2021-07-30 12:18:29 +00:00

171 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env node
// Test Plugin for Cronicle
var js = require('fs');
var JSONStream = require('pixl-json-stream');
var Logger = require('pixl-logger');
var Tools = require('pixl-tools');
var Perf = require('pixl-perf');
var perf = new Perf();
perf.setScale( 1 ); // seconds
// setup stdin / stdout streams
console.warn("Printed this with console.warn, should go to stderr, and thus straight to our logfile.");
console.log("Printed this with console.log, should be ignored as not json, and also end up in our logfile.");
if (process.argv.length > 2) console.log("ARGV: " + JSON.stringify(process.argv));
/*process.on('SIGTERM', function() {
console.warn("Caught SIGTERM and ignoring it! Hahahahaha!");
} );*/
var stream = new JSONStream( process.stdin, process.stdout );
stream.on('json', function(job) {
// got job from parent
var columns = ['hires_epoch', 'date', 'hostname', 'category', 'code', 'msg', 'data'];
var logger = new Logger( job.log_file, columns );
logger.set('hostname', job.hostname);
// logger.set('component',;
logger.set('debugLevel', 9);
logger.debug(1, "This is a test debug log entry");
logger.debug(9, "Here is our job, delivered via JSONStream:", job);
logger.debug(9, "The current date/time for our job is: " + (new Date( * 1000)).toString() );
// use some memory so we show up on the mem graph
var buf = null;
if (job.params.burn) {
buf = Buffer.alloc( 1024 * 1024 * Math.floor( 128 + (Math.random() * 128) ) );
var start = Tools.timeNow();
var idx = 0;
var duration = 0;
if (job.params.duration.toString().match(/^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/)) {
var low = RegExp.$1;
var high = RegExp.$2;
low = parseInt(low);
high = parseInt(high);
duration = Math.round( low + (Math.random() * (high - low)) );
logger.debug(9, "Chosen random duration: " + duration + " seconds");
else {
duration = parseInt( job.params.duration );
var timer = setInterval( function() {
var now = Tools.timeNow();
var elapsed = now - start;
var progress = Math.min( elapsed / duration, 1.0 );
if (buf) buf.fill( String.fromCharCode( Math.floor( Math.random() * 256 ) ) );
if (job.params.progress) {
// report progress
logger.debug(9, "Progress: " + progress);
progress: progress
if (idx % 10 == 0) {
logger.debug(9, "Now is the ⏱ for all good 🏃 to come to the 🏥 of their 🇺🇸! " + progress);
if (progress >= 1.0) {
logger.debug(9, "We're done!");
clearTimeout( timer );
// insert some fake random stats into perf
var max = perf.scale * (duration / 5);
var rand_range = function(low, high) { return low + (Math.random() * (high - low)); };
perf.perf.db_query = { end: 1, elapsed: rand_range(0, max * 0.3) };
perf.perf.db_connect = { end: 1, elapsed: rand_range(max * 0.2, max * 0.5) };
perf.perf.log_read = { end: 1, elapsed: rand_range(max * 0.4, max * 0.7) };
perf.perf.gzip_data = { end: 1, elapsed: rand_range(max * 0.6, max * 0.9) };
perf.perf.http_post = { end: 1, elapsed: rand_range(max * 0.8, max * 1) };
// include a table with some stats
var table = {
title: "Sample Job Stats",
header: [
"IP Address", "DNS Lookup", "Flag", "Count", "Percentage"
rows: [
["", "", "MaxEvents-ImpsUserHour-DMZ", 138, "0.0032%" ],
["", "", "MaxEvents-ImpsUserHour-ILUA", 84, "0.0019%" ],
["", "", "InvalidIP-Basic", 20, "0.00046%" ],
["", "", "MaxEvents-ImpsUserHour-NM", 19, "0.00044%" ],
["", "", "InvalidCat-Domestic", 17, "0.00039%" ],
["", "", "InvalidDog-Exotic", 15, "0.00037%" ],
["", "", "MaxEvents-ClicksPer", 14, "0.00035%" ],
["", "", "InvalidFrog-Croak", 14, "0.00030%" ],
["", "", "Pizza-Hawaiian", 12, "0.00025%" ],
["", "", "Random-Data", 10, "0%" ]
caption: "This is an example stats table you can generate from within your Plugin code."
// include a custom html report
var html = {
title: "Sample Job Report",
content: "<pre>This is a sample text report you can generate from within your Plugin code (can be HTML too).\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n Date/Time | 2015-10-01 6:28:38 AM \n Elapsed Time | 1 hour 15 minutes \n Total Log Rows | 4,313,619 \n Skipped Rows | 15 \n Pre-Filtered Rows | 16,847 \n Events | 4,296,757 \n Impressions | 4,287,421 \n Backup Impressions | 4,000 \n Clicks | 5,309 (0.12%) \n Backup Clicks | 27 (0.00062%) \n Unique Users | 1,239,502 \n Flagged Users | 1,651 \n Ignored Users | 1,025,910 \n Other Users | 211,941 \n Flagged Events | 6,575 (0.15%) \nFlagged Impressions | 6,327 (0.14%) \n Flagged Clicks | 241 (4.53%) \n Memory Usage | 7.38 GB \n-------------------------------------------------</pre>",
caption: ""
switch (job.params.action) {
case 'Success':
logger.debug(9, "Simulating a successful response");
complete: 1,
code: 0,
description: "Success!",
perf: perf.summarize(),
table: table,
html: html
case 'Failure':
logger.debug(9, "Simulating a failure response");
complete: 1,
code: 999,
description: "Simulating an error message here. Something went wrong!",
perf: perf.summarize()
case 'Crash':
logger.debug(9, "Simulating a crash");
setTimeout( function() {
// process.exit(1);
throw new Error("Test Crash");
}, 100 );
// process.exit(0);
else {
// burn up some CPU so we show up on the chart
if (job.params.burn) {
var temp = Tools.timeNow();
while (Tools.timeNow() - temp < 0.10) {
var x = Math.PI * 32768 / 100.3473847384 * Math.random();
}, 150 );
} );