tools.findObject( candidates, { hostname: least_hostname } );
case "least_mem":
// pick server with least memory in use
var mems = {};
var servers = this.getAllServers();
for (var hostname in servers) {
mems[hostname] = 0;
if (servers[hostname] && servers[hostname].data && servers[hostname].data.mem) {
mems[hostname] = servers[hostname].data.mem;
var jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs();
for (var job_id in jobs) {
var job = jobs[job_id];
if (job.mem && job.mem.current) {
if (!mems[job.hostname]) mems[job.hostname] = 0;
mems[job.hostname] += job.mem.current;
var least_value = -1;
var least_hostname = '';
for (var idx = 0, len = candidates.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var hostname = candidates[idx].hostname;
if ((least_value == -1) || (mems[hostname] < least_value)) {
least_value = mems[hostname];
least_hostname = hostname;
this.logDebug(9, "Mem Snapshot:", mems);
server = Tools.findObject( candidates, { hostname: least_hostname } );
case "prefer_first":
// pick server towards top of sorted list
server = candidates[0];
case "prefer_last":
// pick server towards bottom of sorted list
server = candidates[ candidates.length - 1 ];
} // switch event.algo
this.logDebug(9, "Chose server: " + server.hostname + " via algo: " + (event.algo || "random") );
return server;
launchLocalJob: function(job) {
// launch job as a local child process
var self = this;
var child = null;
var worker = null;
// check for job delay request (multiplex stagger)
if (job.when && (job.when > Tools.timeNow())) {
this.logDebug(6, "Job " + + " will be delayed for " +
Tools.getTextFromSeconds( job.when - Tools.timeNow() ));
job.action = 'launchLocalJob';
// construct fully qualified path to job log file
job.log_file = path.resolve( path.join(
this.server.config.get('log_dir'), 'jobs', + (job.detached ? '-detached' : '') + '.log'
) );
this.logDebug(6, "Launching local job", job);
// if we are the master server or job is detached,
// save copy of job file to disk next to log (for crash recovery)
if (this.multi.master || job.detached) {
fs.writeFile( job.log_file.replace(/\.log$/, '.json'), JSON.stringify(job), function(err) {
if (err) self.logError('job', "Failed to write JSON job file: " + job.log_file.replace(/\.log$/, '.json') + ": " + err);
} );
// setup environment for child
var child_opts = {
cwd: job.cwd || process.cwd(),
uid: job.uid || process.getuid(),
gid: process.getgid(),
env: Tools.mergeHashes(
this.server.config.get('job_env') || {},
Tools.mergeHashes( process.env, job.env || {} )
child_opts.env['CRONICLE'] = this.server.__version;
child_opts.env['JOB_ID'] =;
child_opts.env['JOB_LOG'] = job.log_file;
child_opts.env['JOB_NOW'] =;
child_opts.env['PWD'] = child_opts.cwd;
// copy all top-level job keys into child env, if number/string/boolean
for (var key in job) {
switch (typeof(job[key])) {
case 'string':
case 'number':
child_opts.env['JOB_' + key.toUpperCase()] = '' + job[key];
case 'boolean':
child_opts.env['JOB_' + key.toUpperCase()] = job[key] ? 1 : 0;
// get uid / gid info for child env vars
var user_info = Tools.getpwnam( child_opts.uid, true );
if (user_info) {
child_opts.uid = user_info.uid;
child_opts.gid = user_info.gid;
child_opts.env.USER = child_opts.env.USERNAME = user_info.username;
child_opts.env.HOME = user_info.dir;
child_opts.env.SHELL =;
else if (child_opts.uid != process.getuid()) {
// user not found = 0;
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Plugin Error: User does not exist: " + child_opts.uid;
this.logError("child", job.description);
this.activeJobs[ ] = job;
this.finishLocalJob( job );
child_opts.uid = parseInt( child_opts.uid );
child_opts.gid = parseInt( child_opts.gid );
// add plugin params as env vars, expand $INLINE vars
if (job.params) {
for (var key in job.params) {
child_opts.env[key.toUpperCase()] =
(''+job.params[key]).replace(/\$(\w+)/g, function(m_all, m_g1) {
return (m_g1 in child_opts.env) ? child_opts.env[m_g1] : '';
this.logDebug(9, "Child spawn options:", child_opts);
// create log file, write header to it
var dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( new Date() );
fs.appendFileSync( job.log_file, [
"# Job ID: " +,
"# Event Title: " + job.event_title,
"# Hostname: " + this.server.hostname,
"# Date/Time: " + dargs.yyyy_mm_dd + ' ' + dargs.hh_mi_ss + ' (' + + ')'
].join("\n") + "\n\n");
// make sure child can write to log file
fs.chmodSync( job.log_file, "777" );
if (job.detached) {
// spawn detached child
var temp_file = path.join( os.tmpdir(), 'cronicle-job-temp-' + + '.json' );
// tell child where the queue dir is
job.queue_dir = path.resolve( this.server.config.get('queue_dir') );
// write job file
fs.writeFileSync( temp_file, JSON.stringify(job) );
fs.chmodSync( temp_file, "777" );
this.logDebug(9, "Job temp file: " + temp_file );
// spawn child
child_opts.detached = true;
child_opts.stdio = ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore'];
try {
child = cp.spawn( path.resolve("bin/run-detached.js"), ["detached", temp_file], child_opts );
catch (err) { = 0;
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Child process error: " + Tools.getErrorDescription(err);
this.logError("child", job.description);
this.activeJobs[ ] = job;
this.finishLocalJob( job );
} = || 0;
this.logDebug(3, "Spawned detached process: " + + " for job: " +, job.command);
worker = {
else {
// spawn child normally
var child_cmd = job.command;
var child_args = [];
// if command has cli args, parse using shell-quote
if (child_cmd.match(/\s+(.+)$/)) {
var cargs_raw = RegExp.$1;
child_cmd = child_cmd.replace(/\s+(.+)$/, '');
child_args = sqparse( cargs_raw, child_opts.env );
worker = {};
// attach streams
worker.log_fd = fs.openSync(job.log_file, 'a');
child_opts.stdio = ['pipe', 'pipe', worker.log_fd];
// spawn child
try {
child = cp.spawn( child_cmd, child_args, child_opts );
if (!child || ! || !child.stdin || !child.stdout) {
throw new Error("Child process failed to spawn (Check executable location and permissions?)");
catch (err) {
if (child) child.on('error', function() {}); // prevent crash
if (worker.log_fd) { fs.closeSync(worker.log_fd); worker.log_fd = null; } = 0;
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Child spawn error: " + child_cmd + ": " + Tools.getErrorDescription(err);
this.logError("child", job.description);
this.activeJobs[ ] = job;
this.finishLocalJob( job );
} = || 0;
this.logDebug(3, "Spawned child process: " + + " for job: " +, child_cmd);
// connect json stream to child's stdio
// order reversed deliberately (out, in)
var stream = new JSONStream( child.stdout, child.stdin );
stream.recordRegExp = /^\s*\{.+\}\s*$/; =;
worker.child = child; = stream;
stream.on('json', function(data) {
// received data from child
self.handleChildResponse(job, worker, data);
} );
stream.on('text', function(line) {
// received non-json text from child, log it
fs.appendFileSync(job.log_file, line);
} );
stream.on('error', function(err, text) {
// Probably a JSON parse error (child emitting garbage)
self.logError('job', "Child stream error: Job ID " + + ": PID " + + ": " + err);
if (text) fs.appendFileSync(job.log_file, text + "\n");
} );
child.on('error', function (err) {
// child error
if (worker.log_fd) { fs.closeSync(worker.log_fd); worker.log_fd = null; }
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Child process error: " + Tools.getErrorDescription(err);
worker.child_exited = true;
self.logError("child", job.description);
self.finishLocalJob( job );
} );
child.on('exit', function (code, signal) {
// child exited
self.logDebug(3, "Child " + + " exited with code: " + (code || signal || 0));
worker.child_exited = true;
if (job.complete) {
// child already reported completion, so finish job now
if (worker.log_fd) { fs.closeSync(worker.log_fd); worker.log_fd = null; }
self.finishLocalJob( job );
else {
// job is not complete but process exited (could be coming in next tick)
// set timeout just in case something went wrong
worker.complete_timer = setTimeout( function() {
if (worker.log_fd) { fs.closeSync(worker.log_fd); worker.log_fd = null; }
job.code = code || 1;
job.description = code ?
("Child " + + " crashed with code: " + (code || signal)) :
("Process exited without reporting job completion.");
if (!code) job.unknown = 1;
self.finishLocalJob( job );
}, 1000 );
} ); // on exit
// send initial job + params
stream.write( job );
// we're done writing to the child -- don't hold open its stdin
} // spawn normally
// track job in our own hash
this.activeJobs[ ] = job;[ ] = worker;
handleChildResponse: function(job, worker, data) {
// child sent us some datas (progress or completion)
this.logDebug(10, "Got job update from child: " +, data);
// assume success if complete but no code specified
if (data.complete && !data.code) data.code = 0;
// merge in data
Tools.mergeHashInto( job, data );
if (job.complete && worker.child_exited) {
// in case this update came in after child exited
this.finishLocalJob( job );
detachedJobUpdate: function(data) {
// receive update from detached child via queue system
var id =;
var in_progress = data.in_progress || false;
delete data.in_progress;
this.logDebug(9, "Received update from detached job: " + id, data);
var job = this.activeJobs[id];
if (!job) {
// if this is an in-progress update, we can just silently skip (queue files arrived out of order)
if (in_progress) return;
// service may have restarted - try to recover job from temp file
var job_file = this.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs/' + id + '-detached' + '.json';
this.logDebug(6, "Detached job is not in memory: " + id + ": Attempting to recover from disk", job_file);
// okay to use sync here, as this should be a very rare event
if (fs.existsSync(job_file)) {
var json_raw = fs.readFileSync(job_file, { encoding: 'utf8' });
try { job = JSON.parse(json_raw); }
catch (err) {
this.logError('job', "Failed to read detached job file: " + job_file + ": " + err);
else {
this.logError('job', "Could not locate detached job file: " + job_file);
if (job) {
this.logDebug(6, "Recovered job data from disk: " + job_file, job);
this.activeJobs[id] = job;[ ] = { pid: };
else {
this.logError('job', "Failed to locate active job for update: " + id, data);
} // no job in memory
// assume success if complete but no code specified
if (data.complete && !data.code) data.code = 0;
// merge in data
Tools.mergeHashInto( job, data );
if (job.complete) {
// detached job is complete
this.finishLocalJob( job );
rewindJob: function(job) {
// reset cursor state to minute before job started (use 'now' property in case start was delayed)
// only do this if job has catch_up, was launched via the scheduler, and is not multiplexed
if (!this.multi.master) return;
if (job.catch_up && !job.source && !job.multiplex) {
var new_start = Tools.normalizeTime( - 60, { sec: 0 } );
this.state.cursors[ job.event ] = new_start;
var dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( new_start );
this.logDebug(5, "Reset event " + job.event + " cursor to: " + dargs.yyyy_mm_dd + " " + dargs.hh + ":" + dargs.mi + ":00" );
findJob: function(stub) {
// find active or pending job
// stub should have: id
if (!this.multi.master) return false;
if (typeof(stub) == 'string') stub = { id: stub };
// check all jobs, local, remote and pending
var all_jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs( true );
var job = all_jobs[];
if (!job) {
// check pending jobs (they have separate IDs)
for (var key in all_jobs) {
if (all_jobs[key].id == {
job = all_jobs[key];
return job || false;
updateJob: function(stub) {
// update active job
// stub should have: id
if (!this.multi.master) return false;
var job = this.findJob(stub);
if (!job) {
// should never happen
this.logDebug(1, "Could not locate job: " +;
return false;
if (job.hostname == this.server.hostname) {
// local job
else {
// remote job
var slave = this.slaves[ job.hostname ];
if (!slave) {
// should never happen
this.logDebug(1, "Could not locate slave: " + job.hostname);
return false;
this.logDebug(6, "Sending job update command to: " + slave.hostname, stub);
slave.socket.emit( 'update_job', stub );
return true;
updateLocalJob: function(stub) {
// update local job properties
var job = this.activeJobs[ ];
if (!job) {
// must be a pending job
if (this.internalQueue) {
for (var key in this.internalQueue) {
var task = this.internalQueue[key];
if ((task.action = 'launchLocalJob') && ( == {
job = task;
if (!job) {
// should never happen
this.logDebug(1, "Could not locate job: " +;
return false;
this.logDebug(4, "Updating local job: " +, stub);
// update properties
for (var key in stub) {
if (key != 'id') job[key] = stub[key];
return true;
abortJob: function(stub) {
// abort active job
// stub should have: id, reason
if (!this.multi.master) return false;
// check all jobs, local, remote and pending
var all_jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs( true );
var job = all_jobs[];
if (!job) {
// check pending jobs (they have separate IDs)
for (var key in all_jobs) {
if (all_jobs[key].id == {
job = all_jobs[key];
if (!job) {
// should never happen
this.logDebug(1, "Could not locate job: " +;
return false;
if (job.hostname == this.server.hostname) {
// local job
else {
// remote job
var slave = this.slaves[ job.hostname ];
if (!slave) {
// should never happen
this.logDebug(1, "Could not locate slave: " + job.hostname);
return false;
this.logDebug(6, "Sending job abort command to: " + slave.hostname, stub);
slave.socket.emit( 'abort_job', stub );
// rewind cursor if needed
if (!stub.no_rewind) this.rewindJob(job);
if (job.pending && !job.log_file) {
// job is pre-launch, so log activity
this.logActivity( 'error', { description: "Pending job #"" ("+(job.event_title || 'Unknown')+") was aborted pre-launch: " + stub.reason } );
return true;
abortLocalPendingJob: function(stub) {
// abort job currently in pending queue
var job = null;
if (this.internalQueue) {
for (var key in this.internalQueue) {
var task = this.internalQueue[key];
if ((task.action = 'launchLocalJob') && ( == {
job = task;
delete this.internalQueue[key];
if (!job) {
// should never happen
this.logDebug(1, "Could not locate pending job to abort: " +;
this.logDebug(4, "Aborting local pending job: " + + ": " + stub.reason, job);
job.abort_reason = stub.reason;
// determine if job needs to be 'finished' (i.e. aborted in retry delay)
// or hasn't actually launched yet (i.e. multiplex stagger)
if (job.log_file) {
this.activeJobs[ ] = job; // trick it into acceptance
this.finishLocalJob( job );
abortLocalJob: function(stub) {
// abort locally running job on this server
// stub should have: id, reason
var self = this;
var job = this.activeJobs[ ];
if (!job) {
// must be a pending job
var worker =[ ] || {};
this.logDebug(4, "Aborting local job: " + + ": " + stub.reason, job);
job.abort_reason = stub.reason;
if (worker.child) {
// owned process
if (worker.log_fd) { fs.closeSync(worker.log_fd); worker.log_fd = null; }
worker.kill_timer = setTimeout( function() {
// child didn't die, kill with prejudice
self.logDebug(3, "Child did not exit, killing harder: " +;
}, this.server.config.get('child_kill_timeout') * 1000 );
// try killing nicely first
else {
// detached process
if ( {
try { process.kill(, 'SIGTERM' ); }
catch (e) {
this.logDebug(5, "Could not term process: " + + ", killing it.");
try { process.kill(, 'SIGKILL' ); } catch (e) {;}
// make sure process actually exits
setTimeout( function() {
var ping = false;
try { ping = process.kill(, 0 ); }
catch (e) {;}
if (ping) {
self.logDebug(3, "Child did not exit, killing: " +;
try { process.kill(, 'SIGKILL' ); } catch (e) {;}
}, this.server.config.get('child_kill_timeout') * 1000 );
} //
// assume job is finished at this point
finishLocalJob: function(job) {
// complete job, remove from tracking, update history
var self = this;
// job may already be removed
if (!this.activeJobs[ ]) return;
// if aborted, copy in those params
if (job.abort_reason) {
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Job Aborted: " + job.abort_reason;
job.retries = 0;
job.complete = 1;
this.logDebug(5, "Job completed " + (job.code ? "with error" : "successfully"), job);
// kill completion timer, if set
var worker =[ ] || {};
if (worker.complete_timer) {
clearTimeout( worker.complete_timer );
delete worker.complete_timer;
if (worker.kill_timer) {
clearTimeout( worker.kill_timer );
delete worker.kill_timer;
if (worker.log_fd) {
delete worker.log_fd;
// retry on failure
if ((job.code != 0) && job.retries && !this.server.shut) {
this.logError('job', "Job failed: " + + " (" + job.retries + " retries remain)");
// add blurb to job log
var blurb = "\n# Job failed with error";
if (job.code != 1) blurb += ' ' + job.code;
blurb += ": " + (job.description || 'Unknown Error') + "\n";
blurb += "# " + job.retries + " retries remain";
if (job.retry_delay) blurb += " (" + Tools.getTextFromSeconds(job.retry_delay, true, false) + " delay)";
blurb += "\n\n";
fs.appendFileSync( job.log_file, blurb);
delete job.complete;
delete job.code;
delete job.description;
delete job.perf;
delete job.progress;
delete job.cpu;
delete job.mem;
delete this.activeJobs[ ];
delete[ ];
// optional retry delay
if (job.retry_delay) {
job.when = Tools.timeNow() + job.retry_delay;
} // retry
// if non-zero code, we expect a string description
if (job.code != 0) {
if (!job.description) job.description = "Unknown Error (no description provided)";
if (job.description) {
job.description = '' + job.description;
// upload job debug log and finish job
var dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( new Date() );
var nice_date_time = dargs.yyyy_mm_dd + ' ' + dargs.hh_mi_ss + ' (' + + ')';
var footer = "\n";
if (job.code) {
footer += "# Job failed at " + nice_date_time + ".\n";
footer += "# Error";
if (job.code != 1) footer += " " + job.code;
footer += ": " + job.description.trim() + "\n";
else {
footer += "# Job completed successfully at " + nice_date_time + ".\n";
if (job.description) footer += "# Description: " + job.description.trim() + "\n";
footer += "# End of log.\n";
// append footer to log
try { fs.appendFileSync(job.log_file, footer); }
catch (err) {
self.logError('job', "Failed to append to job log file: " + job.log_file + ": " + err);
// next, get job log file size
var stats = null;
try { stats = fs.statSync( job.log_file ); }
catch (err) {
self.logError('job', "Failed to stat job log file: " + job.log_file + ": " + err);
// grab job log size, for e-mail
job.log_file_size = stats.size;
// only proceed if server isn't shutting down
if (!self.server.shut) {
// upload job log file async
self.uploadJobLog( job );
if (self.multi.master) {
// we're master, finish the job locally
} // master
else {
// we're a slave, signal master to finish job via websockets
// (this can happen parallel to job log upload)
//'finish_job', job);
self.masterSocketEmit('finish_job', job);
} // slave
// delete job json file (only created on master or for detached jobs)
fs.unlink( job.log_file.replace(/\.log$/, '.json'), function(err) {;} );
else if (self.multi.master) {
// server is shutting down and is master
// rewrite job json for recovery (so it gets pid and log_file_size)
fs.writeFileSync( job.log_file.replace(/\.log$/, '.json'), JSON.stringify(job) );
delete self.activeJobs[ ];
if ( delete[ ];
uploadJobLog: function(job, callback) {
// upload local job log file
// or send to storage directly if we're master
var self = this;
var path = 'jobs/' + + '/log.txt.gz';
// if we're master, upload directly to storage
if (this.multi.master) {
// call storage directly
this.logDebug(6, "Storing job log: " + job.log_file + ": " + path);
fs.stat( job.log_file, function(err, stats) {
// data will be a stream
if (err) {
var data = Buffer.from("(Empty log file)\n");
fs.writeFileSync( job.log_file, data );
// get read stream and prepare to compress it
var stream = fs.createReadStream( job.log_file );
var gzip = zlib.createGzip( self.server.config.get('gzip_opts') || {} );
stream.pipe( gzip ); path, gzip, function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('storage', "Failed to store job log: " + path + ": " + err);
if (callback) callback(err);
self.logDebug(9, "Job log stored successfully: " + path);
// delete or move local log file
if (self.server.config.get('copy_job_logs_to')) {
var dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( Tools.timeNow() );
var dest_path = self.server.config.get('copy_job_logs_to').replace(/\/$/, '') + '/';
if (job.event_title) dest_path += job.event_title.replace(/\W+/g, '') + '.';
dest_path += + '.' + (dargs.yyyy_mm_dd + '-' + dargs.hh_mi_ss).replace(/\W+/g, '-');
dest_path += '.log';
self.logDebug(9, "Moving local file: " + job.log_file + " to: " + dest_path);
self.logger.rotate( job.log_file, dest_path, function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('file', "Failed to move local job log file: " + job.log_file + ": " + err);
fs.unlink( job.log_file, function(err) {;} );
else {
self.logDebug(9, "Successfully moved local job log file: " + job.log_file + ": " + dest_path);
if (callback) callback();
} );
else {
self.logDebug(9, "Deleting local file: " + job.log_file);
fs.unlink( job.log_file, function(err) {
// all done
if (err) {
self.logError('file', "Failed to delete local job log file: " + job.log_file + ": " + err);
else {
self.logDebug(9, "Successfully deleted local job log file: " + job.log_file);
if (callback) callback();
} ); // fs.unlink
} // delete
} ); // storage put
} ); // read file
} // master
else {
// we're a slave, so tell master via websockets to come get log
//'fetch_job_log', job);
if (!this.server.shut) this.masterSocketEmit('fetch_job_log', job);
if (callback) callback();
} // slave
fetchStoreJobLog: function(job) {
// fetch remote job log from slave, and then store in storage
var self = this;
if (!this.multi.master) return;
var slave = this.slaves[ job.hostname ];
if (!slave) {
this.logError('job', "Failed to locate slave: " + job.hostname + " for job: " +;
slave = { hostname: job.hostname }; // hail mary
// construct url to API on remote server w/auth key
var api_url = this.getServerBaseAPIURL( slave.hostname, slave.ip ) + '/app/fetch_delete_job_log';
api_url += Tools.composeQueryString({
path: job.log_file,
auth: Tools.digestHex(job.log_file + this.server.config.get('secret_key'))
this.logDebug(6, "Fetching remote job log via HTTP GET: " + api_url);
// just in case remote server has different base dir than master
job.log_file = this.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs/' + path.basename(job.log_file);
this.request.get( api_url, { download: job.log_file }, function(err, resp) {
// check for error
if (err) {
var err_msg = "Failed to fetch job log file: " + api_url + ": " + err;
self.logError('job', err_msg);
else if (resp.statusCode != 200) {
var err_msg = "Failed to fetch job log file: " + api_url + ": HTTP " + resp.statusCode + " " + resp.statusMessage;
self.logError('job', err_msg );
else {
// success
self.logDebug(5, "Job log was fetched successfully", api_url);
// then call uploadJobLog again to store it (this also deletes the file)
} // http success
} ); // request.get
finishJob: function(job) {
// finish cleaning up job
var self = this;
if (!job.time_end) job.time_end = Tools.timeNow();
job.elapsed = Math.max(0, job.time_end - job.time_start);
var dargs = Tools.getDateArgs( job.time_end );
// log success or failure
if (job.code == 0) {
this.logTransaction('job', "Job completed successfully: " +, job);
else {
this.logError('job', "Job failed: " +, job);
// add to global activity, event log, and completed events
var data = Tools.copyHash(job);
// add special 'type' property for storage custom maint delete
data.type = 'cronicle_job';
// store job in its own record function(task, callback) { 'jobs/' +, data, callback );
}); 'jobs/' +, Tools.timeNow(true) + (86400 * (job.log_expire_days || this.server.config.get('job_data_expire_days'))) );
// create stub containing a small subset of the job data, for lists
var stub = {
code: job.code,
event: job.event,
category: job.category,
plugin: job.plugin,
hostname: job.hostname,
time_start: job.time_start,
elapsed: job.elapsed,
perf: job.perf || '',
cpu: job.cpu || {},
mem: job.mem || {},
log_file_size: job.log_file_size || 0,
action: 'job_complete',
epoch: Tools.timeNow(true),
event_title: job.event_title,
category_title: job.category_title,
plugin_title: job.plugin_title
if (job.code) stub.description = job.description || 'Unknown Error';
// only store in activity log if job failed
if (job.code != 0) { function(task, callback) { 'logs/activity', stub, callback );
// store stub in log storage function(task, callback) { 'logs/events/' + job.event, stub, callback );
}); function(task, callback) { 'logs/completed', stub, callback );
// notify people
var email_template = '';
var to = '';
if (job.notify_success && (job.code == 0)) {
email_template = "conf/emails/job_success.txt";
to = job.notify_success;
else if (job.notify_fail && (job.code != 0)) {
email_template = "conf/emails/job_fail.txt";
to = job.notify_fail;
if (email_template) {
// Populate e-mail data with strings for template placeholders
var email_data = Tools.copyHash(data);
email_data.env = process.env;
email_data.config = this.server.config.get();
email_data.job_log_url = this.server.config.get('base_app_url') + this.api.config.get('base_uri') + '/app/get_job_log?id=' +;
email_data.edit_event_url = this.server.config.get('base_app_url') + '/#Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=' + job.event;
email_data.job_details_url = this.server.config.get('base_app_url') + '/#JobDetails?id=' +;
email_data.nice_date_time = dargs.yyyy_mm_dd + ' ' + dargs.hh_mi_ss + ' (' + + ')';
email_data.nice_elapsed = Tools.getTextFromSeconds( data.elapsed, false, false );
email_data.perf = data.perf || '(No metrics provided)';
email_data.description = (data.description || '(No description provided)').trim();
email_data.notes = (data.notes || '(None)').trim();
email_data.nice_log_size = Tools.getTextFromBytes( data.log_file_size || 0 ); = || '(Unknown)';
// compose nice mem/cpu usage info
email_data.nice_mem = '(Unknown)';
if (data.mem && data.mem.count) {
var mem_avg = Math.floor( / data.mem.count );
email_data.nice_mem = Tools.getTextFromBytes( mem_avg );
email_data.nice_mem += ' (Peak: ' + Tools.getTextFromBytes( data.mem.max ) + ')';
email_data.nice_cpu = '(Unknown)';
if (data.cpu && data.cpu.count) {
var cpu_avg = Tools.shortFloat( / data.cpu.count );
email_data.nice_cpu = '' + cpu_avg + '%';
email_data.nice_cpu += ' (Peak: ' + Tools.shortFloat( data.cpu.max ) + '%)';
// perf may be an object
if (Tools.isaHash(email_data.perf)) email_data.perf = JSON.stringify(email_data.perf);
// have link download log if too big
if (data.log_file_size > 1024 * 1024 * 10) email_data.job_log_url += '&download=1';
// construct mailer
var mail = new PixlMail( this.server.config.get('smtp_hostname'), this.server.config.get('smtp_port') || 25 );
mail.setOptions( this.server.config.get('mail_options') || {} );
// send it
mail.send( email_template, email_data, function(err, raw_email) {
if (err) {
var err_msg = "Failed to send e-mail for job: " + + ": " + to + ": " + err;
self.logError( 'mail', err_msg, { text: raw_email } );
self.logActivity( 'error', { description: err_msg } );
else {
self.logDebug(5, "Email sent successfully for job: " +, { text: raw_email } );
} );
} // mail
// fire web hook
var hook_data = Tools.mergeHashes(data, { action: 'job_complete' });
// prepare nice text summary (compatible with Slack Incoming WebHooks)
hook_data.base_app_url = this.server.config.get('base_app_url');
hook_data.job_details_url = this.server.config.get('base_app_url') + '/#JobDetails?id=' +;
hook_data.edit_event_url = this.server.config.get('base_app_url') + '/#Schedule?sub=edit_event&id=' + job.event;
var hook_text_templates = this.server.config.get('web_hook_text_templates') || this.defaultWebHookTextTemplates;
var hook_action = hook_data.action;
if (job.code != 0) hook_action = 'job_failure';
if (hook_text_templates[hook_action]) {
hook_data.text = Tools.sub( hook_text_templates[hook_action], hook_data );
// include web_hook_config_keys if configured
if (this.server.config.get('web_hook_config_keys')) {
var web_hook_config_keys = this.server.config.get('web_hook_config_keys');
for (var idy = 0, ley = web_hook_config_keys.length; idy < ley; idy++) {
var key = web_hook_config_keys[idy];
hook_data[key] = this.server.config.get(key);
// include web_hook_custom_data if configured
if (this.server.config.get('web_hook_custom_data')) {
var web_hook_custom_data = this.server.config.get('web_hook_custom_data');
for (var key in web_hook_custom_data) hook_data[key] = web_hook_custom_data[key];
// custom http options for web hook
var hook_opts = this.server.config.get('web_hook_custom_opts') || {};
if (job.web_hook) {
this.logDebug(9, "Firing web hook for job complete: " + + ": " + job.web_hook);
this.request.json( job.web_hook, hook_data, hook_opts, function(err, resp, data) {
// log response
if (err) self.logDebug(9, "Web Hook Error: " + job.web_hook + ": " + err);
else self.logDebug(9, "Web Hook Response: " + job.web_hook + ": HTTP " + resp.statusCode + " " + resp.statusMessage);
} );
if (this.server.config.get('universal_web_hook')) {
this.logDebug(9, "Firing universal web hook for job complete: " + + ": " + this.server.config.get('universal_web_hook'));
this.request.json( this.server.config.get('universal_web_hook'), hook_data, hook_opts, function(err, resp, data) {
// log response
if (err) self.logDebug(9, "Universal Web Hook Error: " + err);
else self.logDebug(9, "Universal Web Hook Response: HTTP " + resp.statusCode + " " + resp.statusMessage);
} );
} // yes fire hook
// delete from slave job hash, if applicable
var slave = this.slaves[ job.hostname ];
if (slave && slave.active_jobs && slave.active_jobs[]) {
delete slave.active_jobs[];
// just in case job was in limbo, we can remove it now
delete this.deadJobs[ ];
// we can clear high mem/cpu flags too, if applicable
if (this.state.flagged_jobs) {
delete this.state.flagged_jobs[ ];
// update daemon stats (reset every day)
var stats = this.state.stats;
if (!stats.jobs_completed) stats.jobs_completed = 1;
else stats.jobs_completed++;
if (job.code != 0) {
if (!stats.jobs_failed) stats.jobs_failed = 1;
else stats.jobs_failed++;
if (!stats.jobs_elapsed) stats.jobs_elapsed = job.elapsed;
else stats.jobs_elapsed += job.elapsed;
if (!stats.jobs_log_size) stats.jobs_log_size = job.log_file_size || 0;
else stats.jobs_log_size += (job.log_file_size || 0);
// send updated stats to clients
this.authSocketEmit( 'update', { state: this.state } );
// if event is catch_up, tickle scheduler (after some safety checks)
// (in case it needs to launch another job right away)
if (job.catch_up && !this.schedulerGraceTimer && !this.schedulerTicking && (dargs.sec != 59) && !job.update_event) {
this.schedulerMinuteTick( null, true );
// chain reaction (success or error)
if (job.chain && job.chain.length && (job.code == 0)) {
this.chainReaction( job, job.chain );
else if (job.chain_error && job.chain_error.length && (job.code != 0) && !job.abort_reason) {
// only fire error chain reaction if job was not manually aborted (job.abort_reason)
this.chainReaction( job, job.chain_error );
// job can optionally update event
if (job.update_event) { 'global/schedule', { id: job.event }, job.update_event, function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('event', "Failed to update event: " + job.event + ": " + err);
var event_stub = Tools.mergeHashes( job.update_event, { id: job.event, title: job.event_title } );
self.logDebug(6, "Successfully updated event: " + job.event + " (" + job.event_title + ")", job.update_event);
self.logTransaction('event_update', job.event_title, event_stub);
self.logActivity('event_update', { event: event_stub });
// broadcast update to all websocket clients
self.updateClientData( 'schedule' );
} ); // listFindUpdate
} // job.update_event
// check event queue if applicable
if (job.queue) this.checkEventQueues( job.event );
getAllActiveJobs: function(inc_pending) {
// gather all active jobs, local and remote
var jobs = Tools.copyHash( this.activeJobs );
// include pending jobs (i.e. stagger or retry delay) from internal queues
if (inc_pending && this.internalQueue) {
for (var key in this.internalQueue) {
var task = this.internalQueue[key];
if ((task.action == 'launchLocalJob') && && !jobs[]) {
jobs[key] = Tools.mergeHashes( task, { pending: 1 } );
} // is pending job
} // foreach queue item
} // internalQueue
for (var hostname in this.slaves) {
var slave = this.slaves[hostname];
if (slave.active_jobs) {
Tools.mergeHashInto( jobs, slave.active_jobs );
if (inc_pending && slave.queue) {
for (var key in slave.queue) {
var task = slave.queue[key];
if ((task.action == 'launchLocalJob') && && !jobs[]) {
jobs[key] = Tools.mergeHashes( task, { pending: 1 } );
} // is pending job
} // foreach queue item
} // has queue
} // foreach slave
return jobs;
abortAllLocalJobs: function() {
// abort all locally running jobs for server shutdown
// omit detached jobs
for (var id in this.activeJobs) {
var job = this.activeJobs[id];
if (!job.detached) {
this.abortLocalJob({ id: id, reason: "Shutting down server" });
// Rewind event cursor here
else {
// detached job, update JSON job file on disk for recovery (now with PID)
this.logDebug(5, "Detached job is still running in the background: " + + ": PID " +;
try {
fs.writeFileSync( job.log_file.replace(/\.log$/, '.json'), JSON.stringify(job) );
catch (err) {
this.logError('job', "Failed to write JSON job file: " + job.log_file.replace(/\.log$/, '.json') + ": " + err);
monitorAllActiveJobs: function() {
// monitor all active jobs, local and remote (called once per minute)
// only a master server should do this
if (!this.multi.master) return;
var all_jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs();
var now = Tools.timeNow();
// keep flagged jobs in state, so will be saved periodically
if (!this.state.flagged_jobs) this.state.flagged_jobs = {};
var flagged_jobs = this.state.flagged_jobs;
// iterate over all jobs
for (var id in all_jobs) {
var job = all_jobs[id];
var job_memory_max = job.memory_limit || this.server.config.get('job_memory_max');
var job_memory_sustain = job.memory_sustain || this.server.config.get('job_memory_sustain');
var job_cpu_max = job.cpu_limit || this.server.config.get('job_cpu_max');
var job_cpu_sustain = job.cpu_sustain || this.server.config.get('job_cpu_sustain');
var job_log_max_size = job.log_max_size || this.server.config.get('job_log_max_size');
// check for max run time
if (job.timeout && (now - job.time_start >= job.timeout)) {
this.logDebug(4, "Job has exceeded max run time and will be aborted: " + id + " (" + job.timeout + " sec)");
// JH 2021-01-23 Setting no_rewind to 1 for timeout aborts, as per GH #369
var nice_timeout = Tools.getTextFromSeconds( job.timeout, false, true );
this.abortJob({ id: id, reason: "Exceeded maximum run time ("+nice_timeout+")", no_rewind: 1 });
} // timed out
// monitor mem for threshold limits
if (job_memory_max && job.mem) {
var current = job.mem.current || 0;
if (current > job_memory_max) {
// job is currently exceeding memory limits
if (!flagged_jobs[id]) flagged_jobs[id] = {};
if (!flagged_jobs[id].mem) {
this.logDebug(6, "Job has exceeded memory usage limit: " + id, job.mem);
flagged_jobs[id].mem = now;
if ((now - flagged_jobs[id].mem) >= job_memory_sustain) {
// job has exceeded memory for too long -- abort it
var msg = "Exceeded memory limit of " + Tools.getTextFromBytes(job_memory_max);
if (job_memory_sustain) msg += " for over " + Tools.getTextFromSeconds(job_memory_sustain, false, true);
this.logDebug(4, "Job " + id + " is being aborted: " + msg);
this.abortJob({ id: id, reason: msg });
else {
// job mem is within limits - remove flag, if applicable
if (flagged_jobs[id] && flagged_jobs[id].mem) {
this.logDebug(6, "Job is now under the memory usage limit: " + id, job.mem);
delete flagged_jobs[id].mem;
if (!Tools.numKeys(flagged_jobs[id])) delete flagged_jobs[id];
} // mem check
// monitor cpu for threshold limits
if (job_cpu_max && job.cpu) {
var current = job.cpu.current || 0;
if (current > job_cpu_max) {
// job is currently exceeding cpu limits
if (!flagged_jobs[id]) flagged_jobs[id] = {};
if (!flagged_jobs[id].cpu) {
this.logDebug(6, "Job has exceeded CPU usage limit: " + id, job.cpu);
flagged_jobs[id].cpu = now;
if ((now - flagged_jobs[id].cpu) >= job_cpu_sustain) {
// job has exceeded cpu for too long -- abort it
var msg = "Exceeded CPU limit of " + job_cpu_max + "%";
if (job_cpu_sustain) msg += " for over " + Tools.getTextFromSeconds(job_cpu_sustain, false, true);
this.logDebug(4, "Job " + id + " is being aborted: " + msg);
this.abortJob({ id: id, reason: msg });
else {
// job cpu is within limits - remove flag, if applicable
if (flagged_jobs[id] && flagged_jobs[id].cpu) {
this.logDebug(6, "Job is now under the CPU usage limit: " + id, job.cpu);
delete flagged_jobs[id].cpu;
if (!Tools.numKeys(flagged_jobs[id])) delete flagged_jobs[id];
} // cpu check
// monitor job log file sizes
if (job_log_max_size && job.log_file_size && (job.log_file_size > job_log_max_size)) {
// job has exceeded log file size limit -- abort it
var msg = "Exceeded log file size limit of " + Tools.getTextFromBytes(job_log_max_size);
this.logDebug(4, "Job " + id + " is being aborted: " + msg);
this.abortJob({ id: id, reason: msg });
} // foreach job
// monitor jobs in limbo (i.e. caused by dead servers)
// jobs stuck in limbo for N seconds are auto-aborted
var dead_job_timeout = this.server.config.get('dead_job_timeout');
for (var id in this.deadJobs) {
var job = this.deadJobs[id];
if (now - job.time_dead >= dead_job_timeout) {
job.complete = 1;
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Aborted Job: Server '" + job.hostname + "' shut down unexpectedly.";
// Rewind cursor here too
} // foreach dead job
monitorServerResources: function(callback) {
// monitor local CPU and memory for all active jobs (once per minute)
// shell exec to get running process cpu and memory usage
// this works on at least: OS X, Fedora, Ubuntu and CentOS
var self = this;
var now = Tools.timeNow();
var cmd = this.server.config.get('ps_monitor_cmd') || '/bin/ps -eo "ppid pid %cpu rss"';
var job_startup_grace = this.server.config.get('job_startup_grace') || 5;
this.logDebug(10, "Checking server resources: " + cmd);
var finish = function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err) {
self.logError('job', "Failed to exec ps: " + err);
if (callback) { callback(); callback = null; }
var lines = stdout.split(/\n/);
var pids = {};
// process each line from ps response
for (var idx = 0, len = lines.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var line = lines[idx];
if (line.match(/(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+(\d+)/)) {
var ppid = parseInt( RegExp.$1 );
var pid = parseInt( RegExp.$2 );
var cpu = parseFloat( RegExp.$3 );
var mem = parseInt( RegExp.$4 ) * 1024; // k to bytes
pids[ pid ] = { ppid: ppid, cpu: cpu, mem: mem };
} // good line
} // foreach line
self.logDebug(10, "Raw process data:", pids);
// match up pids with jobs
for (var id in self.activeJobs) {
var job = self.activeJobs[id];
// only match jobs that have been running for more than N seconds
// this way we don't record cpu/mem for a process that is just starting up
if (pids[ ] && (now - job.time_start >= job_startup_grace)) {
var info = pids[ ];
var cpu = info.cpu;
var mem = info.mem;
// also consider children of the child (up to 100 generations deep)
var levels = 0;
var family = {};
family[ ] = 1;
while (Tools.numKeys(family) && (++levels <= 100)) {
for (var fpid in family) {
for (var cpid in pids) {
if (pids[cpid].ppid == fpid) {
family[cpid] = 1;
cpu += pids[cpid].cpu;
mem += pids[cpid].mem;
} // matched
} // cpid loop
delete family[fpid];
} // fpid loop
} // while
if (job.cpu) {
if (cpu < job.cpu.min) job.cpu.min = cpu;
if (cpu > job.cpu.max) job.cpu.max = cpu; += cpu;
job.cpu.current = cpu;
else {
job.cpu = { min: cpu, max: cpu, total: cpu, count: 1, current: cpu };
if (job.mem) {
if (mem < job.mem.min) job.mem.min = mem;
if (mem > job.mem.max) job.mem.max = mem; += mem;
job.mem.current = mem;
else {
job.mem = { min: mem, max: mem, total: mem, count: 1, current: mem };
if (self.debugLevel(10)) {
self.logDebug(10, "Active Job: " + + ": CPU: " + cpu + "%, Mem: " + Tools.getTextFromBytes(mem));
} // matched job with pid
} // foreach job
// grab stats for daemon pid as well
// store in to be shared with cluster
if (pids[ ]) {
var info = pids[ ]; = info.cpu; = info.mem;
// monitor all active job log sizes
async.eachOfSeries( self.activeJobs,
function(job, id, callback) {
if (job && job.log_file) {
fs.stat( job.log_file, function(err, stats) {
if (stats && stats.size) job.log_file_size = stats.size;
} );
else callback();
function() {
if (callback) { callback(); callback = null; }
); // eachOfSeries
}; // finish
var child = null;
try {
child = cp.exec( cmd, { timeout: 5 * 1000 }, finish );
catch(err) {
self.logError('job', "Failed to exec ps: " + err);
if (callback) { callback(); callback = null; }
if (child && && child.on) child.on('error', function (err) {
self.logError('job', "Failed to exec ps: " + err);
if (callback) { callback(); callback = null; }
watchJobLog: function(args, socket) {
// websocket request to watch live job log
var self = this;
var ip = socket.request.connection.remoteAddress || 'Unknown';
// allow active or pending jobs (retry delay)
var job = this.activeJobs[];
if (!job && this.internalQueue) {
for (var key in this.internalQueue) {
var task = this.internalQueue[key];
if ((task.action = 'launchLocalJob') && ( == {
job = task;
if (!job) {
// logging this as a debug (non-error) because it can happen naturally
// if #JobDetails page is loaded just as job is completing
self.logDebug(2, "watchJobLog: Could not locate active job: " + + ", canceling watch");
if (!args.token) {
self.logError('watchJobLog', "Missing authentication token");
// prepare to log watch
var log_file = job.log_file;
var log_fd = null;
var log_stats = null;
var log_chunk_size = 32678;
var log_buffer = Buffer.alloc(log_chunk_size);
var log_pos = 0;
self.logDebug(5, "Socket client " + + " (IP: " + ip + ") now watching job log file: " + log_file);
// open log file and locate ideal position to start from
// (~32K from end, aligned to line boundary)
function(callback) {
// validate auth token
var correct_token = Tools.digestHex( + self.server.config.get('secret_key'));
if (args.token != correct_token) {
var err = new Error("Invalid authentication token (mismatched secret keys between servers?)");
self.logError('watchJobLog', "Socket client " + + " failed to authenticate (IP: "+ip+")");
return callback(err);
self.logDebug(4, "watchJobLog: Socket client " + + " has authenticated via user session (IP: "+ip+")");
socket._pixl_auth = true;
function(callback) {, 'r', function(err, fd) {
log_fd = fd;
} );
function(callback) {
fs.fstat(log_fd, function(err, stats) {
log_stats = stats;
} );
function(callback) {
log_pos = Math.max(0, log_stats.size - log_chunk_size);, log_buffer, 0, log_chunk_size, log_pos, function(err, bytesRead, buffer) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
var slice = buffer.slice( 0, bytesRead );
var text = slice.toString();
var lines = text.split(/\n/);
if (bytesRead == log_chunk_size) {
// remove first line, as it is likely partial
var line = lines.shift();
log_pos += line.length + 1;
} );
function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('socket', "Could not watch job log file: " + log_file + ": " + err);
socket._pixl_log_watcher = setInterval( function() {
// monitor log size
if (socket._pixl_disconnected) {
fs.close(log_fd, function() {});
clearTimeout( socket._pixl_log_watcher );
fs.fstat(log_fd, function(err, stats) {
if (stats && (stats.size > log_pos)) {
// log grew, read new chunk, log_buffer, 0, log_chunk_size, log_pos, function(err, bytesRead, buffer) {
if (err) {
self.logError('socket', "Could not read job log file: " + log_file + ": " + err);
fs.close(log_fd, function() {});
clearTimeout( socket._pixl_log_watcher );
if (bytesRead > 0) {
var slice = buffer.slice( 0, bytesRead );
var text = slice.toString();
var lines = text.split(/\n/);
log_pos += text.length;
if (!text.match(/\n$/)) {
// last line is partial, must compensate
var line = lines.pop();
log_pos -= line.length;
// tricky situation: single log line longer than 32K
// in this case we gotta split it up
if (!lines.length && (bytesRead == log_chunk_size)) {
lines.push( line );
log_pos += line.length;
// emit lines to client
if (lines.length && !socket._pixl_disconnected) {
socket.emit('log_data', lines);
} // bytesRead
} ); //
} // log grew
} ); // fs.fstat
}, 250 ); // setInterval
} ); // async.series