2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

1065 lines
33 KiB
Executable file

// Cronicle Server Component
// Copyright (c) 2015 Joseph Huckaby
// Released under the MIT License
var assert = require("assert");
var fs = require("fs");
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var async = require('async');
var glob = require('glob');
var jstz = require('jstimezonedetect');
var Class = require("pixl-class");
var Component = require("pixl-server/component");
var Tools = require("pixl-tools");
var Request = require("pixl-request");
module.exports = Class.create({
__name: 'Cronicle',
__parent: Component,
__mixins: [
require('./api.js'), // API Layer Mixin
require('./comm.js'), // Communication Layer Mixin
require('./scheduler.js'), // Scheduler Mixin
require('./job.js'), // Job Management Layer Mixin
require('./queue.js'), // Queue Layer Mixin
require('./discovery.js') // Discovery Layer Mixin
activeJobs: null,
deadJobs: null,
eventQueue: null,
kids: null,
state: null,
defaultWebHookTextTemplates: {
"job_start": "Job started on [hostname]: [event_title] [job_details_url]",
"job_complete": "Job completed successfully on [hostname]: [event_title] [job_details_url]",
"job_failure": "Job failed on [hostname]: [event_title]: Error [code]: [description] [job_details_url]",
"job_launch_failure": "Failed to launch scheduled event: [event_title]: [description] [edit_event_url]"
startup: function(callback) {
// start cronicle service
var self = this;
this.logDebug(3, "Cronicle engine starting up" );
// create a few extra dirs we'll need
try { mkdirp.sync( this.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs' ); }
catch (e) {
throw new Error("FATAL ERROR: Log directory could not be created: " + this.server.config.get('log_dir') + "/jobs: " + e);
try { mkdirp.sync( this.server.config.get('queue_dir') ); }
catch (e) {
throw new Error("FATAL ERROR: Queue directory could not be created: " + this.server.config.get('queue_dir') + ": " + e);
// dirs should be writable by all users
fs.chmodSync( this.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs', "777" );
fs.chmodSync( this.server.config.get('queue_dir'), "777" );
// keep track of jobs
this.activeJobs = {};
this.deadJobs = {};
this.eventQueue = {}; = {};
this.state = { enabled: true, cursors: {}, stats: {}, flagged_jobs: {} };
// we'll need these components frequently = this.server.Storage;
this.web = this.server.WebServer;
this.api = this.server.API;
this.usermgr = this.server.User;
// register custom storage type for dual-metadata-log delete 'cronicle_job', {
'delete': this.deleteExpiredJobData.bind(this)
} );
// multi-server cluster / failover system
this.multi = {
cluster: false,
master: false,
slave: false,
masterHostname: '',
eligible: false,
lastPingReceived: 0,
lastPingSent: 0,
data: {}
// construct http client for web hooks and uploading logs
this.request = new Request( "Cronicle " + this.server.__version );
// optionally bypass all ssl cert validation
if (this.server.config.get('ssl_cert_bypass') || this.server.config.get('web_hook_ssl_cert_bypass')) {
// register our class as an API namespace
this.api.addNamespace( "app", "api_", this );
// intercept API requests to inject server groups
this.web.addURIFilter( /^\/api\/app\/\w+/, "API Filter", function(args, callback) {
// load server groups for all API requests (these are cached in RAM) 'global/server_groups', 0, 0, function(err, items) {
args.server_groups = items;
callback(false); // passthru
} );
} );
// register a handler for HTTP OPTIONS (for CORS AJAX preflight)
this.web.addMethodHandler( "OPTIONS", "CORS Preflight", this.corsPreflight.bind(this) );
// start server, attach to http/https
// start auto-discovery listener (UDP)
// add uncaught exception handler
require('uncatch').on('uncaughtException', this.emergencyShutdown.bind(this));
// listen for ticks so we can broadcast status
this.server.on('tick', this.tick.bind(this));
// register hooks for when users are created / deleted
this.usermgr.registerHook( 'after_create', this.afterUserChange.bind(this, 'user_create') );
this.usermgr.registerHook( 'after_update', this.afterUserChange.bind(this, 'user_update') );
this.usermgr.registerHook( 'after_delete', this.afterUserChange.bind(this, 'user_delete') );
this.usermgr.registerHook( 'after_login', this.afterUserLogin.bind(this) );
// intercept user login and session resume, to merge in extra data
this.usermgr.registerHook( 'before_login', this.beforeUserLogin.bind(this) );
this.usermgr.registerHook( 'before_resume_session', this.beforeUserLogin.bind(this) );
// monitor active jobs (for timeouts, etc.)
this.server.on('minute', function() {
// force gc 10s after the minute
// (only if global.gc is exposed by node CLI arg)
if (global.gc) {
self.gcTimer = setTimeout( function() {
delete self.gcTimer;
self.logDebug(10, "Forcing garbage collection now", process.memoryUsage());
self.logDebug(10, "Garbage collection complete", process.memoryUsage());
}, 10 * 1000 );
} );
// archive logs daily at midnight
this.server.on('day', function() {
} );
// determine master server eligibility
this.checkMasterEligibility( function() {
// master mode (CLI option) -- force us to become master right away
if (self.server.config.get('master') && self.multi.eligible) self.goMaster();
// reset the failover counter
self.multi.lastPingReceived = Tools.timeNow(true);
// startup complete
} );
checkMasterEligibility: function(callback) {
// determine master server eligibility
var self = this; 'global/servers', 0, 0, function(err, servers) {
if (err) {
// this may happen on slave servers that have no access to storage -- silently fail
servers = [];
if (!Tools.findObject(servers, { hostname: self.server.hostname }) && !self.multi.cluster) {
// we were not found in server list
self.multi.eligible = false;
if (!self.multi.slave) {
self.logDebug(4, "Server not found in cluster -- waiting for a master server to contact us");
if (callback) callback();
// found server in cluster, good
self.multi.cluster = true;
// now check server groups 'global/server_groups', 0, 0, function(err, groups) {
if (err) {
// this may happen on slave servers that have no access to storage -- silently fail
groups = [];
// scan all master groups for our hostname
var eligible = false;
var group_title = '';
for (var idx = 0, len = groups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var group = groups[idx];
var regexp = null;
try { regexp = new RegExp( group.regexp ); }
catch (e) {
self.logError('master', "Invalid group regular expression: " + group.regexp + ": " + e);
regexp = null;
if (group.master && regexp && self.server.hostname.match(regexp)) {
eligible = true;
group_title = group.title;
idx = len;
if (eligible) {
self.logDebug(4, "Server is eligible to become master (" + group_title + ")");
self.multi.eligible = true;
else {
self.logDebug(4, "Server is not eligible for master -- it will be a slave only");
self.multi.eligible = false;
if (callback) callback();
} ); // global/server_groups
} ); // global/servers
tick: function() {
// called every second
var self = this;
this.lastTick = Tools.timeNow();
var now = Math.floor(this.lastTick);
if (this.numSocketClients) {
var status = {
epoch: Tools.timeNow(),
master: this.multi.master,
master_hostname: this.multi.masterHostname
if (this.multi.master) {
// web client connection to master
// send additional information only needed by UI
status.active_jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs(true);
status.servers = this.getAllServers();
else {
// we are a slave, so just send our own jobs and misc server health stats
status.active_jobs = this.activeJobs;
status.queue = this.internalQueue || {}; =;
status.uptime = now - (this.server.started || now);
// 'status', status );
this.authSocketEmit( 'status', status );
// monitor master health
if (!this.multi.master) {
var delta = now - this.multi.lastPingReceived;
if (delta >= this.server.config.get('master_ping_timeout')) {
if (this.multi.eligible) this.masterFailover();
else if (this.multi.slave) this.slaveFailover();
// as master, broadcast pings every N seconds
if (this.multi.master) {
var delta = now - this.multi.lastPingSent;
if (delta >= this.server.config.get('master_ping_freq')) {
this.multi.lastPingSent = now;
// monitor server resources every N seconds (or 1 min if no local jobs)
var msr_freq = Tools.numKeys(this.activeJobs) ? (this.server.config.get('monitor_res_freq') || 10) : 60;
if (!this.lastMSR || (now - this.lastMSR >= msr_freq)) {
this.lastMSR = now;
this.monitorServerResources( function(err) {
// nicer to do this after gathering server resources
} );
// auto-discovery broadcast pings
authSocketEmit: function(key, data) {
// Only emit to authenticated clients
for (var id in this.sockets) {
var socket = this.sockets[id];
if (socket._pixl_auth) socket.emit( key, data );
masterSocketEmit: function() {
// Only emit to master server -- and make sure this succeeds
// Internally queue upon failure
var count = 0;
var key = '';
var data = null;
if (arguments.length == 2) {
key = arguments[0];
data = arguments[1];
else if (arguments.length == 1) {
key = arguments[0].key;
data = arguments[0].data;
for (var id in this.sockets) {
var socket = this.sockets[id];
if (socket._pixl_master) {
socket.emit( key, data );
if (!count) {
// enqueue this for retry
this.logDebug(8, "No master server socket connection available, will retry");
action: 'masterSocketEmit',
key: key,
data: data,
when: Tools.timeNow(true) + 10
updateClientData: function(name) {
// broadcast global list update to all clients
// name should be one of: plugins, categories, server_groups, schedule
assert( name != 'users' );
var self = this; 'global/' + name, 0, 0, function(err, items) {
if (err) {
self.logError('storage', "Failed to fetch list: global/" + name + ": " + err);
var data = {};
data[name] = items;
// 'update', data );
self.authSocketEmit( 'update', data );
} );
beforeUserLogin: function(args, callback) {
// infuse data into user login client response
var self = this;
args.resp = {
epoch: Tools.timeNow(),
servers: this.getAllServers(),
nearby: this.nearbyServers,
activeJobs: this.getAllActiveJobs(true),
eventQueue: this.eventQueue,
state: this.state
// load essential data lists in parallel (these are, or will be, cached in RAM)
async.each( ['schedule', 'categories', 'plugins', 'server_groups'],
function(name, callback) { 'global/' + name, 0, 0, function(err, items) {
args.resp[ name ] = items || [];
} );
); // each
afterUserLogin: function(args) {
// log the login
this.logActivity('user_login', {
user: Tools.copyHashRemoveKeys( args.user, { password: 1, salt: 1 } )
}, args );
afterUserChange: function(action, args) {
// user data has changed, notify all connected clients
// Note: user data is not actually sent here -- this just triggers a client redraw if on the user list page
// 'update', { users: {} } );
this.authSocketEmit( 'update', { users: {} } );
// add to activity log in the background
this.logActivity(action, {
user: Tools.copyHashRemoveKeys( args.user, { password: 1, salt: 1 } )
}, args );
logActivity: function(action, orig_data, args) {
// add event to activity logs async
var self = this;
if (!args) args = {};
assert( Tools.isaHash(orig_data), "Must pass a data object to logActivity" );
var data = Tools.copyHash( orig_data, true );
// sanity check: make sure we are still master
if (!this.multi.master) return;
data.action = action;
data.epoch = Tools.timeNow(true);
if (args.ip) data.ip = args.ip;
if (args.request) data.headers = args.request.headers;
if (args.admin_user) data.username = args.admin_user.username;
else if (args.user) {
if (args.user.key) {
// API Key
data.api_key = args.user.key;
data.api_title = args.user.title;
else {
data.username = args.user.username;
} function(task, callback) { 'logs/activity', data, callback );
goMaster: function() {
// we just became the master server
var self = this;
this.logDebug(3, "We are becoming the master server");
this.multi.master = true;
this.multi.slave = false;
this.multi.cluster = true;
this.multi.masterHostname = this.server.hostname;
this.multi.lastPingSent = Tools.timeNow(true);
// we need to know the server timezone at this point = jstz.determine().name();
// only the master server should enable storage maintenance
this.server.on(this.server.config.get('maintenance'), function() { new Date(), self.runMaintenance.bind(self) );
// only the master server should enable storage ram caching 'cache_key_match', '^global/' );;
// start server cluster management
// start scheduler
// start queue monitor
// clear daemon stats every day at midnight
this.server.on('day', function() {
self.state.stats = {};
} );
// easter egg, let's see if anyone notices
this.server.on('year', function() {
self.logDebug(1, "Happy New Year!");
} );
// log this event
if (!this.server.debug) {
this.logActivity( 'server_master', { hostname: this.server.hostname } );
// recover any leftover logs
goSlave: function() {
// we just became a slave server
// recover any leftover logs
this.logDebug(3, "We are becoming a slave server");
this.multi.master = false;
this.multi.slave = true;
this.multi.cluster = true;
// start queue monitor
// recover any leftover logs
masterFailover: function() {
// No master ping recieved in N seconds, so we need to choose a new master
var self = this;
var servers = [];
var groups = [];
this.logDebug(3, "No master ping received within " + this.server.config.get('master_ping_timeout') + " seconds, choosing new master");
// make sure tick() doesn't keep calling us
this.multi.lastPingReceived = Tools.timeNow(true);
function(callback) { 'global/servers', 0, 0, function(err, items) {
servers = items || [];
} );
function(callback) { 'global/server_groups', 0, 0, function(err, items) {
groups = items || [];
} );
function(err) {
// all resources loaded
if (err || !servers.length || !groups.length) {
// should never happen
self.logDebug(4, "No servers found, going into idle mode");
self.multi.masterHostname = '';
self.multi.master = self.multi.slave = self.multi.cluster = false;
// compile list of master server candidates
var candidates = {};
for (var idx = 0, len = groups.length; idx < len; idx++) {
var group = groups[idx];
if (group.master) {
var regexp = null;
try { regexp = new RegExp( group.regexp ); }
catch (e) {
self.logError('master', "Invalid group regular expression: " + group.regexp + ": " + e);
regexp = null;
if (regexp) {
for (var idy = 0, ley = servers.length; idy < ley; idy++) {
var server = servers[idy];
if (server.hostname.match(regexp)) {
candidates[ server.hostname ] = server;
} // foreach server
} // master group
} // foreach group
// sanity check: we better be in the list
if (!candidates[ self.server.hostname ]) {
self.logDebug(4, "We are no longer eligible for master, going into idle mode");
self.multi.masterHostname = '';
self.multi.master = self.multi.slave = self.multi.cluster = false;
// sort hostnames alphabetically to determine rank
var hostnames = Object.keys(candidates).sort();
if (!hostnames.length) {
// should never happen
self.logDebug(4, "No eligible servers found, going into idle mode");
self.multi.masterHostname = '';
self.multi.master = self.multi.slave = self.multi.cluster = false;
// see if any servers are 'above' us in rank
var rank = hostnames.indexOf( self.server.hostname );
if (rank == 0) {
// we are the top candidate, so become master immediately
self.logDebug(5, "We are the top candidate for master");
// ping all servers higher than us to see if any of them are alive
var superiors = hostnames.splice( 0, rank );
var alive = [];
self.logDebug(6, "We are rank #" + rank + " for master, pinging superiors", superiors);
async.each( superiors,
function(hostname, callback) {
var server = candidates[hostname];
var api_url = self.getServerBaseAPIURL( hostname, server.ip ) + '/app/status';
self.logDebug(10, "Sending API request to remote server: " + hostname + ": " + api_url);
// send request
self.request.json( api_url, {}, { timeout: 5 * 1000 }, function(err, resp, data) {
if (err) {
self.logDebug(10, "Failed to contact server: " + hostname + ": " + err );
return callback();
if (resp.statusCode != 200) {
self.logDebug(10, "Failed to contact server: " + hostname + ": HTTP " + resp.statusCode + " " + resp.statusMessage);
return callback();
if (data.code != 0) {
self.logDebug(10, "Failed to ping server: " + hostname + ": " + data.description);
return callback();
if (data.tick_age > 60) {
self.logDebug(1, "WARNING: Failed to ping server: " + hostname + ": Tick age is " + Math.floor(data.tick_age) + "s", data);
return callback();
// success, at least one superior ponged our ping
// relinquish command to them
self.logDebug(10, "Successfully pinged server: " + hostname);
alive.push( hostname );
} );
function() {
if (alive.length) {
self.logDebug(6, alive.length + " servers ranked above us are alive, so we will become a slave", alive);
else {
self.logDebug(5, "No other servers ranked above us are alive, so we are the top candidate for master");
} // pings complete
); // async.each
} ); // got servers and groups
slaveFailover: function() {
// remove ourselves from slave duty, and go into idle mode
if (this.multi.slave) {
this.logDebug(3, "No master ping received within " + this.server.config.get('master_ping_timeout') + " seconds, going idle");
this.multi.masterHostname = '';
this.multi.master = this.multi.slave = this.multi.cluster = false;
this.lastDiscoveryBroadcast = 0;
masterConflict: function(slave) {
// should never happen: a slave has become master
// we must shut down right away if this happens
var err_msg = "MASTER CONFLICT: The server '"+slave.hostname+"' is also a master server. Shutting down immediately.";
this.logDebug(1, err_msg);
this.logError('multi', err_msg);
isProcessRunning: function(pid) {
// check if process is running or not
var ping = false;
try { ping = process.kill( pid, 0 ); }
catch (e) {;}
return ping;
recoverJobLogs: function() {
// upload any leftover job logs (after unclean shutdown)
var self = this;
// don't run this if shutting down
if (this.server.shut) return;
// make sure this ONLY runs once
if (this.recoveredJobLogs) return;
this.recoveredJobLogs = true;
// look for any leftover job JSON files (master server shutdown)
var job_spec = this.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs/*.json';
this.logDebug(4, "Looking for leftover job JSON files: " + job_spec);
glob(job_spec, {}, function (err, files) {
// got job json files
if (!files) files = [];
async.eachSeries( files, function(file, callback) {
// foreach job file
if (file.match(/\/(\w+)(\-detached)?\.json$/)) {
var job_id = RegExp.$1;
fs.readFile( file, { encoding: 'utf8' }, function(err, data) {
var job = null;
try { job = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) {;}
if (job) {
self.logDebug(5, "Recovering job data: " + job_id + ": " + file, job);
if (job.detached && && self.isProcessRunning( {
// detached job is still running, resume it!
self.logDebug(5, "Detached PID " + + " is still alive, resuming job as if nothing happened");
self.activeJobs[ job_id ] = job;[ ] = { pid: };
return callback();
else if (job.detached && fs.existsSync(self.server.config.get('queue_dir') + '/' + job_id + '-complete.json')) {
// detached job completed while service was stopped
// Note: Bit of a possible race condition here, as setupQueue() runs in parallel, and 'minute' event may fire
self.logDebug(5, "Detached job " + job_id + " completed on its own, skipping recovery (queue will pick it up)");
// disable job timeout, to prevent race condition with monitorAllActiveJobs()
job.timeout = 0;
self.activeJobs[ job_id ] = job;[ ] = { pid: };
return callback();
else {
// job died when server went down
job.complete = 1;
job.code = 1;
job.description = "Aborted Job: Server '" + self.server.hostname + "' shut down unexpectedly.";
self.logDebug(6, job.description);
if (self.multi.master) {
// we're master, finish the job locally
} // master
else {
// we're a slave, signal master to finish job via websockets'finish_job', job);
} // slave
} // standard job
fs.unlink( file, function(err) {
// ignore error, file may not exist
} );
} ); // fs.readFile
} // found id
else callback();
function(err) {
// done with glob eachSeries
self.logDebug(9, "Job recovery complete");
var log_spec = self.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs/*.log';
self.logDebug(4, "Looking for leftover job logs: " + log_spec);
// look for leftover log files
glob(log_spec, {}, function (err, files) {
// got log files
if (!files) files = [];
async.eachSeries( files, function(file, callback) {
// foreach log file
if (file.match(/\/(\w+)(\-detached)?\.log$/)) {
var job_id = RegExp.$1;
// only recover logs for dead jobs
if (!self.activeJobs[job_id]) {
self.logDebug(5, "Recovering job log: " + job_id + ": " + file);
self.uploadJobLog( { id: job_id, log_file: file, hostname: self.server.hostname }, callback );
else callback();
} // found id
else callback();
function(err) {
// done with glob eachSeries
self.logDebug(9, "Log recovery complete");
// cleanup old log .tmp files, which may have failed during old archive/rotation
glob(self.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/jobs/*.tmp', {}, function (err, files) {
if (!files || !files.length) return;
async.eachSeries( files, function(file, callback) { fs.unlink(file, callback); } );
}); // glob
} );
} ); // glob
} ); // eachSeries
} ); // glob
runMaintenance: function(callback) {
// run routine daily tasks, called after storage maint completes.
// make sure our activity logs haven't grown beyond the max limit
var self = this;
var max_rows = this.server.config.get('list_row_max') || 0;
if (!max_rows) return;
// sanity check: make sure we are still master
if (!this.multi.master) return;
// don't run this if shutting down
if (this.server.shut) return;
var list_paths = ['logs/activity', 'logs/completed']; 'global/schedule', 0, 0, function(err, items) {
if (err) {
self.logError('maint', "Failed to fetch list: global/schedule: " + err);
for (var idx = 0, len = items.length; idx < len; idx++) {
list_paths.push( 'logs/events/' + items[idx].id );
async.eachSeries( list_paths,
function(list_path, callback) {
// iterator function, work on single list list_path, function(err, info) {
// list may not exist, skip if so
if (err) return callback();
// check list length
if (info.length > max_rows) {
// list has grown too long, needs a trim
self.logDebug(3, "List " + list_path + " has grown too long, trimming to max: " + max_rows, info);
// list_path, max_rows, info.length - max_rows, null, callback );
self.listRoughChop( list_path, max_rows, callback );
else {
// no trim needed, proceed to next list
} ); // get list info
}, // iterator
function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('maint', "Failed to trim lists: " + err);
// done with maint
if (callback) callback();
} // complete
); // eachSeries
} ); // schedule loaded
// sanity state cleanup: flagged jobs
if (this.state.flagged_jobs && Tools.numKeys(this.state.flagged_jobs)) {
var all_jobs = this.getAllActiveJobs();
for (var id in this.state.flagged_jobs) {
if (!all_jobs[id]) delete this.state.flagged_jobs[id];
listRoughChop: function(list_path, max_rows, callback) {
// Roughly chop the end of a list to get the size down to under specified ceiling.
// This is not exact, and will likely be off by up to one 'page_size' of items.
// The idea here is to chop without using tons of memory like listSplice does.
var self = this;
this.logDebug(4, "Roughly chopping list: " + list_path + " down to max: " + max_rows); list_path, true, function() {
// list is now locked, we can work on it safely list_path, function(err, list) {
// check for error
if (err) {
self.logError('maint', "Failed to load list header: " + list_path + ": " + err); list_path );
return callback();
// begin chop loop
function() {
// keep chopping while list is too long
return( list.length > max_rows );
function(callback) {
// load last page list_path, list.last_page, false, function(err, page) {
if (err) {
// this should never happen, and is bad
// (list is probably corrupted, and should be deleted and recreated)
return callback( new Error("Failed to load list page: " + list_path + "/" + list.last_page + ": " + err) );
if (!page) page = { items: [] };
if (!page.items) page.items = [];
list.length -= page.items.length;
self.logDebug(5, "Deleting list page: " + list_path + "/" + list.last_page + " (" + page.items.length + " items)"); list_path + "/" + list.last_page, function(err) {
if (err) {
// log error but don't fail entire op
self.logError('maint', "Failed to delete list page: " + list_path + "/" + list.last_page + ": " + err);
} ); // delete page
} ); // _listLoadPage
function(err) {
// all done
if (err) {
self.logError('maint', err.toString() ); list_path );
return callback();
// update list header with new length and last_page list_path, list, function(err) {
if (err) {
self.logError('maint', "Failed to update list header: " + list_path + ": " + err);
// unlock list list_path );
self.logDebug(4, "List chop complete: " + list_path + ", new size: " + list.length, list);
// and we're done
} ); // put
} // done
); // whilst
}); // listGetInfo
} ); // listLock
archiveLogs: function() {
// archive all logs (called once daily)
var self = this;
var src_spec = this.server.config.get('log_dir') + '/*.log';
var dest_path = this.server.config.get('log_archive_path');
if (dest_path) {
this.logDebug(4, "Archiving logs: " + src_spec + " to: " + dest_path);
// generate time label from previous day, so just subtracting 30 minutes to be safe
var epoch = Tools.timeNow(true) - 1800;
this.logger.archive(src_spec, dest_path, epoch, function(err) {
if (err) self.logError('maint', "Failed to archive logs: " + err);
else self.logDebug(4, "Log archival complete");
deleteExpiredJobData: function(key, data, callback) {
// delete both job data and job log
// called from storage maintenance system for 'cronicle_job' record types
var self = this;
var log_key = key + '/log.txt.gz';
this.logDebug(6, "Deleting expired job data: " + key); key, function(err) {
if (err) self.logError('maint', "Failed to delete expired job data: " + key + ": " + err);
self.logDebug(6, "Deleting expired job log: " + log_key); log_key, function(err) {
if (err) self.logError('maint', "Failed to delete expired job log: " + log_key + ": " + err);
} ); // delete
} ); // delete
_uniqueIDCounter: 0,
getUniqueID: function(prefix) {
// generate unique id using high-res server time, and a static counter,
// both converted to alphanumeric lower-case (base-36), ends up being ~10 chars.
// allows for *up to* 1,296 unique ids per millisecond (sort of).
if (this._uniqueIDCounter >= Math.pow(36, 2)) this._uniqueIDCounter = 0;
return [
Tools.zeroPad( (new Date()).getTime().toString(36), 8 ),
Tools.zeroPad( this._uniqueIDCounter.toString(36), 2 )
corsPreflight: function(args, callback) {
// handler for HTTP OPTIONS calls (CORS AJAX preflight)
callback( "200 OK",
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': args.request.headers['origin'] || "*",
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': "POST, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS",
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': args.request.headers['access-control-request-headers'] || "*",
'Access-Control-Max-Age': "1728000",
'Content-Length': "0"
logError: function(code, msg, data) {
// proxy request to system logger with correct component
this.logger.set( 'component', 'Error' );
this.logger.error( code, msg, data );
logTransaction: function(code, msg, data) {
// proxy request to system logger with correct component
this.logger.set( 'component', 'Transaction' );
this.logger.transaction( code, msg, data );
shutdown: function(callback) {
// shutdown api service
var self = this;
this.logDebug(2, "Shutting down Cronicle");
this.shutdownScheduler( function() {
if (self.gcTimer) {
clearTimeout( self.gcTimer );
delete self.gcTimer;
// wait for all non-detached local jobs to complete before continuing shutdown
var count = 0;
var ids = [];
var first = true;
function () {
count = 0;
ids = [];
for (var id in self.activeJobs) {
var job = self.activeJobs[id];
if (!job.detached) { count++; ids.push(id); }
return (count > 0);
function (callback) {
if (first) {
self.logDebug(3, "Waiting for " + count + " active jobs to complete", ids);
first = false;
setTimeout( function() { callback(); }, 250 );
function() {
// all non-detached local jobs complete
); // whilst
} ); // shutdownScheduler
emergencyShutdown: function(err) {
// perform emergency shutdown due to uncaught exception
this.logger.set('sync', true);
this.logError('crash', "Emergency Shutdown: " + err);
this.logDebug(1, "Emergency Shutdown: " + err);